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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 May 1912, p. 3

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Gowlnbave trip to return tWi n>onUxf *t Ca**|ori$p^^ Mr*Jjp SUnleyP* the week en the guest of N Blrs, Cheiter spent Sunday M. Evans, ■pent Bvanston llmette avenue, -The Royal Neighbort ^wUl Jutve ial- tiatio#w^ve^ nexi ftaetiiii^^^(NMBi^H^^^^^"16 i The Nelghhorhood elub met at the home o^'firs^i^ &te trai •T*jb@«ifi.iwSl^^i^SSjr..,.ifcfiSii3MW^.5-,. The eilllrenM&#& J&©p«!, *!** Kline street, who hare been confined to their Juri*!? f !& sc^et fever, are improvinjgf^'raplmii'^ .':.-;,: MaJ. B. J. VAttman, U. 8- A., 1738 LaK© avenue, hjw gone to Texas on a'*'iwi|e^ ** gone for sever*|;idayay.^ , . _, ThV Towh ^tt^lliciNi^lli^ir dance at the,Mep^4# IW^ last iatiiruay '^^^4«^ie1iiiiNi or- chestra |u1^8llet^^^^^|g^. Several membert ot ihe Knijntl of Columbus who reside in Wiftnette wert Initiated *J the Newman coun- cil's hall in BJvanatoti Sundiy. Master .Gordon Buck, son <)t M*. and M*s* F. A. Buck, 1215 Lake ave- nue, who has been quite ill" for, sev- eral days, is very much improved. Mr. and M/s. j. B^j|rlnkjrj«wrJr of iti^'""4r^B^"ivmBa^.t$9^ M occupy their new home, being built at 309 Central avenue, about July 1. Mrs. Arthur Brown has gone to At- lanta, Qan lor s^^-weel&"'."^ MJss Bather Voss of St. Louis is the guest of Mrs. C. PY Xfrans. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fagg are enter- taining Miss NeUie Fagg of Madison, wis. ; .■>;*-.: ••'■. v~.....' ^.?::,: ?*<. -.:.",»±-*f- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baker of Hill street announce the birth of a son, James Edwin, on Thursday, May 23. ittk^ij&.£n*M- 1Q10 Central aye- nue entertarae* a number of children on Saturday "afternoon for her daugh- ter/Portia. n%: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dameler of 1138 Lake avenue have recently sold their home and are going to northern Wis- consin to live. , Mrs. David Colbert of Chicago has been spending a few days in Wil- mette, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Joy and Mrs. B. L. Seheidenhelm. The St, Mary's society of St. Jo- seph's church celebrated its fiftieth anniversary Sunday, Monday they' met at the Catholic Foresters' hail at dross Point, where a luncheon was served. * Mr. Q. E. Gibson and family, of Rogers Park, are visiting Mr. Gibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Q. Gibson, 425 Washington avenue, this week. They will leave the latter part of the week for Colorado where Mr. Gibson will have charge of the buying and shipping of the apple crop during the summer and fall for the Gibson Fruit company, of which N. G. Gibson is president. _Upoj^their „re^urn_ft,om Colorado theF will occupy their new home now being erected on Sheridan road in Wllmette. ■4.,. t JSjTiipfJU<; aw« *&Z&B 'iMi &M *M. iwiiv bi is building on Ashland avenue, near Eighth etreei"^ "'^r".t% ■*}■ >;; -Mr.: im|;.;lto,;^ha4ei;.j ■i^^'^^^Jw^-i^^ ....... trip ,t6;:fcair^ile^fc Mr. and Mrs. Payne G. West of 8f$ Ninth street have sold their home and mbve^ to MUwaSfce4 Wis., this week."" ......'■■"-■'■ :".\;"': TnV» Bvanston chapter of Zeta Beta, Psi will hold a, dancing p*rt£ at the Ouilmette Country club on Friday ev- ening. « Rev. and Mrs. Roy E. Bowers at- tended the state conference of Con- gregational Churches, held at Elgin, lest week Mrs. James Watson and Miss Susan Watson, $32 Forest avenue, enter- tained, on Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Nelson. Mr. Edwin Stevenson, 522 Central avenue, is suffering from a broken arm, which he broke on Sunday while cranking his auto. On Sunday morning, June 2, the service at £be Congregational church will be in recognition of the young people of the church and Sunday school -who are about to graduate from New Trier High school. The Tuesday Round Table, which the men of the Congregational church have enjoyed since its opening, is dis- continued during the summer. The men who have^ enjoyed itsjellowshljp wish to thank Mr. Melville Brown for his many courtesies in connection with it. A** Davis Street Tels. 2414,3413,3416 n ' rntST ovALiTY coops WILMETTE Central Ave. 612th St. Tels. 510,511,513 GOOD SERVICE. FAIR PRICES: sast SALE May 30-31, June 1 PRICES IN FORCE ON THESE- DAYS ONLY as ORANGES-California Navels. They are in their prime now. Heavy, sweet and Juicy. ^ 176 size. Dozen.............................jj° 180 -size.--Dozen.............................30o 126 size. Dozen.............................36c PINEAPPLES -*They are certainly fine now and very cheap. 24 size. Very large. Each 12»/fcc. Dozen..61.48 30 size. Large. Bach 10c. Dozen.......... 1-1* Now is the time to can them. OLIVE OIL -- Antontni. Absolutely perfect Olive Oil. Gallon can......................$3.20 % gallon can......................... ^.... 1«75 % gallon can... .^,..,,..... Largest bottle............. Medium bottle ............. Small pottle '..'•............. BACON -- Lay ton. Backs or Clear 1 lb. sliced, net. ..<.**.........•...... Layton. Backs. Strip.. Lb*.......« Lay ton. clear Brisket. Strip. m Lb. Armour's Star. Jar 23c. Dozen..:... .•2.75 COFFEE- Roast Blend, a very fancy quality both In Style and drink. Lb......................30c Cubana. Excellent value. Lb.............v. 27c TEA--OolongrSaturn A. D., BOc nuaHty. Lb. .35c* Oolong, No. io4.h-lte.wWfr* Lh ...>.....50c Oolong, L.L., fl quality. Lb...... .........75c COCOA--Bensdorp's. Dutch. 5 oz. can'....22c Phillips'. Vt lb. can. j:.................... 35e Walter BakertsV % Tb. cah.:........ • .'."*.'... • ?0c Huyler*s. % tb. can. ^......:...............21c CHOCOLATE-- Walter Baker's Premium. ^- j lb. tfi-i-i• >.t^v.*••.'•*'•• ..•••.••••'••• •*'• • • • •••s DRJED FEUfT--Prunes. ESxtra large, fancy . Santa Clara. 20-30 size. I»b............... -Iff ^ Prnnes. Santa Clara. 40*0 size. Lb.V^.. ..-12c -X. Apricots. California. l^ncyi^Lb..............ijc ^^elcillv?t^Se.^fJnl*e1el; ^.777....,r...17c ift0©ftS--i 3fu L^ No. 7. «0c quality......?42c ^flinpfeiiaL 50c ^tt^ltyv.,....... ?...,v.--,. f. jjc ; Cottage. •SOo^uimiity.i^.....-».....»«w...-..... .i0o -■ No*,2 Carpet. 40c quaHty.,....^^....t«...... v».36c yw^;;i«i^^ ib.:..i9o ^_:i5fiSlF*= Monarchi Theilnest Vermont le SyruppSde|VC|ffe ^ plaAs or tfn.....45e -- Morton's Non-caking. 2 lb. carton. „Se (ead.; Lb^:*,^......... •**« \7o RJCE -- Kxtra fancy. HOLLAND CREAMERY SUTTER- Always sweet, always fresh. 1 lb. carton....3ie EGGS-- Fresh. G^|led by experts. Dozen. .22c Holland. Ne^^WaV 1 dozen carton........26c Crescent BrmmT Fresh from the nest. Always on hand, f *ARONI^^paghetti and Vermicelli. Imported. NibJ^fs. GTOndman's Wide. Pkg............0c SJiEMONJ--J^^Club. Alaska. No. 1 toll can. Jan 19o^0mT...'............. ..........♦2-25 Mona^rSalmon Steak. No. 1 flat can. Q^^Zc; dozen............................12.75 "Monarch. Salmon Steak. No. % flat cab. Can 16c; dozen............................*1'7* C#R.N --"Paris." Burnham & Morrill's Maine Sweet Sugar Corn. Can 11c; dozen.........$1.30 PEAS -- Lakeside Sifted Early June.--Can----.17c Dozen .................................• • • 'fJ'K Sweet Sifted Giant Telephone. Can 14c; doz. 6.1.60 CEREALS-- Cream of Wheat. Pkg..........14c Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pkg----- ..........J 1c PettLjohn's Breakfast Food. Pkg...........W/fce Grape Nuts. Pkg..........................JfVio Quaker Puffed Rice. Pkg..................12V40 Quaker buffed Wheat. Pkg.................-Oc Wheatena. Pkg. ...........................ifc '. Robinson s Scotch Oatmeal. 5 lb. can.......6oc OLIVES--Monarch. Large Queen. No. 10 bottle.......................•........g» Monarch. Large Queen. No. 16 bottle.......35c Monarch. Deviled. No. 10 bottle...........25c Monarch. Deviled. No. 14 bottle...........4§c Sizzler. Queen. Medium size. Full quart----30e Queen. Large Olives. Full quart............50c Old Mission. California. Ripe. Quart can..45c JELLY -- Moody. Large tumbler. Currant, Crab- apple, Grape, Plum, Quince. Jar 22c; dozen $2.50 Pure Fruit. Medium tumbler. Any fruit. Jar 10c Dozen ....................................•1,1(? JEEL-O AND BROMANGELON- Any flavor. Pkg.............................»c CUERANTS-Cleaned. 1 lb. pkg........12J^c PEACHES --Jupiter. No. 2% can. Medium site Peach; good flavor. Can 23c; dozen.,.....•^••*\, f--Jupiter. No. 2% can. - Perfect in ouaf- dozen. ,«#........ * ••-.c.'.■*.».» %02*9O.. ARB VERY FINE Cons^esational .„. Mrs. CbRtlea ^£ti§j^ den avenue, sailed for Burope Bun- day, whew she expeeU to spend ah«t|^;^^^ nue, wm operated upon aA the Bhrans- ;wis,,vit^e|ifii|v^^^ ' ' Mr»,:',F,: ^ koeu^* 10g>v Central avenue, gave a party Saturday in honor of her daughtsrs, Miss Virginia and r>>rothy «oedte^. A number of friends were present and a most en- joyable evening spent. , At a meeting of the board of man- agers of the Modern Woodmen of America it was decided to hold meet- lugs but once a month henceforth. Meetings will be held on the first Monday ox each month, ^ A "50aM card party will be held at the Ouilmette Country club Saturday evening, June h at 8:30 o'clock. This is the fifth and last "500" party of the cumulative prize series. Re- freshments wU) be served. The marriage of Miss Olive Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nelson of Forest avenue, to Mr. Sid- ney Bennett of Wlnnetka will occur this week, Friday evening, at the home of* the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. George F. Butler left Wednesday morning for am extended trip in the east Dr. Butler will give an address before the American Med- ical Editors' association in Atlantic City, June 1, and another address at the commencement exercises of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Boston, June 12. He will also inspect detention, tuberculosis and epileptic hospitals and Juvenile homes in many eastern states and cities, and make a report to the board of county com- missioners on his return. Miss Margaret Hall, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. .Lorin C. Hall, 1129, Central avenue, left Chicago Sunday with a party of Art institute students, under the direction of Prof. Watson, for a trip abroad. They go by private car to New York, remaining there till Wednesday* when they sail on the Mbltke and land at Gibraltar. They remain in Spain three or four weeks; and then go to Africa, Italy, Ger- many, Switzerland, France and En- gland, and on their return will stop in Canada for a short visit. - '.•.^W.J* I 609 West Railrotd Atoqiw WILMETTE, ILL. •i^Mum saps 'M 'w !0m &

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