'JSSWt.TwiyRjf."?iyw\ (w;^ $ Shore News Want Ads W» Wanted, Situations Want**, For Sale, Lost, and round, »» for Rent, Rooms Wtafttfl-ttf Mfco«*iOT§**c*to ft* for each insertion; Real Estate for Sale, Wanted, tmento or Houses for Sale, For Rent or Exchange, 7# »™™» per Hue for each insertion,but no advertisement. Willi* taken for less than 15 *entt if paid in advance, or tor less than 25 cents if charged. Ada for insertion in any week's tow ahoaM reach the Newt office, 526 Davia Street,, Telephone " tiMb later than noon on Tuesday._____________ tarn capable jyx|willH£. D J39, Era^sese^Trev**^ W' CTJRTAJNS W1ASHED, COLORED ^ --• ^mended; ^^r*t*lajs\ work; R. ¥o- 839. 6tt S#i WANTED -- DRESSM. m*m iiiiTnimiyt iii Minium '.......... and NorJJi^iieTWi^Htt^Phoae Sherman-av >T7NG woaJTn real es- refeVnces. Ad- _-,^- Jews, ltc '^»"""^r FOR SALE GROW TOUR OWN FLOWERS §JVro#as^ rose plants, 4 aas^aisy p^p/fl and 4^*5* SnU^Jragon plaits, from 2i?lBdfct«, at for $1, de- livered. Phone ■'87:71?. WEI ! Wholesale Florists. 28tf droDKead sei -WHEELER|*i^mLSON machine complete, *«*>#1522 Sber- ltc SALE--AN BJMBRSON PIANO; Settent condition; $110y4or £I§T Phone"817.7 ^ Up SABfc^ANITARJ^COUCH, ^ilitatti^8^l^8prea^^6.60; bar- iaih. Phone »65^ Itp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--ASHLAND-AV., $3,800 for a very homelike place; seven rdSmsj/lot 60x180. ^s#* near^wdge, 4l£nt-Toom 40-/lotJ|3,50Qf Cotfajfst., nwj^n-roo£ house, can iniiaHSUffffij termsmpt 60x170, QhanlMs J. Con no* Suite 1909, 139 North Clark-st. mston Phone 3934. EXCHANGE FOR OLD IMPROVED 9 feet and Michi- int on ^Washington- chigan-av., tf its, choi lwest 370x Ridge, fr sts. Scheu Phone 638. US SHOW YOU" FOR SALE. ■St., near Pioneer-rd.--New 7- roomp stucco houset^hard^ayyood throughout; h. w^Mt; f*\33x 180 .........L.. Mmf^.f. .m,ooo Greenwood-bird. -- Sp-rapmJpnga- low, barn and! chickef^^pr^ot2Ep 160 .....7.71.............j^^0mo Ploneer-rd.#-New 6-Ta0S#^house; furnace; lotjbxlBO; $300 down. $3,300 GreenleafJt., near Ridge--Two apartment Kldg; first apt. rents for $25 per mo.; lot 37x150........$5,000 WE CAN ARRANGE TERMS. McC ALLUM (8b CLARK 1615 Sherman-av., opp. City Hall. lto JB SALE--PI#*NlsTLSALVIA, AS- ter, tomataJHid cabnlsjj|. Hubbard, Sbjrman-av. PhoTs^ 3564-W. t29-2tp g%s JALE--GOOD SEWING fe; $7. Phone 3934. FOR SALE. Wond/ftul collection of bargains in pianos. !3|i(J^elton-Pomeroy, ebop^.....$ 45 8§0 Pease, mahoganJ^^........ 76 SO SchonMll', mahogany...... 90 0 &hublrWWhog*W........ 125 00 6able4Cftg«ur^nptoiogany. 150 Slo Cable, W&Togany...........175 500 Conover, mahogany......... 250 2|0 Chase & Bake* Player...... 50 ^Igkese Pianos are in perfect repair and "cannot be duplicated in Chicago fds&jr^fir price. ltc FLORIDA Grapefruit and Orange Groves, Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Leads, Beautiful. Bay Fronts andSvWinter Homes inlthe fajsttua Sidaslta Bay District f MafStelC^uib/on the Gulf Coast of £tas^01o]^^sj» WRITE/FOR ^lip^TOIIH llll. SAMSOTA-VENICE CO; oWim MARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO. Residence. 1989 Sherman-av. I MlP* ";"|^tTERSON BROS., 4 i|^ Sherman-at., * fe Evanston. ION i*4LE OF HOUBEHO: ■mm ?"*?■ ^ODS' " ' ^ &"MflUf, VU^:m. AT 10, O'CLOCK. m. WW^^BJCAfmM^. BYORgPR-OF ^ /iiltr/::v\inwAT^7;: w itp SALBVMY MODEL W "BUICK" Ive-passenW" touring Jar; perfect id4tlon; ^sjce $30Q# Address C. K trtley, rai^worM. Phone 187. A GO#li METRANQME, if a JnorV time, and a mdltlon, to- ■wjth/^caBe. P\>ne 3414-L. Itp FT. OAA WALL high; glass door\on top, rs oaJtoltojBa4ai3^«i#A syable shelTing; sjwable icalessen, baTceryr groce\ or kddress P i62, ErapsVn )ms, service. Phone 3jp. APARTMENTS IN lUNCtpN" , hotfwater hej» Janitor Mtf 631 Davis-st FQR g^LE--AT A BARGAIN--60 FT. it lot on,,gteridanJBlB#*etween LeTand Greenlejf-a GARRISdrfa Tel. 1272, ltaia9H607 SCITUATB BEACH, MASS. SALE--<"Brierley"--26 mUes Boston; safe and charming ithing beach; golf, ten^Mat Ca- A ha|dsom^ColdWiLhome two mlnuteJ freer fpa^s\j)r*' an acre of orchard; rafProdge 198 ft. long. LuxuJously^rniBhed, i^no, electric Hgbis, set tttbsjMSjs^ater heater, newGlenwoo^atjRSvev large bath roomy all conveniences, 14 rooms (7 chambers). Express trains each hour in season from Boston. Sale price, $15,000. Apply to owner. Sale agent, Sarah J. Rich, Union P. O. Box 96 Mass., or Phone 1626 lion* GEO.B AIL^hones 1991 J?J^W2y NORTH EVANSTON 8E&™! 807 Ba;T^^,-,__ ___. Special for Friday em May 01 Md Ju 3 for Per dozen Now is the time to preserve Pineappl while they are good and cheap *I: 'AGE, ON inter, 807 4tf FOR RENT-HOUSES T furni andyseptemb sonable. A1 ton News. ^2 Aea/shermi % hyft; $25 pe er. Phone mm£i 7-ROOM HOUSES, n; furnace tlf HIM. Wheel- Itc For /Remt--Aptmts. FOR ^ENT--APARTMENTS IN ,Tr^ESMMMAM•, information give^upon re* FOR RENT--APARTMENT --FTV! oome and alcove. Call 800 Si L-st.. Phone 3542-L. ^^2tp for Vent--junb is to jpT. is; very oasirable six-room^urnished apartmenV all outsid^rooms; un- usually cooraad awTwell appoint- ed in etery wsa^UOl Davis-st., 2d floor. Phone^roK- Itp FOR RENTyFOK sb«MMER--HIGH grade ft^iom furnisheoSapartment in 3-^T building; front pofeah. rear sleaetng porch; large yard an Phone 3693-L. ■ FOR RENT-ROOMS Phone 864. 631 Davis-at. 24tf # ORIENT --. THBSB OHOICB apfrtments, with front and rear ches: 618 Clark-Bt-^Q, 7#.... .^.. .$50.00 724 SimpsoJfct, J« 6 vmL * .60^0 908 Maln-stJlp^K'.. .M, A.. 50.00 Also these fine hack W**M 1408 Dempeter-s« 8 r.%*C. .$45.90 1629 AsbmTr-^ay^*0_F^t^M,*^l64Mt MAS. A. WIGHTMAN. T1 '"' i mi RENT--FURNISHED > ^^^ '•or^'.-'^fiOB^; piano soflable. S. _............$&$? i-ff**- iwf^: WAN1 summei order; ft par Nei aBSjssi $0 ldress D 4tomm*m LOST AND responsible mansion SSBBSSCfe LOST-#|£ALL GOJLD QPBN- w^c]/ monograaa^k'C. N/W^M and ^. l^owsAttsrJttdson- fob with B. A. lsSIII|P