A Gee Phone OS 2-5241, Haileybury. Org ge a an est as FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Space heaters and floor furnace with tanks and pip- ing. $50.00 and up. W. E. Vannier, Haileybury, OS 2-3486. FOR SALE -- One oil space he&ter good condition. Reasonable 30,31 FOR SALE -- One large Frigi-|- daire refrigerator, in good condi- tion. Phone OS 2-3181, Haileybury. 30,31 FOR SALE -- Rotten manure. Will put on storm windows. MI 7-5102. 30,31 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE -- In Haileybury, house on Blackwall St. Phone 4515, Co- balt. + 24tf 4 i TO RENT = TO RENT--Room and board avail- able. Apply 374, Blackwall Street, or phone OS 2-3028. 30 TO RENT -- Two roomed, gas heated apartment, corner of Fer- Zuson Ave. and Main-Street. Avail- able October Ist. Phone OS 2-3259, Haileybury. gn TO RENT -- Corner of Cecil and Meridian Ave., Haileybury, Ont., three bedrooms, heated, $70 per month. Apply to Mr. G. Dorpetti, 109 Lang St., phone 4497,. Cobalt, Ont. Apartment available October 15, 1960. 30 TO RENT -- In Haileybury, four room heated apartment plus three piece bath on Broadway St. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 24tt TO RENT -- Two apartments in downtown block. Phone Dalton Dean, OS 2-3255. 19tt TO RENT -- In Haileybury on Blackwall St., four room heated apartment. "Phone 4515 or OS 2- 3792. 20tf WANTED WANTED--Hill Top Kennels will board 'your pets, while you are vacationing. Mrs. Fleury, Albert St. W., Haileybury. OS 2-3213 30,31 ,32p ' HELP WANTED -- MALE REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED : & We have a much needed service for farmers as well as town and city dwellers.. We require a repre- sentative in your area. A car is essential and the man selected will have the opportunity to establish: himself in a business that pays well and has repeat business com- ing in regularly. This is a full time position but we will start a man on a part time*"'earn as you learn' plan. Write at once for full infor- mation to Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada. 30,31,32, 33 30p: MISCELLANEOUS _ a Se If you wish to have your piano tuned. or repaired» by Leonard Morin, CaH« Home Outfitters * New Liskeard, Phoné "MI 7-5622. Leon- ard Morin is bi-lingual and has fourteen years experience in piano epairing..and tuning. aT ee 31tf IN° THE DISTRICT COURT OF |- THE DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING Between MORGAN GRANT Plaintiff, and ALBERT EDWARD RUSSELL iand DOROTHY RUSSELL (by Writ) and Firestone Tire-& Rubber Com- pany of Canada Limited, Garage Supply (Orillia) Limited & McColl- Frontenac Oil Company Limited, (made parties in the Master's Of- fice) Defendants. PURSUANT to the Judgment and Final Order for Sale made in this cause there will be offered for sale by. public' auction in one parcel with the approbation of the under- signed the District Court Judge of the District of Temiskaming by J. M. Shouldice, Sheriff, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House, in the Town of Haileybury, in the District of Temiskaming, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, the' 13th day of October, 1960, the said Sale having been. adjourned -from Tuesday, the 26th day of April, 1960; the following lands and pre- mises, namely, Lot No. 136 as shown on Plan M-77 (North Bay) now deposited in the Office of.. Land :Titles at Hailey- bury, being Parcel 4201 in the Re- gister for Nipissing North Divi- sion. The property will be offered for. sale subject to a reserved, bid fixed by the said District Court Judge, the Purchaser 'shall pay down to the Vi dor's Solicitor on the day of sale 10% % of the pur- chase money and shall pay. the balance of the purchase money into Court without, interest. within thirty (30) days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of closing. The Purchaser shall search the title at his own expense. In -all other respects the conditions of sale are the standing conditions of sale of the Court as modified by the, conditions of sale settled by the undersigned. On the premises is said to be erected a, six roomed, one storey frame single family dwelling with a cement foundation and an at- tached garage. ._Further particulars and condi- tions of sale may be had from the _| Sheriff's Office : an-the Court "House: tl at Haileybury.. ; DATED at Haileybury ats "21th day of September, A.D. 1960. J. B. Robinson, ' District Court Judge, Temiskaming ~ fa te ir ee oe 30,31 Classified Ads of obligation. show place in Haileybury. is |. TEL. OS 2-3568 Selecting a memorial is often | is with. our free illustrated booklet.. @ We would be pleased to make an camciraee with you. , Our. advice 'and assistance is free and places -you under' no- e Display of finish granite memorials may be seen at our. |: OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY LEWIS J. B. SIMARD 1 - « HAILEYBURY, ONT. 374 MARCELLA 'Northern Ont. Rep. for J. D. Ambroise Monuments-Ltd. deep concern. Let us assist you BOX 194 tt Ss pS |... Vandalism-- Vandals caused damage in 'the \New Liskeard Public School during "Monday night that amounted to hundreds of dellars. Breaking into the school they 'smashed the glass panel in_ every door léading . to. class- <- .rooms. They then used an iron --erowbar taken. from: the _boil- er room to force open each teacher's 'desk. mostly money collected from the students towards the school liability insurance plan. The 700 students were told to wait outside the school checked the _ building, someone spread the story flat there would be no school Tues- day. As a result the teachers fac- ed almost empty classrooms for several hours, before the children could be rounded up. - -- Haileybury personals Mrs. H. A. Doran and her moth- er, Mrs. K. Martin, left Tuesday for a'holiday in Toronto. Mrs. J. Doran of South Porcu- pine is a guest at the home 'of her son, Hubert Doran and Mrs. Dor- an. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bellin of Kenmore,.New York, have return- ed to their home after visiting with Mrs. Bellin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thuerck. | Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Speicher were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clayton of Dorset, Muskoka. Mrs. Jean White of Timmins was a guest last week at the home of Mrs. Hazel' Blackman. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie St. Louis motored last week to Guelph with their daughter, Lynn, who has en- rolled at MacDonald College for a four-year course in Home. Econ- omics. Mr. R. Benner, Consulting Geo- logist, will be the guest speaker at the September meeting of the Co- balt Branch of the Canadian In- stitute of Mining and Metallurgy in the Legion Hal, Haileybury, on Friday evening, September 30, at eight o'clock. His topic will-be "A New Look at the Cobalt Area". Mrs. J..A. Stables, who with her daughter-Irene, has spent the sum- mer with her brother, Mr. Sid Graham, will bé returing to her | will' be accompanied' by Mr.. Gra- -months with her. | acd | - Infant Dies Pauline Tessier, infant - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- ger Tessier, New Liskeard, » died last Friday ima tragic ac- cident in her Jaffrey St. home. The little girl was playing around a bunk bed. .which she shares 'with her twin brother Paul, and it is: believed: that > caught her head between 'a | Yung. and. a small table. » The child was discovered by 'her mother, Mrs. Clemente Tessier who went: to the bed- made by the falling ladder. Dr. A. C. Farlinger rushed to - there was no help possible for _ capacity of coroner, Dr. Far- 4 inapesy ~ Fresh Fruit ; On September 27, Charles Eplett wandered into the print- ing plant with: a nice big leaf of rhubarb wrapped around a . handful of strawberries, 'rasp- "berries and wild plums he had picked in one of the local gar- ' dens. | > It looks as though the -Niag- / ara' fruit belt has moved up to the 48th parallel. They stole about $300 in cash, =*}5 while Corporal Ted Dunnett . } and \-\y-e-organized teams "for '.annual outing. home in Torento -this. week: She' ham, -who will spend the winter || she pulled the ladder over and -- room' to investigate the noise " - the, scene of the accident, but. the. little- child. In his: official | ie linger said there 'would: be no |}. OPhirsday *Septeibex YF2 1960 SI STS RET CaS SP : & By. DIANE. ROBERT t Two weeks have gone by sincé the opening of Saint .Mary's Aca- demy. Gradually all new pupils are getting accustomed to the rules of the Academyand everyone admits that the twoe--weeks of labour have just fled. Last Suridasy all new_ students were initia fed; and entertained by former pupils" Games and tricks were played and all those chosen were brave. 'enotigh 'to' face the trial. In retin the mew pupils will show their; Saabir-tolze Sunday the 25th. bs Sister Mad@leine-8@Rosaire has basketball and volleyball' In volféyball Grade IX girls have defeated Grade & girls Saturday. They are now pre- paring to meet Grade IX pupils' from Holy Cross"School. Tennis; badminton. and shuffle board can also be enjoyed by the students if the weather permits. If I may judge by the number and abilitiy of our sportsmen, this year will prove to be "'a year Of! sports"' Even if the weatherman seems to be against. us, we still hope to have favourable weather for our The French association, the A, J. F. QO, -has been, active since the beginning of the year. A meet- president, Diane Robert, welcomed all new members from Grades ing was held on*Sunday and the, |itoba now accounts for eleven, twelve;-and 'thirteen. Each| twice the value of that provincé's and every member agrees to con-| agricultural output. "The Halléyburian -- Events at the Acadetny tinue the great works Hegun by former pupils. Briefly, the Academy possesses everything to favour* morph «de tellectual; and physical™ gfowth- New Members For Art Group COBALT -- Seven members 'of the Cobalt Art Group saw interest- ing films at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don McGugan on Wednesday, September 21. The first film entitled Canadian Landscapes, followed the artist A. Y. Jackson through Northern On- tario and Quebec. The following five films were on clay work and pottery showing the vivid ables of the glazed pottery. The Art Club wil be meeting' as usual in their room in -thei'Inch building commencing October 5 at 7 p.m. All interested in any form of Art are invited to these meetings: and it_is the hope of the Club that many people will come out to their ~|meetings, visit with them and per- haps become a member..of« thei group. In net value of production 'the manufacturing industry in* Man+ more than Phone OS 2-5202 Haileybury ' =a - -- ae REPAIR: } yy % 7 f Ate 7 3 A NS BEN J. BOURGET General Contractor and Estimator Houses Built aw Repairs and Alterations Boats Made or Repaired 2:00 6:30. = "4:30 RED CROSS BLOOD DONORS CLINIC CURLING CLUB, HAILEYBURY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AFTERNOON» 9:00 EVENING Sponsored by various local organizations If = 4 P Tn fy 4 aoa 4 4 # i4 ? 'cals - Hil sity sh i toy Curling Club Lounge URDAY, OCT. 1 5 eg 2 8:95 pom GO! on 50 nut "DOOR PRIZE $300.00 BLACKOUT mbers.0 nly, otherwise $25.00 will be paid. Admission: 50c for 20 Games: Additional Cards 25c EVERYBODY WELCOME. Chartered bus provided by Curling Club, leaving Cobalt at 7:30 p.m., North Cobalt at 7:40 p.m. and returning direct from Curling Rink at 10: 330. | ~"COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB. PL oe NLT OMNI SED SIs