The Haileyburian Page 6 Cobalt Lions Club To Hold Charter Night COBALT -- President Bob Sopha presided over the regular dinner meeting of the Cobalt Lions Club held last Monday evening in the Legion Lounge. Four guests from the Temagami Lions Club attend- ed. International Counsellor Clif- Mission Circle Has June Meeting Mrs. C. McRoberts of New Lis- keard was hostess to the Pente- costal Mission Circle for their June meeting this week, when Mrs. Muriel Lowe was in charge of the devotional period. The chorus, "Trust in the Lord" was sung, fol- lowed by prayer led by Mrs. Fred Harman. Mrs. W: Graff gave a solo, *"'Some Day He'll Make It Plain". Scripture readings were given by Mrs. Arnold Olson, Mrs. Noble Hermiston, Mrs. John Alexander, Mrs. Vern Wark and Mrs. Stan Douglass. The topic for the evening was taken by Mrs. Floyd Harman, speaking on the fourth fruit of the Spirit, Longsuffering. She read Galations, Chapter five, verse 22, and mentioned the patience of Hannah and David and how patient the Lord is with us. After prayer requests, Mrs. Hermiston and Mrs. Bradley led in prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, dues and pennies collected. The ladies then worked on mottos, rolled band- ages, embroidered and finished a baby quilt At the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. J. Pearson, Mrs. N. Hermis- ton and Mrs. Arnold Olson served lunch to the seventeen members who were present. Gilles P. Proulx will receive the B.S. degree in mining engin- eering at Michigan Tech.. He was active in the Aquinas Club and in the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum En- gineers. Proulx is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Baptiste E. Proulx of Haileybury. He is married to the former Claudette P. Thibeault fo Cobalt and they have one daughter. He has accepted a po- sition as a mining engineer with the Climax Mining Company of Climax, Colorado. Thursday, June 15, 1961 ford Cox, Robert Roberts, Robert Klem, and Dave Morin. President Sopha presented the Cobalt club's gong and gavel to the visitors. Mr. Cox extended an invitation to the Cobalt members to attend the Charter Anniversary Night of the Temagami Lions Club being held on Tuesday, June 13. Denis Larabie reported a very successful season for the Minor Hockey. The Lions teams took the championship in the Pee Wees, Minor Bantam and Bantam divisions. He said that ap- proximately 160 to 170 youngsters took part in the league last sea- son. - A letter from District Governor Ralph Woronchuk was read advis- ing the winners in the regional con- tests. Temagami club won the Cecil Connelly trophy for Region 15; and South Poreupine club won the Stan Fowler trophy for Re- gion 20. Ernie Thibeault was requested to proceed with the erection of new Lions highway signs at the ap- proaches to the town. Three members undertook to ob- tain some suitable used clothing for a needy family. If anyone has any suitable clothing for either boys or girls they are asked to get in touch with Murray McKinnon. Approval was given to the Sight and Conservation committee for the purchase of two pairs of glasses for needy cases. Pat O'Shaughnessy reported on a fam- ily who were burnt out recently in Latchford and the club was agreeable to give some assistance after a further report from Mr. O'Shaughnessy. Vice-President Murray McKin- non gave an informative talk on his recent trip to the District 'A' Convention held in Kingston. The club decided to hold its Charter Anniversary party at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyce at Bass Lake on Saturday, June 24. This will take the place of the last regular meeting of the current term. Cobalt Bernard Tucker a former stu- dent of Cobalt High School, has graduated from Ottawa University in 'Medicine, one of two 'Cum Laude' graduates. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallman, Lynda and David were recent Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Page in Noranda. Mrs. Obe Robinson who has been visiting relatives in Timmins and Kirkland Lake, is visiting in- Co- balt with her niece, Mrs. Svekers and Mr. Svekers. Mr. and Mrs. N. Oreskaviteh of Timmins were Sunday visitors at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Haileybury Curling Club Lounge SATURDAY, JUNE 17 8:15 p.m. DOOR PRIZE $300.00 BLACKOUT on 57 numbers only, otherwise $25.00 will be paid. Admission: 50c for 20 Games EVERYBODY Additional Cards 25¢ WELCOME Chartered bus provided Cobalt at 7:30 p.m., North Cobalt at 7:40 p.m. and returning direct from Curling Rink at 10:30. by Curling Club, leaving COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB sponsored | f Stephen B. Bond, Jr. has earned the Bachelor of Science degree in mining engineering at. Michigan Tech. He is the son of- Mr. -and Mrs. Stephen B. Bond, Sr., Latch- ford St., Haileybury..He is mar- ried to the former June Richard of Cobalt and they have one son. While at Michigan Tech. he was active in the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Pe- troleum Engineers, a letter winner on the varsity ski team for three years, and on the Religion in Life council. He will return to Tech. to earn the B.S. degree in en- gineering administration, a one year post-graduate course. The Order of Good Cheer was organized in 1606 at Port Royal, Nova Scotia by Samuel de Champ- lain as an antidote for tedium for the explorers and colonizers who accompanied him. The 1961 CWNA convention, the 42nd in the association's history, will centre around Halifax's Nova Scotian Hotel and the program facing the delegates will be one of the most interesting and enter- taining ever attempted. The City of Halitax and the Nova Scotian government have co-oper- ated very closely with the conven- tion committee and the well-round- ed program which has been ar- ranged will be of general. interest to all attending the annual meet- ing. A highlight of tne convention will be the unveiling of a plaque in honor of Sir Joseph Howe in Pro- vince House, following a buffet din- ner at the same location. Presen- tation of membership certificates of the Order of Good Cheer will be made to all delegates present. During the convention presenta- tion will be made of the 1961 Bet- Editors to be Inducted | In Order of Good Cheer ter Newspapers Awards, given an- nually by CWNA for the best all- round paper, best editorial page and best front page in the various circulation groups. Presiding over the sessions will be CWNA President, Werden Leav- ens of the Bolton (Ont.) Enter- prise. Convention program chair- man is Frank Burns of the Kent- ville (N.S.-Advertiser). The only order of its kind in the world--which asks only that mem- bers have a good time--will short- ly welcome into its fold close to 400 new members who will pay no initiation fee, no dues and never have to meet formally. f The new members, delegates and their wives attending the annual convention of the Canadian Week- ly Newspapers Association in Hali- fax, from August 14 to 16--will be inducted into the Order of Good Cheer--one of the oldest social or ganizations on the North American continent. CLASSIFIED ADS... . .. BRING RESULTS Be a BRADING man yourself YY 5 ha MMO | Sw" RS Vddtyy Uf ff Yj y, yy Wy ya Gl CARLING'S BRADING Cle My ZZ Lh yy EEE Sie W1111iy MM tiryyyy, Yip, Wty, Z Y Z so MAMMNOw ws WY A A 7 __. Moos We fan fd fea