. sion stressing kid, laad, Across the Kitchen Table BY MRS. MAC _Christmas time once more and I wonder if we are any nearer to realizing its true meaning, or are we, even More, entering into the generally accepted opinion that -Christmas is only a time of pleas- ure, a. time of getting and giving mere!.and more -expensive gifts, of. having.a drink (which always turns. into too many), - "'just -be- cause. it's 'Christmas", spending much: more than. is available and then. deploring the fact that the bills keep coming in after Christ- mas is over? To me, Christmas always starts with the singing of carols and even though there are commercials both before and after, they are lovely .and bring to mind those faraway Jhills where. shepherds watched their . flocks; saw. the Star, and fheard 'the angels sing. It's-a~ busy time, ~yes; I know: I always' think of so many things Ydjike: to' do, that, quite natur- wity, A.'don't' get done, but' I do get» the main ones done .and do not worry about the others. Christ- mas,' too, means having' my fam- ily with me, and I don't think there is anything else on earth that) ntakes me realize the mercy andléve of God' as much as hav-- ing them want to come home. And as'leng as I am in my own home (and I'll be there as long as I can craw?! around myself), they- will be home for Christmas dinner. This year theré will be two daughters, two'sons +in-law, one son, four grandsons; one granddaughter, one aunt, one uncle, and one very dear friend, as well as myself. And the hustie<and 'bustle as the igirls. bring their contributions to the dinner and help get everything ready for the table; aca the hae a eas y. Ae ig still time a get a rift for the most import- at woman in your life, be it your wife, mother, daughter or 'sweet- heart, and-we have gifts - for Grandma,. too; whether she is the Jet Age type or the. good: old fa- sloned kind. 'A few last: minute suggestions; a "cosy Vocama housecoat, velvety sort and light as air, completely washable, a new shipment just iu; with, of course, many others in auilted nylon, wool flannels, Pais- ley and Viyella, etc., starting as low as $8.95 and going up to $35.00; Glamorous bed jackets as well as the more practical fine Swiss wool and quilted nylon types. From France comes. the finest of: 'pure silk scarves; and remem- ber, too, we have kid gloves in white, and bone in 'launder leath- er', as well as colors. With Fa- "She" would be' delighted to find a pair. for diiess or 'casual' wear -under the Christmas tree; fine leather bags, or, 'the tapestry. bag for afternoon or evening wear; a peau de soie bag and stretchy gloves beauti- fully boxed by Kayser, in black, red, emerald and piu sHade. Direntere with ead skirts, bulky knits, and curling sweaters, angora, fine 'wool ~botany, Shet- lambswool, . from sey, Glenayr Kitten and' many. other quality trade names. Bvelyn's is brimming with gifts for "Her" or if in. doubt, a gift certificate may be enjoyed any thie throughout the year. There $08 8 Oares 8 $15 C0 Ee Cae tiffeate, A MERRY, CHRISTMAS TO ALL soy bd | 'Cae a }bits of news they have; Lansea, is: still time to get in on the draw]. snoop into the kitchen and get un- derfoot, the Grace that comes from the heart, '"'Lord, we thank Thee for this food and for the privilege of being together to enjoy it", is all climaxed as we open our gifts when dinner is finished and then relax as the children go out to play. Yes, Christmas is a time of working and planning, of remem- bering times both sad and gay, of thanking God for His blessings, and they are many if we only take time to count them, and of try- ing to give someone, somewhere, a little bit of kindness and pleas- ure to remember. And so to all my readers, the ones who have written or said such nice things to me; to the ones who never forget to send me whatever to the ones--who--do forget (for -I -know how hard it is to remember some- times), may this Christmas be one that not only you, but those around you, will remember with joy, and in the words of Tiny Tim, "God Bless Us All", Catholic Women Plan for New Year The regular meeting of St. Pat- tick's €.W.L., chaired by President Mrs. L. O'Shaughnessy was held in the St. Patrick School, Cobalt, re- cently. tine business followed with reports heard from all conveners. - On-a motion made by Mrs. -V: 'Thompson,- Convener for Educa- tion, it was decided to give a gift of $10 to the boy and girl in Grade 8 with the highest standings. Initial plans were discussed for the St. Patrick's Day Tea and Bingo which are planned for Thurs- day, March 15, in the Cobalt Com- rmunity Hall with further discus- sion held over for the January | meeting. ee ~Miss=G. Murphy. was appointed -|to purchase 'the flowers for decor- | ating the church at Christmas. Mrs. hup a. box of Christmas baking, Parish, to send to a Postulant. Father Scully reported on the recent Diocesan Meeting held «in New Liskeard. Mrs. A. Bazinet is tthe-convener for the next meeting. Father Scully opened the meet-; ing with the League Prayer. Rou-| O'Shaughnessy is making : collected from the-women of. the; Christmas Pageant At Baptist Church Haileybury Baptist Church was filled Sunday evening, December 17th, when pupils of the Primary, Junior and Intermediate classes of the Sunday School presented in a colourful pageant, the Story of Christmas. The changing" scenes portrayed tthe Angel's visit to Mary, Mary's visit to Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph in the stable, the shepherds on-the hillside, the shepherds' -visit. to the manger, and the visitation and presentation by the Wise Men. The cast included: the address of welcome and opening prayer, Mrs. deVries; narrator, G: Kelly; the prophet, David. deVries; . Her- alds, Frank Parcher, Brian Huff, Michael and Danny. Hopkins; an- gel Gabriel, Jackie Parcher; Mary, |: Karen Kelly; Joseph, Joe Tres- sidder; littlest angel, Virginia Dav-| idson; _ Elizabeth, Louise Kelly; Shepherds, Paul deVries, Ronald Parcher, Keith and Eileen Sulli- van; Wise Men, Linda Huff; Les- lie Sheepwash and Elizabeth Mc- Millan. Choir -- Mrs. D. Davidson, Bet- ty van Noort; Chery] MacLean, Lenore Kelly, Jean Kranz, Diane Milroy, Rosanne deVries, Susanne Gagnon; ushers -- Robert and Ter- ry Gagnon. Others assisting: Music, Mrs. W. Davis; Directing, Mrs. W. Hop- kins; Costumes, Jean. Wilson, Mrs. M. Wilson, Marilyn Whelan, Mrs. G. Kelly. Decorations and Stage-Settings-- Marilyn Whelan, Colleen Riley, D. Huff, Frances Parcher, W. "Hop- kins, and G. Kranz. Lighting -- ipiealles Huff and Wes- ley Kranz. Luneh -- Mrs. D. Huff and Mrs. G. Kranz. New Year Cusfom Called 'Pin Money' New Year's Day hasn't. always been January 1 in England, but whenever thé day fell it was the occasion for- giving and receiving presents. Kings and queens received very elaborate gifts on this day. .The gifts presented and received by ordinary people led to the phrase "pin money." It was :custom for men to give their wives and daugh- ters money for pins and knick- knaicks on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rudd, who spent a few days in Toronto, have returned home. Guests at the Rudd home for the holiday season will be their daughter Diana, who is a student at Victoria College, Uni- versity of Toronto; their son, Bill] and. Mrs. Rudd, and two grand- children, Dean and Darlene. Bob Tyson of the University of Toronto, will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tyson. Tom Beasley of Rexdale will be with his mother, Mrs. T. W.: Beas- ley for the Christmas holidays. Attending the meeting of Shun- iah Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held in Cobalt, were Mr. and Mrs. G. Moody and Mrs. T. Cragg of Haileybury, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morgan, Mrs. P. Greening and Mrs. A. Clow, of 'North Co- balt. t -Mrs. N:... Washburn and daugh- ters Kim and Kari of New York, will- spend. the Christmas holidays |with Mrs. Washburn's mother, Mrs. L. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Paul La- Palme will spend the Christmas holiday -in Ottawa as the - guests 'of Mr..and-Mrs. Albert LaPalme. Carmen Beauvais and Ronald Rhainds will be in St. Bruno de Gigues with Mr. Lucien Beauvais for Christmas. '| parents, Miss -Claudette Levesque will 'spend theholiday season with -her Mr.. and Mrs. Florient Levesque in Ansonville. 'Miss Marilyn Pretty will be a holiday guest at.her home in Kirk- a land Lake. _-Miss--Bridgette: St. 'Pierre. will, Haileybury Personals accompany Miss Jeanne Quesnel to Coniston, where they will be the guests of Miss Quesnel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Quesnel for the Christmas holiday. Miss Frances Ouimet will visit her parents in Rouyn for the Christmas week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Walli and son Stephen, of Houghton, Michi- gan, are holidaying with Mr. Wal- li's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Walli. Mr. Walli is in his final year in Mining Engineering at the Mich- igan College of Mining and Tech-| nology, in Houghton. Raymonde Shank will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Shank at Val Caron. Miss Jeannine Smith will be 'the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Smith, St. Bruno de Gigues, for the holidays. Miss Adele Bibeau will spend Christmas with her-father, Joseph Bibeau of Ville Marie. Miss Nancy Shannon is -going to Toronto to spend. Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shannon. Miss Jean Mills will be enter- taining friends at her home in Hail- eybury during the holiday season. Miss Jeannine Boileau will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mari-Anne Boileau, in 'Earlton, for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tisdale and family..will spend Christmas Englehart. will be with her. father, Mr. Med- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knight in| Miss Jeanne d'Are La Breche| ric La Breche of Val eae: for | ¥ Thursday, December 21, 1961 eee of the Women's Fed- eration of St. Andrew's United Church held their annual meeting and Christmas party at the Manse Wednesday evening. Miss Muriel Rice was in charge of the devo- tional period. The Christmas: story from the second chapter of Luke was read and this was followed by the singing of carols with Mrs. W. Gagnon at the organ. Mrs. Lioyd Childs reported on the visits made and cards sent during the year. The purchase of two Christmas trees for the. church and Sunday School room was -auth- orized. The members brought their White Gifts to the meeting and volunteers were asked for to as- sist in. packing. them. Mrs. Pea- cock thanked all conveners .and members who had worked for the bazaar, teas and catering during the year. Mars. F. A: Orr gave her interim report. A donation was ap- proved. for Northdale Manor. . Mrs. T. Beasley offered to as- sist Mrs. Neelands in making nec- essary repairs on the hymn books and twelve new hymn books with music will be purchased for the use of the choir. It was announc- ed that the World Day of Prayer will be held in St. Andrew's Church on March 9th. Mrs. R. McVittie, chairman of the nominating committee, pre- sented their proposed slate of of- ficers- for the coming year, which was accepted. The folowing offfic- ers were named: Mrs.. C. E. Peacock, president; Mrs. E. Pearson, secretary; Mrs. T. W. Beasley, treasurer; Miss Muriel Rice, devotional programs; Mrs.. W. .C.. Arnold, Missionary The Haileyburian Page 6 New Officers Named By Women's Group. Mrs. C. W. Tyson, social secretary; Mrs. Lloyd Childs, Vis- iting; Mrs. A. Barry, Manse sec- retary; Miss Cecilia Somerville, literature secretary for the Ob server; Miss Jean McGill, Christ- ian Education; Mrs: F. A. Orr, membership; phoning committee-- Mrs. Elmer. Nelson, Mrs. L. Wis€- man and Mrs. B. Brooks. r The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. C. E. Peacock. An exchange of gifts and a social hour followed. ; 3 Haileybury WI Christmas Party Thirteen members and two vise itors were presént when the Haik eybury Women's Institute held its regular. meeting and Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Robert Campbell, West Road, on Thurs- day evening. The roll call was an- swered by telling. different ways of wrapping Christmas gifts. A donation was authorized to the Temiskaming T.B. Association. A gift is to be sent to Mrs. R. MacGillivray, a member who is in hospital, and also one to Mrs. Sam Craig, a life member who is spend- ing the winter with her daughter in' Renfrew. Following the business part of the méeting, bingo and games were played=and gifts were exchanged studies; the highlight of the beautiful dec- orations in Mrs. Campbell's home. A. pot luck 'supper evening to a close. fllustrated booklet Orillia Haileybury, Ont. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY MONUMENT f Rock of Ages' new ] ae ie ieee et How To Choose Your hat re cS Family Monument" visit us today, AUTHORIZED DEALER SANDERSON MONUMENT CO. LTD. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE T. G. TULL@CH \AGbS/ - Ont. Phone OSborne 2-5218 from a Christmas tree which was" brought the ' & Se i 4 Merry FROM LAWRENCE ; | i : BUCK NEW LISKEARD the holiday... - ve. etcetera RRR Christmas 'FO ONE AND ALL BU MVE Ue May we serve you in 1962 with our fine line of furniture and appliances. 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