tarec* yPage 12 St 28 a0 .,. The Haileyburian Thursday, May 5 19606 rs George BD. Adams of Iroquois Falls; Ont., awarded the Lamp of Learning by the Ontario Se- dary Scheol Teachers' Federation, given each year to: a non-teaching man or woman for "out- éipnding contribution to secondary education. in Ontario". Mr. Adams was cited for "devoting the feast thirty years to bettering educational facilities in Northern Ontario. . . " asi ne | 4, nt a 1 J : 'George D. Adams of Iroquois iis, Ont., veteran of more than 4@ years in the pulp and paper dudustey and -a man: who: has dedi- cated almost half his life to the €ause of public education in the Ontario north, has been awarded * -@e-annuai "Lamp of.Learning" $y the Ontario Secondary School eachers' Federation. The pre- sentation was made. Thursday, April 21 aft a luncheon in Toronto. The Lamp of. Learning is given each year by the Federation to a mon-teaching man or woman. for "an outstanding contribution to #&ecvondary school education in On- arto". Nominations are made by #@chool boards, Home and School @Banizations, education officials, setondary school staffs, service fabs, and other interested groups throughout the province. The final ( Selection is made by a panel made 4ijyof representatives of educa- tian, bUsiness and the communica- - tions: fields. r e nomination. of Mr.. Adams citation -of his. services,.made Agyj the staff and the board of. the rie by 'the Ansonville and District tamber of Commerce, was one @f* the most comprehensive seen Mey} the judges since the inception of the award. - | Wher: Adams, the citation said in $3 fant aim -- that of seeuring ¢---best plant, equipment and ehers, and using them effective- 'rand of education the community could afford.' _ Swtty - one - year - old George Lamp of Learning Award. on in Northern Ontario Adams, now 'superintendent of scaling for Abitibi Power and Pa- per Co, Ltd. in Iroquois Falls, was born 'in Westmeath, Ontario, and before joining Abitibi in 1919 serv- ed overseas with the Canadian En- gineers. In 1930 he was appointed secre- tary-treasurer of the Iroquois Falls school board and four years later succeeded in having the high school organized in Iroquois Falls. He later persuaded the Ontario De- partment of Education to allow the high school to add commercial, home economics ~and -- industrial arts courses. In 1934 Mr. Adams organized a scholarship fund to assist Iroquois Falis high school students in high- er education. As many as nine stu- dents a year have been assisted since then, and more than $15,- 000 has been paid out. The fund, the nomination states, is solvent, with $7,600 on hand. In addition, the nomination says, he "has always insisted on the best qualified teachers on the staff . with the resultant high aca- demic standing of the students." The students are grateful to him, too, for helping establish a~ bus service for those from outlying areas. Before the bus service, pu- pils had to leave home at 5:30 a.m. on school days to catch trains, many of them not getting home before 7:30 in the evening. As if he has not had enough to do in serving education, George Adams also is a past master of the Abitibi Lodge No. 540, AF & AM; past first principal of the Abitibi Chapter, No. 223, GRC; past dis- trict deputy grand master of the Temiskaming District No. 16 AF & AM; an elder in the Iroquois Uni- ted Church for the past 20 years, and has served on the local hospi- tal and library boards. \ Mr. Adams is married and has a son, Dr. Kenneth Adams, at medi- cal school at Queen's University. Soccer Game' Cohailis Soccer club preparing for another banner year, and already have a num- ber of practice sessions under their belt at the beach park in New Liskeard. The first game of: the sea- son will be played on Sunday, May 8, commencing at 3 p.m., with .Virginiatown Canadians are as opponents. Mayor W. J. Barr will take the kick-off in the brief opening ceremonies. The silver collection will be' turned over' to the Hospital Board to assist the drive for funds to build a nurses' resi- dence, Men Working! The workmen building the py- ramids occasionally took time off for a quick game of checkers. WHO THINK OF TOMCRROW PRACTICE - MODERATION TODAY Che House of Setigran DISTALLERS SINCB 1857 THEATRE > Haileybury Haileybury phone OSborne 2-3533 FIRST SHOWING STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 5th! PLAYING FOR ONE WEEK TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th! 2 SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOWING AT 12:05 A.M. Two Showings Nightly at 7 p.m. & at 10:05 p.m. she Gentry foe JOHN BRABOURNE'S @roduction of \ i i The unforgettable personal stories behind the greatest sea hunt of all time! ois- Falls- District High School, are "has made everything, even. tid pwn health, secondary to his: fy 'provide at: all-times the best }}: DISTRICT Masonic Banquet with E. S. R. Easey, D.D.G.M. Nipissing East District HOTEL HAILEYBURY Saturday, May 7th, 6:00 p.m. ~ SUPPER TICKETS $2.00 _ VISITING BRETHREN WELCOME | starring KENNETH MORE CINEmaScoPE if =" DANAWYNTER iy be dima SOUND > PLUS COMPANION FEATURE A NEW WESTERN THRILLER .. . FILMED IN CINEMASCOPE & EASTMAN COLOR "COMANCHE STATION" Randolph Scott, Nancy Gates, Skip Homeier