ee ee eee ao ao aes derman, has been waging a re- Jentless war against flies since "0955, _ requested him to send-a.$2 cheque Page 2 The Haileyburian Thursday, February 16, 1961 Published Temiskaming Printing Co. New Liskeard, Ont. Ltd. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. wssued every Thursday, from The Haileyburian Office, Broad- way Street, Haileybury, Ontario. Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office, Department, Ottawa. In Canada -- $2.50 per year in advance. year in advance. In United States -- $3.50 per | [See by THE PAPERS | LOS ANGELES -- East-bound rush hour trolley traffic on a busy boulevard was tied up for 30 min- utes when an irate passenger stag- ed a sitdown strike because the motorman refused to honor her transfer. Nine eastbound streetcars lined up in the jam. The honking horns of stalled motorists added to the din of clanging trolly bells. The motormap told the woman her transfer had expired. Besides, he said, it was for westbound travel. She flouneed into a refused to budge. ~ The Metropolitan Transit Author- ity supervisors roared up in an emergency auto and pleaded with the woman to (A) get off or (B) sign an official disagreement form, She said (A) "no", and (B) '"'no", ~ seat and again. Finally the supervisors. eapitu- | lated. They honored her transfer and departed, shaking their heads. The motorman clanged his bell twice and the trolley began to | move. So did eight others, and about 50,000,000 autos--at least. ,OTTAWA . --. Discovery of dia- monds in Siberia appears to indi- cate the presence of diamonds in Canada's northland, a prominent geologist said. Dr. James M. Harrison, director of the geological survey of Canada who recently returned from an 11- day visit to Moscow and Lennin- grad, said "the general character of the rocks in some nothern paris of Canada is similar to those in Sideria," Dr. Harrison said. ""m sure that a try for diamonds will be made in this country, too." BRANTFORD, Ontario -- Tom 3rown, 88, a former Brantford al- He estimates that to date he has caught almost 4,000,000 of the pests and figures he kills more in a single day than the average wife does in a lifetime. Mr. Brown reports periodically to the Brant County Health Unit and has been commended by Dr. Murray Fraser, medical officer of health, for his "contribution to pub- lic health." Explaining his battle against flies, Mr. Brown said: "World scientists are greatly alarmed at the ever-increasing numbers of these disease-carrying pests. Six years ago I started a erusade. I aim to do my part in getting rid of them."' He designed and built his own trap, using slices of liver covered with water as bait. When the jar is three-quarters full he drains the water and weighs the trap. Deduct- ing the originial weight of the trap, he is able to compute the number of flies he has caught, using the figure of 667 flies to the ounce. His best year was in 1959 when he accounted for 969,818 flies, DEEP RIVER -- Ron Buckley, 8, has resigned as dog catcher in this town 25 miles northwest of Pem- broke. : He said in a letter to council that his high school studies leave him "totally unable to cope with the job." : His salary was $5 a month, 'TROY, N.Y. -- Vernon J. Mc- Donald of Jay, Essex County, sent this answer when Troy police court as payment for a parking violation. * | , I wish to inform you that the present condition of my bank account makes it impossible. My shattered financial condition is due to federal laws, state laws, county laws, town laws, corporation laws, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and outlaws .. . I can tell you honestly that except for the miracle that happened I could not enclose this cheque. : "The -wolf that comes to my door just had pups in the kitchen. I sold them--here is the money."' Justice Thomas J. O'Connor wrote back: "Here's your cheque. Me, too, brother."' "MEDICINE HAT, Alta, -- The story of how Medicine Hat got its picturesque name concerns an old Indian legend. It is said that many years ago there was a great battle between the Crees and the Blackfeet on the bank of a river. ; The Crees fought valiantly until their medicine man deserted them. He lost his headdress stream as he fled to safety. The Crees, believing this to be a bad omen, put down their wea- pons and were massacred by the Blackfeet. : The site of the battle was cailed in mid-, "saamis,"' an Indian word mean- ing "medicine man's hat." Years later when the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and the Canadian Pacific Railway build- ers settled the area the Indian name was translated and shortened to Medecine Hat. WARSAW -- A provincial Polish town is in turmoil with local Communist aristocracy battling over the latest status symbol -- a white telephone. The Communist party organ Trybuna Ludu gave this account of the battle in the own identified only as "B"'. The director of communications received a shipment of 40 white telephones to be distributed in his area. But there were far more people who were deeply convinced that their positions and social rank en- titled them to the white "luxury"' | telephone. The town began to seethe. Téle- phone calls began .-. . the director was bombarded not only by the most important citizens, but what is worse, by their wives: The -pos- session of a white telephone hbe- eame.a matter of honor, ambition, prestige and importance. | The beleaguered director final- ly set up a special commission to decide on 'the allocation of the telephones and all but one were distributed. "The debate over its distribu- tion is: still going on," the paper said. Many important people, how- ever, did not get*the badge of im- portance. Trybuna Ludu said a number of disappointed -wives have threaten- ed their husbands with divorce and some dissatisfied local officials have carried the matter to influen- tial friends in ministries in War- saw. "The director is a shadow' of his former self," the paper added. "He avoids acquaintances. He has lost his appetite. He has night- mares in which he sees local aris- tocrats demanding telephones and threatening him with the most dire consegiences."" He was last seen leaving town "on an official trip'. GRAND RAPIDS, Man. -- Per- haps the most expensive ferry ride in Canada can be taken at this Saskatchewan River community. If you want your car transported over several hundred feet of water it costs you $5. To return you pay another $5. The high price is set to discour- age visitors to the site of a $150,- 000,000 Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board project, a government works department engineer explained. The ferry is operated by. Con- Bridge, the firm building a large bridge at the site 250 miles north of Winnipeg. The ferry is intended at for work purposes, not profit, and: the company regards the task of carrying tourists as a waste of time. 2, 5 ® eehe : guy : Spent PRoDucr' pel") CREATE JOBS | bem \ 2) 9, NORTHERN [--S__ APRS ONTARIO > H (pe dé rh a sort 8 1 -- \) / ans ~ / ain ee ee ny \. = Cy NY CAS sre oy = = aX << i oI 2 on Soe fo | "NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO DEVE! DPLIENT ASSOCIATION' illustrated booklet Orillia i] Haileybury, Ont. HOW TO GHOOSE YOUR FAMILY MONUMENT opy of Rock of Ages' new Bor your ieee PT How To Choose Your Family: Monument"' visit us today. AUTHORIZED DEALER | - Ont. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE T. G. TULLOCH em Phons OSborne 2-5218 ; aS . Bea BRADING man yourself -- /.. enjoy the mellow flavour of a quality ale! 7 s Yj ZL is dy Z a Uf. WME Che LOWOOWN x "tty, Z Mttapryyy pp ZZ CARLING'S BRADING 3 7 eoterreraremspsttiiyy Ls ty CHiUy,,g . LZ Whig. 4 "euS i s we MENON » AX YS \\\ OY SS Wi aus, oa