a Z ' WANT 2 ADE \Academy Events|North Cobalt -- vents Orchestra "FOR SALE ey pune sosset |Home and School | Once again, Saint Mary's Aca- Pla at St Ma s The January meeting of ine y 2 ry demy brings you a full report of | its past two week's activity. Board- ers and day pupils of Gundes 12 Hort cone. Home' and School aa =|. Come one, come all to the big and 13 gathered on Friday, Satur- ae ne was et ae ~ 1Clevent of the J.M.C. season as. they day and Sunday the 10th, 11th and| 5° ee Sy tapes ante hac, [present 'The Paul Kuentz--Cham- 12th for 'the annual retreat preach-|"" s ne tee the chair. |ber Orchestra" from Paris, on Feb- ed by Rev. Father Bellerose. These| Mrs. E. Othmer said the Home |ruary 27th at St. Mary's Academy. days of silence were given to us|224¢ School prayer, followed by| tn 1950 Paul Kuentz founded a as a special guidance program; |™¢™bers reading the Code of Eth-| chamber orchestra made up of 12 Grade 11 pupils had prepared a|*°*: Minutes of the last meeting|young instrumentalists, all First 'short program for the evening |W°?© read and approved, and the|pyize winners from the Paris Con- Sunday, in which they showed the|J"e#suter's. report was read. Roll! servatory. They gave thelr. first 'special calling of our predeces- call was taken with. 17. members| conceit in the Salle Gaveau, Paris, mane and three visitors present. in April 1951. Taking a leap in the world of|- The banner and check were won| The concert was a. great suc- sports, we see that basketball is |>y Principal C. Hawn for Grades|cecs and the orchestra went on really a favourite at Saint Mary's. | Vii and VI. Mrs. Lafoy resigned |+) perform regularly on the French |The Seniors'. playoff between 12A |25 Programme convener, and Mrs.|talevision and radio networks as and. 12B took place on Tuesday. | Dine! as lunch convener. Both res-|ey as in Paris concert halls. 12B valiantly fought their way to|'#ations were accepted' with: TE |= mnie group went on tour for the a score of 22 to 13, Both teams|@7et and Mrs. Labine thanked |'. asses Musicales de France and éfficiently. handled the ball oe for! the swondertul: Job) Weve youthfulness of the musicians throughéut the whole of the game.|T4- 4s See iee _ Pirie contributed largely to their suc- Credit must be given to our ref- en ee 'a ake rk ee cess among their young audiences. eree, Alice Cote. 12B will now play oar LS Se eet, At least a dozen recordings of the against the winning Junior team. * , uhtho convener will be chosen yan BASIN Pegg ree aes each month -- for February it will ae taxpugh your: J-M.C." Recor On Sunday the 18, a group of be Mrs. Birnie. a Coming Events pupils were received to the first b hour or contract and second degrees of the associa- Mr. Hawn gave a cinerea Paltaon Mi the increasing enrollment in the Dr. Arnold's office will be closed from February 17 to March 25. tion "Les Amies du Bon Langu- e school. Mrs. Lafoy introduced the | 51 age'. Grade 11~ pupils staged scenes of Corneille's French clas- guest speaker, Pastor H. G. Fisch- bacher of North Bay, who stated IMM NO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS sic, 'Le Cid". Congratulations to in his opening remarks, that with- our young amateurs! out an abundance of love and af- Holy Cross Parish Hall, Haileybury The Haileyburian Page 5 Playoff Schedule Following is a complete schedule of games, please note times, some start earlier than usual. Friday, February 24 8:30 p.m.--Toilers vs Cubs Sunday, February 26 7:30 p.m.--Cubs vs Toilers bs Tuesday, February 28 7:30 p.m.--Toilers vs Cubs Wednesday, March 1 7:30 p.m.--Cubs vs Toilers (If Necessary) Friday, March 3 8:30 p.m.--Toilers vs Cubs Sunday, March 5 7:30 p.m.--Cubs vs Toilers Tuesday, March 7 7:30 p.m.--Toilers vs Cubs FOR SALE -- 21" Console Rogers Majestic TV, - perfect condition, fess: than Ye price. Phone 4515, Co- palt. ~ 50tf ATTENTION "TRAPPERS -- The ' Ganadian Association for Humane . Trapping sells' Humane, Killer Traps. SAWYER Size 144, $1.20 _ each, $12.00 dozen. :WIL-KIL Size 114, $1.00 each, $10.00 dozen, BIG- _ ELOW Size 114-2, $1.40 each, $14.- ~ 00 dozen. Postpaid. No C.O.D. Write Canadian Association for Humane Trapping, 28 Summerhill ~ Gardens, Toronto 7, Ontario. -- ess 45-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE _ FOR SALE -- Four bedroom: brick home in -good condition. Phone OS 2-3058, Haileybury §: -47tf Ben Bourget General Carpentry TO RENT TO RENT -- Four room, heated, apartment in Haileybury. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 51tf TO RENT--In Haileybury, 3 room, heated apartment. Apply Apt. 9, Lake View Apts. OS 2-3637 or MI 7- 6569. 51 TO RENT -- Spacious apartment with two bedrooms. Available now. Also one small furnished apart- -ment, available March ist. Apply J. B. E. Proulx, 419 .Ferguson Ave., or phone OS 2-3128. 50t£ TO RENT Small apartment, j ' corner Ferguson Ave and Main Street. Available now. Phone OS 2- 8259. 49,50,51,52 TO RENT -- Heated apartment, downtown Haileybury, equipped The monthly A.J.F.O.'s meeting was held -on Sunday the 18th to|faction, your child cannot develop discuss of French literature,. ac-|into a happy, healthy and normal tualities. Special attention will be person. given to the correction of our| 4A child very definitely needs that French current language. The|security that comes from_ being president welcomed new members|wanted and loved, a need which is as compelling as the need for and expressed the wish that every- food. After citing several other one would co-operate to make the A.J.F.O. a lively association. studies made, Pastor Fischbacher Congratulations must also be ex-|concluded by 'saying that without tended to all music pupils who|any doubt love is the decisive fac- tor in the mental, physical, moral oe, QQ QO "lolol. have successfully passed their ex- AANA iat AEply OS 580: 'or atte: eee | child. ae ee SATURDAY FEBRUARY )5 h : erie child. f poe, Bhs dl Os a Mrs. Roland Messier and Mr.| Lunch was served by Mrs. Dine} Ly : : : . and Mrs. Paul Durocher visited|and her committee and a social 8:15 p.m. their daughters, Misses Lucienne Messier and Claire Durocher. -Mr. and Mrs. Valmore Leveille, WANTED -- Baby sitt r ailable. Mr. Gerald Leveille and Miss CASI ala Miia ere Denise Dessureault paid a visit to Phone OS 2-5377. 50,91 one OS 2-5: uP Eva Leveille. -=- WANTED Carpentry of all|- ¥ i oat eS : i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Filion and til ds; eae ad ae Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Bertrand petals, OOK UES sBYDTOe her. SOF of! Smooth Rock Falls motored to seat aaa org ad a Rivard, Haileybury to see their daughters Bh sitae at z 5 51,52,1,2p and Yvette Bertrand. ines Aline Poirier received the visit of her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ard Poirier of Kapuskasing. Mrs. Ernest Leduc and Mrs. Anett2 St. Jean of Holtyre spent Sunday with their daughters Diane and Denise. Miss Paula Beaudoin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beaudoin from North Bay, enjoyed a week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charette. : Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and son half hour enjoyed. February Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the North Cobalt Home iand School Association was held Tuesday, Feb- ruary 14th in the Public School Auditorium with the president, Mrs. D. Labine, in the chair. Mrs. L. Lafoy said the~Home and School | M prayer, followed by the members reading the Code of Ethics. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, and the Treas- urer's report was given and ap- proved. Roll call was taken with twenty members and five visitors pres- ent. The banmer and check were won by Principal C. Hawn for grades VII and VIII. It was approved to send a don- ation to Miss Muriel Rice on the oceasion of the Testimonial night to~be held in her honour. This donation was from members of the Home and School. Ths Association is holding a bake sale on Friday, March 10th sat Mrs. MacPherson's store. Mrs. Labine introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. M. Sutton, who gave a very interesting talk on what to expect of children entering and at- tending kindergarten. Mrs. Othmer thanked Mrs. Sutton for a very informative and appropriate dis- cussion. _ Lunch convener for March will be Mrs. Lafoy. DOOR PRIZE $390.00 Blackout in 58 numbers or less Otherwise $50 will be paid ADMISSION $1.00 50c FOR EXTRA No specials will be sold EMPLOYMENT WANTED | ATONE ae p WAAR AAAANHW BELIEVE! Cole's\ complete office ae $ 109:0 No, 275-TY Dr / Z Z LAW UEéewWWWth.WWWWW KS MISCELLANEOUS -- > NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS i In the Estate of : - LILLIAN. MAUD HIBBERT deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Lillian Maud _ Hibbert, late of the City of Vic- ; Rae ages oie ee Johnny from Sturgeon Falls visit- or about the 16th day of July, ed Joyce Bradley on Sunday. 1960, are hereby notified to send |, al ano bets the om day or Deadine Set For Festival March, 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have In just a little over six weeks, the Temiskaming Festival of Mu- sic will be in full swing. Officials connected with it are asking that notice. DATED this 6th day of February, entries be sent in as soon as pos- sible as the deadline is the middle 1961. of March, with Festival dates set Typewriter and all 4 THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY Executor, jy its Solicitor, © For the Student? Dalton Dean, Q.C., p : © For tho Salesman' z 4 as May third, fourth and fifth. C b it Haileybury, Ontario, Bees heieced tieaiorst dare | David 0 a © For the Plant Foreman *---- | Ouchterlony, already well-known © Ideal fee Mom or Dad TENDERS WANTED by competitors at previous Festi- af : \@ As a Recoptionist's Desk, TRUCK CHASSIS vals, and John Hodgins, both of a 1@S OW ing Tenders will be received by the! Toronto. _ Cole Portable, Professtonal +h B undersigned up to February 28,| Last year's entries almost reach-|Standings at February 16, 1961. YOU GET the nationally advertised P.O. Box 219. eres 50,51 will be ater remembered. Muriel Rice 5lp -- Jean Tresidder, 726; and High c i i +4 paper. * writers like Quentin Reynolds and K ghart ch Ba ioows, ee omens ae ce Mor a ye! ae 7 aoa yet fe ee artic san v7 Cole above all other portables only because Cole hos oll the (1) Conventional type (2) Cab|ger. Including individual entries, RG rnuitaniicit -¢ bees twit RS ia Senutet they, dsranpe ito. 7pewieny eee over engine type, 1-5 ton truck} groups and choruses, approximate-| 4. Cainettes ........+.+#++++4+. 78 chasis, 175 in. wheel base, oil bath |ly 1,500 persons took. part last year.| 5. Comets .......--+.--+++++++5 76 A beavitful two drawer, Cole Steo! desk. air cleaner, 2 speed rear axle, 12} Entry forms may be obtained] 6. '8' Wonders .........-...-.. 70 ¥ nae volt 121 ampheres hour battery,|from W. S. Carr, secretary, or| 7. Jens ........-.-++-seeeeeeees 68 A matching Cole Steel desk chair ,.. folds out of sight. -V-8 engine, 60 amp. alternator, re-|from Miss Gladys Dodge at the] 8. Legionettes ................ 66 Adramatic Desk Lamp, approved by Underwriters' Laborer circulating heater and defroster, |New Liskeard High School. OuiRieys ere rhe esa 63 Exclusive diffuser shade easy on the eyes, front shock absorbers, 5 snow and TOS Joly ER) eae. eee ee as 61 myd lug tires, 5 speed synchro-| Nihine Giclees Aon. 60 ORDER YOURS NOW!! mesh transmission, cast spoke NETS bis 2 ny oid oc Un DADO Om OTIDD 60 - wheels, dual electric windshield CARD OF THANKS),,' Lucky. Strike 7. 0.8046.0002. 57 TEMISKAMING PRINTING wipers. Above chassis to be used Tae iy drotiaes Pees Boe aa ae creme 45 ; A for mounting fire engine body. I woud like to express my sin-| High marking bowler for this COMPANY LIMITED. Lowest or any tender not neces- cere thanks and appreciation to|week was Jeannine Riley who took jarily accepted. my friends, the organizations,|both the High Single, 314, and the NEW LISKEARD ONTARIO Frank G. Haskett, schools, fellow-workers and all|High Triple, 706. Still high in this ts _ Clerk Treasurer, others, who, in any way, helped to | season's bowling are -- High Single Be sure to get your new Cole Steel furniture catalogue Town of Haileybury, |make my birthday party one that|-- Lil Robitaille, 318; High Triple : at the Speaker office. ' Average -- Ernestine Gabbani, 198