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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1912, 2, p. 15

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fipffpi^islsS^i; ^^pii^p^SlP Miss Edith Schofleld, 624 Hamilton street, who has been visiting in Cairo, ill., for a few days, hat returned, g Mr. and Mrs. John A. Farwell, 1T2* Asbury avenue, expect jo go this wees' to Mudlavia, Ind.# fo* a shsrt vscs* tion. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Waterbury are moving today from 1$33 Orrington avenue to the Clayton apartments on Grove street, between Chicago and Hinman avenues. Mrs. J. E. Larrowe of Detroit, Mich., is stopping at the Avenue House while attending commencement at Girton school, Wlnnetka, where her daughter win be graduated this year. United States Minister to Venezuela and Mrs. Reynolds Hitt are the guests of Mrs. R. R. Hitt, Washington, D. C. Mrs. R. R. Hitt formerly lived in this <ity at 1705 Chicago avenue. t>b. Lillian Johnson of Memphis, Tenn., will be at 630 University place about June 10, and will remain here until July 1. Dr. Johnson will sail from Montreal, Canada, July 4, to be ">>road fifteen months. Miss Lillian Eader, teacher in the college at Hastings, Okie., is the guest for several weeks of Miss Edna Har- rer, 1827 Orrington avenue. She will spend the remainder of her, vacation at her home in Lexington, Ky. The Central School alumnae will hold their first meeting Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock at the school, corner of Main street and Elm wood avenue. it is desired that all the alumnae be present to this reception and organize permanently. Tomorrow evening at 8:15 o'clock the annual commencement concert of the senior class of the School of Music of Northwestern university will be given at the gymnasium. The public is cordially invited. No tickets will bo required. • - Miss Martha Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Charles, 1310 Hinman avenue, is among the ten Illi- nois girls who have won their degrees at Wellesley college this year and who will receive their bachelor of arts dis- tinction on commencement day, June 18. Miss Charles is president of the Athletic association and class treas- urer. She also won her "W" In ten- nis. Cards have been issued for the wed- ding* of Miss Edna de Mars and Mr. c dalles Clinton Henderson. They will be married June 15 at the Wil- ..ictte Congregational church. Miss de Mars is a teacher in the New Trier i.i6h school, and Mr. Henderson 1st the wu of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Henderson, (j 19 Asbury avenue. After September l Mr and Mrs. Henderson will be at home at 1338 North Shore avenue, ttogers Park. senior class of Northwestern aca- uemy will give their clasa day exer- cises at Fisk hall. At 7:45 o'clock in the evening commencement exercises proper, consisting of some musical numbers and an address by Dr. Win. T McElveen, will be given at Flak hail. A reception to the senior class, their parents and friends, will follow in th« library of Fisk hall. Music will u furnished by a string orchestra. Re- ti^shments will be served. Mrs. John Brunner, 627 Dartmouth . iace, gave a small luncheon Tuesday, * hich was really a delayed birthday party, in honor of Mrs. James A. Mc- i rod, who leaves next Monday for her ite* home in Toronto, Canada. The birthday cake was a novel and beauti- ful feature. On It there were six white tapers and six little dolls danced aiound It. In the center stood a May i-oie, the ribbons from which stretched to each place, the ends being tied to tii.y baskets of violets and da&les. The place cards were hats of violets suspended from each glass. Monday the North Shore Advisory • >ard of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society held its June meeting and luncheon at the home on Ridge avenue. Mr. H. W. Thurston, super- intendent of the society, spoke at the board meeting which was held at 10:30 o'clock. He told of the Judy home that has*)ust been founded at Poto- mac, m. The school gets its name from the donor, ail Illinois farmer who gave the land to the aoetety. It is for the pnrposf of homing girls, and win hom« thirty. Luncheon was served at 12:30 p. m. to board Tnembers and their friends. Mr. Alfred O^rowW«| Sioux fqfc S. D.A tt jn toll to&imaia a>hort ip: > ,,:â-  v Miss Nannie Opie. ^118 Ayars place, has returned to her lime near Peoria^ Ifinol* "* â-  Mr. Axel A. Olson, and family have moved from 1922 Darrow avenue to 1130 Noyes street. Miss Lucie Lincoln, 2660 Ridge ave- nue, is visiting in Milwaukee, the guest of her brother. Miss Rose Karger, 1209 Elmwood avenue, Is travelling; through Yellow- stone National park. Mrs. D. 8. Forbes of Chicago was lest week the guest of Mrs. L. L. Fest, 2200 Sheridan road. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynch of Needles, Cal., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donel- lon, 1616 Sherman avenue. Mr. John Hess and family, 2027 North Sawyer avenue, Chicago, have moved to ,1624 Maple avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Towne, 1400 Judson avenue, have gone to Bos- ton, Mass. They will return next Saturday* Miss Bessie Verdium of West Pull- man; III., stepped over enroute to Woodstock, 111., to visit Mrs. Talitha C. Riley, 1013 Davis, street The Misses. Mabel and Harriet Vin- cent of Norwood Park, 111., were in Bvanston Monday visiting* friends and attending the exhibit at Haven school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yards and daughter, Margaret, 1824 Hinman ave- nue, have gone to Glfendale, Ohio, where they will remain until the sev- enteenth. Mrs. L. L. Fest, 2200 Sheridan road, left Saturday to visit Mr. Fest, whose business interests are in Boston, Mass. They will tour to Bvanston in their automobile. $herman C. Kingsley, 2436 Orring- ton avenue, will speak tomorrow at the fourth annual June tea to he given by the Juvenile Protective association in the red room of the Hotel La Salle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Llewellyn (Mary Elphicke of this city) have re- turned from Cambridge, O., where they have been living for the past three years, and have moved to Bast Chicago. Ind. Mr. Gottlieb Nebrlng and Mr. Al- bert Fandich, 1500 Washington street, left Sunday for Sanford, Fla., to take possession of their farms recent- ly purchased. The farms are located near Kalamazoo, Fla. Mrs. Horace Hlller of Los Angeles, Cal, who has been the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Wilbur, 715 Hinman avenue, has gone to Carbon- dale, Pa., for a visit before returning to her western home. Mr. and Mrs,.Geo. fH. Scurlock and Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock^ |MUe daughter, 824 Hinman avenue, -=a returned , home' Sunday, * Mr. Scur lock from a business trip through the west and Mrs. Scurlock and daughter from a month's visit at Jacksonville, Illinois. ** The wedding of Miss Clara E. Wil- liams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Williams and Frank Earl Smith of Kansas City, formerly of this city, will take place on June 15 at the recently completed Williams' resi- dence, in Chicago. The Rev. Dudley Tyng of Wuchang, China, who has lived for twenty-one years in the Orient, will give an illus- trated lecture on "China, the New Re- public," Friday evening at St Matr tbew's church, Lincoln street and Har trey avenue. The Rev. A. L. Murray has arranged for his free educational lecture in Bvanston, as our city is to represent China In the World In Chi- cago. Nearly 300 persons attended the re- ception given Monday by Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins J. Hanford for their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson Hanford, at their home, 1405 Judson avenue. The hours were from 8 to 11 o'clock. The decorations were in peonies, snapdragons-, roses and spring flowers. Those who re- ceived, besides Mr. and Mrs. Hanford and the bride and groom^ere: Mrs. E. S, Lacey, Mrs. BL S.isurlbert of South Norfolk, Conn.; Mrs. Luman R. Wing. Mrs. James R. Baker, Miss Carol Murray, Miss Gladys Burns, Mra Thomas B. Archibald and Miss Vir- ginia Archibald of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hanford will he at home after June 16 at West Moreland, Oconomo- ' c< Bt Louis have taken the Nightln- 4gaU residence, 9n sto wood avenue, for the summer. â- . -•^rf* sp^s^',ss^sps^ss|sfwei,» , i , . Miss Maude H. Lee. 1823 Chicago avenue, returned Saturday from Chat tanooga, Tenn., where she spent the winter with her brother, Dr. IX R. Lee J of the feeulty of the University of Chattanooga. ;p~ The Christian church will open a reading room in about six weeks in the room recently vacated by the Pub- lic Service company of Northern Illi- nois, la the Y. VL C. A. building. The room Is being newly decorated and will he an attractive and restful place. After a long courtship of seven years Miss Esther Dahlberg, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dahlberg, of Wahoo, Neb., and Mr. Axel Leonard Wedell, of Barkriver, Mich., were married Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at Witkower'e hall. Mr. Wedell has been the acting pastor of the Svenska Fri Missionen, 616 Davis street, for the past year. He is a graduate of Northwestern university, class of 1911, and takes his master of arts degree at Northwestern this year. The wedding march was played by Miss Anna Reisberg, violinist, and Miss Florence Matson, of Roseland, pianist. Miss Elizabeth Miller and Hasel Johnson, dressed In white lin- gerie, stretched the ribbons. The groom and best man, Mr. Victor Brickson, of Waukegan, followed the ribbon bearers, preceding the brides- maid, Miss Minnie Undgren, gowned In light blue satin and carrying a bouquet of pink and white carna- tions, escorted by Mr. David Hansen. Then came Miss Charlotte Cullander, dressed in pale green satin, also car- rying a bouquet of pink and white carnations, escorted by Mr. George Brickson, of Waukegan. The little Misses Ellen Brickson and Midred Patterson, dainty in white lingerie, and carrying baskets of marguerites, were the flower girls. The bride's gown was embroidered white crepe meteor, en train, with a veil of tulle, which reached to the foot of her gown and which was caught in place with a crescent of lilies of the valley and a sprig of swansonla. Her bou- quet was brides roses and swan- sonla. The maid of honor was Miss Carrie Quist, of Waukegan, charming in a ^own of pink crepe de chine, carrying white and pink roses. The Swedish ceremony with the ring service was performed by Rev. Vic* tor Swift, of Roseland, 111., stepfather of the groom. After the ceremony congratulations were received, con- gratulatory telegrams read aloud by the officiating minister, after which short addresses were made by Rev. I. Halllen, of Chicago. Rev. A. OlBen, former pastor of the Bvanston mis- sion, and Mr. John Oustafson, of Wll- mette, a deacon of the church. A reception followed. The ushers were Mr. Paul Miller, Mr. John Oustafson and Mr. Charles Patterson. Two hun- dred invitations were issued. A sup- per was served by the ladles of the mission, in which the color scheme of pink and white was carried out. Miss Florence Matson sang two solos, accompanied by Miss Swansea. Mr. and Mrs. Wedell left today for Wa- hoo, Neb. They will be at home in Bvanston after July 15. room for several bimdred/ pe*>le tfcW apfin < air "'^ *'"?"*^ '!0*% 1*%^^?'* pleat Sunday afteHoon 'iilfaiytjftny be another tme program. M>rO pub- the weather, which always seems to favor Foster field, is good. A general Invitation is extended and It is hoped that every one in the neighborhood will attend. fk^MfltohgjjL^Sj^fc rc \r< The swimming pool of the gymna- sium of Northwestern university will be open for the use of women and children during the summer months, from Monday, June 17, to Saturday, August 24. Admission will be by membership ticket only. The fee for adults is six dollars for the season; for children twelve years of age and under, four dollars. Children under exsertettewd vTe^*r :S||iTOtUL_.J,__r-----j-r ... T.- mi»i-a^4l^ ^Verslty.v M£ eon hae'la wide reputation a*S structor; in the past eight years has had thousands of his instruction. Duilng\ the ten w< there will he three* public ii carnivals and exhibitions, in wMc^* the' members will take part,- an^^ prises will be awarded to ^yf^iBsm^ in each event. The first will he held on July 4; members mitted free, others by tickets.V"4?Jf|p;;>; 'The membership fee quoted atove^/' does not include individual Inl^roK tion in swimming. For this there1^ will be an additional charge of W^S cents a' lesson to** h%dn^rs^rOW^&l twelve lessons for five dollars. .The v>^ following is a partial list of the strokes taught: Breast stroke,, stroke, English over arm,. Tr^ds back stroke, single and doubly jjgft^" ing and life-saving, etc, ".'\'".'. j^./..^J^Bi "!* Lake Shore Nevs WaJit^i Help Wanted, Situation* WwU«d, For Sale, l^rt»e*4rMiiKl/ , looms for Rent, Room* Wanted an* Miscwlfenejoas, 5 <**« per line for each insertion; R.ea| Estate KfeSfkle, WajntH, ApartmanU or House* for Sale, For Rent 0r Exchanges 7^ : cents per line for each insertioft, hat no advertisement* will fce taken for less then 15 cents If paid) in advance, or for less then -. 25 cents if charged. Ada for insertion in any week's issne should reach the News office, 536 Davis Street, Telephone 585t not later than noon on Tuesday. HELP WANTED ITBJDâ€"AN ERRAND BOY 1tT^TrgfH|n rbirnf- pfcr*^ know- ing cityne^^ej^g^Bowman Pub. Co., 526Jda^'t, ETrlsssiDn. Phone WAkfTBDâ€"A GIRL FOR^sBNBRAL lousework; ej0Sklent\home and |ghtehfls^wa^./leWutJ09â€" /f ltc WANTEDâ€"A O k: small fa Ing; g teenth^Bss*WTlmette. J09 Fif- **F â€" OI jwork ; W Stewart mette, 111 RAL Mrs. H. d-av., Wil- atc WAN?5B|^A GIRL FOIT_J,p?BsWT housewori^^lees^BBfl^sTsmall fam- ilyJk-i-«wn^wilmette 4o6'....... ~ ~ltc SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTEDâ€"DRB88MAK- er^**s^jay, for fine white tailoredim^lniaiMBAaiss^loats. al- teration] CURTMfcN8 WAS Xled for a rits, 1620 COLORBD M. R. Mo- el. 1339. 6tf SUNDAY CLUB STARTS AT FOSTER FIELD Sunday afternoon, at four o'clock, *».-. *>o«r amul«« /.Ink wklnh PrSSidSllt tne new susua/ v<««i», w»»»v»» * •««>.»«'W"v John Johnson has Inaugurated at Foster field, held its first meeting. Miss Emma Pulver and William Pul- ver, piano and violin, rendered a very pleasing program of ten numbers. These young people are receiving much deserved praise for their ex- cellent work, and Foster Field Sun- day club was fortunate to be able to present so good a program at Is open- ing meeting. Being an experiment, and not widely advertised, a large audience was not looked for, nevertheless fully one hundred people enjoyed the aft- ernoon, and many of them gave it as their opinion that the new idea would unquestionably prove to be one of the most popular institutions of Foster field. It Is the intention to have a good program every Sunday from 4 to 6. talenL irob ^*»swu WV9 i are^ine Sundays which si present aft to be NATION WANTEDâ€"AS COOK I rate family; eight years' exn encP^references; wages $7. Bflrone Wilmefhw699. Apply l^T Elm- wood-av., ihili 11 ette. Jr ItP FOR. SALE â€" GARAGE â€" ANT cottemplating building or. garage will do well to enquii this\ffer. Portable garage; feet; loor, 10 feet wide by^ high, ^ullt in six pieces of siding. Will Dr. Kappelmai Pkone 1515, Evans! FOR SALEf|â€" MOTORCY^ model; prbe, $50; in tion; must Mil immedii 2473 or address D News. FOR SALEâ€"PQNY, old; gentle; ctyy and Dew«y-av. FOR SALEâ€"A plete; also misses' wood-av., Wilmet BED,,CP^ lcycle. 82T Oak- phone 1268, ltp FOR SALEâ€"! nace, stacks for an eight tree, $7, new, $12 953-L Wil )N^HAND FUR;?- regfsters, oomplete^^ good as^; Gregory-av., Phone.\.. IT.•â- % \ ltp v^ FOR SAL*-ICE BOX, cl|EAP; 60 ;l pounds.^E. Wietsiepe, 8m Lee-flt„ ., Phone #288-J. \ l,tp,>. J&â€" DAIRY WAGON extension table, bicycle Call at 1923 Maple-av HARNESS ji «a^rvm».raj.av..' Wil â- ^^i 8ITUATION ISANTJ^ â€" FIRST- class cook; no rapg; good refer- ences; go furth^rnollA if required. Address D 2SC EvanstolaNews. ltp WANTBD^OOB BY YOUNG eighy^; private house pre! wUp board, willing. Address D JKke Shore News. WANTED â€" BY wife, whi tent, general side; Evans •wo: FOR /TALE â€" ASSORTMENT OF * u|Su Pianos, taken in trade on our, high grade GranjL Rlchtsteig Pi and Player^Xlliin nn^^itfjnl-^^ $450 Conove^^JJsMganssspss^j^OO 400 Cable, wamjK .... '-^^J- •» i7? J :% 400 Cable-Kingsfury, va^&fc. 160 / | 400 Schonlnge#mahog«»y^-----fi&^ ;| 300 Pease, mafogany ...-....... %$'* ) 350 Christ! ft Son, ebony....'-. a\ 90 ^ 300 Pelton & Pomeroy, ebony. A } 60 | 300 Leland Co., ebony.......... 46,^ j 300 J. B. Cramer, London.....»4 45 "^ 460 Kranlch ft Bach...........* 35 " 1 250 Chase ft Baker Player..... 50. ' PATTERSON BROS., ,> , v. 1522 Sherman-av. ' A _ J % Block South of Theater. . 1*. . ^BSBSsassastmsmmsBmaBsaaaasaBsmmeBa, FOR SALE WANTE â€" SECO bring hie andler, 630 W&v Ji-JrW^Si£: '-. '&Lx£'&±r- '. *lMSGs^&t^&l V. «;--.l^? ^^iBi^MiiUM^MMSi etBHBa&Si Ftag^iwai

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