e oe fleross the Kitchen Table BY MRS. MAC ~ Next Monday morning I will be fervsaking: the 'Kitchen Table"-for 'the car and the open road; (at Feast, I 'hope that by -starting early it will be open). and my-son and I will take off for Dunnville,' Close to Lake Erie. I have never driven there before and I expect to enjoy the trip thoroughly, es- pecially as we plan to return by way of Carleton. Place and per- haps Ottawa. So I should see some parts of Ontario that I have nev- er seen before. It will be the first long drive that Ross and I have taken' together, and as his sense of humour is even. more developed than mine, I expect there will be several giggles. along the way. I will be out of the office until Monday, October 16th, and as there will be no one in my place, I hope that anyone who has any news items" will phone them in to the Speaker Office in New Lis- keard, (Zenith-64000, no toll chg.) or if they are long items, mall them in. It is nice to be planning a:holiday away from home again and as it is almost fifteen years since I have seen my friend there, ex- eept for about half an hour last summer when she was in New Liskeard enroute for the west coast, there will be a lot of fam- ily history, on both sides, to catch up on. She taught in our school at Tomstown about forty. years ago, and of the six teachers who boarded with me at various times, she is the only one who has kept in touch. We SO, After the Haileyburian and the Speaker came out last week, with the heading "Governor-General's Itinerary', Mayor Cooke told me that he was astounded to hear that the Governor-General was 'to visit the town. However, as I have no- thing to do with the headlines in either paper, it didn't worry- me very much, but I-did feel that-the - Lieutenant-Governor sho wld ap- even told Mr. Cooke that I might -break down some day and pro- mote him. So if some future ac- count of a council. meeting should "Postmaster - General Cooke occupied the mayor's don't flip, it will just be a paper promotion, the same as Start off: - chair', the. Lieutenant-Governor's. In granting the pupils and stu- dents a-holiday, the Lieutenant- Governor certainly made a_ hit with them, but judging by some of. the remarks I heard on the I. don't. think -all the mo- street; Night Classes At High School Anyone interested in the Night Classes being arranged at the High School are-asked to note a couple nounced last week. Conversational French - classes will be held' on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays, beginning October 10th instead of the 11th. Drawing and Painting classes will also be held on Tuesday even- ings, beginning on the same date, October 10th. : Other classes will be arranged of changes in dates.from those an-. thers appreciated it, on a dark and dreary washday. My roses. are blooming again, particularly Peace. and~ Crimson Glory. I-also have eighty crocus bulbs. and..about the same -number if sufficient candidates register. Haileybury of tulips and daffodils to plant -as' soon as I come back, Legion Auxiliary Plans Bake Sale Vice-president Mrs. J. O'Rourke at the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian presided Legion when they met in the Le- gion Hall on Tuesday September 19. Mrs. C. Frackleton and Mrs. L. McLeod advanced the colours. A donation was approved for the Jays Ball team. Quite a lengthy sick report was given by Mrs. P. Wink and Mrs. F. Adshead. Mrs. St. Laurent won the 'gift-ef the month'. The L.- A'-will be having a tea and bake sale in the Legion Lounge on Tuesday, October 31. It was decided to have a Dart Tournament for members. and. the plans for this will be eetepleted at. the next-meeting. . Members consented to canvass for the Blind in October. Mrs. T-: Jones and her committee served refreshments at the conclusion of the meeting. preciate the promotion. In: fact, rT footnote from Mrs. Iris Wilson Glenn Walton perhaps tOMOrrow.. Soon... very soon... he'll take his first "free" step: At that moment his tiny 'feet will be bearing the full weight of his body, about 20 » pounds. If the 26 pliable little bones in each foot-are to develop healthfully, he'll need correct shoes, properly "6 - fitted -- Pussyfoots, walkers" by Savage. Pussyfoots have flexible sueded leather soles and treaded heels to guard against. slipping; they 're smooth inside to resist chaf- ing. Moccasin,toes provide ae wiggle-room, The ton; extends right to the toe for - easy on and off. And Pudsy= foots are Sanitized® for laste ing hygienic protection. - Your baby's. first fittmg is iz ae 3 B a Dies Suddenly In Cobalt Home The sudden death of Mrs. Iris Franc Wilson occurred on Satur- day, September 16, at her home at 89 Jamieson St., Cobalt. Born in Cobalt fourty-four years ago on October 21, 1916, she was the daughter of the late Ethel and Willard Sopha both of whom were long time. residents of Cobalt. Final -respects were paid at the Buffam Funeral Home when funer- al services were conducted by Rev. H. L. Wipprecht on Tuesday, Sept- ember 19, at 2.30 p.m. Pallbearer were four brothers, Haig, Bob, Filmer and Duncan Sopha and nephews Edward Church and George Moore. Left to mourn her passing are two sons, Clifford Wilson of Ra- more, Guy Wilson of Killarney, four sisters Mrs. Thelma Church, for; Mrs. Lola Shawera, North Co- balt, Mrs. Beryl Romane, Sudbury, and four brothers Haig, Bob and Duncan Copha all of Cobalt and Elmer Sopha ge Sudbury. Women's Fed. '|Plans Fall Bazaar -|. The Women's. Federation of St. Andrew's . United Church heli their' September meeting at the Manse. -Miss- Muriel Rice opened the meeting with prayer and Bible '|reading. It was decided to order fifty United Church calendars for this coming year. "Churches for New Times' the study theme for the first quar- frst ue ds most important. We Have the experience and pa ne ae two book racks ordered to do it properly, i] '|for the study literature have ar- 3 rived. Mrs. W.'C. Arnold donated Glenn Walton - Quality Footwear Lone of them, the other being pre- sented - 'from Federation funds. Plans for the fall bazaar on Oc- .|tober.14th were discussed and _fin- «| alized: <The meeting was closed: by «Mrs. C,*? Be: eg tals swith: 'the 'Ben- % redo! Bt. New: Eiskeard lediction. ~~ - eS a Ae j we ite ers a ee napa, * Cobalt, Mrs. Edna Moore, Latch-}. Personals Mrs. E. B. Campbe and 'her son Gilbert Campbell have return- them through the Northern. States and western provinces. They ac- companied Mrs. Campbell's_ son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Corrigan of Sudbury, going from there down through the States. From Banff they made a short trip into British Columbia to visit Yoho Park and then return- ed by way of the prairies and down through Hearst. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McIntyre were in Cache Bay during the week-end, visiting Mrs. MciIntyre's mother, Mrs. Smith. A. Goudreau of Belle Vallee was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. O. Childs and her daughter, Miss Ida Childs, have returned from a three week holiday trip to Geraldton, where they visited Mrs. James Childs and then went on to Toronto, Kitchener, Sault points. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Richardson have returned from Shawville, Quebec, where they attended the Fall Fair. They were accompanied home by Mr. Richardson's neph- ew, Ira-Hanna and Mrs. Hanna. Miss Carol O'Grady is holiday- ching in Sudbury. ~ Mrs. Doug Matheson of Sudbury 'Twas a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jack O'Grady, last week. Haileybury WI Plans Pot Luck Mrs. Fern Sadler, first vice president, was in the chair for the September meeting of the Haileybury Women's Institute, in the absence of the president, Mrs. E. B. Campbell. The meeting was held in the Legion Hall with six members present. Mrs. E. B. Campbell was appointed as dele- gate to attend the Area Conven- tion being held at Matheson on October 5th and 6th. A potluck supper was planned for the October meeting, with bin- go to be played afterwards. Each member to bring a small prize. A power cutoff brought the meet- ing to a close earlier than usual. Mrs. McNaught. \Made Noble Grand) Mrs. Iza McNaught was elected as Noble Grand of the Northern Light Rebekah Lodge at their regular meeting held Wednesday night, September 20th. Other ofifi- cers include Mrs. Alberta Clow, vice-grand; Mrs. Carmen -McVit- tie, ~recording secretary; Mrs. Olive McIntyre, financial secre- tary; Mrs. Vyril King, treasurer; Mrs. Donella Glazier, trustee. It was decided to purchase a wreath for Remembrance Day. The sick committee - reported a card being sent to Mrs. L. Craig. The Unitarian Service '"Opera- tion Needlework" is the project chosen' by the-members for the coming year. A. sewing kit will be. brought to the-next meeting to show -some -of the articles need- edk ' ~ ais 4 ed from a motor trip which took4-- FP WNDw'"' BEN Wm mE UW /--"F KWH OOOwWww .--"8F"n». Ste. -Marie, Huntsville and -other|7 Thursday, September -28, 1961 Birthday Party For Mrs. Lonsdale A real surprise was waiting for Mrs. Grace Lonsdale when, .on dropping in to visit her neighbour Mrs.. Harry 'Smith -- on -- Monday, September 25, she found a group of her friends gathered to:hetp her jcelebrate her birthday. Games provided an entertaining evening,. and following lunch Mrs. Lonsdale was presented with a gift from all her friends. Lunch was served complete with a. beautiful birthday 'cake - which Mrs. Caroline. MacArthur:had dec- orated for the occasion. Among those present were Mrs. .|M.. Southall, Mrs. J. A. McAndrew, Mrs. A. Wallman, Mrs. 'N. Hen- aerson,. Mrs. C. MacArthur, Mrs. H. Parcher, Mrs. E. Fenton, Mrs. F.-Tryon, Mrs. B. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Bowers, Mrs. J. Sutherland and Mrs. R. Smaliman of Haileybury. The Haileyburian 'Page 3S Funeral Services for Local Resident Funeral services were held from the Tulloch and Buffam ~ Funerad Home on Monday, September 23; for Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Cleve= Jand-Diffe, who passed away. Fri- day .afternoon; September 22, at her home in Haileybury. She had been in-ill health for the past two and. a half years. The service was conducted by Father Nixon. Born.in Leicester, England, Mrs, spent her early- life there, until she married Arthur Bertie Cleveland-Ihiffe, who predeceased her in June, 1932, and came to Haileybury with him. She wags well-known for her beautiful gar= den .and colourful hooked rugs. Mrs. Iliffe is sadly missed by her loving daughter, Baba, her son, John, and three grandchilce ren, John, Lyn -and Arthur, lhiffe WY | ATT TT RTT at 9 AL BARRY, HAILEYBURY SQUARE DANCE CLUB will commence MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd in the High School Auditorium NEWCOMERS WILL BE WELCOMED For further information contact SCANNNWW.a WW WANNA INN') wd NOMI ANY p.m. » OS 2-5281 YS ONG Pe AS ih) Temiskaming Construction Ltd. ENGINEERS - Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation, Electrical and Mechanical Installations Haileybury, Ont. P. O. Box 459 Toronto, Ont. 6th Floor, 364 Bay St. North Bay, Ont. 194 Regina St. _ Phone OS 2-3311 EMpire 3-7381 GRover 2-2630 very. little sickness, flowers -and} What? Special Room Rates For Winter Months es! HOTEL HAILEYBURY HAS A NUMBER OF ROOMS AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES "Weekly rates', accommodating one, two or three persons per room. WHY NOT ENQUIRE TODAY AND BE SURE OF A 'WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOM THIS WINTER. | Tel. OS 2-3401 or see J. H. Timmins, HO 31h = $ 36 - 37