Parties Are Fun Parties on Christmas Day are table! 'neighbors drop in, other friends ar- rive to deliver gifts and greetings and suddenly, it's a party. EXCHANGING GIFTS. Attach each gift card to a long string, then -fasten the string to the gift pack- age. Make a gift chimney from cardboard covered with Christmas wrapping paper, or cover a round container such as a. wastebasket. Finding the Gifts -Plaee the: gifts in the fireplace 'and have guests or members of the family find their gifts by following the name cards and strings through the other entangling strings, to the gift packages. ~ CAROLS. Singing carols to pia- no, radio or record accompaniment is a favorite Christmas Day pas- time. For larger groups, a varia- tion on this is to have a "'carol mixer." Using several carols, give every- one the name of a Christmas carol. Each person walks around the room humming the assigned carol, and listening for others humming the same tune. Those with the same melody band together in a group. = Then each group sings its selec- , tion for the others -- and as a fi- nale, all groups sing their sepa- rate carols at the same time. ARTISTS' MARCH. Have each person pin a cad or sheet of blank paper on the person in front of him. The leader starts a single - file march around the room, to Christ- mas music. Drawing Reindeers - While marching, each person 'struggles to draw a reindeer, or 'other appropriate Christmas. sub- -ject on the card pinned to the play- er in front of him. To add to the difficulty and the fun, the leader "can take the file around in circles ' or weave in and out of the line. -. After the march is over, the re- sults are exhibited and, if an ex- tra gift is handy, a prize can be awarded to the person judged to have drawn something that-best re- "semblesa-reindeer..- Minn gh, | | A Changed Man Santa Claus has undergone quite a metamorphosis in his time. Be- fore Dr. Clement Moore, Santa's appearance was a problem left mostly to individual discretion and personal taste. He might be short or tall; plum or thin, merry or sol- emn. : "The European St. Nicholas. was pictured as a tall, thin man who rode a gray horse. In 1809, Wash- ington Irving described Santa as a Bias scoi ai ciciciagtatct ABER OON | IDEA AAA URAHARA AM ABT ALND jolly fellow who wore a wide-brim- med hat. After Dr. Moore wrote "Twas the Night Before Christmas,' in 1823, St. Nick acquired definite ex- ternal characteristics. Ever after, children '"'knew in a moment it must be St. Nick" by his well-fed, merry appearance twinkling eyes and a rosy face -- and his sleigh and reindeers for transport- ation. The image of Santa was affirmed in 1869 when Thomas Nast's car- "toon was published, picturing San- ta in his now-familiar red garb, smoking a pipe. Like all famous men, Santa today finds it difficult to travel anywhere incognito. Can Be Impromptu 'not only fun, they're always inevi-| The family gets together, |. Thursday, December 21, 1961 The Haileyburian Page 9 NRELPERS DEBE DEO OE RRL YLER OE VE ME VELVE DERE BEE VERE HE BEAR EOE VE VEE VE VE VERE HE VEL VE MEME VEE UES MVE a ih EEE, ' PEACE ON EARTH ... New York's Incarnation Boys Choir earol before Fifth Avenue shoppers from two-story glassed-in ticket office of KE#MI Royal Dutch Airlines. The boys participate fn annual Christmas carol festival arranged by the airline. ay we extend to you our warmest greetings and good wishes fora M "Merry Christmas to you and yours. A CHRISTMAS OF OLD When our elders talk about an "old-time"? Christmas among the pleasure and anticipation _asso- ciated with the preparations for the holiday. There were no "commercial" Christmas trees in the "old days"' --everyone went out to the nearest hillside or forest. and chose one to their liking--for free. Tinsel, orna- ments, electric tree lights, these too, weren't to be had. Decorations for the tree were all homemade --and usually the entire family lent a hand in the preparations. Today we would be foolish, of course, not to take advantage of the many beautiful and ornamen- tal decorations available for deco- rating home and Christmas tree. Yet; we can still recapture some of the "spirit" of the 'old-time Christmas'? by making some of the Christmas tree ornaments and decorations as a family project. A variety of ornaments are pos- sible from such materials as plas- tic foam. A cookie cutter, for ins- tance, cam be used to outline such shapes as snowmen, Santa Clauses, gingerbread men, dolls, clowns and stars on a sheet of l-inch plastic foam. Cut out the shapes with a sharp knife and then let each mem- ber of the family decorate an orna- Poinsettia Puzzle ls Christmas Fun A fun-maker at Christmas is to ask family or friends this ques- tion: "What color is the blossom of the poinsettia plant?" Chan 's are, the answer will be, 'F..}, of course." Actually, the red "blossoms" of the poinsettia are not the flower of the plant -- they are leaves. The real blossoms are the tiny yellow flowers in the center of the red clusters. A comparative newcomer to the traditional Yule greenery, the tro- pical poinsettia was discovered in Mexico in 1828, by Dr. Joel Rob- erts Poinsett, first U.S. minister to Mexico. He aroused interest in its beauty, and the plant is named for him. E y Albert Ecke, a California farm- er, developed and improved the plant, and first marketed it in 1906. Y Re i OS 2.3711 - WHORLEY, FLORIST | PRE UE UDEV VE ULI EYE NEU URL YE UE EYE VEU UE UU YE NE RYE VUE UE BD VE VES EE USNS UUM - Haileybury : Fema Be Be BeBe De BD SST TD DMRS fe ment. Some can glue sequins to the cutouts to form features. Others can tint the foam with food color- ing, or glue felt to the ornament to add extra details, such as hats or buttons. A pipe cleaner, inserted and glued to the top of the ornament provides a hook. Decorating the tree is usually a family project, enjoyed by both young and old. Preparing the dec- orations for the tree can be equally enjoyable and memorable. 5 Sg a aS Sai 1s BVI IEA WEIN IIE IZ II AEN I IIE HONE IIR IVEY TV VI IE LEU VEU ERE ELE RV DE UE RU ME UU OU UR ES EU OS 2-3002 Haileybury 2 PRR AAA AAT HRD Le BT a a a BS USVI I OT UU MVE TN YE EE, EU SO ME ME MG Be US ng VATE] VATANT TO wvISH YoU ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS oa e? we \ N Sate ASS ai Pt SECS SH Spee St vp ae i= AND TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE GRATITUDE FOR GIVING US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU... Silicate an Ny TOWN of HAILEYBURY OS 2-3144 HAILEYBURY DE UEDS ERED MEM URNS RENE USNS RUS ERNEST IRI RSIS EIRENE VE PAYEE EDV UN eS ee BY eB ME ES RE DME RM