axr- -piece bath downtown. Haiieybury, ~ equipped} with electric stove and refrigera-| tor. Phone OS 2-3080, or OS 2-3631: Po 12tf WANTED -- W ag FOR PAYING BILLS -$8E BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA FOR SALE "TOR SALE -- 16' glass covered row boat, one. trailer for same, @lso a 5 h.p. Evinrude engine. A 'Huy someone! Apply Box 271, Hail- eyoury, Ont. 18 ~ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | YOR SALE -- Two-bedroom house on Blackwell Street in Haileybury. Phone OS 2-3445. 21 IfOR SALE -- Lot near the Beach Garden, with sandy beach. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 12tf FOR SALE -- Four bedroom brick home_ in good condition. Phone OS 2-3058, Haileybury att {OR SALE -- Beautiful- modern four-yedroom: house in Haileybury @t 445-Amwell St. Full basement. @S 25248. 18,19 USED CARS SS aot Set Te OR SALE -- 1952. Pontiac 4-door sedan, good running condition, privately owned, not driven for rer a year. OS 2-3652, Haileybury. 18 TO RENT -- A ence St. Phone OS 2 2-539T TO RENT -- £ p fwo bedrooms. Available A Phone OS 2-5288. TO RENT -- Five roomed heat- y, sa attest eal ent ions Vn ght cop rset ph minty ee The Haileyburian ----/|2. G. Boudreau, Ste. Therese; 3. '1G. Bigelow, '| Rindalo, Ste. "Thursday, July 6, 1961 Moore's Cove H & § The last official act of the Moore's Cove Home and School Association téok~ place this week when Mrs. Gerald Kelly and Mrs. Vern Haggarty presented prizes for proficiency to the children at the school. Winners in the various. grades were, in the Senior room, Grade Seven, John O'Malley and Linda Olson. Grade six, Pamela Olson and Rita Lendt. Grade Five, Carol Haggarty, Gail Carisonm and Louise Kelly. In the-Junior room, Grade Three, Kathy Mantle and Linda 'Lendt. Grade Two, Susan Olson, Dan Hop- kins and Dan Woods. Grade One, Maureen Hopkins and Sandra Fleming. North Cobalt The Ladies' Orange Benevolent: Association held its annual Church Parade on Sunday, June 25th with: the Juvenile Lodge and Men's Lodge also in attendance, Following the service, W. M. Francis Willard thanked all those who attended and it was moved that a letter of thanks. be forward- ed to the minister. Track Meet (Continued from Page One) 100 Yard 1. Wayne Olan, Public; G. Bigelow; Ste. Therese. 220 Yard 1. Terry Gagnon, Pub- lic; 2. Robert Cote, Public; 3. H. Morin, Ste. Therese. Mile 1. Wayne Olan, Public: 2. Ste. Therese;. 3. L. Therese, Relay - 440 1. Team--Wayne Ol- an, Chris ~Cull, Terry Gagnon, ed apartments in. downtown. Hail- eybury. Phone OSs 2-3255 1OtE | {O RENT --Bac helor apartment, 3| other accommodations. f#vailable now. Phone OS 2-3128. tf TO RENT -- One upstairs apart- went, private entrance, partly furnished. Available July 1st, 1961. Phone OS 2-3128 after 6-p.m. or see Mrs. Y. Proulx ti TO RENT -- Heated apartment in| 5 "EMPLOYMENT WANTED | WANTED -- Fourteen-yearold girl will do baby sitting full or part {ime during holidays. Phone OS 2- e561, after 6 p.m. 17,18p (HELP WANTED -- - FEMALE WANTED -- Lady to relieve in Gifferent departments of hotel Guring holiday periods. Apply Ho- tel Hailey 'bury. 17,18 aitress to relieve fn. hotel dining room during staff fiolidays. Apply Hotel Haielybury. : 17,18 WANTED -- Really first class fiousekeeper for family with two children. OS 2-5212, or write Box $7, Haileybury. 17,18 WANTED -- Young girl, bi-lingual with commercial, for payroll office work. Apply in person to N. Moris-|: gette Diamond Drilling Lid., Hail- €ybury. 19 ~ MISCELLANEOUS PRESCRIPTION Pay 'em off with a low-cost, life-insured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN CLASSIFIED: ADS - » » BRING RESULTS| | John Cooper for | Therese; 3. Public: School; 2: Team--G, Bilodeau, N. Lacroix, P Robitaille, L. - Rinaldo for Ste. Team--Ray Rody, G. Bigelow, G. Boudreau, P. St. Lau- rent for Ste. Therese. Giris Events 50. yard 1. D. St. Jean, St. Pat's; 2. L. Brunette, Public; 3. N: Ba- zinet, St. Pat's. 100 yard 1. D. St. Jean, St. Pat's; 2. C. Nadeau, Public; 3. B. Moore, Public. 220 yard 1. D. St. Jean, St. Pat's; 2. S. Corville, Public; 3. B. Moore, Public, Softball Throw 1, Donna Spencer, Public; 2. Ruth Browne, Public; 3. Gail Puhakka,° Public. Running Broad Jump 1. S. Con- roy, Public School; 2..S. Browne, Public School; 3. C. Smith, Pub- lic School, Standing Broad Jump I. V. Mer- cier, St. Pat's; 2. L. Brunette, Public; 3. S. Conroy, Public. High Jump 1. B. Moore, Public School; 2. N. Bazinet, St. Pat's; 3. C: McKay, St. Pat's. 440 Relay 1. Team--L. Mercier, D: St. Jean, V. Mercier, N. Ba- zinet for St. Pat's; 2 Team--C. Nadeau, B. Moore, C. Smith, S. Corville for Public School; 3. Team --D. Milroy, S. Johnston, D. Eno, '}holm, Mrs. Temagami Lions Elect Officers Recently the Temagami Lions Club held its final general meeting for the 1960-61 year. The meeting was held in the Hotel Minawassi with President V. Pacey in the chair. During the meeting; D. McFar- land expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Temagami Recreation Club for, the help and support the Temagami Lions Club had given in helping -to make the Gordie Howe Night a success for the jun- ior boy hockey players in Tema- gami. In'a ceremony conducted by D. W. Christie, zone chairman-elect, the duly elected new officers of the club were installed. Each of- ficer was'called forward and given a general outline of his duties for the coming year and was asked to fulfill these duties to the best of his ability. The ceremony conclué- ed with the giving of the club gavel to the new president, C. Cox. He assumed the chair for the remain: der of the meeting. Bridal Shower For Evelyn Hurst Miss Evelyn Hurst had a plea- Sant surprise upon entering the heme of Mrs. O. Birtch recently to find gathered there tthe girls of the Cobalt Badminton Club, who had planned a shower in honour of her approaching marriage to Mr. Bill Scott of Normetal Mines. A pleasant evening was spent with several games and contests before the presentation of gifts to the bridé-to-be. Lunch was served following. Those who were invited were Mrs. T. Sullivan, Mrs. H. Fern- M. Othmer, Mrs. B. Green, Mrs. H. Larabie, Mrs. S. Oblin, Mrs. J. Lafoy, Faye Dunn, Bev. Richards, Ann Hassett, Glor- ia Paoletti, Cecile Lanthier, Yvette Belanger and the hostess, Mrs. Birtch, The Weather The average temperature for the month-of June in Temiska- ming was: almost two degrees cooler than the average since 1894, which is 62.5. Last year it was warmer than: the average, 63.9. The maximum of 87 on the 17th was seven degrees higher than last year's figure of 80 on the 27th but much lower than the 100.1 de- grees registered in 1901: The min- imum for both 1960 and 1961 was 40 degrees with a low of 17.6 ap- pearing on the records in 1945. Trouble that looks like a moun- tain from a distance, usually is only a hill when you get to it. William Howard Taft was the A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE PHONE OS 2-3533 HATLEYBURY TODAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Te ee te The ee ie Ob Die ee eh JULY 6-7-8 IT'S A COPS AND PROBERS COMEDY FILLED WITH EXTRACTIVE MEN A AND TOOTHSOME pe 'Dies' a DENTIST CH AIR. KENNETH CONNOR - BOB MONKHOUSE ERIC BARKER =< PEGGY CUMMINS REGINALD BECKWITH . COMPANION FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Remember THE ALAMO? The Live Story of JIM BOWIE . "THE IRON MISTRESS" TECHNICOLOR ADVENTURE DRAMA! Alan Ladd, Stephen McNally, Virginia Mayo This program will be replaced at the Saturday matinee by a suitable children's program. CI HAI I A IIIS II IPA IIIS XX HARIRI IIA RII AAA AAS IISA first U.S. president to receive a E. Puhakka for Public School. salary of $75,000. a year. Only best-selling M-G-M presents EDDIE FISHER JOHN O'HARA'S BINA MERRIE The glamor girl who wakes up ashamed... author John O'Hara s would dare to tell _ Gloria's story **4..from first ! man to last! ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY. BUTTERFIELD cr MILDRED: DUNNOCK + BETTY: ELD. JEFFREY: WN ~ KAY: MEDFORD ~ SUSAN OLE AN COLOR © CinemaScopE " ! PLAYING SUNDAY ONLY! JULY 9 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Showing at 7 and 10:05 p.m. TERROR STALKS THESTREET OF OPIUM DREAMS! EASTMAN fF COLOR fy A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION A COLUMBIA PICTURES i COMPANION. FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Showing at 8:30 p.m. only TERROR OF THE TONGS" THE FILM THAT PUTS THE FINGER ON... UNDERWORLD, Bh = THREAT TO A NATION! STARRNG i Lunes DORN OH ne & PLAYING 4 DAYS! MON., TUES., WED., THURS. JULY 10-11-12-13 Two Showings Nightly at 7 and 9:05 p.m. Re ADMITTANCE é TO PERSONS! «BR *- VEARS OF ACE OR ove _ ACADEMY AWARD: WINNER! | BEST ACTRESS OF ae YEAR! ee ee Sts