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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 May 1912, p. 3

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'■it-.4w"*, "■npjr,|iy1"' "■*." "$ij • II ill i i--whip......' n't <W ■MT' II1 MB 'ff...... ™" ' ■LAMJPJW ' J!'.:'.V7*".tJ- -'^' ' _ fet lAKB 8H0feO^8lgV^PMllDAY;i*AY 8ft 1911 ^~~*"Wf3l^^ IvPBPI^^'PIW' TK »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»♦»»»»»»» ctHf! SI* in Mrs. Simeon Colton entertained a number of out-of-town guests at luncheon on Saturday. _ Mr. H. M. Weber, claim agent for tbe Chicago Telephone, Co., recently, moved to 1219 Elm wood avenue. Miss Evelyn Hoff returned home Wednesday evening from St. Louisr Mo., where she has been visiting for the past few months, -h Mrs. Harry Stark of Colorado Is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Panushka and her sister, Mrs. Stanley Gage. the Misses Jean jind Margarette Latham of Brooklyn^ N. Y., came to attend the Wedding of Miss Lenore Negus on Saturday evening. An Italian afternoon will be given at the residence of Mrs. Byron C. Stolp, this Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m„ for the benefit of the First Division of the Ladies' Society of the Methodist church, Miss Arm- strong will recite and Mrs. Robinson will tell oI^h^r^tr^eTs^in^Tfa^ Italian refreshments will be served. Mrs, Katheryn Bstella White, wife of George B. White, assistant gene- ral freight agent of the Rock Island lines/died' Saturday following an op- eration. Mrs. White, besides her husband, leaves a son William Parish White, fifteen years of age. Prior to her marriage Mrs. White was Miss Katheryn Estella Parish, and was 4>om^n^Ghicago4n^W&=Tn« funeral services were held on Tuesday after- noon at 2:30 from her late residence -927 Greenwood avenue. At the Congregational church on FridaA afternoon, at 2:30 p. m., the ladles' Missionary Society of the church will hold their regular month- ly meeting. These meetings are usu- ally held in the homes, but as Mrs. Roy Guild, the speaker, is so well known, it was thought best to hold it in the parlors of the-church and enablehmore^to-hear-her^-- Mrs^Guild's home has been at White Plains, N. Y„ and she is moving with her family to Topeka, Kas., and we are fortu- nate in securing her. Her husband, Rev. Roy Guild, was a former pastor at Leavitt street church, and Mrs. Guild is President of the Woman's Federation, of Home Missions. A cordial invitation is extended to all who would like to hear her. The following was the morning service at noon, last Sunday, at the Congregational church, Wilmette: Orchestra, Pilgrims* Chorus.*.----- ,\........................ Wagner Orchestra, Aramanthus........Gelder Cornet, Good Bye.. .^-..........Tosti GrcbeBtrar^ppleBTo^soTns^~T7r*T7~ ..............'... .Kathleen Roberts Cello, The Swan___.....Saint Saens Orchestra^ Angels Serenade-----Braga Hymn, Blest Be the Tie that Binds. 1 By Orchestra and Audience. Special music during service: Prelude, Call Me Thine Own, Cello. ...............,........... Halevy Offertory Minuet in G, 'Cello and Violin................. Beethoven jOrc]iefltHU=3M4'^-A^^^ ^^♦♦^*|nn», has purchaaed a new seven-pas- * senger touring car. Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. Moore of Chicago are occupying the home re- cently purchased by them at 911 Lin- den avenue. The neighborhood circle of the Con- gregational church met on Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. McMillians, 1010 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Hess and daughter Jessie, spent Saturday and Sunday at Champaign, 111., with their son Julian, who is a student at the university. violin; Mr. Will H. Blckett. cornet; Mr. Erwin Bauer, organ; Mr. Jerome Levy, 'cello; Mr. Frederick Kerstern, violin.__________- ^,^=^ Mr. Frank Rutten, 1104 Lake ave The Thursday Afternoon club gave a luncheon at the Mission Tea room last Thursdayin honor-^f Mrs. H. W Ellis, 744 11th atreet, who will soon move to Milwaukee. The Travel Club met Tuesday, May 15th, at the Apple Croft home of Mrs. C. S. Hawkins, Glencoe. An Italian luncheon was served by the two little granddaughters of the hostess. Master Junior Greiner entertained some little friends at a luncheon at his home, 631 Lake avenue, Sunday. His guests Were Master Jack Searle, Bobsle Skinner and Dorothy Harden- brook. .J. _-- -- ^Mr^andJMrs^^^ tral avenue, celebrated their twenty- fourth wedding anniversary Friday evening. A large number of friends were present. Mr. Chaa Brautigan has resigned his position as night policeman of the Wilmette'force and has accepted a position at the Congregational church. He will be succeeded by A. P. Prume, 314 Twelfth street. x Mr. H. W. Ellis, 744 Eleventh street, ^rho--was--recently elected--preetdefti s$Mr, James Lounsberry of Chicago has moved to 1103 Bttmwood avenue. llFlrst Chureh of Christ, Scientist. If Tenth street and Central avenue. Services, Sunday, 10:46 a. m., 7:45 p. m.; Wednesday, SN*. ».; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Reading room open every day, except Sunday, from 1 to 4 p. m. First reader, Gordon B. Chase* 1311 Ashland avenuea ri ^nd general manageg-Ot-the-Johnson Service company, will remove to Milwaukee In the near future. Mr. Bills has had. charge of the Chicago number of years. A1S. Van Deuseri ftSS1^.., THE GROCER 620 Tels. 3414, 2415, 2416 Centrol Ave, & 12 th St. Tela. 510* 511,512 FIRST QUALITY GOODS* GOOD SERVICE. FAIR. PRICES: SPECIAL SALE MAY 23, 24 $ 25 PRICES IN FORCE ON THESE, DAYS ONLY HOLLAND CREAMERY BUTTER- The most satisfactory butter, in all ways. 1-lb. carton ..............................33c EGG S--Fresh. Expertly candled. Doz.. Holland. New laid. 1-doz. carton ...22c ________^v26c AgenTloyih^^celebrated CrescentT*rand of New Laid Eggs.__________ ___ --.- - -- -z--- DRIED FRUIT --Prunes. Extra fancy Santa Clara; 20-30 size. Lb-----....-----.. .... • • • -^c Prunes* Fancy Santa Clara. 40-50 size. tib. Apricots. Fancy California. Lb.............^Jc Peaches. Oriole unpeeled. Very fancy. Lb.. 17 COFFEE--My own blend, w with unvarying success f to any now sold for 40c. have, sold ars. Equal ........34c ORANGES--Extra fancy California Navels. All sweet and heavy. No dry ones. 176 size. Doz..25c 150 size. Doz..___30c. 126 size. Doz......35c n Mottled, Procter & Gamble's, injhox. ..$3.50. 10 bars.".......v.'.. . .^45c SOAP Len Am TEA--Tetley's. Green Label: CeylJV and India^ Mb. pkg.".".'.:.'.'". .6oc.""- %-lb/pllg..........28c Rajah. Ceylon and India. 1-lbf pjlg.....------35c English Breakfast. Swastika 5fcfl* 75c qual- ^-ltyA Lb. ,..........'.........S~^^^^...50c Basket Fired Japan. Bt J, E. No. k 60c qual- -- ityr-Lb.. .^^^.......... ^™.. -- • .^.^45c EXTRACTS--Jos. Burnett Co.'sy Superlative quality. Vanilla, Pistachio and RoseJ__2rOz^_ -- bottle ........-■;... • • .".--■. • • • i• • '."v.- -•■•-• V.-.-.v.;86c Vanilla. 4-oz. bottle..................^•-•x-_--svc_ Lemon, Raspberry, Strawberry. Fruit color- ing, Almond, Orange, Spearmint, Cochineal -----Ginger.--2-oz. bottle.............• • • rrrr.~.-1 Bcr Vegetable Color Paste. Any color. Jar--------10c ..35c BEEF EXTRACT--Cudahy's, Rex. 2-oz. jar ......___................... SOUPS--Campbell's Condensed, ^Any assort- ment. Can..........9c. Doz...........$1-00 Franco-American. Procter & Gamble's. 100 bars in box^$3,00 ; __^ v.. ^^_„ ^_^30c >rocter & Gamble's. 100 bars in box..$3.95 rs.................................40c Ivor^H^0-oz. bar. 100 bars in box..........$6.90 10 bars^.......,....................•-----70c bar: 100 bars In box---------...$4.10 ...............................42c Fairbanks'. 10 bars................ .43c Fels-Naptha. 10 bars........................ 45o Kingsford's. 3-lb. box------...........%.-..■. -. .23c Bulk. Lump. Lb....................•......3Xfc Kingsf ord's Corn Starch. 3 pkgs.............25c CEREALS--Quaker Oats. Pkg..............9c Oriole Oats. Contalns_2,lbs. net. Pke...... ;>10c Battie~Creek Corn Flakes. Pkg-----,.------.TTsc Quaker, Pearl and Granulated Hominy, 3 pkgs. 25c Rftlaton Fooa.__Pkg^^^^^^^^^^^^^... .^. 1*c ApetiZO. Pkg^r.. . .TTT. .u. . . . . -.-.TTTTT777.-. . . Tl4c Z^ Triscuit. Pkg. ...,,........-..-.......•... • -10c Post Toasties. Pkg............................9c HMACARONtrSpagirettl and Vermicelli, im- DE08RATI0NDAYT0BE OBSERVED IN NEW TRIER Memorial Day will be observed in Wilmette in the usual manner, name- ly, the towna of Wtlm^ette^^Kenil- worth and Grosg Point will- unite fb do honor to the heroes of the civil and Spanish wan. " ^ Members of the G. A. R., with the assistance of the Spanish war vet- erans , will conduct the services and decorate the graves. Since the funds for the celebration are raised by pub- lic donation, all public-spirited citi- zens are, asked to contribute gener- ously to the cause of keeping alive the spirit of Decoration Day. In Wilmette, Mr. Edwin Drury, postmaster; John Schafer, cashier of Wilmette bank; J. B. Wilming, Wil- ming pharmacy, and the secretary of the committee, Capt. John J. Peters, 1519 Charles street, will receive any donations. The _parade wilt start from the Wilmette station at 9 a. m., after meeting the G. A. R. and U. S. A. W, V, fl"<1 tyiarnh to St. Joflenh's ceme- tery, where the grajresjwJ[Mt>e_djBjcoi rated and the exercises held. Sev- eral prominent speakers have been secured. . Jackson, president; A. B. Sonthwortli, vice-president; P. M. Bingham, --cr+ tary; H. W. Miller, treasurer; J. W. Ilifl, B. B. Orner, Dr. L. B. Mee and F3 D. Buckman, directors. It la thought that another ticket will be in the field by the time the annual election 1» held, June 11. There hat been tome talk of an oppo- *** sltlon tic: WILMEHE "LADIES' ^NICHT" WASSUCCESS A large audience was in attendance at the "Ladles' Night" program given l^ast Tuesday evening by the Men's iclubI_oi^Wilmette^_^The audience 4iacieja_Jhe_Woman,s club building where the entertainment was held. _ Mrs. Belle Watson Melville of Oak Park--gave severalHine-readlngTr *nd the choir of the First Congregational church of Evanston rendered several selections. It was the third and last Ladies' Night of the season. The only business that was trans- acted was the report of the nominat- ing committee. The following were nominated for offices: Charles H. 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. EORGE LEBER 1131 Greenleaf Avenue WILMETTE, ILL, Telephones Wilmette 18 Residence 77©*Lr porteoV™-Hb. pkg__ ^TuTTdmaTTarNooffles; Wide. Pkr -Gait....... Any assortment, yt. can.- .. 30c. BOZ7 .........vttt$3.50 OX TONGUE --Armour's. 2-lb. can.,.-.....85c 1%-lb. can._______.._...is......, ^,it,^.>..■ 65c UXE GINGER SNAM^ ^~r: :q Oilman's. Pkg..........^. ^^..,....^........18c WiioiXy^EAf^IwiEs-Giim^^^^^ M. Pkg. ..*..-...................^................25c SAUCE S--Major Grey Chutney. Bottle, •.... 50c ^ Millar's Chili Sauce^ JBottle^.^ v■»-.-.y.. .^^^t30c ^Worcestershire^auce. Lee^ftHPerrin's. Bot..25c Mexican Pepper Sauce. Bottle^^, ........ji«._.2pc Brand's Al Sauce. Bottle.........-------,.^.25c ~Miht ^aucel^Bottie. v........ .■'■;■;■".......... 15c bottle GRI EN GAGE PLUMS First quality. No. 2% can- CaiL- • 23^t=9°^'ii ^6a _COftN-^E^ti^fan^y^M«ille^weel Can;............11c. Doz.. TOMATOES--Savoy. No. 2% can. " quality pacK. <jan.... Ibc. uoz... Angora. Doz. No. 2% can. Extra- quality, ^Can,.. 14c ..... ...............?M PEAS-lakeside Sifted Early June. Can...t. .17c Doz..................---------...••-......•1««0 Sweet Sifted Giant Telephone. €an. X. r-----, 14c-- Doz. .............-........■.....-.•.:.....ei.60 PINEAPPLE--The extra quality of Hawaaian. No. 2% can. Can....26c. Do«.............f3.00 WHLTE-CHERJtlES-rEeindeer, Nq...-.2%_fflDL ran ........26c. Doz......-----..... .$3.00 ^SPICES--Black Pepper. 4-oz^bottle^^7^r^v4ae ^-r^ Black Pepper. Lb..... .-t-'-.- .. -^777 . .^^r^v^.20c -^ White Pepper. 4-oz. bottle... 1......-------.-.-. IBp White Pepper. Lb..........-----.....•... •• • • 25c .-1^- Box .................... ..'•.....• • • •......• -25c Leent TT A TT/^TT A WT9C CT?T7T\C PlantsJShfubs and Bulbis. for VAUlTXlAil 5^ OJ^JC^J-r^^^ at my stores. :=^rzTtirr:-r-

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