q > te Serblic Library Board was held in| New Liskeard Guides of the Sec- 'McGugan, one year; Mrs. K. Sax- a _ ) Haileyburian-Cobalt P ESTABLISHED 1904 a a a el Ng a ae a > Vol. 57 -- No. 17 Haileybury, Ontario, Thursday, June 29, 1961 Se GORY Guide Camp Ash Wene Hold Official Opening Camp Ash Wene was officially opened on Sunday afternoon by Area Commissioner Mrs. Alec David of Cochrane. Guides and Brownies from New Liskeard and Cobalt were formed in a horseshoe Drummond Works Sought for Librar |e LS Oe ceo > A meeting of the newly appointed | Break at two o'clock. ; Z : ond Company making up _ the the reading room of the library | Colour Party were Karen Kelly, last week with the following mem- | Gwen Cooper and Carol Ross. The bers -present: Mr. D. McGugan, | Guide and Brownie Promise were Mr. H. A. Todd. Mrs. E. Fleming, |repeated and the camp declared Mrs. K. Saxton, Mrs. R. Horan, |Officially open by Mrs. David. The Mrs. M. Othmer and Mr. w,/€ommissioner's first official duty | Fleming. lat the camp following the opening | A "Statement of Fact" was made |¥25 the presentation of the Divi- 5 ;sion Commissioner's warrant to 5 Rete ae ira eae cette a Charles Giovanelli of Cobalt. ee hi re y : ey saath AO Following the Guide Prayer Can- aon ame wou. SOCELOL be lon H. A. Sims addressed --the eons aoe ine Cobalt. Public Lib- | Guides, Brownies, parents and ore oo and SORT ES To! ME | friends in attendance. patra aa aCES: SUS. '| Visitors had an opportunity to Damiani, one year; Mrs. R. Horan, | : 8 ee Fac alae Mis M Othmer three | Ur the campsite during the after- | eae Ww. Flemin a CARERS |noon. Guides from New Liskeard | Brie A St. hy a Rah D jand Cobalt companies were kept| eee aie ots OVC OTS: '|busy selling hot dogs, hamburgers | Le iss 4....{and pop. The local Associations } ton, two years; H. A. Todd, three | f.5m Judges at Firemen s Tournament ROMEO LARIVEE Iroquois Falls FRED BARRETTE Rouyn BERT OUGH Kirkland Lake Stage 45th Tournament At New Liskeard Beach Close to 30 fire departments from Northern Ontario and Quebec will way on Friday evening with a | Band has brought four more bands dance on the big floor of the Mem-| from the North for a Tattoo which years. A motion was made that existing officers, D. C. McGugan, chair-|srounds of a Guide sleeping tent! man; vice-chairman, H. A. Todd} and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. E.) Fieming, serve until December 31, | main building. Of particular inter- est was the display set up on the and shelters for and washing. A number of work parties have cooking, eating both towns served tea in the |}, represented at the 45th Annual |Tournament of the Temiskaming Fire Chiefs and Firefighters Asso- ;Ciation to be held in New Liskeard lon July 1. Fire Chief Les Stewart said, 1961. It was also moved that the;been busy in recent weeks at the, EBs wal) be the 12th time the as- account be left in the same bank,|Campsite and considerable pro-|Sociation has met here, and we but that the account name be/gress has been made toward Hav-|have done everything possible to changed, and tthe cheque signers will be Mr. D. McGugan or Mr. H. A. Todd and Mrs. E. Fleming. A four drawer filing cabinet is to be purchased and the librarian was instructed to buy plastic cov- ers for the books. The library is to be open just one day a week during August, this day to be Thursday afternoon and evening. A two week holiday is to be given to the librarian, at which time Mrs. K. Saxton will be the replacement. A motion was made that an An- hual fee of $2.00 be charged for non residents, As Henry Drummond's works are not being printed anywhere, the library would be pleased to hear from anyone who has copies of Henry Drummond's complete poems or any part thereof and who would donate or sell them to the ing everything in readiness for the first summer camp which starts on July 4th. |make the tournament a social and sporting success." The event will really get under Water Sk At New In the early, wintery months of January and February '61 when most people were thinking of hockey games and the most recent snowfall, David Lean was plow- ing through drifts of applications for his summer ski show. There were many applications from fine skiers, making the final selections very difficult. Perky, 19 year-old Lyn Shelgrove from Barrie, Ont., was chosen for the show on the basis of her out- Cobalt Public Library Board. standing tournament record and iing Show Liskeard her appearances in the Canadian National Exhibition Water Ski Show. Judy Moll, an amazing 14 year- old skier from Toronto, Ont., was a natural selection for the show. She has been Canadian Junior Girls Champion since the age of ten and is a sure bet to become the young- est skier ever to represent Canada in the World Waterski Champion- ships this summer. One girl, lovely Pat Lean, was a { Continued on Page Three) Mrs. Hazel Copeland of Temagami was the lucky winner of $30,000 in a contest held by the Nestle's Canada Limited. Here Mrs. Copeland receives the big cheque from Wilfred Spooner, owner -of Temagami Trading where Mrs. Copeland mzde her purchase of Quick. At the left is C. R. Stewart, PR officer for Nestle's and at the right, Mr. Willard Copeland. orial Arena. There will be a small charge for other than firemen and their wives. But for the general public, the tournament will really start with the parade at 1:00 p.m. when the brigades, smart in their blue uni- Les Stewart forms, will walk from the arena to the beach. Five pipe bands will add color and music ito the long parade. Promptly after the parade the tough tests will start, and from 1:45 p.m. the contestants will com- pete in the 100 yard dash, the fire} chief's race, ladder and wagon races for the long list of prizes of- fered by the Liskeard hosts. The New Liskeard Legion Pipe will be a feature attraction of the day. The bands are from Brace- bridge, North Bay, Timmins, Kirk- land Lake and New Liskeard. MclIsaac Transportation will have extra service for the day-buses from the ONR station and Arena to the beach every 15 minutes. Parking facilities will be provid- ed in the centre of the race track enclosure. Looking through the records of the association, -a short history Continued on Page Three) Bingo Winner Mrs. Babineau of Cobalt won the main prize of $170.00 at the Bingo sponsored by the Hailey- . bury Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion last week. There will not be a Bingo held on June 27th as was: mis- takenly announced in last week's Haileyburian. Hoot Mon! Mr. J. Reavell, accompanied by his son Fraser and Mrs. Reavell, will leave Toronto by plane on Tuesday, July 4th, to spend a month's holiday in England and Scotland, where he -hopes to hear the old greetings that he has not- heard since he returned to Can- ada following World War One, in 1919. He also plans to visit his bro- ther, now in his eighties, whom he has not seen. since 1916. NOGA Jun ior Tourney At Haileybury Club Haileybury Golf Club is host to the Northern Ontario Golf Associa- tion Junior players on July 6 and 7, and it is expected that at least 75 age limit experts will be on hand for the tournament. The scoring will be medal play, and the first foursomes will tee off on Thursday morning. Thursday evening the players will be guests at a banquet to be held at the club. Guest speaker will be George Honer, secretary of the Associa- tion. Trophies' will be awarded to three age groups, 16-18; 14-15 and 13 and under. The Haileybury Club presently has 34 boys learning the ancient and honorable game. Mur- ray Black, one of the top flight juniors at Haileybury is given a good chance ot wianing. He was in the running at last year's NOGA at Sudbury. The tournament will wind up on Friday, and Friday evening will be devoted to the handing out of prizes. } The Haileybury Club has the problem of billeting these young- sters, and any person who is will- ing to look after one or two boys should get in touch with Charles Camsell of Haileybury or Jack or Don McKnight at New Liskeard, OSC Ae SES SSeS SS SSeS