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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 May 1912, 2, p. 14

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fSfiTLAKE SHiSlii ISTEWS; WEDNESDAY, MAY 83, 1918. «i- ■' ffesfSS',Vi i' v; Rife ; jj^iat People AreiDoing 1 iifgyif »»i>#+» 1H * Mrq. Arthur W. UndWwood, 17+6 Hininan avenue, left Wednesday for a week's visit to Millerton, N. Y. « Miss Anna Lavinla Beebe, 811 Uni- versity place, is borne after an eigbt months' sojourn in London, England. Mrs/ E. Hr Vivian; formerly ofTBJv- anston, has returned from Kalamazoo, Mich., and is residing at Greenwood Inn. •'- .ii--..'-:~: ...... •!---~----*r--:- Mr. and Mrs, Win. Beering, 408 Church street, who spent the winter at_Cocoanut Grove, Fla.,_j-haye_j» :lu1^ed'Tn6me;^"""'i""^^7^'"^"~^'"f" \S* born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Luallbeck, May 5, 1618 Dempster street, a daughter. C. A. Randolph and family have moved from 1001 Grove, street to 408 Lake street. j Miss Josephine Jewell, 930 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end with Mrs. Katherine Drew, who has re- sided for the past two years at 1806 Colfax street, has moved to Leland avenue, Chicago. v The North Shore Pleasure club gave a dance Thursday night in Wilt- kower's hall. Gold prizes were given to the four best dancers. Mr. George King and family,have moved into their new home at 1028 Wesley avenue. They formerly re- sided at 1306 Ashland avenue. Miss Dorothy Gross, 1100 Ridge ave- nue, is visiting relatives r in Guelph, Ontario, and Toronto, Canada. She will remain about three weeks. Miss Emma Henderson, of Memphis, Tenn., arrived Thursday. Miss Hen- _4oj^cA_ha^§PJflt^eyjBJM^ in Marion Judson of Aurora. -Born to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lill, formerly of Evanston, now of Newton, Kansas, a daughter, May 12. Evanston at 630 University place. - The P. P. E. club met Thursday night with Miss Heerensrrt22 Wesley avenue. A good social evening was enjoyed and refreshments served. Mr. Will Burt and his mother, Mrs. W. G. Burt, 1723 Chicago avenue, have returned from New Ynrk Mr w»rf went to New York on a business trip; The Day Nursery of St. Mary's church has not been forgotten. The committee in charge is waiting to be- gin work until a suitable location can be found. . Miss Lillle Heath of the South Side, Chicago, formerly of Evanston, with her little nephew and niece, William ^juiitJFlorence Heath,, nro at- the Ave- nue House. ttTerly of 9l| Sherman avenue, have moved to 1806 Colfax .street. Mrs. Howard T. Wllcoxon, 1030 Maple avenue, has gone to Terr'e Haute, Ind., for a ten days' visit. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Seolo Pierce, mother and sister of Mr. Guy C. Pierce, returned Friday to their home near Boston, Mass. Mrs. A. Starr Best, 1936 Orrington avenue, spoke at the annual luncheon of the Edgewater Drama league at the Hotel Sherman Friday. Mr. "and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, 1133 Forest avenue, will be at Glen View until the arrival of their daughter from school at Sweetbrlar, Va. Mr. Arthur C. Thompson, 1133 For- est avenue, has gone on a three months'^ business^trip-ife^ugbrWyonrr lag and other states of the west. The engagement of Miss Louise Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott of Clarksdale, Miss., to Edgar Theodore Konsberg, son of Mrs. C. R. Konsberg, s, 412 Lake street, is an nounced. The Dr. E, A. DiHer, of"Aurora, spent Friday in this city the guest of Pr, Kappelman. Mrs. James K. Bass, io27 Grove *treetr haa-gone to Hot Rmmga, Va.»- for a short vacation.-- - ^~-- Mrs. Raymond, 1942 Sherman ave- nue, has gone to Beaver Duin, Wis., to visit her son, Edward, for a week. ___Mrs. M,„H, Comstock of Santa Rosa, Cal, is visiting her son, Mr. Hurd Comstock, of the City National bank. -Mrs. C. C. George of.©enverrGoIo.r who has been y.isiting her daughter, Mrs^ Wilh-Walter-atid family, 1507 Hinman avenue, for the past two months, returned Friday to her hoine^ Lady Clifton Robinson of London, who is completing her fourth Journey town guests were Mrs. George Gridley and daughters^ Miss Maud and Belle, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Carol Gridley of Libertyville. The assem- bly-^om~andUhaUs^were_decDJ»^ with strings of electric lights, shaded with yellow tulip shades and one of the halls was used "as a refreshment room. The colors were the Junior Civic leaguelcolors, blue and black, which are also the colors of the school. The music was furnished by Mr. Nel» son and lfr,...WQMtir» who are____ lar musicians at the college ..:frBS! nity dances. Miss Ellen Foster IS! Miss Gridley, the girls' regular cjEl eronj^j^e^so^preje^ ley has furnished the music all fil- ter, The fifty guests had a most% lightfui time, and it was consider^ by the young women of the classf j| well as others present, to be a nfeit enjoyable closing of a most enjoyibl, class. ■ * '*■■,■"«.•-: Mri5 Jk#?*2*??l Jnd wlfe^for. ^OT?rtttr=W5!lan^^ 125 W. Monroe St, between Clark and U Salle Streets, Chicago tion Alumnae auxiliary will present "The Hand-Painted Vase" at the Ev- anston Country Club Wednesday, Oc- tober 30. The sketch was arranged by Mrs. G. Wr-Barlowe. ^ few days of Mrs. II. II. Wfa^sor,t026 Forest avenue. Miss Reba7 Cooley, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Lyman E. Cooley, 2010 Sher- man avenue, who^ lias been ill for a number of weeks, is" now" sufficiently recovered to travel. Miss Cooley left Saturday for Colorado Springs, Col., accompanied by her nurse, The wedding of Miss Edith H. He- bert, onef of the teachers of Lincoln school, to Mr. Clarence H. Howe of Lancaster, Wis., will take place on the evening of June 15 at the Lady Chapel of St. Luke's church. Rev. George Craig Stewart, rector of St. Luke's church, will read the service. Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, Forest ave- nue and Dempster.strji^t^is_aiinenibfirL of one of the committees in charge of the Robert^Browning- centennial cele* bratlon, which will be held in Orches- tra hall on May 27; The program will consist mainly of; readings from the poet's works ^md of songs of which his poems form the lyrics. "The Women of Tomorrow." the ISVSK Central Trust of Illinois \ If BANKING-SAVINGS-TRUSTS SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS! Capital and Surplus - $2,500,000 ^\9oo6fifo Deposits CHARLES O. DAWES, Preside A. UHRLAUB. Vlef-Pwijdant EDWJN P. MACK. VJee-Prmir WILLIAM T. ABBOTT. Vice- WILLIAM R. DAWES. CmM« L. D. SKINNER. Auktant CMhtar FICE W. W, QAm AMistant JOHNWlsmOMA albert q M^ritf MALGOLMOTBdWELL, AMt StOMtwy WILLIAM O. EDENS. AMt Secretary JOHN L. LEHNHARD. AMt Trust Officer RECTORS A. J EARLINO, Preildent Chicago. Mil* waukea & St Paul Ry. Co. . P. A. VALENTINE. Capitalist . _ ARTHUR DIXON. President Arthur Dixon Transfer Company ._• CHARLES T. BOYNTON, Pickanda, Brown ft Company _ ALEXANDER-*.--RBVELL, Prwitdiiit Alexander H. Revell ft Company S. M. FELTON, Preeident Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. T. W. ROBINSON. Vice-Preeident Illinois CHANDLER B. BEACH. C. B. Beach ft Co. GEO. F. STEELE. NekooM.Edwards Paper JULIUS KRUTTSCHM1TT, Vice-President Southern ft Union Pacific Railroads CHARLES G. DAWES, Ex-Comptroller of the Currency _Miss__Mabel WnJIity; who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Barker, 1116 Michigan avenue, for the past week, has returned to her home in Baltimore, Md. Miss Anna Kinsey; 1460~Maple ave-. nue, has gone to^New York City to take a post graduate course in the -.Women's and Children's hospital. She will be away six months. The Mothers' club of the Central street school will meet this after- noon at 3 p. m. in the kindergarten room. Miss Kathryn Stillwell, of Chi- cago, will speak on "Adolescence." Miss--Grace^--Saunders-" gffff _ ^er motner, formerly of 1727 Orrington avenue, now of Chicago, have re- turned to Evanston for the summer, and are located at 1460 Maple avenue. Mrs. La True of Boston, Mass., who has been visiting her niece, _¥™L_JheimBj^iL Kingsley, 2436 Or- rington avenue,., for the past seven weeks, has gone on a visit to De- Jl3»l W^ioli^ ■-^^-^-^--:-'-:- '--vv ^ --"■ -:;>^k ^^jmoonlight-^dairtrgngrveu"hy';thT______ _ _ _ Elye^a^nb^ bdy^^T4wrsday ^^ was well attended. Miss Stella Albright of this city was chosen May queen, winning by a majority of about fifty jygtes^_ She was ^>resente4-wlth--a The annual picnic of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will be held at the home of Mrs. Lillian Cazler of 6950 North Ashland avenue, Rogers Park, Saturday. Luncheon will be served at.l o'clock. Miss Helen Hardle, 911 Hinman avenue, spent the week-end with Mrs. Arthur Rogers of Oconomowoc, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers gave a dance Saturday night in honor of the openfng of the new gymnasium at the Irealtlr resort.--"~~~~~.--~~~, The marriage^ of Miss Geraldine Wynj an, daughteiurf th&4ate Edward Frothingham Wyman and Mrs. Wy man, formerly of this city, to H. Boardman Spalding of New York, took place in Paris on Thursday, May 16, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, the Rt. Rev. Thomos A. Jaggar offici- ating. A small reception followed at the Villa Dupont, where Miss Wyman has resided for the last two years. Mr. and Mrs. Spalding will return to New York late in the summer. Miss Hulda Maria Anderson of Providence, R. I., and Mr. John Lam- bert Freeman of Evanston, were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the Swedish Christian Mission church, hi corner of Church street and Oak ave- nl^^"Rev^Jghn Anderson read the last chapter of which has been Issued by the Chicago Woman's club in a large edition as an argument for wom- an suffrage, Was written by Mr. Wil- liam Hard, a former resident of this city. Mr. Hard was graduated Jzsm- - Northwestern university and lived in Evanston from time to time. He left here last spring to accept the position ns associate editor of the Delineator in New York City. The Foster Players' Dancing class, which has been having regular danc- ing lessons all winter under the direc- tion of Miss Mabel Smith, had its final party Friday evening at Foster street schoolr~7The Tparty was given by^Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ennis, Miss Catha- rine Beebe and Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Gross, who dwperonedLjthe_jv_pung_ of Electric Lamps an women for the evening.--The out-of- --MOSSLER CO. lothes for Men and Yonng Men 19 jaacson rnva.--fast This Week! A*25 Showing nces You ought to take advanfe X)f this rare opportunity to purchase things foi^youi^hoine saving. Lamp! adi style show; tor e fry [re iucticms. hundred guests. The bride was at- |gf-tj-tj-May-ijrown ^nd led"the grand march^ JgJ r The following juniors of the Uni- |g|g;v; versity were-^eeter-day elected char- g||i|| ter members o! Bpsilon Kappa: Elsie |j|lij Green, Viola ;Shearer, Fern .-Qreen, |p|iv|Pauline Pearson, Grace Strickler, ^t^Irene-Farnham, Glara^ Stevens, Myrtle g|pg Erikson, Ethel Mealiflf, Helen Craw- |||p|ley, Leila Wilcox, Ursula Caster, |||s|^Helen , Penrose!' - - -^^. ^-;--^.......•"-'■--^----- P|W Mr. Joseph E. Kaley of 1515 Chicago Hlg""*venue, and Mr. John Kaley of Cul- ^|pSverr^nd^ left last week vfor"Xady^ |psg smith, Wis., to accompany the ggf body of their sister, Mrs. Jacob Hoff, |||£| lly lot. _.* The funeral services were gf|# held ^t^e^Fesldence^ofr the father, Jgl^uben^Xaley, at 3 o'c1o^k731iur8uay7 iiElE^LJ^R6^ GeOTgeiWhiteside, pastor tended by hefcousln, Miss Tillie Tuy- den, as maid of honor, and Miss Judith sP<mbeII«ZMr^bridesmaid, Mr. Carl Sponberg served the groom as best man, and he was assisted by Arthur Peterson. A wedding supper, followed the ceremony in the church parlors. Mr. and.Mrs. Anderson left Thursday morning for j>^ two iweeks* trip toj Providence, R. I. After June 1 they will be at home in Evanston. The annual senior Tecital of the Cumnock School of Oratory, held in Anna May Swift hall Friday night at 8 o'clock, was^an affair worthy of the greatest commendation. Prof. Gum- nock^ presided with his customary spicy dignity. The first number on Also UTipreat many^usefulr devices /such1 as Chafing Dishes/Toasters, Coffee Per- ^olatore;netc^^ unusual price reductibiisr uni i of the United Presbyterian chureh, left last week for Seattle, Wash., where he will attend the ineeting of rtttees and the General AssembTy the program, "The Fourth Physician," was^rfndered bjLMlss-Breed in^a-mas^ terful mannerr-fMiss Mowne_lollowed: with a lighter selection entitled,"The Substltuter-^Miss Contant gavels reading in delightful style from "The Let us tell you of these splendid styles--we are simply outdoing our- selves in this wonderful showing at They are the beautiful grays, tans, blues and the pin stripesithaJLare. -so^opula: $25, $30, J*35,iJi4a Littlest Rebel." "The Love of Mary Ellen" was^fTOn^l^^ Clothes" this will give you an ^opportunity to try them.^----^-- manner_J>y Miss -Helm, ---The- last ^^£ff:the'^United ^ Presbyterian church, number, "Scenes from Strong&eart," Z Seattter They will visit several west- ^«rn trfties, including Salt Lake City, Jg Denver, Los Angeles and other Pacific ? coast points, ^heyiwill j^urn^June was rendered by Miss Hettinger and Miss 'Hees^^T^Tecttat as a whole was a great success and; was deserv- ing of the large and appreciative audi- ence that turned put in spite of other $50 SuitS^^c^ajmeMa^sjfee^ men of styles--fabric and quality ihatjew'tailorscanproduce^--,;,., . - If you do not know "Mossier To Purchase ^WeaainrGifp^ This sale comes at an opportune time for thoseuxontemplatto purchase of wedding gifts. The low prices and the appropriateness of these electrical devices are equally attractive. This is without question the best chance ybu have had this season to buy electrical devices ofc high quality at sucAJbw^cost "^#s ':iW* ?$$ are on disfd^ #You are welcome iiere at any time. ^1 ^^g^f" M Come Today h rEverjrsize to 50. Conservative and 'English Styles/ 19 East Jackson Blvd. Mi*hi9*n and Jackson Boulevard atwtlrtim Agency, €felcaga3 ^508 mm

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