IjRWI 'm&msssssm .....IMj.....!..............MIH......I......MIMIIIIMMlllMfl......... •■' tKffiMJ »i »!»♦♦< ["h© Readies circle met with lay afternoon. sbsSe i*w#* 1 Era, 'he Fellowship club met at the te of Mr. W. Webb on Ftiday ev- lg. ■ ;;i">777*7: •^i7™"S~™!TT^;^ '"^^~:;r^......^■r-y------^. Ir.Roy Ware and family left last Inesday for Salt Lake City, Utah, »r* they will make their home. ir.C. Miles McDonald of Edge- •r has purchased the house re- vacated by Mr. Costlgan, at Elmwood avenuet-.:c:*:&.L:^:p^^ ■.. r. MacEJneny of 627 Lake avenue itly «bld his borne to Mr. JP. A. rers^oiPIlT" Twelfth street, and red to 4456 Magnolia avenue, ►wing to the lateness of the season thfe number of entertainments have been crowded into the Bast; months it has been thought ad- ible by the board of directors of Ouilmette Country club to post- i© the annual dinner, set for May , until next fall. In place of the knual dinner the entertainment com- Ittee have arranged for the first of [series of Saturday evening dinners, llowed. by informal dancing, cards, >wling and billiards. .; Mid-week service will be held this rening at 8 p. in. at the home of and Mrs. Beaumont, 519 Green- avenue. The topic of the even- will be "Th£ Church and the Bap- of infants," Gen. 17, Gal. 3. The mg men have organized a Young i'a class, under the direction of r. Thomas E. D. Bradley, as teacher, class expects to take up the idy of fundamentals in religion The Sphinx club held a dance on Friday Evening at the Ouilmette Country club. Dr. Arthur Tuttle and wife moved into their home on-Washington ave- nue last week. '■"■'.'■'-."■-'..'.\'[',...■*"■■ Mrs. Wilson,"mother of^MTS, Arthur Taylor, who has spent the winter with her daughter, left for her home in Indiana last week. V: y^Mrs. Esther J^lke worker on the northwest side, was the speaker for the Commonwealth class at the Congregational church, Mr. B. P. Dunshee has gone to Van Rnmn, Arkansas Id young men's questions. The r~1rnitttdyihg"this mth the Question of civic corrup- 6^~13ulQday.,; ■•777./' ;;-;■:;■..;.:;....-,. r The regular monthly luncheon of the Ladies' society of the Congrega- tional church will be held on Friday of this week^ Luncheon will be served from ,12 to 1. The Music committee of the M. E. church is preparing an entertainment to be giveh^Pfiday, May 17. It is to be an evening with the old Greek masters, and the arrangement is in charge^ of Miss Laura Lee of the Comnock School of Oratory. The per- sonnel is composed of the young peo- ples of_the ctorus^ day school, who will give poses and tableaux representing Greek myth- ology. Mrs. Byron C. Stolp gave a lunch- eon, Friday, to eighteen ladies, in- cluding members of the Travel club, of which she is a member. The dec- orations were in yellow. Following the luncheon Mrs. Stolp read a paper on Perugia, one of the hill towns of Italy. Mrs. Haskins of Glencoe and Mr. and Mrs. JF. Parker Gowing are traveling in CaMtornia this Taonttfir&Q&. L.%-' 7,77 4.7777 7/1-77^ Miss Betty Clark of Chicago spent the week end with Miss Hortense Gowing..:- -.:;t'- ■.-:', 7;;-f^^-ri=^^ Mr. Phillips expects to make some alterations on the house during the .summer..j7/;,7 :;^:.^^-r^-}/C^'^ Mrs. Fred Roach of Tracy, Ill- spent the week end with her-mother, Mrs. H. P. Peirce. Mrs. John E. Davis of BJvanston were among the out of town guests. Sev- eral numbers of Italian music were wn^e^a^onTthe^^lctroia^ Mr. William J. Weldon, 203 Wood- bine avenue, has sold his home and has moved from Wilmette. ^;;1 ;^ : ;i Mrs. Volney TJnderhill has been confined to her bed for several days with a severe attack of rheumatism. 7Mrs. George W, Garvin and children returned this last week from Kansas City, Mo.,4where~they have been for the past month. ~ ; Miss Clara Knop, sister of Mrs. Samuel Hoth, 724 Twelfth street, was married on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the residence of her sister, to Mr. Fred jGuether-of Maywood. Mr^ and Mrs. Guether will live in May« wood; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson and nephew, Wilbur Rogers, have moved from Wilmette to Glen Ellyn. Mr. Watson has been for twenty years a deacon of the Congregational church, has been a teacher in the Sunday school, ^ang a number--of years in the choir and was treasurer nf thft deafwn'ft flUT*. ™**"«> hi« wifft Mrs. Edward Henry Robinson went to Benton Harbor, Mich., last week to 'attend a reception given in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Richard D. -Mr. "wlma^^Pope"'df^S^JgJ^S^ will lead the grand march of the Northwestern senior prom with Miss RathPiHnft Marlnflr nf Wfflard hall, on Friday evening. ;77..7'7v:77/7--777 Mrs. CharleB Carlson opened her home on Monday afternoon to Mrs. Torrens of Chicago and her pupils. Mrs. Torrens gave a musicale, as- sisted by Miss Isabel Kline of Kenil- "wbrUi."^";:^ Last Sunday afternoon, near the interjection of Lake avenue and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail- road tracks, the occupants of an au- tomobile, driven by Daniel McCann, 1223 Oak avenue, Bvanston, narrowly escaped death when their auto was struck by a street ear, The forward portion of the automobile was badly damaged, but aside from the nervous shock to the occupants of the car no serious damage was done. _ The marriage of Miss Mattie Ake- ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Akeley of 812 Elm wood avenue, to Mr. Burleigh Withers of Rawlins, Wyoming, occurred at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday evening; ~ Aprtt S«; Harry V. Heald of St. Angnstine'a Episcopal church, read the service, a^rM«|i7oi"W^ cause," with harp and flfcllft ;a«<boni- f 7777/ paniment. The bride was gowned in ' -"' lace, with a tulle veil caught wltli~a|^^^^ wreath of orange: blossoms. . She car4ll|l|iSf§ ried . a bouquet - of white roses. ■ -Mrs.|f||f|if?|= Charles R. Baker of Winnetka, thel matron of honor, wore white satin m. with a tunic embroidered in pearls and carried pink roses. Miss Ruth Cornell was maid of honor. Her gown was"oi~ white embroidered batiste over pink satih and she carried pink roses. Nate Akeley, brother of the bride, -sei^edr<»-best"-man7---A reception fol-^ lowed the ceremony, after which. Mr. and Mrs. - Withers left for a wedding trip east, and on. their return will be at home at 529 Kedzie street, Evans- ton.' A number of out of town guests attended the wedding. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Withers ■ of RawHnsTTWyomingr-Mrsv-Beaumont; and daughter, Frances, of New York, and formerly of Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs, Nate R. Salsbury, Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Templeton and Mrs. Mary P. Gibbs of Chicago. v^T"^:"7;^ ifi: t&. ;"^H ■?^ (eont inuedr^nr Page3j|^PaEtJi~ has been equally active in all church work. Mrs. Watson was an active and helpful worker, in W. C. T. V. worfe- Davis Street tela. 2414,2415,2416 FIRST QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIR PRICES= SPECIAL SALE MAY 9,10 ------------PRICES IN FORCE ON THESE DAYS ONL WILMETTE Central Ave. © 12th St. Tela. 510,511,512 ORANGES - California Navels. !>■';; been any better. v 176 size, doz................. ^--150 size, doz^..,../.... ..v... ^--l^-sizer-rdozi They have never SAPOLIO and Ha Sttled SOAPir Germa "*Wlmz. in bjx PINEAPFLE&-=^erfeat^_delicious-4ri»it^ 24 size, each -- 30 size, eac ouvePoiC - people. 4^ % Gal. can ^ £..... .$3.2b^^ Largeef Rott _^ % gal. can\f^^.1,7^^MWiirum ^^ *£ gal. canv^5w*:u.Wci,^' Small bottle* GINGER ALE--Chippewa. On^oE satisfectorx^niade.__Dozen-quart ^^" ~ ~^25c dozen rebate for bottles. H^&r-eochran's ImuortedC-PlhttLC.il.AIM' olio. Doz. Procter & Gamble's .10 bars......, ble's. : .- in:b0x^nik) 10 bars....... te^sPuamble'sT htmL .J$3.95,__10 hargL,.-^_J... ,80c ..45c HONEY- ^trained, Wlhite Cloverr _%Jb_Jar-_-^ Comb. 22c ^18c ,Has peculiarly fine .30c y ODFFEE^T^oas^^lend. ■ drinking qualities. Lb.... TEA-- Lipton^s Yellow Label, Ceylon and India. ~ :±Uk lb. pkgv 58cL_% lb, pkgA,,.............._____. v29c 0 My own blend of Oolong,-Japan and" Dargeling. "~^A very delicate blend which pleases. Lb. rr-r.55c Oolong. A. B, $1 quality. Lb......._..... .70c Oolong. Typhoon No. 2. 75c quality. Lb. ...50c _.•.'?'■ Oolong. Saturn A. D. 50c quality. Lb... „.,^35c OLIVES-- Sizzler. QueenHVfed. size. Full-qtr^Oc 3 Queen. Large Olives. Full qt..... ____..... 50c : Monarch. Deviled No 10. Bottle............25c Monarch. Deviled No. 14. Bottle............45c Monarch. Large Queen No. 10. Bottle... ...22c Monarch. Large Queen No. 16. Bottle...... 35c Little Devils. 4 qz. 3 bottles................ 25c -^-Manzanilbr.--5 oz^ ~Bottle,•-.-.v-vvttt": ......... :t0c ■£<■■ California. RipeM Gai: $1.15; quart ..^CUd Missions-California ripe / ......35c Qt. canrvv^rv^.45c DRJED FRUIT^=vPrunes. Richelieu: Extra fancjr Santa Clara. 20-30 size. Lb...____....... .. .20c ~z Prunes. Fanqy^^nt^jClajrjtT^0-5£>^ize. Lb.. 12^2^ Apricots. IBancy California. Lb............ ■____22<r"" -s Peaches. California. Unpeeled. Lb..._____.17c DATES -- Fard [A]. LbTT.... .Js^J^..... 12«/2c JI& Dromedary. Washed andTcarefully packed. PEgTlOc FIGS-- Turkish. 5 crownr Lb.7 - Fancy washed, pulled. Pkg.. 17c 22c «"•". VGOI »URMfE--Doz. DUTCH CLEANSER ■::»" 3 pkgs. JKITCHENJWJ^EJ^^-J^^^ AMMONIA --Full strength. irtd^eiiithTi :5c Gallon. iQuart.'.. .-'i FuH strehgtB.^inff:^ .... Household. Three ^quarts. ../.. BORAX --20 Mule Team. Pkg.. »......60c 77777720c" .,:.12'/2c 7777250™' .,..11c CHLORIDE OF LIME- Champion., Can... 8c .LEWIS LYE -- Three cans ... . ....... .25c Huntley &. Palmer's Imported Biscuits- Twenty kinds always in stock. ___"_ 7 77^- Alaska/ Ibl 77777;T. 47c ~7SJonarcE, lb....... 40c Cuban Fingers; lb. .28c; Oval Rich Teas, lb.30c Little Folks, lb.-.. .28c Concert, lb....... r.28c Cinderella, lb.......28c Dinner, lb.........35c ---Currant Fingers, lb.28c ^BfeakfasT, % lb. pg^^Sc - Wheatmeal, lb.... .40c Tleadin&\Short Bread; ...........65c .r7T.43c lb. Pkg. NurseryT^lb CEREALS-- Quaker Oats. X)riole Oats. Net 2 lb. pkg.,.... Battle Creek Corn Flakes. Pkg ^Oriole Breakfast Flakes. Pkg.. --^iWheatenar^Pkgr. .777777; ,77:77 Ralston Food. : Pkg......------... - ApitezG.-- Pkg. .-----.......... •. -^r-^Trisguit. Pkg.' 3E^-fcj>« Grape, Nuts. Pkg. .. Quaker, Pearl and Granulated Hominy. ^COR^N -- Parjs^J^raeTb^tter^Maine Sweet Sugar CornTTCan 11c; dozen.................... .$1.30 PEAS--Lakeside Extra Sifted Early June. Can 20c Dozen..............-----..."-----.......... .$2.35 Sweet Sifted Giant Telephone/Can 14c; doz. $1.65 RAISINS --Seeded arid cleaned. Pkg.7.7.7^.9c _7JRichelieu,_^S>panish clusters. 7L'..lb. carton.77.130c H*^ir an's aire the best. Get a cataloorue~anny stores, it will save you much time aM trouble to buy tliem of meV ^ IHi Shore Keal Estate e & Orr 74 W/Washingtbn: St. Chicago^ 1204 Central Avenue, Wilmette ^HfLONG m S&wMSi. >s 0H&0M smm 7 -"'"- 775^'"f-'fiv'7s*.-^lS'3?»"'f>!si*^':' • 72' ;?SSi!sS^^