BIBjpiSEif'riFP'^ySSt i^rrr ^ywwyy. M--'■ '( ywF^yrggc ~«^^^^ first presented to the deteotives work tag on the ease they were attentive but wary. Two days before they had been absolutely convinced that the bungalow victim was Bessie Jones of Norfolk, Va. Several persons had Identified the photograph of the vic- tim as a photograph of Bessie Jones. And yesterday when several Identified the photograph as Minnie Quinn the investigator* were careful not to Jump at conclusions. _ There is one feature of the case, however, which the detectives say gives more strength to the Quinn theory than the Jones hypothesis ever developed. That feature is found in a comparison of the two sets of per- sons who identified the Los Angeles photograph so differently. Identifiers Find No Contrasts. Those who identified the picture as of Bessie Jones were looking for a resemblance, and convinced them- selves they had found it. Those who identified the picture as of Minnie Quinn were looking for contrasts and admitted that they could not find any. Those who have Identified the bun- galow victim as Minnie Quinn are: Douglas Smith, Winnetka. Mrs. Douglas Smith. Dr. J. P. Presnell, 4601 Evanston avenue, Chicago. . Mrs. D. Callaghan, proprietor of an employment agency at 841 Rush street, Chicago. Other witnesses are not less posl- _ tive than Douglae Smith that Minnie Quinn was the victim. But the police are not depending on photographic ----td«rtifl«a^cm-enHrelyr-----------~--tt bered about the Dillon who had first called on me. Then I called up the police." Mrs "C*~Xrrt)ilIoTr^Mpnday-ac- cepted $80 from the Northwestern railroad because of the death of her husband. The money was given voluntarllyH^-Tiefrar the burial ex- penses. A brother of Dillon will reach Chicago today to take the body to Richmond, Va. Finger prints of Dillon were taken by detectives yesterday for the use of the Los Angeles^ poliee-iir com- paring them with finger prints on the bottle with which the bungalow vie- W was killed, But it is said that the prints on the bottle are so Im- perfect that no significant results can be expected from the comparison. There is a Minnie Quinn now liv- Jng In Winnetka, but she is not con- nected in any way with the case. CENTRAL ASSOCIATION WINS TRACK MEET The track and field meet at the North- western athletic , field Saturday be- tween the Juniors and Intermediates of the Central Y. M. C. A., Evanston, and the Juniors and Intermediates of the North End Y, M. C. A. resulted in a victory for the Central association by the close score of 98 2-3 to 74 1-3. The meet was close enough through- out to make it very in!ej£stingr^_zr The individual star of the meet was IBtlEEI Trounce Indiana On Jordon Field Saturday Afternoon --by- targe Score- Great Crowd Was Present. ^TAemjin^wJh^ai^ twin jWld^enJ* heartily against bossism. Nobody yet has been able to get a corner on real happiness. FLETCHER LOWERS RECORD With Fletcher breaking the state record in the shot put and the other members of the team living UP to their record Northwejtern_experi- enced little difficulty in trouncingjn- diana university on Jordan field Sat- urday in a dual track meet by a 74 to 52 score. The largest crowd that ever watched a similar event was on hand to cheer the athletes. Fletcher, the Purple captain-and shot putter, broke the state record in that event when he shot the lead 43 feet and 9 inches. The^old mark was set by Conville of Purdue and It was 42 feet 6% inches. ----Una of Northwestern easily won the century event when he came in first, doing the distance in 10 flat. _This tied the old Tecordr iie iilso ^ame within a fifth of a second of tieing the state ^lUST RECEIV ©J a carlo Shrubbery rat Pereiniai JOHN FREEMAN r _ PROPRIETOR Tel. 1106 & 18 Noyes St. - an ■" Walsh of Central, wh?Jwr0J?^ye_£^*Lf^orAJj^J^s^W^m^Jm^ piatJeB-fin^rtwo-Becoirds; Snyder and" rj,he track waB ln the best < Will Show 8he Went to Los Angelas. "We shall be able to show very --8^TOTir~^a1dr^^i^in-^leasoTir^,'thatr ITOnie QuinTTdM go to Los Angeles with Dillon just as she said she was going. And what is more important, we shalLprove that the yellow hand- bag found in Dillon's room yesterday with the Initials obliterated and the inside stained with blood is the hand- bag that Minnie Quinn was carrying when she started. __ "We_shall^ pjrov^lJurthermore. that the dress found on the floor in the bos^Angetes bungalow was the^same^ dress that- Minnie Quinn had been wearing in Chicago. "We shall have also before us Wednesday* the--dentistr-TWho did the work for Minnie Quinn." First Hint Sunday Night. Dr. J. F. Presnell, of Chicago, gave the first hint of Minnie Quinn's con- nection with theHtmngalow case Sun- day evening. "I had just read the story about Dillon's suicide/' said Dr. Presnell, "when I remembered Minnie Quinn. Dillon himself came to see me in January~^anoT~8ara his wife was ¥ trouble. Then he brought the girl, and she asked that* an illegal opera- tion be performed__In advising her 1 finally got her confidence and she told ~^memme was Minnie Quinn, and not married to Dillon. "1 got a description of the bunga- low victim and saw that it tallied in every way with what I knew of Miss ^ninnr^r^miniOhaXT^ Valentlne^of the North Ends were next with three firsts each. Ihe^Central Intermediates had very little trouble In defeating the North Ends by the score of 69 3-5 to 29 2-5, but the Juniors found more than they could handle in the North End Jun- iors WhoTjeat them 39 11-12 to 26 1:12, making a final score of 98 2-3 to 74 1-3. Intermediates. r.O-yard dash--Walsh, Central, first; Reed, Central, second; Howe, Central, third; Carney, Central, fourth. Time; 6 seconds. 100-yard --dash--Valentiije, North Ends, first; Walsh, Central, second; Toomey, Central, third; Reed, Central, fourth. Time, 112-5 seconds. 440-yard fun--Valentine, North Ends, first; Carney, Central, second; Toomey, Central, third; Grey, Central, fourth. Time, 60 3-5 seconds. 8-pound shot put--Valentine, North Ends, first; Walsh, Central, second; Jenks, Central, third; Wood, Central, fourth. Distance, 43 feet 10 inches. Pole vault--Walsh, Central, first; Riehter, Central, second; Sayler, Cen- tral, third; Hellstrom, North Ends, jf4mr4h^-Selg4vt7-«^teet-^inehes Running high jump--Walsh, Cen- tral, first; Jenks, Central, second; Huntington, Central,, third; Howe, Central, Grey, Central, Toomey, Cen- tral, Ryerson, North Ends, tie for fourth. Height, 5 feet. Running broad jump--Walsh, Gen? tral, first; Toomey, Central, second; Jenks, Central, third; Valine, ^rth^3ndsr4ou^th^-^i»tanee^l? feet first; s^jicJKff. ^^ ~"" The track was in the best condition of the year and the wind was not strong enough to prevent the athletes from making good marks. The sum: marie's; . 100-Yard Dash--Linn, Northwest- ern, first; Shenk, Northwestern, sec- ond-;___Blair, ^Northwestern, third. Time--0:10 flat. ___ One-Mile Run--Thorsen, Northwest- ern, first; Morrison, Indiana, second; Piper, Indiana, third. Time--4:43. 220-Yard Dash--Linn, Northwest- ern, first; Ross, Indiana, second; Shenk, Northwestern, third. Time-- 22* 1 120-Yard Hurdles--Swartz, North- western, first; Sha\£, Northwestern, second; Knowlton, Indiana, third. Time--0:16:3, 440-Yard Run--Bose, Indiana, first; Blair, Northwestern, second; Payton, Indiana, third. 0:50 3-5. Two-Mile Run--Smothers, North- ern, first; Thompson, Indiana, sec- ond; McCullough, Northwestern, third. Time--0:10:26 2-5. 220-Yard Hurdle--Shaw, North- western, first; Burton, Indiana, sec- ond; Knowlton, Indiana* ^rd^Time ^rr26~ffat; " ^ 880-Yard Run--Morrison, Indiana, first; Thorsen, Northwestern,- sec tT-IS JUST AS 1 IMPORTANT to give your picture a prop-^ er setting as t|e tifotion of BuiJectXZ I 1 Wei will W|«e\j^oper. framl for yotypictwprf G/U.Galnng 324*43-45 North Clark St., Chicago. 1613 Orrington Av., Bvans- ton, Y. M. C. A. JBldg. 506 Davis Street Phone ONLY Jstriall p«reta|g^^the output •tocf. Th« roJEctad »took fwauontly finds Its w* into"ch«»pMmonuin«nt^So^ times theJUfects wro Invtoibte-t© the unin- formed pffchMor and it ^*J «£■&«£•■ after the monument is erected and paid for, before he finds out that what seamed to M ChY^o«^ Hshed firm with an established reputation. -----Hfc^r BAIRSTOW Established 1809 7547-51 N.CLAIK IT. At Howard Avenue, Calcsfo Wh --terest rity~~"~ ___Eew_banks-in this stj a larger marginjiof depositors tha tional Bank. tive bo cons tan ;e- afford trity to iju Na- ith tflewafchful in- pMIOmdlconserAca^ rof directors and the supervision of the \£ enabled the officers to build up here, one of the safest financial sti tutions^nthe^state. i^ityJSiS^ Capital Surplus $100,000 $100,000 IVANSTON :: ILLINOIS Baseball throw--Ryerson, North Ends; first; Cook, Central, second; El ond; Shoemaker, Indiana, third. Time --2:06 3-5. Pole Vault--Shaw, Northwestern, first; Ray, Northwestern, second; Lingeman, Indiana, third. Height-- 11 feet. Shot Put--Fletcher, Northwestern^ - - „. ^ -, PrichaTdTT^IndianaT second; -^ ^WhTtakefT^ndiOT^ Ends; first; uook, uenirai, secimu; xui- . mgn jump--uuuivi guu j-h»v,^ »« llngwo^dr^IortS^n^ter-tWrdr^enksr ^dTanar^WedT^Xinn, Northwestern, _ . »____11. TM-i___„„ 1 Art nnn^a .t.l-J tl.Ukt___E faaf C In^hoQ Central, fourth. Distance, 100 yards. 120-yard Tow hurdles--Walsh, Cen tral, first; Valentine, North Ends, sec- Tjnd^Snyder,-NorthEndsrthlroT; Car- ney, Central, fourth. Time, 18 sec- onds. ^unforsT 50-yard dash--ShyderT^North Ends" first; Terry, Central, second; Foege, Central, third v Nillis, North Ends, fourth. Time. 6 feet 2 inches. 100-yard dash--Snyder, North - Ends, first; Terry, Centra), second; Foege, Cen^ralx_jthJj^_Ni!^ fourths--Timers seconds. Pole vault--Chandler, North Ends. Ahlbeck, North Ends5, Berry, Central, tie for first; Hahford, Central, fourth. Height, 6 feet 2 inches. Running high jump--Berry, Central, firsts Terry^-^Jentralt Butowv- North Ends, tie for second; Pope, Marquardt, Central, Moore, Nillis; Ahlbeck, Sny- der, Franzen, ErbyT^NoTthr^BMsTlTeor for fourth. Height,^4-^eet 3 inches. Running broad jump -- Snyder, ^NOrtbr Ends, first;; .Berry, Central, second; Nillis^Nortti Ends, third; Moore, North Ends, fourtli. Distance, 15 feet 4 Inches. 7 Baseball throw--Nillis, North Ends, first; Snyder, North Ends, second; 43 feet 9 inches. High Jump--Daniel and Dracer of BARWIG Furniture House rk St. At Clark St. "L" Station. Tel. L.V. i 176 GOOD FURNITURE fl June Brides! You are enthusiastic about Furniture for Your Hot You want Good Furniture! We furnish Homes Complete, with a guarantee on Each Article, but even better than a Guarantee is a Worthy Reputation. Get off at the Clark St. _"L" stajtionL See the Furnltuje we are offer! to r>Q0/g Discount, aged Articles at 20% Dam- uilding third. Height--5 feet 5 inches. Hammer Throw--Fletcher, North- western, first; Davis, Indiana, second; WhTtaker, Indiana, thirds Distance-- 139 feet 6 inches. ^j3road__jjmip^C^hjanev. Tndianar ^rst^ JUnj^_Northwesiern,_aecond; Blair, Northwestern, third. Distance --21 feetr-4% inches. '~~ -^ ; Discus Throw--Fletcher, Northwest- ern, first; Prichard, Indiana, second; Blair, Northwestern, third. Distance --113 feet 10 inches. ___Total-Score^--NortliwestenLz34lz3nz diana, .52. Referee and Starter--Horr of Sy- racuse. quardtH Central, fourth. Distance, 75 yards. , --Grand relay (16 T)dys from each^ as^ sociation)--Won by North Ends. H ighest 4ndividuat^Pe^lJ^riners. GoTd~ltnedSl^Walsh, Central, first, 31 points. - --■---■ Silver medal--Snyder, North Ends, second, 20% points. Bronze ^"medal--Valentine,: ^ North Ends, third, 19 pomts^--^=>^__^ ^ Bronze _; medal, Berry, . Central, fourth, 111-3 points. -„™ ...„., „^^-, .,__.-- ----, -.-.^-____ Bronze medal^^tllisT^yorth--Endsr Fjra^en^^orth^Ends^hlrtfv^^Iar- ilfth, ^% points. "'" Library Tables, large selection, mahogany, quarter sawed oak. Special--This large early English Library Table, large drawer, with magazine shelves. This week......................$22«50 Kindel Davenport--the comfortabje chr Bedr tnahogany or oak,, up- tei!ed-4n-m0roeeo--leather7-HSpev All Goods Marked in Plain ___ Figures.- ---- George B. Barwig on North Clark St. Solicits Charge Ac- counts. Gas Company Sub- station. Buy your Gas Stoves here when you bring your l^as-bili.--Ne-efravge for col^ lection.______________:__ BEST AND CHEAPEST _____EST, CLEANEST, AND MJST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHT SPACES. INC THE HOME, HEATERS, STO ESCEN ANGE R HEATER ^tighfii^^ fell Benson Avenue^Evanston