'Cobalt High Has Annual Tea COBALT -- Cobalt High School Students' Council held their -annual Tea and Bake Sale in the School on Saturday, April 30. The auditor- jum was a picture of Spring with its attractive decorations , of tu- lips, daffodils and crepe paper. The very unique 'tea bowl' was Spot 'wishing well' placed in " e centre of the room. Barbara Birtch and Helen Dunning presided at the tea table. This was very lovely with its cloth of ecru lace, and long, low arrangement of yellow mums in a blue bowl and tall blue candles which are the school colours. Tea assistants were girls from the Home Economics class. The well stocked bake table was 4n charge of Carol Fenton, Carol. Thibeault and Patricia Mercier while Evelyn Pickard looked after the sewing table. Mr. W. S. Lavery of New Liskeard had a table set up with a display of Spode china. Hostesses were Misses Beverly Welch and Jill\Buffam, who, during the afternoon welcomed and visit- ed around amongst the guests. Winners of the draw which stu- dents had been selling tickets on for the past few weeks were, first hammered aluminum casserole, Mrs. Ken Burton; second, alum- inum tray, Mrs. John Hunt. The door prize was the floral 'centre- piece and this was won by Mrs. H. Rowdon. ~ Leo Labine Guest Speaker At Rotary Club Leo Labine, Boston Bruins hockey star, whose career in hock- ey started cn the rinks of his home town, Haileybury, was guest speaker at the Rotary Club din- ner meeting this week, bringing out mdny items of interest regard- ing the National Hockey League and his participation in it's games. Mr. Labine also informed tthe Rotary members that he would donate a trophy for annual com- petition, to be 'awarded for the best all-round athelete in Hailey- bury. The trophy will be in charge of the Rotary Club, under a com- mittee composed of K. J. MacDon- ald, G. L. Cassidy and Rev. Le- blane, | The winner of the trophy, will be required to display it in his school rather than his home, 'for the year during which it is in his possession. In introducing Mr. Labine, pres- ident Sam Hughes spoke of the enormous amount of free advertis- ing that Haileybury receives when Mr. Labine's name comes up in the newspapers following the games he plays, as his home town is always mentioned too, Classified Ads nee Results WW of last inspector to: , oe AWW AWW QQ Wns QQ \ WNT MMM /HAILEVBURY PUBLIC SCHOOL Requires for September 1960 1 TEACHER GRADE 3 1 TEACHER GRADE 4 Minimum salary $3200.00 $200.00 per year up to six years experience. Annual increment $200.00 to Maximum. Apply stating qualifications, experience and name MRS. BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAILEYBURY, yee ee QW" QQ. '"F"F Q2 ttpgnwwpt \ EDITH WHITE, Secretary, ee a AX QQ OOMM MOS D1 WF NUMBERED CLAIMS AND LOCATIONS (Continued) Account Parcel Description Area Amount No. No. _ ; (Acres) Due T.675A 8454 CST Mining Rights, L. 32941, Mc- , Vittie Township 40.10 18.54 T.675A 7972 CST Mining Rights, L. 32942, Mc= é Vittie Township 26.15 13.81 T.675A 7868 CST Mining Rights, L. 32948, Mc- : Vittie Township 16.65 10.61 T.675A 8453 CST Mining Rights, L. 32945, Mc- Z Vittie. Township 39.76 18.43 T.675A 7869 CST Mining Rights, L. 32947; Mc- i ; Vittie Township 16.46 10.56 T.675A © 8455 CST Mining Rights, L. 32950; Mc- © i Vittie Township §4.34 23.33 T.675A . 7973 CST Mining Rights, L. 32951, Mc- ~ f Vittie Twp. 26.07 13.81 E.1237A 8461 CST Mining Rights, L.40942, - : Garry Twp. 52:01 16.35 T.1237A 8462 CST Mining Rights, 1.40943, Mc- ' ; Garry Twp. ~ - 37.56 13.21 7T.1237A 7970 CST Mining Rights, 1.51799, Mec=- i Garry Twp, Gpipemeny 9) 7.18 7.492. 1643 CST Mining Rights, L.S.440, Gau-- ". ; : thier Twp. 21.8 9.76 T.492 1644 CST Mining Rights, L.S.441, Gau- ei thier Twp. 38.3 13:36 7.492 °' 1642 CST Mining Rights, Part LS. 442, - : not covered by the waters of : 2 Lake Victoria, Gauthier Twp: 38.0- 13.30 T.279 840 CST . L.S. 464, subject to a right-of- -- a way to the H.E.P.C. of Ontario registered as No. 53659 Tem. . dated June 30, 1931, Lebel Township 47.4 15.35 T.279 817 CST L.S. 465, Lebel Township 26.0 13.73 , i 818 CST L.S. 466, subject to the right- SS of-way to the H.EP.C. of Ontario . registered as No. : 53659 Tem. dated June 30, | 1931, Lebel Township. ~ afiyay 19.52 T.279 8436 CST L.S. 467, except the surface <7 gn Kan rights of 2.58 acres more or ~less being the right-of-way of ' the Nipissing Central Railway | i Company, Lebel Twp. # 5v,0 17.12 T.851A 4016 SST ' Pt. 7.20256, not covered by the. waters of the Montreal =, River, Gillies Timber Limit. 25.2 13.73 T.486 5257 SST JT. 20769 (T. 23579) Gillies - ' Limit Township. 28.7 13.73 Masons Observe 'McAulay Night' On Thursday evening, May 5, local Masons observed their annual "McAulay Night'. Since the death of Neil J. McAulay this has been a feature of the Haileybury Lodge, held as a memorial for a member who made a wonderful contribu- tion to the Haileybury Lodge in particular and to Masonry in gen- eral. On these* occasions, Past Masters occupy all the chairs and tribute is paid to Mr. McAulay's memory by officers and members alike. On Saturday, May 7, a Masonic School of Instruction was held, covering the district from Cobalt to Elk Lake and New Liskeard. The meeting was under the direc- tion of W.M., H. C. Coull, with A. S. R. Easey, DDGM of North Bay, as the presiding officer. The sixty members present en- joyed a banquet at the Hotel Hail- eybury at six o'clock, after which the evening session continued un- til 10:30. Ladies Win In Ice Contest Once again Lake Temiskaming is open for navigation and this year three persons were lucky enough to .pick+the correct date, May 4th, as laid down by the or- >/acle,, Neil Fleming. And so three ladies, (the men didn't have a look-in at all), Mrs. W. Woodrow, 220 Colborne St., West, Orillia; and Mrs. C: R. Plaunt, and Mrs. H. Hurteau, both of Haielybury, will go a year's subscription each to the Haileyburian, with the congrat- ulations of the publishers and a wish for '"'better luck next time" to those whose-guesses were in- correct. Maybe we 'should have had a contest on "how many feet is the lake going to rise?" And again this year, Mrs. Ruby Stevenson's Grade V class in the Public School conducted their own private. Ice Contest, each contri- buting a few pennies to a common fund to go to the one who guessed the correct date. Gail Gibson was the one and only pupil with the correct date of May 4, and has won the sum of $1.50. Haileybury Mrs. Peter Bonin returned re- cently from Matabitchouan where she was staying with Mrs. G. Bige- low. Miss Laura McKay left Sunday night for Montreal where she sail- ed on the Empress of Britain for a three-month holiday in the Bri- tish Isles and Europe. Visiting Miss E. Caron during the week-end was her cousin, John Beaudoin of Swastika. Mr. and Mrs. Klass Bosch motor- ed to Montreal last Sunday to meet Mrs. Bosch's father, D. Alleyn of Bloemendaal, Holland, who will be visiting them until September. Mr: and Mrs. Cliff Whorley ar- rived last week from Toronto and will be making their home in Hail- eybury in the future. They will be associated with the florist busi- ness with Mr. Whorley's uncle, W. H. Whorley. Mrs. William Farmer left Wed- nesday -night for Toronto to visit her husband, who has been a pa- tient in Sunnybrook Hospital for the past two weeks. Northern Floods -- Bear Animals as well as humans are having trouble with the northern flood waters. Last Tuesday as Jeff Lamothe was returning from Elk Lake he saw a bear, evidently just aroused from its winter hiberna- tion, struggling in a flooded ditch along the highway. It floundered and drifted in circles for almost three hundred feet before it final- ly found enough secure footing to crawl out, exhausted, by the side of the ditch. Mr. Lamothe said he threw it some food he had in the car, but when he finally drove on, it was] still more interested in resting than in eating. Thursday, May 12, 1960 Delegates Attend Annual Meeting Mrs. C. E. Peacock, Mrs. H. Pickard and Mrs. W. C.. Arnold were in Noranda recently to attend the 34th annual Presbyterial meet- ing of the United Church, when Mrs. G. E. K. Howe, past president of the Toronto conference, was guest speaker. The In Memorium service was conducted by Mrs. Peacock, during which Mrs. F. Wherry sang a solo. Highlights of the Tordnto con- ference were given by Mrs. G. Ed- wards and Mrs. N. O. Webb of Englehart. Four past presidents, Mrs. H. Pickard, Haileybury, Mrs. C. Davis, Kirkland Lake, Mrs. T. Orr, Larder Lake, and Mrs. J. Muir, Noranda, spoke © briefly, touching on events during their terms of office. Mrs. Pickard installed -the of- The Haileyburian Page & Cobalt Mrs. Pat Slaght entertained on: 'Wednesday afternoon and evening' of May 4, in-honour of her daughe ter Judy, whose marriage to Rom: ald: Niekle- teok -place on. May -% Judy's trousseau and shower gifts were' displayed in upstair rooms which were presided over by Misses Lois: Labelle and Jackie' Lemoine, and the wedding pre- sents were arranged in the front room: The: tea table: was covered with cutwork cloth of ecru. linen with low centrepiece of pink tulips and pink candles. Guests were served -by Misses- Patsy Giroux and Cecile Audette. Mrs. Lem: Nickle and Judy's aunt, Mrs. AV Stevens also assisted. ficers for the coming year. Mrs, G. Edwards of BEngiehart will be the -president. Mrs. Arnold was ature .secretary and Mrs. ard, Citizenship secretary. named Liter Pick- $60.00 Top Line on BINGO | Legion Hall, Haileybury Tuesday, May 17th. otherwise $10.00 Blackout REGULAR GAME AT $3.00 " Pee we ss pat eres first 9 numbers only 10 '© Six transistors * Ear phones ° Valued at $59. 95 © Leather carrying case. SKY LARK Transistor Radio ° Free supply of batteries for one year ae all for. 025223 limited quantity BIG KROEHLER DEAD LINE ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 14 AT 6PM. CARLOAD. SALE. NEW LISKEARD -~ BUCK IPPLIANCES. : COBALT - HAILEY BURY; *-