a at ee eee Catach "furnished, Available July ist, 1961. FOR SALE ah 'GOR SALE -- 130 feet of used picket fencing, 36 inches high, in food condition, with posts, for 25c per foot. Phone OS 2-5281. 20,21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE _ FOR SALE -- Two-bedroom house on Blackwell Street in Hatleybury. Phone OS 2-3445 21 The Haileyburian by FAIRBAIRN ducers League (the 30-year-old or- ganization otiating for producers of fluid milk) has moved-into high gear after being accused by some -- including this column -- of drag- ging its heels on suggestions to develop an over-all milk market- ing plan for the province. Pres- ident Bill Peters announced last Friday they were moving ahead as quickly as possible with plans to seek status as a marketing board and to develop a plan for FOR SALE -- Lot near the Beach | Garden, with sandy beach. Phone 4515, Cobalt Hae FOR SALE -- Four edroom brick | home in good conditien, Phone OS 2-3058, Haileybury Ttt TOR SALE -- Beautiful modern f our bedroom house on 445 Mar- tells, Haileyoury. Full basement. OS 2-5248. 20 ft USED CARS KOR SALE -- 1952 Pontiac 4 door §edan, good running condition, pri- vaitely owned. Not driven for over @ year. OS 2-3652, Haileybury. 20 TO RENT TO RENT -- In Hatleyoury, four room heated apartment. 4515 Co- halt 19tf TO RENT -- Heated apartment, {wo bedrooms. Available August 1. hone OS 2-5288. tf {O RENT -- In Haileybury, three foom apartment with bath, central- ly located, Not bie for child- ren. Phone G. Herbert, OS 2-3194. 19tf TO RENT--Bachelor apartment, 3 siece bath other accommodations. Available now. Phone OS 2-3128. tf TO RENT -- One upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, partly Phone OS 2-3128 after 6 p.m. or éee Mrs. Y. Proulx. tf TO RENT -- Heated apartment in downtown Haileybury, equipped with electric stove and refrigera- tor. Phone OS 2-3080, or OS 2-3631. 12tf FOR RENT -- Lovely new large foodern home on Lake Shore Road, sileybury. $159.00 a month, Apply Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson, Real ¥stste Agents, MI 7-4341, New Lis- fccard. 20 WANTED = WANTED -- One storey house with fiiree bedrooms, or two storey Hiouse with one bedroom and bath foom on tthe first floor, close to Gown town area in south end, with @ low down payment and so much #ér month until paid for. Telephone QS 2-3401, Haileybury. 19,20 (HELP WANTED - FEMALE |: WANTED -- Woman with pleasant Woice required in Haileybury 'for &clephone solocitine. No experience @iecessary. Short hours. Mi 7-4009, Wew Liskeard, between 12:00 and 42:30 noon, or'G:0@ and 6:38 p.m: 20p marketing fluid milk. This was one of the prime recommendations of the study group of three ec- onomists made public last winter and one of the first of twelve basic principles laid' down by the co- ordinating board for the establish- ment of any over-all milk market- ing plan, Apparently the last directors meeting of-the league passed a resolution asking the executive to proceed with plans to become a narketing board and also -- this is important -- %. co-operate to the utmost with the cream, cheese and concentrated producers mar- keting boards in order to develop the over-all plan: It has been sug- gested that the other groups go it on their own if the fluid pro- ducers didn't want to join. There is still some feeling in some of the other groups that they should but perhaps this public indication that fluid milk shippers are taking ac- tion and will counteract it. The first step the league is tak- ing is to circulate a petition (as required by law) to its members requesting a plebiscite some time in the future on a milk marketing plan. Now don't confuse this with a probable subsequent petition to all milk producers -- this is just for fluid shippers so that the league may achieve a similar légal status to the other three groups as a marketing board. If the petition receives support by 15 per cent of the almost 12,000 fluid milk shippers, it will be presented to the Milk Industry Board (probably along with a suggested marketing plan) and then, there will be a vote of all producers on the pro- posed marketing plan for tthe league. That must come -- ac- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVON CALLING Ladies, have you had an Avon rep- resentative call on you recently? If not, perhaps your neighbourhood is without one. Why don't you be- come an Avon Representative and earn a good income close to home? Write immediately to Mrs. Hurley, 326 Timmins St.;-North Bay, or phone GR 4-5484. 20,21,22,23 MISCELLANEOUS NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? Buy 'em with a low. cost, Ufe-insured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE: BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Haileybury, Ont. P. O. Box 459 ; Phone, OS-2-3311 ~ Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation, Electrical and Mechanical Installations. - Toronto, Ont," 6th Floor, 360 Bay St.° ~ 194 Regina St. EMpire 3-7381 Be. @ | Temiskaming Construction Ltd. te ENGINEERS ~ North Bay, Ont. GRover 2-2630 Thursday, July 20, 1961 Furrow and Fallow | = if representing and neg-| cording to present recommenda- tions and suggestions -- before any The Ontario Whole Milk Pro-' petition or vote on an over-all plan. All in all, it looks as though the dairy industry is going to replace the hog industry as the No. 1 topic of discussion in Ontario in 1961. Incidentally, nothing controversial has come out of hog headquarters since the new marketing board and the new executive took over last spring. That coincided with the retirement of Charlie McInnis from the hog picture to devote his energies to FAME. Anglican Church On Bear Island Marks 50 Years St. George's Anglican Church on Bear Island, Temagami Lake, marked its 50th anniversary Sun- day. Most Rev. W. L. Wright, D.D., DCL., Archbishop of Algoma and Metropolitan of Ontario, officiated at the ceremony. He also dedicated a stained glass window in the chancel in memory of Margaret E. Dinsmore, an Am- erican tourist. A plaque was also dedicated by the Archbishop. The plaque reads: "'To the glory of God and in thanksgiving for 50 years of worship in St, George's Church, 1911-1961, and in apprecia- tion for the dedicated leadership of Olive Lanoie."' Mrs, Lanoie and her husband have been residents of Bear Island for tthe past 30 years. Archbishop Wright was assisted in the evensong service by Canon F. W. Colloton, St. Luke's Cathed- ral, Sault Ste. Marie; Rev. David Smith, Cobalt;- Rev. Roy Nixon, Haileybury; and T. J. Davidson of North Bay, student minister. Popular Athlete (Continued from Page One) stead, he requested to be taken home. ' $ Found later in his home by his brother, he was unconscious and still in his ball uniform. He was jrushed to hospital where emer- gency surgery was performed. Employees. ot Ontario Hydro, where his father is employed, operated a hand-cranked inhalator to assist the youth's breathing in the unsuccessful fight to save his life. As well as being a standout participant in Holy Name hockey and baseball teams, Gary only re- cently had graduated from North Bay Teachers College and was to teach school in Kirkland Lake this fall. Swimming Lessons One hundred and seventy-five children are enrolled for the swim- ming lessons at the Beach. Dur- ing the forenoon, from 9:30 to noon, instruction is given to be- ginners, juniors and. intermediates. Senior swimmers are instructed in the afternoon. In this class there are five attending. Pat Lemay, Judy Kirk,. Dianne Rudd, Anne Olson and Pat Culhane. Wext week, classes will begin for the Bronze Medal swimmers. CLASSIFIED ADS . - - BRING RESULTS Ben Bourget General Carpentry A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE PHONE OS 2-3533 HAILEYBURY TODAY, FRI. & SAT. JULY 20-21-22 2 Great New Comedy Hits on the Same Program! First Tri-Town Showings! TW.S. 202, The BANG that will start d se « you roaring with laughter! COMPANION FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EVERYONE'S , LOOKIN'... EVERYONE'S LAUGHIN'! 4 A SURGW SHEPHERD Production "HIGHAELS: ANDREWS:McGWER STERLING ES Techni Paramount presents PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY! JULY 22 "THEY RODE WEST" Action-Packed Historical Western Drama! IN TECHNICOLOR Starring: Phil Carey and -Donna Reed PLUS: "THE TWO WAY STRETCH" AND CARTOON STARTS SUNDAY, JULY 23rd AT 7 P.M. PLAYING MON. & TUES. starciag RUTH LEUWERIK » HANS HOLT - MARIA HOL! dOSEF MEINRAD : FRIEDRICH DOMIN HILDE VON STOLZ SHOWING NIGHTLY AT 8:30 P.M. JULY 24 - 25 Contury-Fom COMPANION FEATURE Showing at 7 p.m. and 10:15 p. m. Exciting . . . True Espionqge Film... . "FOXHOLE IN CAIRO" Greatest Spy Story of the Desert War! James: Robertson Justice, Niall MacGinnis, Peter Van Eyck ~ by hour or contract --Haileybury STARTING WED.. JU,LY 26th! PLAYING 4 DAYS! WALT DISNEY'S Big New TECHNICOLOR Cartoon Feature .. . "101 DALMATIONS" PLUS: IN- TECHNICOLOR "TAZA, SON OF COCHISE" starring: Rock Hudson - ee cee