_~ 2 suena Page 4 The Haileyburian Thursday, October 19, 1961 Business Women's Week Highlights Their Program Tri-Town Business and Profes-, sional Women's Club along with sister clubs across the Dominion celebrates "Business Women's Week" from October 15 to Octo- ber 21. The "Week" has been set aside to pay tribute to the thousands of women who are working in schools, hospitals, stores and factories and to the others who are learning for men a decade ago, as well as those women, young and not so young who are retraining in form- er or new fields-of endeavour. The theme of Business Women's Week is. 'More. Power ~With-..Woman Power'. ' The Canadian Federation is also urging that local clubs. in their preparations for the *'Week"' to in- clude a drive for new, young mem- bers. The Business and Professional Women's Clubs have been inter- national in scope and vision, since the International Federation of B and P.W. €lubs was. formed in Geneva in 1930 with representa- tives from .18 widely separated countries. Formed originally to promote the interests of members and secure combined action by them, the Busi- ness and Professional Women's Clubs have for a long time been taking a keen look at such mat- ters as Air Pollution,- Jury Ser- vice, Municipal Government, Penal Reform and has for many years had close liaison with the United Nations, keeping its members in- new €areers, ones not open to wo-| formed of UN action, and support- ing some of the work of the com- mittees at a local level. At.the grass root level, the Tri- Town-B and P.W. Club has had an 'extremely active: life. Its present membership is around the 30.mark, and members have attended dis- trict, provineial, national and In- ternational Conferences of the Fed- eration. Members of the club attended a United Nations Seminar in To- ronto and two in a UNESCO Mis- sion to Jamaica. Like most clubs, the local one is always looking for members, and any business or prefessional women are assured of a warm wel- come to the ranks of the active and important Tri-Town Chib. ! ----F YOU CAN BORROW AT LoW COST THROUGH A Scar and repay In convenient monthly Instatments adjusted to your family budget Yes, at any branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia you can horrow for worthwhile purposes--to buy or refinance your car--to furnish that new home or room--to pay your taxes or insurance premiums--to consolidate debts--to meet medical or dental expenses. And your loan will be life insured at no extra cost to yous. '\\ THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ~ i \ -- | A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD Provincial Chapter Meets in London Members from I1.0.D.E. Chap- ters throughout Ontario will con- vene in London, Ontario, for the Semi-annual meeting of the Prov- incial Chapter of Ontario, I.0.D-E. to be held in the Hotel London, October 18th and 19th, 1961. Mrs. W. R. Morrison, Provin- cial President, will preside at all sessions. Mrs. Peter L. Robinson, National President, will be a guest and bring greetings from the Na- tional Chapter. Mrs. George Blake, Regent, Municipal Chapter of Lon- don, -will welcome the 'members on behalf of the London Chapters. Those attending will be the guests of the London Chapters when a scenic drive followed by Tea at the Art Museum 'has been arranged for Wednesday afternoon: On Wednesday evening the Best- ewal Ceremony of a newly organ- ized. chapter will take place fol- lowing the dinner at 7:15 p.m. in the Regency Room, Hotel London. Mrs. K. J. Macdonald, who was appointed as a delegate to repre- sent the Haileybury Chapter at this meeting, will be unable.to at- tend. Home and School Group Jo Tour Mining School - The program committee of the New Liskeard Home and School Association under the guidance of Mrs. J. Clark has arranged for a visit of organization members to the Haileybury School of Mining. Under the guidance of mining school principal O. E. Walli, B.Sc., FCIC, MCIM, P.Eng., the tour will commence at approximately 8:45 p.m. on Monday, October 23, fol- lowing a brief business session of the General Meeting at the New Liskeard. Public School which wail commence at 8:15 sharp. This tour of the mining school is really an opportunity parents should not miss. There will. be} ample car space for all who have]; not cars, and instructions regard- |. ing how to reach the mining school will be given at the meeting in New Liskeard. On arrival at the Mining School Mr. Walli has arranged for a grouping of parents so as to. make possible. every opportunity for those present to see and learn of the many. facilities and technical uses of the school, which has the distinction of being the only Min- ing School in Canada. : This meeting and tour of the Mining School is the second -in this year's Home and: School pro- gram "Education Facilities in Northern Ontario". == aa COBALT-HAILEYBURY 1 - CURLING CLUB Haileybury, Ont. 2 FRIDAY, OCT. 27th 'Starting at 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION -i- H 33, 34 == zt BUY THE NEW } iG ng, ZI -Your Future's better if you're backed by Bonds! No matter how young or how old-- everyone has something to plan for and to save for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systematic way of building up savings to help you realize your goals. And there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bonds to give you a feeling of security and confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed investment -- cashable anytime at full face value plus interest. Coupons pay 414% the first year, 416% for each of the next six years, 5% for each of the last three years, Henominatiane from $50 up. Limit per person $10,000. So simple to buy -- on irstalments or for cash i dealer, stock broker, trust or loan compan praca * Y,; or thro h 70 7 - Payroll Savings Plan, Order yours today! "= cf Ee ae CANADA SAVINGS BONDS __ __ 800d for You--and Canada too)