The Hailleybpnan mayo! Bare ay December es, Fao = 4 | "THE NAVY'S JUBICEE YEAR The Royal Canadian. Navy celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1960, and by a happy coincidence, the jubilee came when the Navy's strength in ships and men ° was at a peacetime peak. Above are some scenes from the Navy's year: is seen as she leaves Esquimalt harbour to take part in sea exercises. Top centre: Governor General George Vanier cuts a huge anniversary cake while Vice- Admiral H. S. Rayner, Chief of the Naval Staff, looks on. Top right: Marching columns of naval men proudly displayed their smartness and precision in jubilee ceremonies and parades. Centre: A special salute to the RCN is formed on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Bonaventure by some 400 members of her ship's company. Bottom left: Bottom right: Ships of the Atlantic Command staged an impressive sail past in Halifax harbour during the 50th anniversary observances on the East coast. USS Burrfish, U.S. Navy submarine, is now refitting at Philadelphia prior to being transferred on loan to the RCN next spring. Slated for training duties in the Pacific Command, she will be renamed HMCS Grilse. Top left: A St. Laurent class destroyer escort of the Second Canadian Escort Squadron 4 Plum Duff By R. R. Cunningham At this season of giving, we are reminded of an old saying: 'It is not the shilling I give you that counts, but the warmth that it carries with it from my hand." * * And talking about giving, the way we figger, the best way to _keep friends is never to give them away. * * A father was telling us that the shortest night of the year is Christmas Eve from sundown to son-up, * * Right after Christmas When Santa has beat it, Comes the bills When funds are depleted. * * Talking about Santa Claus, there was a time when he was known as St. Nicholas... In many countries good children receive holiday gifts from the saint on this day. And he is not only the patron of children and giver of gifts -- but the saint of mariners, scholars and pawn- brokers. Now how did pawnbrok- ers, of all people, get into this? There are many legends about St. Nicholas. Once for three nights in a row he threw a bag of gold through the open window of a "poor man who was desperately considering selling his daughters. Over the years the three bags of gold became the pawnbrokers' sign of three golden balls. * * . _ Of course, about now you have SSS TET you go anywhere. And that doesn't do around Christmastime. - * At this time of year you hear much of-the word "goodwill'. We happened to think that goodwill is priced on most financial balance sheets at $1.00. Odd, for such a priceless item! * * © We'll drink and eat aplenty, Our money will all be spent, We'll likely forget the very thing For which Christmas was really meant, * * ' If you don't like January weath- er in the north, then go south; if you don't like July weather in the south, go north; if you do like the weather anytime, any place, then you're still full of the Christmas: spirit. * * We'll soon know if the rockets from Cape Canaveral have knock- ed Santa Claus out of orbit. * = We shouldn't remind you that Christmas is when your "take-out order" shifts from the restaurant to the bank. * * Ah, this merry season When peace and goodwill should abide; But I've wrapped so many presents That I, too, am fit to be tied. * * At times when we are doubtful that the Christmas spirit is car- ried into the other 364 days of the discovered a budget is a plan to pay-as-you-go, but it doesn't let year we like to recall the story I could tell from the bus driv- er's greeting when the blind wo- man got on that she must be a frequent passenger. She sat down directly behind -him and they chat- ted as he drove. When we reached the woman's stop the driver got out and escorted her across 'the heavilly travelled street. He was chuckling as he returned to his seat and I noticed the woman still standing where he had left her. "She won't go on until she knows I got back safely," he explained. Then, with a honk of his horn, he drove away. The woman turned and walked toward her home. * * I'm dreaming of a white Christmas And not the 'kind you think. It's a white refrigerator ~ And a white new kitchen sink. * * Is there a note of desperation in Christmas advertising this year on the part of advertising salesmen trying to say dig, dig, and give, give, give, in a new and palatable "!way? We have to admire the "blurb-happy" admen for their ex- uberance but we often wonder when they will reach the bottom of the barrel for superlatives. We are reminded of the mosqui- to. He would enjoy meals if he saved the buzzing until after the biting. But, it would seem as though civilization has always had "ad- men" to give the low-down on the current way-of-life. And, whether we admit it or not, we like having them around. Anyway -they're get- ting better and better all the time, because no current advertisement could top this, which appeared in a Magazine in 1898: Though love grow cold Do not despair -- of a bus driver: There's Ypsilanti Underwear. Latchford Elects Woman Mayor For the first time in its 42 year history as an incorporated town, Latchford elected a woman as Mayor on Monday last, when Miss Irene E. O'Shaughnessy, who also established the record of the first woman councillor last year, de- feated the Mayor of the last sev- eral years, Arthur J. Burns. Miss O'Shaughnessy polled 101 votes to 48 for Mayor Burns. In the race for the three Public School Board -seats, Mrs. Ralph: Switzer and Arthur A. Wright tied for first place with 67 votes while Leo Rabillard 'took the third seat with 60° votes. Jack Healey was. a close runner-up with 51 votes, For Hydro atari D. S, Macdonald, long-time member of the commission 'successfully de- fended his position with 96. votes to 51 votes polled by Edward Gar- reau. Unique Decoration Christmas isn't exactly the season for moth balls, but they can be used to make a unique Yuletide decoration. 4 Use modeling clay to anchor a tall red or green-candle in an apothecary jar. Put-in.a handful' of moth balls and then a quarter cup of vinegar -plus a teaspoon. of ||. soda for every glass of water needed to fill the jar. ; The results may. surprise you. The moth balls will-dance mer- rily around the candle for an hour or so. When they stop, anoth2r dash of vinegar and soda will tart a SPCA A membership drive for the Temiskaming District Society_ for the Prevention of Cruelty _ to Animals will be launched early in the New Year. Executive members of the: Society hope to have at least 680 members as a result of the and long range plans are for establishment of sufficient branches te warrant the hiring of a resident inspec- 1961 drive, tor. Officers of the Society are President, Mrs. S. Allan; sec- retary, Mrs. S. Tugwell and -di- rectors, Mrs' Eleanor Duncan, . Mrs. R. Hutchinson and Mrs, Kathleen Bending. Presently the Society. oper-. ates directly under the Ontario. Society, but, with an- increase" in membership. may cag for its own charter. L them dancing again. New Mouldings to. choose from @ -Temisk Co? Ltd. NEW LISKEARD ¥