a tr le te El le On Nae IO a NE ite -- aw a ae ne a nt a Oe i, Ea a na a Oa Os © a a whe ee le ile eS le ee ee ae Ea a Le ae, de ee >, Ga, a, ainda anal ee a eo ee ae a Page B FOR SALE FOR SALE--One used stoker A-1 ,Shape, cheap! Cali 4515, Cobalt. 26tf £ OR -SALE--3000 yards clay fill: + Can be had for paying part of ¢ {ransportation. R. Carlson, Hailey-| » fury. 28, 29p : YOR SALE--Used lumber,-ship-lap OLR Ae KAD Neto Ke Bui eke LO eX 32, 4 x 4, 6 x6, 8 x 8, 10-x 10, 12 3: 12, up to 30 feet long. OS 2-5368 Vjaileybury, 4912 Cobalt and ~ ask for Paul Oblin. 29 _ USED CARS Ae aare Mer WHO -ELSE WANTS-A NEW CAR? Buy it now with a low-cest life-insured f SCOTIA PLAN LOAN « REAL 'ESTATE TE FOR "SALE -- FOR SALE -- Lot near the Beach Gaiden, with sandy beach. Phone 15, Cobalt 12tf FOR SALE -- Four bedroom brick home in good condition. Phone OS 2-3058, Haileybury 4itf KOR SALE--House in Haileybury 0) Russell Street. Phone 4515, Co- bale. 27tf OR SALE--A selection of fine fiomes in Haileybury and on the Jisileyoury - New Liskeard road. fpply E. M. McCuaig, Real Es- ate Broker, 574 Georgina Ave., Piaileybury. 27 = 30p ere 'TO RENT TO RENT -- In Haileybury, three €oom apartment with bath, central- fy located. Not suitable for child- fen. Phone G. Herbert, OS 2-3194. 19tf 9) RENT--Room and poara avali- gble for two students. Apply ph. QOS! 2-3796. 29 TO RENT: room house, 3 piece hat h. House insulated, oil furnace, {beautiful location in Cobalt. Apply suality Grocery, phone 4815 or 4263 Cobalt, 29 HELP WANTED - FEMALE Va WANTED -- Dining room waitress f© act as hostess during meal hours fnd be able to work so many even- ings a week. Good personality and gales experience reauired. Apply 1 person at Hotel Haileybury. Ph. QS 2-3401, 29, 30 e WANTED © WANTED--A ride fo Toronto for fhe week-end. Phone OS 23734. 28 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE All property owners in the Town of Haileybury -having roof drain- €f#e pipes connected into sanitary sewer outlets, are hereby notified, {hat all such roof drainage pipes ese to be removed from sanitary eqwers, and this water to be dis- pesed of by other means. Any person who has not complied with this request by October 15, 1961, will be prosecuted under sec- {ion 2, By-Law No. 1000 of The Corporation of The Town of Hail- eybury, and upon conviction will fb¢ fined the sum of $50.00 as set forth inthe above By-Law. ; F. G. Haskett, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Haileybury, Dated Sept. 19, 1961. .The Haileyburian -, 29, 30]; Thursday, September 21, 1961 Blamed The. effects' of last winter are still being felt in Cobalt. The one end of the town to the other, trying: to find major breaks~ and get them: repaired. But-the- coun- cil has 'the job of finding- the money: At the council meeting recently, town clerk Bob Bond warned the is seriously in the red. He estimat- ed a deficit of at least $7,000 and maybe closer to: $10,000. - Mr. Bond added that if the costs of water thawing were charged to the: water department, then the deficit would be a lot higher: The town is pumping more than one million gallons of water a day, and town foreman Harry Cooper warned the council that 90 percent of the service lines lead- ing to the 490 or more users are in bad shape. Councillor Reddi Tessolini said that the town is full of leaks, and he suspects that water is pouring into many old mine workings. Mr. Bond said that if the town starts on an exploration program to find the leaks, then it should be budgeted, or the town fathers are likely to find themselves in serious trouble. OPP Constable Pat Shannon sug- gested that the council take a good hard look at the speed limits in town. He invited them to go for a ride in the cruiser, and see just how hard it is to_catch speeders in Cobalt. Constable Shannon said that on most back streets, a 15 fph limit would be ample. The Mastermet probiem is loom- ing large again. The town offered Mastermet approximately $15,000 for the company's land in the town. Now Mastermet . wants $29,000. The council said 'no' and is looking around for another solu- tion. A resolution from Peel county, town gang-is digging holes from: council that the water department Cobalt Tax Deficit calling 'for a national sweepstake to underwrite costs of hospital con- struction,- was 'unanimously. endors- ed. Recreation Heads Meet in Temagami The Fall meeting of the N.O.R.A: was held at Amich Lodge on Mon- day with only eight members pre- sent. They were Jack Cropley, Deep River; Jim Maxwell, Schum- acher; Bob Bateman and George Kormos, Sudbury; Sam Jacks, North Bay; Ken Edgar, New Lis- keard, and Jean Salvail and Dean McCubbin from the Community Programs Branch in North Bay, Chairman Bob Bateman welcom- ed the members. Jack Cropley then outlined the program for the N.O.R.A. Conference which is to be held in Deep River in October, A special guided tour of the Chalk River Atomic Energy Plant is in store for all delegates who wish to attend. George Kormos will be attend- ing the A.I.P.E. Conference in Rochester on September 24th, and Jack Cropley and Dean McCubbin will be attending the N.R.A. Con- ference in Detroit in October. George Kormos reported on S.D.M.R.O. executive business and reminded all members of the an- nual meeting at St. Catherines on November 9th. One hundred and two members of the Society are expected to attend. A brief discussion of N.O.P.H.A. hockey as weil as the In-Service Training Course and summer pro- grams were discussed. A report on the Scuba Diving Training Course held at New Liskeard was given by Ken Edgar. Around The Square United Church Mrs. A. J. Wright was "hostess to the- W.A. of the Cobalt United Church when they held their first meeting of the Fall on Wednesday, September 13, with Mrs. T. Welch presiding.: The W.A. motto was re- followed -by~ the Bible which was read by Mrs. Wipprecht. Mrs. Wright gave a "Whom Do We Serve" ended with a prayer. Routine business was conducted. Talent money for the months of July and August was handed in. Mrs. Welch read a leaflet explain- ing further the union of the United Church Women's Groups. A bake sale is to be held on Oc- tober 6. Some discussion was held concerning the Fali- Bazaar, The October meeting will be held 'at the home of Mrs. Welch on Wednesday the fourth. The meeting ended after which the. hostess. as- sisted by Mrs. F. Eno served re- freshments. reading He i: reading, which she 'oe @ St. James' W.A. A very busy time is in the offing for the members of the St. James' Anglican Church W.A. with pre- parations underway for their ba- zaar on November 3 in the Com- munity Hall, several banquets which they will be catering for and a rummage sale planned for Fri- day and Saturday, September 22 peated by all to open the meeting: (ears ' and 23 in the old Post Office on the Square.- Their September meeting was held at the home of the President, Mrs. E. Othmer, Mileage 104. Mrs. A. Moore gave the Scripture read- ing. The W.A. will be catering for a luncheon: .when: the Ministerial Deanery is held at the Rectory on October. 16, also for the D.O.S. ban- quet on Saturday, October 14, and the Hydro banquet to be held on November 18. /The next: meeting will be held a€- Mrs. J. Hunt's home on Wednes-: day, October 4. The meeting clos-- ed and a social hour followed with lunch ,seryed by Mrs. E. Birnie, Mrs. E. Othmer, Mrs. E, White: head and Mrs. B. Verity. r Area School (Continued from Page One) cafeteria. In turn the council will have to have a similar assurance ftom the Ontario Municipal Board. Other provisions laid down by the Department of Education in- clude that, as far as possible, Canadian made products will be used in construction. No discrimin- ation will be allowed in the selec- tion of workers as far as race, re« ligion or political views are con- cerned, and that every effort will be made to continue work during the winter months. OS 2-3533 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE HAILEYBURY oa ae mama Academy Award ADMITTANCE Rae HY PERSONS 18 HEARS GF ast G8 G1ts STARTS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th AT 7 P.M. PLAYING SUN., MON,, TUES., WED. SEPT. 24 - 27 Showing Nightly at 7 and 10:15 p.m. Winning Song COMPANION FEATURE Showing at 8:45 p.m. Only! bai ete "7 September Storm ; -CINEMASCOPE & DELUXE COLOR ____ Mark Stevens, Joanne Dru, Robert Strauss PLAYING TODAY & FRIDAY ONLY! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "The Young Savages" SEPT, 21-22 Burt Lancaster, Dina Merrill, Shelley Winters COMPANION FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The Marriage Go-Round CINEMASCOPE & COLOR BY DELUXE Susan Hayward, James Mason, Julie Newmar PLAYING SATURDAY MATINEE SEPT. 23rd AT 2 P.M. Ice Palace & Cartoon aE PLAYING SATURDAY EVENING ONLY! SEPT. 23 Due to the length of this program there will be one complete showing only starting at 7:30 p.m. Showing at 9:20 p-m. only! THE ~ MOTION > PICTURE GIANT OF 1960 f ae orn BURTONIRYANL dies ie COMPANION FEATURE Showing at 7:30 p.m. only! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "Revolt of the Slaves" HISTORICAL SPECTACULAR IN COLOR "Starring: Rhonda Hening bang Jeffries Se eee eee a