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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 May 1912, 2, p. 12

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wmmm^ is '1$. THE l&SLl SH8i#!l#S, WJPNESBAV, MAV^gfc 181* »»•»»»»»»»♦»»♦»»♦)♦♦>♦»»»»»»♦»•♦» I-----------------------^-----------,----+■ j||jn^Teoi^fiA^ ...... i ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ in Winnctkd ♦♦♦♦♦•»•»♦*♦» E. R. Durham has moved into the Bowman residence on Lincoln avenue. Mrs. N. H. Schafehen entertained Jtwenty of her friends last Wednesday. - Mrs. P. P. MasoXis enjoying a visit from her mother, whose home is in Maine. .... _'^\___ ___ "-iL Frederick^-tiickinson- and family have moved from Spruce street to Tine street' y.'-"" ;:■■.; _ V^---■--'.'.!': Dr. and Mrs. Casey have returend to Winnetka after haying spent the winter in Chicago.-^----*4*±^--~-~W -i J. B. Densmore, who for the past month has been ill, is able to attend' to his business again; Mr. and Mrs. Conway, formerly' of Chicago, have moved into their new home op Linden avenue. _ B. S. -Wilcox, formerly of this town but now of Elgin, spent one day last week calling on old friends here. The Kroeschell-lrome on Sheridan road is now occupied by N. M. Eiseen- drath, who moved here from Chicago. The old Clow home is now: occupied- by E. L. Norton. Miss Henrietta Sevin-Stafford spent the week-end in Champaign. The members of the Royal Neigh- bors' lodge of Winnetka gave a dance at the Woman's club house Saturday night. Many attended. An enjoyable evening was spent. Christ Episcopal Church. Rev. Frederick GrBudlongr-feetor. The church is on Sheridan road at Humboldt avenue* The rectory, par- ish house and chapel are at Linden and Oak streets. The holy commu- nion is celebrated in the chapel at 7:30 a. m. every Sunday except the first Sunday in the month when the "service is held in the church. Sun- day^ schpj)3^it_Sii5_a^_m.l_Morning prayer and sermon in the ohurch -Sundaysrat W^C'inT-lfoljrxommunion on the first Sunday of the month. Week day services as announced. feOUR NATION'S DEAD.li-J^ The seasons come, the seasons go-- The winter's frost, the summer's glow, The rain, the wind, the drifting snow, The buds of spring, the yellow leaf, The seedtime, bright, the golden sheaf, ^And ceaseless laborT joy -and grief. O lapsing years! with all you bring Of joy and sorrow, still we sing Of our dead heroes; still we fling Upon their graves from nook . and :.;...: new■■,'/ The choicest sweets the valleys yield, For they were once, our nation's ■.-,'■ shield. /.'...;'......:.:.:•■„ ^;J.:.T(.;':;T- '■-'--:. ^Edwin-Jr^Jdell. Wllmette, 111. __ _ , IAKE SHORE VICE EXPOSED (Continued from Page 1.) rooms and on the streets, both in the daytime and at night, and have been particularly offensive to many of the jgirJa,. worklng-Jnuthe-yJllage. "There is abundant evidence before the committee of the widespread ex- istence of venereal diseases in the community as a result of immoral 308. ; ' , .■: -.■■ " . . .'. ,-■'■ , ' i responsible for her protection, take measures to insure it. "That, if necessary, in order to rect the' conditions surrounding young people in the village, names, not only of the, parties "One of the most distressing fea- tures of the condition disclosed by the investigations of the committee is the corrupting of young and innocent boys by indecent1 language and stories, in the streets and in public places, by in- vitations from the older boys to visit disreputable houses in_ the city, and from certain danger- ol our own and and cor- the the and the witnesses In the lawsuit ^bove mentioned, but also' the' names of all others whose conduct is a menace to the morals of the village, Jbe-jnadeJtnow&r--■■■"-.■ ■■-■' ■ " ./ ' ----■-- "That a committee be appointed to act in co-operation with the neighbor- ing villages, where similar conditions exist, to form a North Shore Juvenile Protectivo association^ --■■- .■ " ""■■"* ;■' ■ ,- "That inasmuch as troubles of this character arise largely^ through ignor- ance on the part of the young, and through the secrecy which is* common^ ly maintained concerning matters of sex relationship, parents should teach at home, and there should be taught also in the public schools, as is now by solicitations LOCAL BOY SCOUTS MAKE SUMMER PUNS At the regular meeting of Troop Two of the Evanston boy scouts Sat- urday many plans for the summer were made. It was decided that the troop should escort. ttte 6. Am."to the regular memorial services which will be held Sunday, June 2, which is also the first anniversary of the troop. Plans for the summer camping were also talked over. It Is expected that the troop will open camp July 1 on the shore of Crystal Lake, Mich.. Sev- erarTroops will De campedabout the lake with general headquarters in one place. • .:„. Duringr^Saturday's hike^^a^ baseball team was organized and games will be arranged with different teams about this city. Secretary^ Simons^ of tbe middle west district, accompanied the troop and made an inspection which proved most favorable. mtmm H.B. 1526 Greenleaf Street GROCERY & MARKET Phone 3700 Fancy Rib Roast of Beef Pot Roast of Beef....... Fancy Leg of Lamb.. Fancy Leg of Veal Ro Fancy Breast of Veal R Rib Veal Chops ..... Loin Veal Chops .... Rib Lanp Chops.... Lota L#nb Chops... _1_ CHICKENS DRESSED TO ORDER hone orders promptly attended to. Quick Delivery. We handle the choicest* meats only. ,;, No Money in Advance -- Satisfac- tion Guar- anteed-- Lowest Net Factory Prices- Easiest Terms--^ A Saving of $100 to $ 2 0 0 -- From Fac- tory Direct. REMOVAL NOTICE. Singer, Merchant Tailor, has ateed a Ladip^^ailoxing Depart- ment. Suits mad/ t^lrder. The London cleaners am JfthflVlr. Singer, 1561--Sherman a*nus^JBpposite Ev- .heater. feme phone, "66." famous ST ARCH pimos __ Sent Anywhere in the Uni 30 DAYS' rHEE oug young "women neighboring villages. ^ ~ ~ "After, verifying the above facts, the committee invited the president and board of trustees to meet with -in-joint session, and -these-effi- dais expressed their purpose ,to aid In every p]^ betterment of the village. The police, moreover, report that they have been . able to maintain better order in pub- lic places within the past three months. While the committee feels that this is the fact, it believes that the underlying causes for these con- ditions still exist. : -!'The- committee'-Jias--also been as- done in many places,the__sjibject_ t ": o ^sured of the co-operatton™of the Chi- |§|lf^Jfcago & Northwestern railway in . pre- ||a -f i Bervlng order In and around the sta- ^^$kUOL-^^CM.^ '^P:P':'-'- "r';v y-"::y IM&^jyr;."But'however zealous the officers of |$ ?||i* the^ village may be in the perform- | ? p I anee-of ^h^l^^HlutjeBiT-howeve^~act^ve gllllig; various organizations may be in pro- ItlfcBfmotlng the public welfare, the hope for betterment of the^eonditions de- sex hygiene, arrangements being made for instruction "of the boys by compe- tent medical lecturers, and of the girls by women physicans qualified for such teaching. --^That a pufrHe--meeting--be--held, With suitable speakers, at which these questions shall be discussed, with a view to devising measures along edu- cational and preventive lines. "The committee has in mind further measures to be put into effect later, and will welcome, suggestions from the citizens." ^~ "M. R. Kultchar, Chairman; "Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, ----: --^---- "Secretary; TELEP 1573 HimiYE IftttSTOI; ILL. ^j =acr4bed^a^ove must rest-^nltlmately upon air aroused" andalei^^Tibnc^seh^ tlment, and the constant vigilance of he parents and other individuals of the .community. ■^™^-^;«^ ^Therefore, !ThaL Thia Committee Recom- mends: the citizens of tho village See to it that such order Is preserved as to make It possible for women to go about at all^our8"wTth^ut~Iear of insult, and that measures adequate to accomplish this result be^purin force. "That the trustees of the village, In co-operation with the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, make and en- force such rules as will prevent own- ers and drivers of cabs from having "William P. Sidiey, 7 "Samuel Hallett Greeley, "Frank A. Windes, John R. Montgomery, .' • - ^ ^ "Mrs. Ira C. Wood, "Mrs. James P; Porter, ' "Dr. Aliee^Barlow 3rown,; 77-■"v "Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston, , "Probation Officer. - Conditions Xpert Piano Tuning There is more to piano tuning than ly adjusting the strings. If well tun piano will sound poorly "tuned." im samg exists betwl "voicing" am regulatinWaction. Good tuning costmid more i G. A. FA Resident Tuner ore than inferior wwJ/00 A C^ fwEARS ** *^y EXPERIENCE W.W- KIMBALL CO. 1407 ELMWOOD A.E. Telephone 757 W1 'B WILL SEND to any] with handsome silk and glass balls, SU: years, on 30 Days' Free Tri advance, and if you do not Piano yoa bare erer««en to yourself and f of the United States fbeautlfnl STARCK PIANO, scarf .polished revolving top stool, with brass feet Complete Piano Instructor, all fully waxsjpmor 15 lightJnyour own home, withoutas^tesJMlymoney in it jl^tiaadsomest, «we«t«s|s]fl0BWud highest grade is not enJiiBjpPRIsfactory and acceptable it-priced piano midf i_n qJ1 ich event we will stand the freight charges both ways. ^KfrasjJou and leave you to be "both judge and jury." hence you are to be pleased orH»js#will be no sale, and the trial will not cost you a penny. Isn't that fair? Your banker or any commercial agency will tell you we are able as well as willing to make good on our guarantee and ail our promises and agree- ments, hence you are safe in accepting our proposition. Said for Oar Special Advertising Offer to First Buyer* in New Localities and Save All Unnecessary Selling Expenses and Profits. - --- --: We will make it easy for you to deal with ua, no matter where you are located. We will arrange VERY EASY TERMS to suit your needs. Send for our Beautiful Catalog Today. STARCK PIANOS are Warranted for 25 Years, bat Titer LAST A LIFETIME STAROK SB-MOTE MOLOtST PLAYER PiAMOS make pianists of us all. Send for Special Player Piano Catalogue if interested. BARQAiMS i§§ OTHER MAKE* and in used and rebuilt pianos atfiO. $50. $75. $100 and up. Send for list. Church & Parlor Organs--all styles and prices. "Write us today. Our beautiful literature will interest you. Mention this paper. <$ P. A. STARCK PIANO CO., Manufacturers Executive Offices and Warerooms, 210-212 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL 0e»t OUR Exposed. Tfte publlshlngr of the report attention of HARDVO'/DejlOORS brought forcibly to the the citizens of the entire North Shore the conditions existing in the differ- ent villages. An Investigation reveals'f'^r thaTTBe E. B. MOORE & CO. 33J8 Cential conditions Winnetka than in though the findings are no worse in other places, al- of the committee: tnem- sharply before the pub- wfll and also keep the platform free •"ttrefarvehlcleB at the station--exceprat: train time, and ■ railroad!* station Jfjrom loafers. SH?™* u necessary the police force be so increased as to make It poss^ j ble to presej^e_^rdei^iiL4iublic-^laces at all hours. ^ "That the citizens report to~tfiervTh Jage trustees, the probation officer, the ^police or this committee, all cases of bring "The conditions are exactly similar in all the North Shore tpwns,^ said Mrs. GertrudeHM. Ahurston, probation officer Of New Trier^in speaking to a. reporter for this newspaper yesterday. "The main trouble is' that there are not enough good places of amusement for the young people_to^otoTZZEZIl Si Winnetka the Community house has done wonders toward cor- recting the evil, but there are a number of young people who-W^re he- ^iritan XJndenrnidfins [UR own individual size is ready for you id your own individual taste will be met. %ot only do the lovely embroideries and lace^ive these garments the last eleganj touch, burWhe specially woven fabric mi the garmentVold its shape and wear splen< through all it^aundering. Every articlel|f lingerie for all worn) from the miss of ^^tieeiL^,^^^^ KLINJIcTllUWS -^ SUITS R Mephone 248^J/^^ "Hie prices are theUowest we havqr ever known for such high-gMe garmenl ^WlLLiAM S^foRD Fountain Square Evdtiston, III. ^ mi8^>ll,iuct_0' the character referred iicji__The_cities-and-vHlages are^ well ^to in this letter, and give their moral support, In ) order that ^uch as are unishable by law may be prosecuted with promptness and vigor. I ^That ^^eTF family employing any i'rom*,l *n domestic service should feel yond a certain age who do not-*elong to the Community house. These are the people who have created most of the^ tG>uble. As they, are of an ad- vanced age they are hard to control. "Besides more amusement places, I think we need better police protoc e Sho pecialty is Rh Sanitarium iTreatment of W« Also Treat 223?Sherm Telephene fcvanBton 2818 mm ch Cases. vanston, HI. scattered along the North Shore and the few police cannot properly control the territory, it Is a .critical situa- tion, and to remedy it the citizens must look the matter squarely in the face."'^r .■.:.---.--: o:--^i^ r,^-U :.;,.-.--;^-«^;4: W ithcut good honest value, style in a shoe is nothinAsWt J^mation. A TH. -4 NSON Firie"Shoes Wl7 ^ts MM n Office, 1574 Sherman Avenue Telephon With ADAM 45 Wab--h Ave,, CMcagp 707 ChUTCh St. TelnytHHie 3g$3-R WMi' i WM^M%^¥s€$^#? ■in__'umcu-

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