Page 6 The Haileyburian Thursday, July 7, 1960 Two Cars And A Truck Plus Eight Bullets To Kill Tough Old Moose Moose in the Temagami area seem to be tough to kill, even if they haven't any regard for the highway code. Last week an old bull charg- into the side of a northbound car about seven miles south of Temagami on Highway 11. It bounced off the car, and was then struck by the rear of a tractor trailer that swerved to avoid it, When police arrived they found the moose still standing up surrounded by curious tour- ists. The OPP had just got the tourists out of the danger area, when a little German car came up the highway and hit the moose again, The moose ended up on top of the car, but the occupants escaped injury. Damage to the car was estimated at about $800. The police decided. they had to put the badly injured moose out of its misery before it caused another accident or wandered into the bush. It took eight shots fired at point blank range into the an- imal's head before it dropped dead. Cobalt - Coleman School Promotions Kindergarten to Grade One: Muriel Aspden, George Bigelow, Janie Brydges, Jack Brown, Louise Carlin, Carol Clattenburg, Donna Clatitenburg, Debra Cole, Londa _ Cole, Jack Dufresne, Jackie Fern- holme, Eveline Follick, Suzanne Geck; Marlene Gutilbault, Wendy Hurlburt, Irene Jennings, Ruth Jennings, Glen Johnston, Bobby Joy, Margot Leopold, Ian MacMil- lan, Deborah McLeod, Jamie Math- ers, Billy Mathews, Alan Milroy, Jack Morin Beth Parcher, Judy Pollard, Roy Scott, Glenda Smith, Rannah Sophia, Peggy Sultton, Rog- er Taylor, Dorothy Tresidder, Syl- via White, Gordon Whitehead. Grade One 'to Grade Two: Keith Barstead, Jackie Bearisto, Jimmy Birtch, Alice Browne, Dwight Brydges, Sharon Cameron, John Carlin, Linda Church, Paul Church, Wanda Conroy, Jimmy Cook, Roy Dagagner, Paul De- Viries, Linda Fader, Jeff Fildes, Dwight Floyd, Billy Geck, Ricky Heikkila, Bernie Johnston, Golda Koza, Lawrence Larocque, Lary Mathers, Neil McKinnon, Randall Ollan, Richard Gilson, Sharon Lee Mattymish, Robert Laiitenen, Clifif- ord Larabie, Bobbie Lea, Elizabeth Leaper, Harold Leopold, Heather Maithews, Dann Miiller, Wendy (Moore, Gerry Mulligan, William MacDougall, Brian McKay, Robert McLean, Sharon MoeMaster, Ronny Neddo, Lance Othmer, Frances Slaght, Noreen Sopha, Diana Sou- cisse, Dennis Stewart, Vickter Stewart, Tricia Tresidder, Wayne Whiltehead, Lyle Whitham. Grade Two to Grade Three. Ap- ril Barstead, Steven Browne, Da- vid Brydges, Many Coe, Barbara Cooper, Diane Degagner, Lloyd East, Cathy Gagnon, Joyce Hearn, Judy Joy, James Londsdaile, Janet Mallett, Wendy Marcotte, George Miler, Louise Neddo, Frank Par- cher, Robert Pascoe, Wayne Pu- hakka, Brian Sopha, Arviis Smith, Freddy Smith, Bennie Stewart, Barry Stewart, Judy Stewart, Lin- da St. Jaeques, Kenny Switzer, David Wallman, Barbara W atts, Allen Whyite. Gnade Three to Grade Four: Roy Aspden, Wendy Burton, Billy Car- lin, Rose Marie Belair, Debby Christo, Danny Claittenburg, Betty Coe, Patsy Cooper, Linda David, Eddie Degagner, Louis Eno, Nicole Fader, Billy Fildes, Timmy Fildes, Larry Hearn, Darlene Johnston, Cheryl Joy, Harry Koza, Jim Eam, Susan Lea, Shirley Leblane, Donny Mathers, Sand ra MeGugan, Ian McMaster, Joanne Milroy, Gordon Morin, George Pascoe, Bill Purdy, Walter Shields, Susan Switzer, Evan Taylor, Susan White, Kath- leen Whitman, Terry Hearn. Grade Four to Grade Five: Da- vid Bigras, David Browne, Judith Brunette, Bonnie Bufifam, Donald Chow, Linda Clattenburg, Russell Coe, Kevin Coles, Verna Conroy, Elaine Crago, Wayne David, Joan Draper, Vivien Fildes, Gary Lam, Donald Leaper, Deborah MacDou- gall, Richard Mathers, Barbara Me- Gugan, Ronald Parcher, Brenda Pickard, Edward Prince, Bonita Puhakka, Juanita Puhakka, Rob- ert Reid, Douglas Slaght, Donna Smith, Mavis Smith, Jean Spack, James Sipencer, Arnold Stewart, Dale Stewart, William Stewart, Judith Tresidder, Wendy Watts. Grade Five to Grade Six: David Bearisto, Louis Bearisto, Ronald Beeson, Dianne Browne, Judy Browne, Ruth Brown, Sharon Con- roy, Billie Cook, Vernon Cook, David deVries, Doris Eno, Alan Fenton, Cheryl Fildes, Linda Fil- des, Larry Follick, Suzanne Gaig- non, Terry Gagnon, Helen Hender- son, Rose Hennessey, Dale Johns- ton, Jane Koza, Bruce Londsdale, Cheryl McLean, Jean Miller, Dianne Milroy, Brenda Morin, Cheryl Nadeau, Janet Parcher, Colleen Peebles, Douglas Price, Carol Smith, Linda Stewart, Frank Todd, Joe Tiresidder, Patricia White, Donald Wilson. Grade Six to Grade Seven: Lin- da Brunette, Brian Christo, Terry Christo, John Coles, John Cooper, Peter Cote, Carol Cull, Billy Gor- don, Judy Guillbault, Joey Hearn, Bobby Jennings, Sue Johnson, Teddy Leaper, Karin Leopold, Heather Marcotte, Beverly Moore, Russell Moore, Billy Reid, Ruth Saxton, Eddie Scully, Jessie Shields, Raymond Speck, Shirley Tryon, Frank Gilson, Donald Clark, Robert Gagnon, Wilbert Bearisto, Robert Cote, Fred Londs- dale, Jacqueline Parcher, Dorothy Solsberg. Grade Seven to Grade Eight: Alana. Cook, Marilyn Mathews, Donna Spencer, Lee Brunette, Ron- ald Gilson, Jim Henderson, Judy Reise, Shirley Browne, Alice Au- tio, Harry Burton, Linda Coe, Bev- erley Cook, Larry Dagenais, Kurt Leopold, Bonnie Mallett, Alan IMe- Gugan, Marilyn Myers, Wayne Olan, Keith Osterberg, Jim She wara, Carol Stewart; Dennis St. Jacques, Pat Taylor, Beverley Try- on, Doreen. Turgeon, Glenn White, Ken Van Ypren, Rosanne deVries. Grade Eight to Grade Nine: Barbara Allingham, Laurel Binrtch, Linda Cooper, Dereen Draper, Neil Eno, Curtis Ewing, Wilfred Gio- venella, Lynda Houston, Frances Parcher, Carol Pickard, Williaim Pickard, Rennie Purdy, John Reid, William Ross, Paul Saxton, James Wilson, } Note: Pupils are not listed ac- cording to their rank. Friends Feted Mrs. Evelyn Fenton COBALT -- A pleasant. evening was spent recentky at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Fenton, Nickel St., when a group of her friends drop ped in to help her celebrate her birthday. Several games and _ contests provided entertainment with a pre- sentation made 'to Mrs. Fenton on behalf of all her friends. Lunch was served by the hos-|° tesses, Mrs. H. Parcher and Mrs. H. Smith complete with a birtnday cake made by Mrs. Lonsdale. Those present included Mrs. J. A. McAndrew, who was the win- ner of the door prize, Mrs. W. Lonsdale, Mrs. F. Tryon, Mrs. J.|~ Bewers, Mrs. A. Riley, Mrs. ¢. Southall, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. A. J. Brown .and the hostesses. Mrs. Hugh Armstrong and Mrs. R. Me- Dougall were unable to attend. The Weather Week ending June 28th, 1960. Max. Min. Wednesday :fci6 2.010 e 71 55 mnurseday® 37: . F358 si 29 74 56 TOMAR Po in is ee? 60 53 paturday. 235. hie a OR. 77 50 SiUNGdy. was os en eee 80 57 Monday. sci ses cae 80 58 Tuesaday sissies. eT eo 69 61 The average daily temperature during June was only 2.2 degrees colder than the average since 1894. This year it was 60.2, last year, 66.9, and since 1894, 62.4. The maximum temperature dur- ing the month just passed reached 80 degrees on several days, last year, it was 95 on the ninth and in 1901, it reached a high mark of 100.1. The minimum temperature was 40 degrees on the eighth, almost the same as last year when it was 41-on the 15th, and decidedly better than the average -- since 1894, when a frosty 28.2 was re- corded in 1920. Week ending July fifth, 1960. Max. Min Wednesday ....02..:... 76 60 Tens ays 5s ont ase 62 54 FYIGAY 2 cents ctneeeie cn ee 67 45 SIDED el Yor. tee Fs eter ae eae 70 53 Sunday) socnnueecn eae ae 63 53 WONnd ay ce rok Baie eh oe 60 49, MES ays eee eee tae 60 46 Thomas Chandler Haliburton, who gained world fame as a hu- morous writer under the pseu- donym Sam Slick, was a judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia; Ontario's Haliburton county was named for him through a land de- velopment program there which he headed. a ee eS 7 Music Exams ~ The following is a list of success- ful candidates in examinations held recently by the Royal Con- servatory of Music of Toronto in Haileybury, Ont. The names are arranged in order of merit. Grade VIII Piano Pass, Heather Cameron. Grade VII Piano Honours, Marilyn Lapierre; Pass, Charlotte Morin; Donna Hennessy. Grade V Piano Pass, Louise Desjardins; Conti. Grade IV Piano Honours, Margaret Bonnie Mallett; Pass, Marion Plaunt. Grade III Piano Honours, Trudy Eastman; Dor- een Burnie; Pass, Judy Eastman. Grade II Piano Honours, Stanley Wilson; -Patri- cia White; Pass, Sharon Cunningham. Grade VIII Violin First Class Honours, Francoise Linda Bowman; *| Caron, Cobalt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Svekers and Krissie have left for a two week vacation in Ottawa and Pres- cott. Mr. and Mrs. George Berndt, Brian and Beverly and Alan Hah- nah, all of Woodbridge; visited at the home of Mr. 'and~Mrs, Jack Mathews before travelling on to Ansonville and Cochrane. Mr. Glen McKinnon of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr. Mrs: W. McKinnon and other aD atives in Cobalt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright were in North Bay on Sunday for the Air Show. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wink of North Bay were visiting Mr, Wink's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Paul Wink, over the week-end: , Mr. and Mrs. S. Hetherington left Thursday for Ottawa to spend the week- end wilh their son and. daughter-in-law, Mr. . and Mrs. Morley Hetherington. -- Miss Jackie [Lemoine left Thurs- day for North Bay where she will be joined by Miss Marilyn Brown for a holiday to Lacan arid other places. t Haileybury Phone os 2.5202 BEN J. BOURGET General Contractor and Estimator fi Houses Built Repairs and Alterations -- Boats Made or Repaired Telephone : New Liskeard Mldway 7-6771 IF YOUR ELECTRIC WATER HEATER HAS ONLY ONE ELEMENT call us today about converting it to a FAST TWO-ELEMENT WATER HEATER patomancally. The top element (at A) Hydro Flat Rates. Enjoy all the hot water you need with low' 'Do you have enough hot water for all your. family's needs? If not, call us today to have your present water heater converted to a high performance two-element unit. Then you'll have plenty of hot water all the Cus keeps plenty of hot water "'on tap" for immediate use. The bottom element (at B) builds up an abundant reserve... - CONTACT YOUR ONTARIO HYDRO -- , Cobalt 4775 Haileybury ZEnith 6-450