The Haileyburian Thursday, October 6, 1960 4 iy... Popular > before and, durin in , the. faithful, g election day. but there wasn't enough of them. Dee Ames, CCF party stalwart took off his coat and worked Two of his workers are busy with phone and phone book gathering hard. for his party cause ~~ Northern Cancer Society 4 Forms New Regional Unit literature. Two educational films have now been purchased by the local Cancer Society. These films are available to any groups and may be obtained by contacting Mrs. S. Cawley, MI_7-5173. The election of officers for the coming year. resulted: in. the-fol- .. Lorne Woods, President of the ?ri-Town Unit -of the Canadian (Cancer Society opened the annual ¥ne eting. of. the organization with en explanation of the recent or- fanization of units of the Society ant » divisions in the province. This denit now belongs to the northern fav ision which extends from the] Jowing executive: « jri-Town , area north to Hearst, President?. Lorne "Woods: first gach division sends a representa- videspresident: Mrs. Aj Bonds -sec- dye. fo the Ontario Board of the ond vice-president, 'Cy Bazinet; francer Sociey. which, mepts (37 treasurer, Lowery Taylor; secre- Toronto. tary, Mrs. Peggy Ackroyd; chair- , Lewery Taylor, treasurer, re-|man, Women's Services, Mrs. G. Downie, co-chairman, Mrs. Pear] Knox; chairman ~Education and Publicity, Eric CampSall; co-chair- men, Mrs. Betty Cawley and Mrs. Phyllis Aicorn;- campaign chair- man, Pat - Bolger;~-co-chairman, Mrs. 'Morrisette: : ported that. the response to the Sane campaign for funds had 'een 'very generous. Our objective 6f $4,000 was. reached. Twenty-five per cent of the money raised. is gpent.locally.. The, Red Door and ¢ducational..endeavour, and the fnaintenance. of jiodges .for out- patients receiving treatment ac- ¢gunt for another 25 per cent of he money raised,.The remaining $6 per cent..of ayailable funds is Spent on research, Mrs. G. Downie, chairman of Vomen's ! Services,| veported. that daa the past year 15. patients were aided' with transportation to {treatment centres: Drugs were &6upplied, by the unit, for nine pa- Eats, 1,509 dressings: were made and distributed. Mrs, Downie then led a short discussion 0n ways and means of 'offering advice, help, and encouragement to patients in this area. Eric Campsall Leader's Praise. The results in Simcoe Centre and Temiskaming are very en- couraging and pleasing, I congratulate Arthur Evans, the winner in Simcoe Centre, and Phillip Hoffman, the win- ner in Temiskaming. I commend them beth on their very fine campaigns, and also their faithful workers who, throughout the iength and breadth of these Ridings, made possible these fine victories. The results are a very grati- fying endorsement of the Gov- ernment's record and policies and are an encouragement to go ahead with our far-reaching plans and programme for fu- - ture expansion and develop- ment, gave his report on, Education and Publicity. In duly, Miss McNaughton brought the Little Red Door to the Tri-Town g@réa. Fifteen major industries were visited and bulletin boards end informafion racks set up. A Dobth was set up at the Fall Fair egain this year to distribute free Leslie M. Frest SOLEIL REESE PERLE PPP EMPIRE DRIVE-IN | ~< Last Showing Tonight | "PIELOW TALK" -~ Adult ~ me | COMME. NEXT SPRING" °°] 2) gaa ule nig ; "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" Fri. & Sat. Oct. 7-8 Bob Hope, Ritonda Fleming "DINOSAURUS" = plus - _'... "FOUR: FAST GUNS" Sos . James Craig, Martha Vickers, oes Edgar: Buchanan Midnight Sun., Mon. "Oct. 9-10 "THE KETTLES IN Tee OZARKS": M. Main, "Arthur. Hosiicuet : "SHOWDOWN ae ABELINE" "Mon,, Tus., Wed. Oct. 10-11-12 "BABETTE GOES TO WAR" : Brigitte Bardot -- "BORN YESTERDAY" ee Holliday, Wm: Holden, "Broderick Crawford _ Your Indoor and Outdoor Movie Entertainment Guide. SO OCC CCC ui men ox Ss wr ~ RADDA pgp aaa Ore { Mobile Unif (Continued From Page One) are no visible wires or the interior of the unit, as all wir- ing and-cabling has been install- ed beneath the floor. Six wet cell batteries, in the self contained unit assure an even supply of power to the dial equipment, and in the event of a power failure, will sus- tain sérvice for at least 24 hours. The mobile unit is electrically heated by two wall units and is thermostatically controlled for even temperature. This 7100 pound unit has Deen designed primarily to give tele- phone service in areas where it is not practicable to erect a per- manent. building. The initial installation of this unit will be at the Ontario Hydro Project and; Colony site at Little]; Long Rapids, where for the next six years the Hydro will be -en- gaged on a major construction pro- gram. Little Long Rapids, situated approximately. 40 miles north - of Kapuskasing, Ontario, oh the Mat- tagami River, will be the head- quarters for 'the construction of three generating stations; -- Little Long Rapids due for completion in 1963, Upper Long Rapids due for completion in 1963 and Lower Long Rapids due for completion in 1966. One of the otaer possible uses for a unit of this type, is that in the event of a major breakdown in dial exchange possibly due to fire, the mobile unit could be dis- patched to the scene very quickly and within a very short time pro- vide telephone service for vital emergency services. Bazaar Held at North Cobalt NORTH COBALT -- The North Cobalt Catholic Ladies Association held a beautifully arranged Bazaar on September 27, 28 in the Parish Hall. Winners in the Penny Sale were Mrs. Mark Watters, Oakville; Mrs. Cyrille Jacques, Margaret --- Coe, Mrs. Ed. Rochon, Miss Jeanne Cyr, Riel Plouffe, Mrs. P. Brunet, Mrs. R. St. Cyr, Jr., Mrs. Irine Desmar- ais, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Philipps, Mrs. Louis Fleury, Richard. Presse, Mrs. Art Paquette, Jchnny Palmer, Mrs. Alex 'Coe, North Cobalt; Mrs. W. Simpson, Hull; Mrs. Germaine Caron, M. Beatty, Haileybury; Darlene Ladouceur, Elliot Lake; Mrs. Cunningham, Cobalt; and Mrs: Frank Perriault, New Lis- keard. Special Penny Sale draw of a Camera Outfit was won by Joe Freeman of Stittsville. 'The members of the Association express their appreciation to all those who attended and to all that made their bazaar such a success. Classified Ads Bring Resulis cables- in|} H. Bordeleau,. Mrs. R.|| STRAND THEATRE Haileybury Hailevbury phone OSborne 2-3533 a' THURS., FRI. & SAT. - OCTOBER 6-7-8 GEGIEI MASSES OF THE FAITHFUL CRUCIFIED ON THE FLAMING HILiS G7SS THE DECADENT SPLENDOR OF THE ROMAN ORGIES. E{3S THE WILD CHARIOT RACE OF THE ROMAN DESTROYERS E423 THE NOBLE CAPTIVE BEAUTIES SOLD Uae <THE Ms BLOCK a rm CANAL ~ JORGE MSTRAL. MARISA ALLASID-; IDR E COUR SECOND FEATURE fab Ma tidkay Omer "ONE FOOTIN HELL 2. CO-STARRING RECTED BY Dol ORES. Mi ICHAELS/ PARRY COE /sroner soem /ames 8 cosnw _ AARON SPELLING. é 5 YONEY VBOEHW HinenraScoPE COLOR by DELUXE PLAYING SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY! OCTOBER 9 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT UNSPEAKABLE - HORROR es PLUS SECOND THRILLER! A HORROR BEYOND BELIEF! ~ TERROR BEYOND COMPARE! NASSOUR STUDIOS, INC. Presents cuy MADISON. weDiNe MEDINA in «tHe BEAST or HOLLOW MOUNTAIN": oa) 4 95 H COLOR by DELUXE a SEES SREY, h Released thru > . UNITED ARTISTS MON., TUES. & WED. OCTOBER 10-11-12 MATINEE MONDAY AT 1:45 P.M. Doors Open at 1:15 p.m. -One of the timeless love stories from the pages of the Bible "THE STORY OF RUTH" TECHNICOLOR & CINEMASCOPE Elana Eden, Peggy Wood, Stuart Whitman, Tom Tyron, Viveca Lindfors, Jeff Morrow PLUS SECOND BIG HIT! IAN TERRY- THOMAS PETER MSTRIKING" COMEDY success GUEST STARS RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH MARGARET RUTHERFORD WITH IRENE HANDL «+ LIZ FRASER » MILES MALLESON A LION INTERNATIONAL FILM RELEASED BY RANK FILIA DISTRIBUTORS OF CANADA LTD. PATRONS PLEASE NOTE: Due to the length of this pro- gram there will be one complete showing only nightly DOORS OPEN AT 7 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. Program scheduled as follows: 7:30 THE STORY OF RUTH 9:40 INTERMISSION 9:45 I'M ALL RIGHT JACK (Finish at 11:30 p.m.) 5)| ee