4 Pretty Carolyn Pelangio was one of the many pretty South Sea islanders in the operetta Paradise Limited that played at © 'the Haileybury high school last week. Many Renovations At Haileybury Hospital came the long flight of stairs which formerly served at the main entrance. First phase of a major renova- tion plan has been completed, at the Misericordia Hospital, Hailey- . bury, with opening of new ad- Mhinistrative offices, main en- tranceway- and lobby. The new main entrance located at the east of the hospital leads directly into the administrative . Offices. Admitting and discharge _ office, ambulance entrance and new elevator are now located in close proximity allowing patients to be admitted and discharged with maximum efficiency. A large canopy has been erected over the ambulance entrance al- lowing added protection to pa- tients being admitted by ambu- lance, All entrances to the hospital "Marble, terrazzo, stacked brick and birch plywood have been used Jextensively in finishing the new main lobby and blend to make a striking entrance. Thermo -Seal windows extend across the front of the lobby affording a Panor- amic view of Lake Temiskaming. When completed the entire hos- pital will have received a new look. The third floor has had a complete face lifting with walls, floors, lighting and washroom fa- cilities receiving attention. First, second and fourth floors are pre- sently being renovated with the thought in mind of patient com- fort. are at ground level which over- -NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town ef Haileybury will take into consideration the passing and if approved will pass in its regular meeting in the Council Chamber, at Hailey- bury, on the 11th day of April 1960, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon, @ by-law to close, stop up, and sell to the Owners of the lands abutting thereon the following portion of the laneway lying adjacent to Lots 2, 10 and 12, Plan M-13, North Bay, in the Town of Hailey- bury, in the District of Temiskaming, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of-land and! premises situate lying and being in the Town of Haileybury, in the District of Timiskaming, and being composed of part of a lane lying west of Farr Avenue and between Broadway and Main Streets and lying adjacent to Lots 2, 10 and 12, Plan M-13, N.B., and further shown on plan prepared by W. J. Ryan, Qntario Land Surveyor, dated December 7, 1959, the boundaries of said parcel are more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the north east angle of Lot 10, Plan M-13 N.B.; THENCE westerly along the northerly limits of said Lot 10 and Lot 12, Plan M-13 N.B. a distance of 133 feet more or less to the north]: west angle of said Lot 12; : THENCE northerly 20 feet more or less-to the-south westerly angle of Lot 2, Plan M-13 N.B.; THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of said Lot 2 a distance of 130 feet more or less to the south east angle of said Lot 2; ENCE south easterly a distance of 20.33 feet more or less to the oint of commencement. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council will at the said time and place here in person or by his Council, Solicitor or Agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially effected by the By-Law and who applies to be heard, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Plan of Survey above- mentioned and a draft of the By-Law proposed to be passed may be examined at the Town Clerk's Office. DATED at Haileybury, Ontario, this 11th day of March 1960. Frank G. Haskett, Clerk, Town of Haileybury. a; °a0 Mining School Attracts Students From Wide Area At the present time there are 84 students enrolled at the Pro- vincial Institute of Mining at Hail- eybury, coming from such far- away places as Freetown, Sierra Leone, British West Africa, Indian- apolis, Indiana, Kimberley, British Columbia, Winnipeg and Bissett, Manitoba, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Wawa, Bourlamaque, Fort William, Toronto, Regina, Mac- Kenzie Island, near Red Lake, Oakville and Montreal, as well as many from the areas closer to Haileybury. Over half of the stu- dents are from mining districts. The Institute offers highly prac- tical courses in subjects directly related to mines and mining. Al- though it does not lead to a de- gree, it provides a high standard of technical instruction for young men who desire to enter the indus- try but who have not the time or financial resources to allow for university training. The qualifica- tion for admission to the two year course is Secondary School (Grade. XII) graduation, and the total annual fee is $205.00 which includes. all incidentals, cost of field 'trips and laboratory equip- ment. Mine operators take a real and practical interest in the school, us- ually providing summer work for the students and excellent facili- ties for field work. very seldom experience any diffi- culty in finding' permanent em- ployment in the mining industry. Jury Rules (Continued From Page One) périenced miner, who had worked on and off in the property for about four years. No explanation for Sauve's. ac- tion was offered, except that he must have acted on impulse, for- getting the nearby chute. Dr. A. Bullen of New Liskeard said that he went underground but Sauve had died a few min- utes before he arrived. He said that the man had suffered very severe internal injuries. Crown attorney George Black of Haileybury assisted Dr. H. A. Dun- ning of Cobalt, who was the pre- laa siding coroner. First white settler in Canada's|} capital city was an American, Philemon Wright of Woburn, Mass., who started up the Hud- son River in 1800 seeking new lands and eventually settled on the present site of the city of Ottawa. The hospital boasts a modern cafeteria, diet kitchen, including "meals on wheels", fully equipped delivery room, nursery with twelve bassinets, premature nursery and formula room. X-Ray department has been re-located and. provides the latest in X-Ray equipment. The operating room suite consists of two major operating rooms and}. one fracture room, also included is a four-bed post: operative re- covery room, Presently under construction is a fully | equipped - laboratory, physiotherapy department, isola- tion unit and central medical and surgical supply rooms. - The hospital will have a total of 225. beds to accommodate chronic and general hospital patients. The chronic unit serves an area taking in Sudbury, North Bay to Hearst. Hospital staff nurses include a Dietitian, Pathologist and graduate | Laboratory Technician. The hospi- tal is supervised by Superior Sister Marie de l'esperance and twelve assisting Sisters. Mr. Clayton G. Dunn-is Comptroller. One hundred and eighty persons are presently employed at the hospital. Major additions and renovations are being completed by Hill-Clark- Francis Ltd. under the supervision of Mr. Ralph Campeau. Mr. Cam- peau was employed on the original hospital. building and over the years has supervised many addi- tions to the hospital. Graduates: Thursday, March 31, 1960 Sees Series The big inter-town bonspiel is grinding to a close. Finals of the various events, in both the men's and women's sections are schedul- ed for Wednesday and Thursday nights of next week unless some- thing interferes with the ice. On Tuesday night of tthis week three sheets of Haileybury ice were un- fit to play on owing to frost fall- ing from the roof. They should be back in use not later than Thursday. The bonspiel has seen its up- sets. Crack rinks have been chased to the bush league. At least two rinks have had the embarrassing experience of not even getting on the score board. The number of six-end games have been greater than usual, when skips have 'giv- en-up the ghost rather than pro- long the agony. The battle for Lavery's Bulova Watches is now approachimg the semi-finals and none of the skips The Haileyburian Page 3. Curling Season Windup- of Upsets who have won the event over the' past ten years are in the running' this year. Tuesday night saw only'\ two of the New Liskeard rinks) still in this fttop event. The New Liskeard ladies are! not faring much better in thei! section than the men's rinks, bulb there is still a fair number of them in the running for the prize}; money. The finals of the Wo-;| men's events are scheduled for Haileybury on Thursday night which will wind up curling in both; rinks for the year. ss Finals for the men's events are' scheduled for New Liskeard at about 7.30 next Wednesday night.*' A number of New 'Liskeard rinks have found it necessary to usec more substitutes this year than usual, Sickness among personnel has taken its toll, which along, with the removal of H.C.F. office,' staff to North Bay has furthet' decimated other rinks. In 'ad& Legion Hall, ~ Door Prize $110.00 Top Lin H 4 BINGO | Tuesday, April 5th Mi otherwise $10.00 Blackout REGULAR GAME AT $3.00 Haileybury e on first 15 numbers only xO I | | REPAIR | Haileybury 2h iin OS 2.5202 BEN J. BOURGET oa General Contractor and Estimator Houses Built Repairs and Alterations: Boats Made or Repaired {WATCH FOR | Buck Appliances | GRAND OPENING IN COBALT - Fun For All | - Prizes Galore = SS oe Fe rE FAMILY MONUMEN For your ilustrated I Family Monument"' visit us today, Orillia - Haileybury, Ont. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR ree copy of Rock of Ages' new Klet. "How To Choose _ AUTHORIZED DEALER SANDERSON MONUMENT CO. LTD. T Your Ont. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE T. G. TULLOCH Phons OSborne 2-5218 m a ee