â- mm: **< triM «Kfc SHQltiri^^ *#' r w,,::^i-'-; ;**.< "v'"^'ir"rT;.; 1".'.':"'^"."1 ',""«.**'-,- :,'rfi«'.i"vr.,).'s"' ";'• 7 "?,'<?" :i" .,' TORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING ia!#ii»il^iSiii WednesdayfThursday, Friday,Saturday, May 15-18 Rosenberg's Stamp kffM£:M^0. P^ nor save tten^ jand may be exchanged lor $1 «5tt in any kind of merchandise, except groceries, meats and drugs. WMi ja^t^tiower Prices Than at Downtown or Exclusive Furniture Stores Because Our Expense of Doing Business is So Much Less Vernis Martin Beds. 2-inch continuous posts, heavy husks and filling rods, all sizes. 1 For CSJP C Brass Beds. As shown in cut, 2-inch* contin- uous posts^ st^Eingl ish Colonial Style Brass Beds. Full 2-inch outside posts, heavy^cap^n>ount St sati^ or bright finish, Q A C Reliab'e 2-Burncr Gas large doable burner and lmed- 0\ 4P f* iuuu size, has needle valve and £Jn J .air mixers.>... ri,..>. .â- $ w> .!•»?%:... *^m^?:?^; Planished Steel QyeiisJiFor gas, oil or gasoline stoves, two-burner size, *% 1 Q special at...... ..'..^.v,^-^i^»-.... ..••'• *V^ each 1 Solid Oak Dressers. 38-inch top, has large bevel French platerfl^ mirror. Exceptional %'"!",..6.7 5 For Baby's Comfort and Mother's Convenience Here is the only conveyance designed for the baby that will absolutely permit the mother to take her child evtiywhtrt. Shopping, calling, visit- ing, riding on cars, trains, or elevators, it makes no difference whtrt you go or htw you go, the baby need ntver bt lifted out The U a combined Wheeler, Carrier. Be**taet and Jumper. It can be pushed or pulled, carried oa the arm or will etaad alone â€"can't topple over. Can be changed from a wheeler to a carrier or chair la aa instant. Simply pull a cord-. Oo.Bashet aetUea gently to the ground with the wheels out of sight and oat of the way. Mo complicated mechanism © get out of orderâ€"works so simply end easily that an grown child caa do it. Come and exantine it yoursel Special values fk Important News About Paint and the Economy of Alabastine â- â€" Alabastine goes farther, lasts longer more durable than ordinary kal- sf /IraT Brussels Rugs. 9x 12 f ii 1 1 worsted face, oriental ^nrlJoral pa itei lis. A special value 1 j A.V? -forvWtmm* ****** "Deltox" Crass Rugs. able forptff room in' ^ouse^ o^for y^rano! as and sleepinjf porches, 9x12^iz 6.50*^x9 si^* **•' In 4, 5, 6,H and 10 foot widths, in natural, green and brown colors, price ranging from *\ *9 tL 50c to .......... •t?»* *9- cheapest^wallpaper, and fa re sanitary. The cost of Alabastine lor the average room is from $1 up, ac- cording to the size of room and the con- ditioh^of walls. 16 beautiful l^lso white, 5 lbr pfci â- *â- £ WINDOW SHAbESâ€"ATTTilzes^p to 63 inches in width. Bring your measurements and we will cut shades to desired size. .i Shades, up from.^v.......... GOLD MEDAL PAINT Is ready mixed, will not check,- peel or rub ofl- 1 Afl Per gallon... m. •"»\sr WOOD TONIC 50c bot- tle for of every kind are always on sate at this store at mach lower prices than elsewl :cj - i -r. â- -+ %*?-:;â- *â- .^m^M- that yon will always ind exactly what* you want without delay. 3-ply **4 1% Garden Hose, 50 ;|^secticniH#itb brass, coup* __£_jfcngs1 ready for Use; ; $5 value for Cortland Wire Screen, the best made, in sizes from 18 in. to 44, per square foot Ironing Board on stand, can be adjusted,; made of selected^woodr warranted not to war 12 and 14 in. Lawn Mowers, has 8 in. drive wheels, 3 tool steel blades, high speed, adjustable self-sharp :ener.|4 value f6r..w.-rr>.v. Others up to $12.00. Jt Japanned Ii u n c h Box, good size, well Colonial shape crystal, jejass: 5|S^^ Greyly enameled Bread §^akg,Patf,^;^#-;^^- :--:^Qr 15c value for..«,:',,......; 0 V Heavy charcoal tin wash Boiler, with heavy copper bottom_and'star tionary handles, patent ; cover, $2.25 .value for...... 3 • panel Screen Door, well made, stained and cov- ered with Jmt wire, made up in _ ____ standard sizes, C-qt blue and white lined ^P60^1^-^^^ Grey granite Water Berlin enameled Kettle, a*.....•. • • V w Kettle, Jl fl/» lite cut, «*Bi!t iii«Kii«^i>A^^Jii«j^>iB