Page 2 The Haileyburian Thursday, September 29, 1960 THE HAILEYBURIAN and COBALT Published hb: Temiskaming Printing Co. Ltd. New Liskeard, Ont. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Issued every Thursday, from The Haileyburian Office, Broad- way Street, Haileybury, Ontario. i Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office, Department, Ottawa. In Canada -- $2.50 per year in advance. In United States -- $3.50 per year in advance. POS ss SOEST, West Germany -- This week we want to tell you about a Canadian Army man and his wife and family and how they live in this area of Western Germany so many miles from home and in a strange country, with strange people and language. _ Through the good officesof the acting commanding officer, Major William Mulhern, 1st Battalion, Canadian Guards, we met Corpor- al J. G. Hamilton of Ottawa, and we visited his wife Maureen and their four children in the spick and span apartment at the Permanent Married Quarters (the PMQ Com- munity, as it is known). The Hamiltons have a three-bed- room apartment in the six apart- ment flat, with kitchen, bathroom, diningroom and livingroom. A bal- cony from the second-storey apart- ment looks over the play area About which this group of "apart- ments is built. The Army provides all the es- sentials, including electric range and refrigerator -- and the only things the families have to bring aver -are sheets and pillowcases, knicknacks and radios.,Their rent, paid through the special allowance, equals about $83 a month, includ- ing heat and services. Mrs. Hamilton said she is happy with the accommodation, she finds the furniture serviceable and stur- dy, and, even though a transform- er has to be used for Canadian electrical appliances, the Army ap- pliances are all built for German voltage. The Hamiltons are a typical fam- ily, we discovered, living in the PMQ's. They have four children, Stephen, 6; Kathleen (a real ball of fire) 3; Peter, 2, and John; four months. Stephen attends the elementary school at the 'overflow" school at Fort Chambly, going on the school bus. They attend church at Fort York, where Roman Catholic and Protestant Chapels look after the spiritual needs of the soldiers and their families. Each of the 'forts'? has its chapéls. Mrs. Hamilton shops at the MLS store, just around the corner in the PMQ area, where she can buy Canadian-type foods at prices com- parable to those back home. "For six marks (about $1.40) we can fill the trunk of our car with vegetables at the Soest market', Mrs. Hamilton said. Do they have enough entertain- ment and social life? The big prob- Conservation In an effort to preserve the Canvasback and Redhead duck population, the 1960 regulations allow for only one bird of each species to be taken daily. However, it is also urged that true sportsmen, interest- ed in conservation, will refrain 'altogether from shooting these two species. If Canvasbacks or Redheads are shot, hunters are asked to remove the right wing at the 'root, and send it to the "'Can- 'vasback-Redhead Project; Del- Canada's Armed Forces AND 15 YEARS AGO Editor, THE UNITED KINGDOM ta Waterfowl Research Station; Delta, Manitoba." f TODAY -- -- J. A. MORRIS Prescott- Journal writes from EUROPE AND lem, said the Hamiltons, is to find enough nights in the week. Mrs. Hamilton is: a Bingo fan, and. at- tends the Bingos run by the Com- munity: Council and the Red Patch Club. They go to movies at the forts, entertainment . in the Army messes and a dance once a month. Also, they can attend the British Army shows at Lepp- stadt and. Iserlohn. Periodically, throughout the summer, regiment- al bands give concerts in the three community areas: Like the hundreds of other Can- adian families in the Brigade area, the Hamiltons are enjoying their experience. They haven't been able to travel as much as other famil- ies, as they have four small child- ren, but they have been to Holland since coming over last Fall, and they have plans to use future leave periods in seeing more of Europe from their Volkswagen. They'll be happy, no doubt, to return home at the end of three years to see their families and friends, but in the meantime they are making' the' most of their op- portunity. Next week we'll tell you about a family unable to obtain quarters in the PMQ, and who are living in accommodation rented' froma German family. Phone North Bay GR 2-5170 for your BUILI ial ING oe BSS ® CULVERT and DRAINAGE TILE @ CONCRETE BRICK Common and Colored SAND - GRAVEL - STONE @ CHIMNEY BLOCKS' Square 'and Round Flue CONCRETE ; a Cinder, Concrete & Haydite J. M. WRIGHT 107 Sheriff Ave, at LIMITED | Algonquin Ave. NORTH BAY, ONT. KEEP TEMISKAMING | ON THE GOVERNMENT SIDE HOFFMAN FROST for for ONTARIO TEMISKAMING ; PHIL HOFFMAN -" A MESSAGE be ee ae from ganda girl. He knows the area from Elk Lake to Te- magami. PREMIER LESLIE FROST To th Electors of Temiskaming. PHIL HOFFMAN has experience, energy and a sound record of adminis- tration in the public service. On September 29th yourgo to the polls to choose a successor to my good friend and supporter, the late Robert Herbert. i would be most happy to have my friends of Temiskaming lend their vote and support to our Progressive Conser- vative candidate, Phil Hoffman. PHIL HOFFMAN has a record of 36 years of outstanding service in the Department of Lands. and Forests. Thirty-six years of faithful and ef- ficient service in Temiskaming have given Phil Hoffman a fine background of experience. He knows the Riding, its people and its problems. PHIL HOFFMAN supports every 'worthwhile community effort. Phil Hoffman has drive, vision and a broad knowledge of the North. Your government continually strives for the betterment of the North Country PHIL HOFFMAN -- modern highways -- access and de- knows Temiskaming -- town velopment roads -- new mental hos- -- country -- farm -- ham- pitals -- indeed all those facilities which let. : make Ontario a better place in which to live. PHIL HOFFMAN has the will, the ability and the experience to serve all the people. of Temiskaming. Governments today need ability, ex- perience and the will to serve our people. Hence, | ask the people of Tem- iskaming to grant me the services of Phil Hoffman who has so much to offer those of us charged with the responsi- bilities of government and who will de- PHIL HOFFMAN : ' has the solid support of vote his efforts to the service of all the Premier Leslie Frost and his people of Temiskaming. Government. PHIL HOFFMAN will bring ability and ex- perience fo Queen's Pairk Yours sincerely, 7 ae cae pe to serve all the people of Temiskaming. SUPPORT PHIL HOFFMAN SUPPORT GOOD GOVERNMENT IN ONTARIO PHIL HOFFMAN will work with not against the Frost Government. PHIL HOFFMAN will get things done at Queen's Park. VOTE 'PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Polls are Open from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Daylight Saving Time : NEW LISKEARD se MI 7-6190 Bace Committee Room: MI 7-6282 Cobalt 4985 Englehart LI 4-2593 Temagami 4371 Headquarters: MI 7-6189° -. Haileybury OS 2-5280 : Bec e: by the Temiskaming Progressive Coriservative Association