Early trapping days in the district were enacted for the Speaker by direct descendants of Snowly Owl and Tecumseh who trapped. the area. Hudson's Bay. Flintlock is dusting a portion. of black powder into to stalk the winter's meat supply. And Conrad the Moose casts a benevolent shadow over the whole Harold "Snowshoe" Uttley Thursday, December 8, 1960 Se and Ken "Flintlock" Murphy, for the Company of Gentleman Adventurers trading out of the ancient muzzle. loader; as. sealskin-clad Snowshoe gets ready proceedings. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Boys C.C.M. skates, one pair size-10, one pair size 13, like new. $5.00 a pair. Mrs. A. L. Barry, OS 2-5281. 40 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE -- In Haileybury, house 'on Blackwall St. Phone 4515, Co- balt. --- 2Att FOR SALE or EXCHANGE -- In Harris Township, R.R. 3, four miles from New Liskeard, one 40 acre and-one 80 acre farm with stock and implements. Would exchange for large apartment house in Hail- éybury. For further information call MI 7-5826. - 38th) TO RENT 'TO RENT -- In Haileybury, heat- édthree-roomed apartment, three- _ piece bath, MI 7-6569 or OS 2- 3637. é 40 HELP WANTED - FEMALE WANTED -- Girl wanted for mother's help. Mrs. J.. H. Murphy, _ 610 Lake Shore Road, Haileybury, ' phone OS..2-3289. yf - tf "EMPLOYMENT WANTED | WANTED -- English qualified Public School' teacher available for ' private: tuition or coaching. OS. 2- 3503 evenings, 39,40p Diamond At Ridea - OTTAWA--The best lady curlers from across Canada' will be com- peting in the Dominion Diamond' "--" Championships, which will be held here' February 27 to March 3 at the Rideau Curling Club. The event will mark the first time that representatives from HELP WANTED -- MALE WANTED -- 18 - 24: years old -- must be ambitious and free to travel, no lay off. No experience necessary, we traim you: Travel all Canada. Transportation= paid. Ex-| }penses while training.. Salary plus }eommission. after short-' training) will: attend a special 'church ser- period. Write box 282 Speaker Of- fice, giving address, phone No., schooling, last employment record, etc. , 40° CARD OF THANKS Dr. W. C. Arnold wishes to thank the electors of Haileybury for their generous support in the re cent election. 40 MISCELLANEOUS If you wish to have your. piano tuned or repaired by Leonara Morin, Call Home Outfitters: New| Liskeard, Phone MI 7-5622. Leon- 'ard Morin is bi-lingual and has fourteen years experience-in piano, 'epairing and tuning. 3itt re-elected me to the past 14 years. 'I wish is thank all those who voted for me and Education. I will continue to serve you all to. the best of my ability as I have done for the: Hubert Doran Haileybury Board of -|anr., an-official opening ceremony | will be made at a victory banquet 'ito be held by Dominion Stores on D 'spiel u Club avery, province have competed for a. national ladies' curling»-cham- pionship. Dominion Stores Limited will sponsor the competitions, which will be held under the aus- pices. of. the- Canadian Ladies' Curling Association. The competitors: will be the win- ning rinks of ten provincial Do- minion Silver "D" competitions, all scheduled to be held during 'the early part of February. Dominion Diamond "D" partici- pants will arrive in Ottawa on Sun- day, February 26. Headquarters for the championships willbe the Lord. Elgin Hotel. - Practice games will be held that day and in the evening the curlers vice. This will k2 followed by a coffee hour and press briefing ses- sion at the Lord Elgin Hotel. The following morning at 10 will: be held. at the -Rideau: Club. Taking part wit be representatives of government, the CLCA and Do- minion Stores Limited. RCAF' pip- ers from. nearby Rockcliffe Air Statiom will add colour and. pag- eantry to the occasion. The Dominion Diamond "D" will follow the straight round-robin system, Each rink will playa ser- fies: of nine 10-end games. im. the competition. ' The annual meeting, of the CLCA will be held Wednesday morning, March 1, Later the:same day, the [tawa district lady curlersnat a tea at: the Glebe Curling: Club: : "Presentation of. the. Dominion Diamond "D" trophy and brooches March 3. at: the Chateau Laurier Hotel. The brooches: are: fashioned after. the famous "D'" from, the. Dorninion 'Stores symbol: +. - National, winners. are award Dominion Diamond "'D" pims, run- ners-up _ receive Dominion. . Golt "D" pins, while the provincial Ltitlists are presented: with. Domin- ion Silver "D" pins. ; _ Mrs; Hazel Watt, of: Porth. Ar- thur, president of the CLCA,. is chairman of the committee arrang- ling the Dominion Diamond Ot 3 i) of Ottawa, president of the Eastern Ontario. Ladies' Curling- Associa- lond vice-chairman is Mrs: R: H:! curlers will be the guests of Ot-}| championships. Mrs. F. S. Browne; |) 'tion, is vice-chairman. and: the: sec- ||} Classified Ads Bring Results The Haileyburian Page 5 Dignified Wedding Goal of Churches "Here comes the bride", played at chuech weddings; will seventu- ally be banished to Hollywood, an editorial in the current issue of The United Church Observer says. "Weddings have always.=been cluttered with secular musi¢ and vulgar display", the editorial. says, but declares, "they are improv- ing." < Young Christians; the church pa- per says, are anxious to have dig- nified church weddings. Ministers are becoming more sensitive to what is right for such oeeasions. Funerals used to be marred by tasteless eulogies and sentimental preaching, The Observer contends. "Weddings and funerals are oc- casions for praise, thanksgiving and intercession and comforting lone another in the Christiafi faith", the church. paper reminds. Pointing out that for many, fun- erals and weddings are the only time some heads are bowed in common prayer or ears tuned to the word of God, The Observer claims that such services; if prop- erly conducted, 'may be a means of grace to the converted and a time of evangelism to: the. non- Christian."' The Observer says that some funerals. are. so quick, cold and formal, "you can't help wonder if the minister thinks that the most important thing is to co-op- enate with the funeral director. so he can get as many funerals in during one afternoon as possible, It is several years ince India became a fully independent state, Hut chose to remain a member of the British Commonwealth. It was deelared an empire in itself in 1877 and Disraeli was responsible for gaining Queen Victoria's other title of Empress of India. SPP vo ee" "0° 0°wEqQD U0 55 7X ° vn 730k oul' wy Julia M. NW Wg o!™>7n Ww % Z My sincere thanks to all those who elected me Z tothe Haileybury Board of Education. Z Robinson SOHN yi 1 "°° = l/l T SA) ¢ Haileybury Figure Skating Club Annual General Meeting - Kw -- HAILEYBURY HOTEL 8 p.m. _ suesoa oc. ¥ ia 4 | ( oy - my: part. good for the: most people." I wish to thank all those who showed their confidence: in me at the polls December Sth. In-allemy. dealings:in councit | have acted: in what li. thought, the best» interest af the town. that my job was: to see that all got a square deal re- _ gardless. of race or religion, whether rich or poor and '. without considering the losing: or getting of votes on i. Now that'! have been given another term in office | pledge that | wil. carry om in the same impartial manner; always:.taking into: consideration "the most ------ NKS -- | have. felt ------______-- eee oer Arthur H. Cooke ee a