Pit THE LAKE* SHORE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAV 15, 191& Jern), first; Menaul (Chicago), seconds fNurgren (Chicago), third. Distance, jjMJeet » inchejB.,..-.,.,.^.*. .....,..„Tâ€"^--, : , "Broad Jumpâ€"Linn (Northwestern), first; Kuh (Chicago), second; Mat- thews (Chicago), third. Distance, 21 , ieet 10^ inches. Hammer Throw-^Fletiher (North- western), first; Radetnather (Chica- t^y^v' â- ' ^-y-V :_ ; ' :" 'r â- â- 'â- â- :"â- ' go), second; Canning (Chicago), fty?-' \it rx 'ii tMrd. Distance, i:U feet 9 inches. 9 Kl Stages Men Took Close Dual â€".-------------- Meet^t Marshall Field FIRST RELAY RAC£ %^lbva~^»«5 ASUCCESS LINN AND FLETCHER STAftS &M . Friday afternoon the Y. >M. C. A. ju- â- ninrrelay with the North Wnd depart- y .: ;o"; /â- ;.-â- >. ,,"â- .'. "-r-V~V" • ' '.'merit at Evanstcn wasrun off. The hoys Despite the 'fart that Northwestern, o»r,eaeh team ran from their building von eight of the fourteen first places to that of the contestants, each boy lii-ThTdiiaT"track meet with ChKago, tunning about three Woeka where an- at Marshall Field Friday, and tied other was waiting for his turn.-Ihoae for anoJhexJim, theMidwavites won who ran from Unneutral building f hT^ea«ork of Captain Fletcher Harvey Wilkening, Ted lownsend, and Linn of the Purple squad Kept, Stuyvesant Smith Ralph Davidson Northwestern in thelead throughovU Max Hayford, Willianv^Terry, John the greater part of the meet and enr Guthrie." Frank Berry, Grahanv Pen- ahled them to make the great showing field;. Morley Reading, Donald tores- they did : man and Sereno Bra/.elton. â€" Fletcher, although his ...team. lost. Thursday the- older boys will more than pleased1 the:^ootej^as_he_ij'uii aga'nst the- Noith Ends beat Menaul irT^all - three ^weight larger boys, and on the 18th a dual events. In winning these ..the'big fel- track meet v\ill be run off between low made somo good marks. The the two. EJvanston d.op.irtmoatR, lor work of Linn v as^ginmy^aT^ood^ls^hSch five medahY have been hung that of the captain. The big sprinter up for the five^mdividu^Jiii^^ tookâ€"ttfree first and tied for third in winners, and a large banner for the the high jump, making him the high- meet. These meets will be a prepara- est individual point winner: v tlon for the big OoOk County Outdoor Made Fast Time carnival for whlch entry ^nk8 an' Phones 1991 &&tt£. NORTH J^^ Specials for Thursday, F riday & Saturday, Mayj6,17d8 ^tpOSlSIi^ CREAMERY BUTTE Premium, lb..... . „ In running the^fe^ "the distance in 10 1-5 seconds ancl was organizations. ^.__________-------y forced to run against" a strong~wiwdi^^^or the firstr Hme^ the grammar jjUteLmJ&^&^^^ are given whole fioldr^ttrt^^r^y^enport, the places on „lhe_ prog*a4»-^>*~-th %aroon ca!TtaTnT:"lsrot content with^events.There will be banners, making good marks in these events he medals and ribbons for this meet, made a leap of 21 feet 10Vj inches in which will close the outdoor track the broad jump, which netted him first season for the association for this '.â- Xa~> :~.^r-L_--^^-iâ€"^-___ -yearr An attempr is~atso being made pmee. â€"^-â- --. - ; , •.. - t^^^.tJ^Ljsms,â„¢^^ C A It was Chicago's a^Blt^=to=-4#^MW~4e~f5€t=*^^ xH' *" A Iâ€"Strictly fr*sh, doz CEOCOLATE DR. PRICE'S BAKING ENGLISH WALNUTS OWDER Kumford'sVl-lb. tin. 1-fc Fresh shelled, lb. r. 3rlk_haskjeiu ^olds and thirds that gave them the_boy8^ej>ajlm^ ^riVl. C. A~to~Tun against Evanston-f -rtose-meel../vAuhleipMeiiaul \vasUie~ chief "pickor," ns ho garnered ninny mts-f^iMvisHtearn and hisr^vork ^wair- years ago good, The big surprise at the meet was the two-mile run, which was won by Bishop of Chicago. After, letting IOA_n AW4llMftr-___â€" Smothers ajidjl^hoj^nj^ wJiW UAYTAIlflU tF^ er part of the distance the fleet Ma- roon spurted into the lead aiuUtaished^ -ftrn yardai totire ^vojr ^_y_____>-sr- Hasrl Good Chance. y "" As a result of Friday's meet Northwestern Fs^ conceded a better rhnncfi-tn-H^'^^tmfal*m^^ â€"nre the JUaroons, In Linn, Fleteher and Shaw the Purple have thre^e sure ypoint winners. $fi§k fa BummariesT Pole Vaultâ€"Shaw (Northwesterns and Coyle (Chicago), tied for first; Heller and Dickerson (Chicago), tied for thii^ J^lgULlLJejeJLian£h^fi^ 100-Yard- Dashâ€"Linn (Northwest- ern), first; Shenk (Northwestern), second; Matthews (Chicago), third. Time, 0:101-5. i One-MileCyRunâ€"Thorsen (North- iiS ^f^^^t^TBiIEBnBby (Northwest cm), second; McCuiloujhJ^qjtlmejt Ijur Ife 'â- Iff VB*"*** "--------------- M-XH I***** U<e~v v* » »WW^M» »UU »»» »» 1 ^^yaTd^ashâ€"LlOT^TNorfh^^ jjiey-again^r^peetr-to-^taiv The ISrST^rYtr Davenport (Chicago^vB^jniors and seniors have also been ondr Matthews (Chieagb), third. Time, 0:221-5. T20^yaTa^~HTgirHlTd^^ (Chi BSlw cago), first} Meiiaul (Chicago), sec- |||s|y | oud;^Sctewarz(Northwestern), thirds |fj!yf!T1riine, 0:16 2-5r IffilllfeiQnarter-Mile- Runâ€"Davenport .(Chi- Ilillllpeiig^T^ seconat L^lalp^^^rtb^vesteM^thiTdV-^^ 0:513-5. sfe Two-Mile first; Runâ€"Bishop (Chicago), Smothers (Northwestern), sec- lror5e^3lLN^tnwesTeni), third. :220-Yard Low'j Hurdles -^ Shaw western) y firsts Kuh tCtrtea- in relays similar to those held two wlren tire home^teams brought home the banners in each case. . m B£ A LIVE ONI '1 h e class day parade-this-y«aT at ;NgrlbjveMejiL-PJ!Ojnis4^ -to - be-4»etter-|â€"«" than ever-r-as evidenced by the inter- est which is already being taken in its success.^jrhe_classe8 are rapidly tompTeTfiigtheTF^^^ parade of the school and the down- town departments are showing an un- usual interest. Though the plans are not fully formulated yet, each class har^rcOnfmitfee working hard to get out something original and charac- teristic.^ The freshmen are planning to come out with green lights flashing and decorated in every other possi- ble way^-to-^kFttng^lsliT^iemseiv^s from' the sophomores. The sopho- moreirnrareTperfectins; ppirTschemes _^^T^e~nrgBi oi riotous fun in which niors and making plans for ajittle-jopre^a^ate Aad-jeaerved order thair~~tbe~ two younger classes, but all the displays will undoubtedly be striking and orig- in al-enougliz:to_jrne^^ passive interest on the part of those wjio shouJidJ|eip==fl!Hl^^ Tlinev 0:261-5.^ i^al^Mile-JRun=b^n*oT^^ JtoBjjMmpanj^^ >7V ih'atf^Beato^ (Northwesternl* SdU~^an^l^Gtote^^ ^^^rimeV 2:02 2-5. M ^^^piacm_. Th'rp|r__ western), yflrstL Menaul^XCjy^go)£Bec| md ^netclteTr^X^HrtS^ Norgren (Chicago) t ttird- JWfe '^lriti^rl21':f«et^:mcte _^ «4#ai High Jumtt^-Menaul a Nort^weaterii)^ tJ \ox iChi- forsfirsjt; Taylor aid- Linn ^ for third. TWO FIRE CALLS. â€"â€"-â- A defective chimney caused a small fire on the roof of O. T. Eoege's -homt?, 1108 Wa^Wligtoir^Btreet,^ Wan a-' ton, Thursday morning. The damage amounteddtojJ£^ASffi avenue, occupied Jby the Bvanston smoKeZ^A stov^ feaytheibasement wa* found^tot he thy oni^g T^p dTimrg^ library !*Women of Tomorrow," Jby_wn1iam Hard^ of EvanBton; consists of chap- ters repri n ted "~Trom _ Everybody's GREEN ONIONS 2 b„nch,s RtHXS -feR^^r-H^ttse^^^ fr^ >"** Prime Rib Roast Beef and Legs M Lamb for Saturday ^i Every ,interesting way with the five phases in the mental development of the modern womanâ€"the postponement of marriage, the preliminary_ period of «^f^uj>port,__the_ n^w_ytminlng--tOr_ nifitkerhood,'^ the problem of leisure and the opportunity for civic service. Contains an introduction by Prof. "Intimacies of Court and Society, t^tiie WldOw^df an American DiMOi l^t."~^Re^arding thisyj& fWbwlrig from the Chicago Record Herald^^KflLJEQi^many ^noomv haa^ there ap|reared a book^ojr^ourt and ATTRACTIVEJ4EW BOOKS. ^-socTety~gWsTp~ ^ this Some of the new books_found^SF one iu exceirfiThce of matter, style and â- the "ww bo^M ^y^i^j^e^^mstfrn- 'â- ^0ttlV*~^7e~r:r^^ ^he^LifeT^f^aTaTnaT^ VVHtod^ ^Ward,^ y„ Js based xm his private journals "and correspondence. on "the! N. W. Elfii|gg0iW>n,Tforget to stop tJlark St. Sllrnon for "Fine Furniture." to contract, Our Two New Floors [id^ave^been. compi^^ fry Mqy~"t^, roxn1e7iulB58^-^Bo4^ in to fill Additional Salesroom • Space. We y Are wded, and^are.^selling: goods^ at=^=4iseo»Bt=^= =^ to 50"per cent. Slightly Jlamaged Articlea ^curing Rebuilding^AT COST. -^ Dining Room Suite in-Early English or Fumed OSRI complete, like cut.. .-.$157.00 Buffet, top 22x00; French Bevel Mir- ror, 10x50....................... &3.50 China Closet, 17x56 inch, -58! Jn. high 3SJ^ Swerving Table,- top T9xS37 large linen drawer ... -....'................... !M»«75 Extension Table, Djto_sjy^exJopr 54 â€" Itr^-r-ftTnBxtensibii... : i. ..... , x 48.75 Dining^CJiirir,^ f^iiff^iiRI^W:Early Knglish, fuil uox sejiL^ genuine^ All goods oMfked to plait flnrai. teathfrslyOtttJimcial^^^^r^^^^l^5 6etrge B Barwig o> ». Clark Ifrwt, Wilton \>lv*t Rug, Ek 12; teamiessT-^nrâ€" SOHmrschargr^ccouttir^airnajL^ Our Store is OpenMond y, TiMiiay, Ta«irt4«y 4VS««iird«> Eve rings ter only Js devoted to his iif« a» t» _ Ang1ic^itetfeezrr5airaffiaeT=^^^ ltfe"as^^co^vert^ tOhe %man ^t^ olic faith. ^^^^SMf^^^^ ..-:..A fascinating~iwrt«i^*l«>c4ria" "Th* Lite^^ndâ€"Love--ofâ€"the-lnsect," by J. and is as tBe^Saturday Roview «tw^«, h^h ffnhrp U i« written in untech eajLJ?J^giaphs^-^D^eb^^ ^h8-^^j3^E3lMirJ0^ tive poster calling attention to some useful books on gardening, such as: ^y;^Wdmatifs Hardy Ga^e^^Fut tprton, "How to Ma^eia^^egetaoU IP Garden"; Parsoris7 vC^W^SSSm', -."t^^^Sft^-^^*® "--