| ~ 9 Se ee 2 Local and Personal Mr. Ed. Wright is in town this week from KRouyn. IKKen, Carmichael visited his home in Haileybury last week- end from Rouyn. Mr. H. Wray returned yes- terday atter spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. A. J. Carson is in on a visit to her son, Mr. son and Mrs. Carson. Toronto PS Gar Mrs. W.E. Doherty. has return- ed to Haileybury after spending the past three months in Ottawa. Rev. Canon Hincks was called to Bracebridge on Monday owing to the death of his sister's hus- band, Mr. Tillson. Mr.and Mrs. R. Y. Campbell left yesterday evening for to, where Mrs. Campbell will re- ceive medical treatment. Mrs: 'Donald, of North _ Bay, was in town on Tuesday for the funeral of her grandmother, the late Mrs. E. Meredith. and Mrs: O'Neill, of Vanco- uver, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myles, left on Wednesday evening for Toronto. Dr. Mrs. J. H. McKinlay is able to be out again after being confined to the house for the past three weeks with grippe and sore throat. chasis Mr: Jos. Meredith and Mrs, ( Hackenbrogh, of Eati Claire, Ont, were in Haileybury this week for the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. E, Meredith. Toran OBITUARY | Mis. Eliza Meredith An old resident of the Country, in the person of Eliza Meredith, passed away at | the home of her grand-daughter | Mrs. J. Whorley, on Si turday | last.at the ripe old age of ninety- five years-and six months. She had been in Haileybury since last August, but had been a resident of the district of Nipissing for the past 42-yedrs. Her former home was in Mattawa. ' The late Mrs. Meredith born in Hagley, Worcester, land, on September 14th,- 1830, and came to Canada in 1882. Up to the time.of her death, she was in good health and was always of a very cheetful disposition. She R. Was Eng- was feeling quite as usual on I'ri- day night, and on Saturday mor- are left to mourn her loss. ~They are Mrs. Hackenbrogh, of Eau Claire, -Ont., and Mrs. W. Clark, ef Toronto, and W. H. Meredith, Mattawa, and Joseph Meredith, kau Claire. Her husband prede- ceased hér some years ago. There are also surviving eighteen grand children and forty-eight great- grand children. The funeral of the late Mrs. Meredith afternoon. Tuesday funeral service was held on The | | | was conducted in St. Paul's] Church by the Rey. A. M. White- of New Liskeard, in-the --ab- sence of Rev. Canon Hincks, who was called out of town on Mon- day. A great many friends. and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kk, Whorley attended and_ there were many beautiful floral tyi- butes. Interment was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery here. Lenates Ball of Boy Scouts N the auspices of _ the North! us] f the Mes. Boy Scouts will be held, ; Mrs. + Bithnaties ning it was found that she had J 1} Euchz ris t at 11: Children's Serv- assed away peacefully in her | Street, ets tated 4) wrattire: |: tae tes a Ja. « c ch . a Me. yl : wrist and other injuries of a min-}1¢¢ at 954 Evensong at 7. Ss 1h i fe | Ta daughters and .two sons or nattre when she slipped and| eS ee | Thanks Earended for Old | of which have_-been replaced. ed June 17th, 1920, and was one|" of the many that are still Miss . THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A. Pastor to be Held Next Thursday Ball under Hailey bury in --the | new Hotel Haileybury on Thurs-| day next, April Sth, when one of The annual Easter Thursday, Ladies' Aid, Friday, Service. April 1st, 3 p.m. at the Manse. oO p.m. Preparatory the most pleasant events of the ; be ; Easter Sunday----ll a.m.--Com- spfing season is promised. The ne tel Skier ae lta ~O q\/munion Service hermanice in charge have ail pete ne ee Saar : 3 = 0 arrangements well under way I Gay oc 7 p.m.--Easter Musical Service | Easter Hymns, Anthems, Solos, and Organ Recital. All are cordially welcome. and hope that there will be a gool attendance as the Scout esc in Haileybury is in necd of all the} support that the citizens can give, | It hasbeen arranged to have late | St. Paul's cars running both to Cobalt ant | Church New Liskeard so. that all may). | <n ORE IC oa take advantage of the ontertaire| The services for Good Friday will be as follows feat Cont | Good Friday--Morning Service Broken Wrist is Result lat 10; Three Hours' Devotion, 12 of Fall on icy. sidewalls | 0 3;Evensong at.7.30. Ee aster Day+-Holy Communion Blackwall,at 7 and 8; Mattins and Choral ment provided. land Easter Day fell on the icy sidewalk when re 4 turning home from Church Monday evening. The accident | CLOVER VALLEY NOTES eee On. ; Lj ; bar] ra Spring's here at last; saw two appene st after dark < happened just alter-dars anc the) | crows and heard a cow-bell. injuries sustained are very pain- $e tul, but \ fe thought that the | Mr. Fred Jirstine who lost the a "da? 7 " eer ' Ee ' 2 i a 5 y Wrist 1S the most serious. _isight of his righteye, is doing [he recent thaws have leit j nicely, and he has been hauling jlogs to Messrs. Eckensviller and ~Fernholim's mill on the West Rd. many parts of the streets im dan gerous condition. ee er i. Mr, Harry Plaunt, Copy of The Haileyburian) joey in the bush thi: ---- = who has | s winter, has Tle ated ee ihiel 'returned to the farm this weeks. ie thanks o 1 publishers; . 1 PK * » < reek Th ~ Ba , . Seer e d this Ae Sh '| 'Repairs have been made on the allet tor a valuable adcimon iSchool kitchen by Mr. T. Ter to the files of The Haileyburian, Fe dere Gre feat i, hee all of which were lost in the fire }4)is winter. of 1922, and only a small pertior The copy sent in by Mr. Hallet is dat- Clover Valley U.f.O. Club held 'ALBERT GOSPEL HALL = -- Bs Coo a very successful social Event alaved, Mg A. H. Rice treated at the School House on the eve-) the children to'chocolate bars. "A ning of the 26th. Several old-'dainty lunch was served tie time games and contests were' ladies. The: New Spring Styles are here in Shirts, Ties, Gloves. Socks Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. eee et your New Easter Outht while the Sizes are complete. 3 Jap. Gibbons Phone 8 MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Busy Corner <i -ORNAMENTS- os : : FOUNTAINS, BIRD BATHS, TABLES, FLOWER POTS, VASES,. ETC. ETC. . # Beautifully Built in Granite Pebbles : : REASON a BY PRICED See the Display at : JAS. McFARLANE'S WEST ROAD PHONE. 301 HAILEYBURY | | | | | | | --o asia me : : 7 ) Albert Street ae feaders have been the means ' a ee THaileybury 's new hotel will be | Mrs. Thomas McDonald of replacing a good many of the| Sunday School ....... 3 p.m. officially opened on Tuesday next| -- Fyaends of Mrs. Thomas Me-|old copies, which are always wel- Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p:m. April 6th., A reception will be} Donald, View Street, learned with} come. Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. ar in the afternoon and ieee pee regret of her death on lo oe Youtg People Fri., 7.30 p.m. will be cards and dancing in the! uesday afternoon, although she | . e 1 A evening, had been In poor health for al- | ible ae coal aan TOWN OF HAILEYBURY 5 ae inost a year and during recent) : aoe Anis: fen The regular monthly pBeUE | weeks with no hope of: recovery. On and after | uesday, Ap il Bes 8 of the Women's Home and lot-|She was only twenty -eight years the Acadian Beauty - Parlor and B ap aw v No eign Mission Circle of the Bap-lold and leaves her husband and Barber Shop will occupy the Rea y ° tist Church will be held at the !three small daughters to mourn store north of the Fetenson Ave: home of Mrs, J. Williamson, 75\her loss. The oldest child is five entrange | in ~ Haileybury" S pea Being a. Rielaw fer Gronting Ait todhe srewster Street, on Thursday.!and the youngest nine months. Hotel, with a private entrance Sisters of Provtdence Hospital ager for ladies. WHEREAS it is expedient to grant by way April Sth. The late. aie es mee ae S1-1-c JH. WOODHOUSE /2!* donation to Ree of Providence FigRs : are cell a resracn oO é Bs Ho = 3 ber) che sum of fire Thoacind Dollars, and Phe regular monthly meeting $8 about 11 years, coming: nee eee this is the amount of the debt intended to bey. - of the Women's- Missionary _S0-|from her former home in' Uno 7 crated by this By-law. ciety of the United Church will Park, where_her father, Mr. Mir- 'Condensed OS. ee WTEREES ihe gpm ofthe vile be hel d on Thursday, April sth, | on, two brothers and six sisters | snes the. OR en a pr aed Roll is at the home of Mrs. Somerville.|curvive. She bec: ame W ell known |For Sale--Radio Poles, 35 to AD) s1.360.642.00. Lake Shore Road. = ane very much respected by al» feet long. Apply at_32 1 catch- AND WHEREAS the amount of the De large circle of friends and ac- ford Street. 51-3-c. He DEniaeet et oi Bae peo det The ladies Ot 2. aul's Guile | qui untances. who all join a eK F Sal S. C. Whit Leptioin eo "ci 2 atid principal or interest will hold a Rummage Sale in the!tending to the sorrow ing hus- ya ' E ae D : ae e4)| BE IT THER EFORE ENACTED-by the curling club rooms on Frid: Ly >| band and 1 chile lren thes ir sincere ees i e reget ching Cy] 50) | lunicipal Gouncil of the Corporation of the April 9th. Those having ayGicles '| sympathy. eS aS 15 NG ee ae be ATA Ir ae ig pees bury eR ha ee fr the sale please 'phone Als E-] Taken sick easly in 1925, Mest teagq," phone OU), Hany [iat etn pe aac oy Atkinson, No. 281. Ee MecDonaid fad spent two months Lge Ss ot aes 61. 1a | be li, liven to the Sist ve of Providence by way <a lin the Weston Sanatorium, from ---- |of tonos. during the period of ten years from Rey: A. Nie Schultz, bible teach- Lay vhere she returned to her home For Sal e--House and Lot, Ferg- | 1 15th day et el mber, Fact in entas er, evangelist and foreign miis-|jn November ast. Since then | uson Ave... between Blackwall | bee ments oF "Five Hundred. Dollars sionary, will hold a series ihe has gradually grown worse and Russell, seven rooins. Ap- 2. "That the said yearly sums of Five Hun- meetings in the local Baptist! until her death. ply to-A. Vincent. She | ded Dollars' shall be collected by 'special rate Church, April 6th to 16th. All The funeral will be held this up n the Corporatien at large, and shall be teaching spiritual, sound and or-}afternoon, when service-will be Store for Rent--In Hutt Building | | devoted 40 payee ucra cand te Bo SS thodox. lcondueted in the Ronian Catholic now occupied by Woodhouse s lay of ered tt aa iret ne i. Pere a= eee |Church, ol VW hii hh det eased Wasa Barber Shop. Apply 0 3 the | issented 16 by the electors and its bein? fur- Friends of the Children's Shel-|}ife-long member. Interment is |: premises.._ oi -th: }ther assented to by tht Ontario Railway) and ter, which includes everybody itt | £0 be made in the Roman Cathol- | Singer Sewing Machines take the | Munictal Bos 3 erosiaee ae agi town, are asked to reme mber thet;- Camete ry here. lead. See P. E. Gagnon, Nr | Dsesed Be ee eit sre aie dance! and bridge which will be ----S------------ we Liskeard. for your next electric lof April, 1926. held lor the benefit of that NS | SR ae OS ie eee oe OL tread lle machine. Repait | aa ne im er 'Hotel deol ; . {| and supplies always én hand. | x = suryv'" on Friday evening, Td j t ; AP Sete 16th. . re Cough i ----| NOTICE! Se 6 ' For Sale--Two-storey, newly fin- | Take Wotice. that the forégoing 1s a- true The regular monthly meeting | t ld ; ished, 7-roonved house, Geor-|copy of a Lei? By-law of the Corporation of the Haileybury Chapter of the | { and Co gina Aye. All modern conven- be the Toqwn of Haileybury. to be submitted {.0.D.E. will be held at the G.W. F iences. lireplace. A real SAP) the tia i a Bee Ht ta ae V.A. Hall on Monday, April Sth, | 3 e for quick sale. Apply to I: Ne id fo Saale ae oti Auto es at Spits ok full attendance is } Remedies Devenny, cor. Georgina ere, cin Rieck in abe aah ahewTaaing desired as there are several ques- ! and Cecil St., er phone 273. | places: | tions of importance to come be-f'¥ 51-2-* | At the G.W.V.A, Rooms," Browning Street fare bite weetiie 4 ae § for Roling © pubdivisic a Nos. | and 7. Cae ; For Salo--6- Roomed House on | . Fi cog eet ae Paildipes stain ssi sek The seed cleaning demonstra- } Wampole's Cod Liver Amwell Street; sac wiliee AOTIT ia on Bip ulate Siore: Blackwall. Street, tion train of the Onario Govern-| 3 Ob eee = $1.00 quick sale. Lv. Hunter, Aniwell | for Polling Subdivision No, 4, _ = : ay ee + ; Str eect. Bite 17 At J. Farmer's House, Meridian Avenue, ment will make a tour of Temis-| J eta es a ces tae pees kaming district this month. The) Rackley a psoncaue Wanted -- Reliable Housekee exits fle "14th ae Jha nOn es train will beat New Liskeard on} Mirdture<:2.54-:7-- T5c aa eat aa a eal HL stock in the forenoon at the apes April 2lst, and w il] procec «| north rf Pectaesin YB aaicl $1.50 charge. Apply to Mrs. Wan: 1 pambats: Pp nie an Pyeske i in me s3 es er from there, making STOPS: at all ee 1keSsy, Lake. Shore Road. S50t s sat ye a ts Ae eae at the farming centres. + Bromo Quinine teeeree 25c ithe final summing up of votes by the Clerk. } 5 Wanted to Purchase--Before Ist And that if he assent of the electors is eb- A dance and bridge, for the}? Horehound, Ib ....... . Zoe of May, six roomed house with | tained to the said proposed By-law,it will be benefit of the. Children's Shelter.| ¢ Cough Drops, box ....- 10c all conveniences, good location. | pee mt : eae teeta by she Sone iat | will be held in the new "Hotel|} o. or: Price must be reasonable. AD- | inot Per ent Wise ah excicatien' afl eanl Haile ybury" ou Friday evening, } Stationery Tobaccos, ply Box 324, Haileybury. a0-3 | month from -the date of the first publication - Ts « : w oC 4 : ies of this notice, and that such first publication ee Bek 2a f Sie : Sundries. For Sale--Small House on Lateh- \,, made on the Eighteenth day 5 a hoped that there will be a large|t ne ford Street; all convenient eS Ieee: saci Soe BF NAS nite dine : ; apply at Haileyburian Office. | pe caer cine "f = ple Ay a eae © vote v n. sai propose : Se aay House For Sale--Five Rooms i oi oe ed for thing te The pau NESSES for, the eae } P i WRAY. Pam B. pantry and bath; EAT Price]: ants a ee ar rio Ff he Canada Evidence ee to be ae BY es ae Fea a ? . $3,800. Apply at Haileyburian | ac, that he is a tenant whose lease extends couts in the new ote aAllicy-| ¢ . = -{T i for tl e for which the debt or liability is bury next Phursd: Lye ¥ ening ; Ap- 7 FAMILY DRUGGIST Sie: Haan ge. OL Sad ich the money to be ril Sth, are Mesdame€s D. 1. Jem-} 3 For Sale--Seven Choice Building | Bee by the proposed By-law is pay ae mo mett,-H. G Pickard, EE, Pascaéd, i: ¢ PHONE a 3 Lots on Meridian Ave., former | Boe ae, twe gaty- ae oo peat iia C. F. Tucr, Gordon Hayward; G.|} | site of Children's Shelter. fess ROR a a Tg WE ok = of whict A. Bag Shaw, yi BE. McCuz 11g, Ww: i We Deliver Promptly | payments if desired. RE is tenant other than focal improveme pt A. sou D. G. Alen aid ot L. He ee | ie Gerien: see tary ay. itd | nay HEREERT A. DAY, - ns ae = Sao ee Sa Soe ee OS) far} Reh eee i " he --_ 0202 o 948+ +o + +o oO 8 Oo oO Oo oo © 646+ 606-5 9+ +2++4++44+ 3976 eo ee 4 ; {| ENGLISH DINNERWARE ; There are some be: autiful new patlenie, | in this CF yaad coutaen see Jare whiqgujere sure to, --_-- = "9T= Piers Sets, 'Specially Priced « at ip | $32.50 : : 6 A, W. SANDERSON © JEWELER and STATIONER ' | Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records Sie ee ee a ---------------- HLA. CARLSON LADIES' AND « INTLEMAN'S TAILOR GE We always have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from Patterns and Styles to Suit Every Taste Fit and Workmanship of the Best CLEANING AND PRESSING FERGUSON AVE. Liggetis' old stant Haileybury Lumber €o. Limited -- Haileybury, Ontario Box 250 Phone 16 f Our Complete Stock-of FLOORINGS, SIDINGS, SHIN- GLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, INTERIOR ,. TRIM RQUGH LUMBER open for your inspection. Let us Quote You on Your Requirements We SELL it QUALITY and- od. dumber: We don't KEEP good we se Id aay gee et a a, a Ne ee ee ee ee eT, me OEE