~~ { { ( { ) if ee ee ee i EE I a Ee See ee SBS ee ES. a ae Rate 8 The Government t Further progress with plans and 'the Regulations under new system of grants for the as- sistance. of development -of. the tourist industry in Ontario has been made, and the Department of Travel and Publicity is now in a position: to implement the grogram for the current year. The purpose of. the grants is, of course, to encourage and assist development in al phases of the tourist industry throughout Ontario by making grants available under certain fonditions to approved regional Sourist associations, when such are flormed and are in a position to jparticipate in the program. ! The grants, up to a maximum of 5,000.00 will be made on a match- ing contribution basis to provide unds for development and promo- ion: of tourist. attractions in ac- fcordance. with' recommendations by the proposed. regional tourist association and subject to the ap- fproval of the Minister. of Travel pnd Publicity. i : Peeordie to the proposed ar- ag outlined, NX ngements of regions already the area of orthern, and . Northwestern On- ario lying approximately north of line from Parry Sound to Pem- »roke will comprise ten tourist re- ions in-each of which it is hoped that-a regional tourist association will be formed. The regional asso- Ciation will be an autonomous body operating under the direction of a board of directors composed of one or two members from each of the active tourist associations, Chambers of Commerce or Munici- jal bodies within the particular re- gion. 'Subject to approval of their pro- posed program of expenditures by the Minister of Travel and Pub- licity each region should be in a position with the assistance of a $5,000.00 grant to have the sum of $10,000.00 available for a program of development and improvement a Haileyburian which the Thursday, June 8, 1961 Grants Assist In Tourist Promotion Region. It is hoped by the Depart- ment that in addition to such pro- jects as tourist information bur- eaus, area signs and promotion through Sportsmen's shows, the re- gional association will endeavour to develop and improve a number of natural and man-made tourist attractions which should, in addi- tion 'to providing a drawing card for the attraction of tourist visitors also be considered an asset to the area in which they are located. A series of meetings between officials of the Department of Travel and Publicity in the north and the directorates of the various tourist .associations are now tak- ing place and it is hoped with their co-operation and support it will be possible to arrange for the early formation of a regional tourist council in each of the regions con- cerned so that the program may |be initiated at an early date. This plan of assistance for development of the tourist industry on -a_ regional basis is one for which the need has been recog- nized for some time in order to fully integrate Ontario's system of promotion and development of its important tourist industry, Moose Killed By ONR Train ENGLEHART -- On Friday night at 11:00 p.m. a year old cow moose wandered on the O.N.R. tracks south of MHeaslip. The moose was instanly killed by the train. The train crew promptly ad- vised Lands and Forests person- nel of the incident, they quickly investigated and found the carcass unfit for human consumption and it was taken away and disposed of. This is thought to be one of sever- al moose which have been wander- ing around the outskirts of Engle- hart and which seemed to be quite of the Tourist Resources within the tame. Toilet with seat $35.00 1 X 3 FIR CASING See these and many more bargains at Wm. Pollock & Son Ltd. Stainless Steel Sink deck faucet, adjustable P or S trap Half Century (Continued from Page One) orary President; Mrs. E. J. Kerr, New Liskeard, President; Mrs. S. Maddock, New Liskeard, first vice- president; Mrs. A. Ferguson, Cochrane, second vice-president; Mrs. A. Houghton, Tomstown, third vice-president, Mrs. J. Rogers, Tomstown, Re- cording. Secretary; Mrs. A. Fer- guson, Corresponding secretary; Mrs. L. Gibbins, Englehart, Treas- urer. Mrs. J. Litster, Englehart, Sen- ior Groups Sec.; Mrs. G. Peterson, Timmins, Evening Groups Sec.; Mrs. T. A. A. Duke, Girl's Organ- izations and Press Sec.; Mrs. A. Houghton, Children's Sec.; Mrs. K. McBrayne, New Liskeard, Home Helpers. Literature, Mrs. §.. Elliott, Englehart; Mrs. R. Hornell, Kirk- land. Lake, Glad Tidings; Mrs. W. Messenger, Cochrane, Supply; Mrs. R. Hornell, Kirkland Lake; Life Membership; Historian, Mrs. J. R. Cousens, Englehart, and Of- Ireland. ficer without Portfolio, Mrs. M. S.| Miss Martine, Jansen van .Beek newly. appointed. Presbytery Dea- coness was welcomed by Rev. Karl English and. attended all sessions of the Rally. Following the benediction pro- nounced by the Rev. J. R. Cousens, the guests adjourned to the Sunday School room where the Tomstown W.M.S, ladies served refresh- ments. Latchford School Work has started on building the new separate school at Latchford. The school was des- troyed by fire last January, and pupils have been housed in the Holy Spirit Church, The new, two-roomed school will cost about $40,000, accord- ing to a school board official. One unusual feature is that it will. be heated electrically, with power bought from the Latchford Hydro Electric Com- mission. This is believed to be the first school in the north to be heated by electricity. Welcome Mat Out |For Enumerators The taking of the census is causing no ripple of resentment in the smooth life of this section of Temiskaming, according to a re- port from Foster Rice, area cen- sus commissioner. "The enumerators have been courteously received by all resi- dents," said Mr. Rice, "and ques- tions have been answered without reluctance." : "Tt told) the enumerators who were worrying about the reception, that people in this part of the north don't know how. to be rude," he confided, "and they now agree that I was right." "In fact the only question they have been asked so far is 'Is that EV ee" ; Mr. Rice said that residents of the area-are to be commended for the' manner in which they are helping the census takers complete their difficult job. "'It looks.as if we will have. the work completed sooner than anticipated," he said, Phone OS 2-3533 ISTRAND THEATRE Haileybury TODAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 8-9-10 DONALD SINDEN - BARBARA MURRAY CAROLE LESLEY « RONALD SHINER IT'S ALL ABOUT A VEXED, PERPLEXED and OVERSEXED ARMY. of AND THERE'S NOTHING BUT FUN ALL THE WAY! ay color by TECHNICOLOR COMPANION FEATURE "SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST" The New Adventures of Robin Hood! In Megascope and Eastman Color « RICHARD GREENE, PETER CUSHING, NIALL MACGINNIS $23.50 complete DRESS UP YOUR WALLS WITH 814¢ per ft. ENGLEHART LI. 4-2325 HAILEYBURY OS 2-3351 z ATE TT SAMMY DAVIS. You wouldn't call ita 'gang. Just Danny Ocean and his 11 pals: OCEANS 11 CO-STARRING RICHARD CONTE: CESAR ROMERO PATRICE WYMORE + JOEY BISHOP STARTS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AT 12:10 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY I, a AKIM TAMIROFF * HENRY SILVA ANGIE! [vest stars RED SKELTON GEORGE RAFT | wna ILXA CHASE * : DICKINSON } i TECHNICOLOR?® PANAVISION presen by WARNER BROS. "ALL THAT Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman JUNE 12 JUNE 12-13- Ley : COMPANION FEATURE HEAVEN ALLOWS" Color by Technicolor STARRING: