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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jun 1912, p. 3

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!»»<#*»»*«*♦««»«>»»»«« flffiiiiiiilP ;^f|resi tunt* 0*rl4^ >w»; wh6^ Mr. I^velaa^ 1* eUjsjigedt m J&uaines*^ Grji|ti§tf1i^^ tlftijiSsts^^ Dr. jD4rl«i iind wifei of Blue Island, MlSs Alio* Burchard of New Trier, ao€ompiml«^b^M A4«Ue Williams sair tor IJiifo^ portly school Biarjory Taylor of Cnlcaib, formerly of Wilmette, salted recently for a trip abroad. . - »/:â- â-  l«r. and Mm. & C.^Seb^tts^ 2*» Wood court, spent Sunday visiting frierids. In Aurora, v * Tne Jane - examinations at:' .â-  New Trier High school will be ^held on & ftjjfc |#th and l*th. ^ Mrs. John B. Dalton entertained the Sewing clnb at her home, 284 Doyle court, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Stingle spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Phelps, 2060 Wood court. A meeting of the W. C. T. U. was field Tuesday at Mrs. Bisbees, 785 Tenth street. Mrs. Clam Glaskill spoke on "Franchise, Legislation and Petition/' . Li^he daughterAttdjoiL o^JMr. And Mrs. Joseph Arns, 825 Twelfth street, who have been confined to their home for several days with the measles, are Trfe^ High si»h^< ehtertained the mefcWiw of ^ class at a lea in her siuidio, ott Tuesday aft- ernoon* '^'C,^-%^% ^"r.vr.. '«*' AA eJOiihi^ was h6M at the Cen- tra^ave^uojich^^ This irh# Att eaWbit of the work done br the ehiMteh from nil grades and iH Dorothy ftedflek daughter of Mt. aiid Mi«f qeorge 5-:iedfleld, 1013 ^^li^^ifti^s^lroiB 'her horse, on I)e©OTatioii oAyv ae she was retuniihe^fr«^f ^^fWm^tnj at Qross «Sh^^iSi^^r»Alii^o seriously Injured but fc Of the New recovering rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Couffer have for their guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darts, of Gladstone, Mich., who stop- ped en route from St. Petersburg, Fla., where they Spent the winter. Mr. Vaughan Lavery, who has been lb Venezuela, South America, for the past two years, is spending a few weeks with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. William 'J. Lavery, 1301 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. B. R. Webber and daughters letr Wednesday fol" their summer home at Paw Paw Lake, Mich. Miss Gertrude Webber will remain in Wil- mette till the close of New Trier | High school. r «4«IHn« 4h* rtainnta* «**!. A«^ >0«lAlna the 9«At WAeS> With Mr. and Thursday Tisitiiig the Dimning sanl 'tS^riUlBl. "' 'â- 'â- '.'* â- 'â- ':&"-i<&\ffi.""\;,"'i!*:»l','t '.-'•;' "ifiti",. r\" i"J- 'â- :-.•, â- Â»' street, ar* moving |*. Mi^0u0^, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Happ and daugh- ter, Lillian.spent Thursday at Kolale, IU., visiting friends. '.;â- ;* ,:,;.:-, :^,,^ Mr. George Cotton la visiting his uncle and aunt, ^ ;;ajii|:^rjt ^JWV Hilton, 1410 Hill street avenue, are yisitihg friends In South Bend, Ind., to-M;W:>3K&fal A&' â-  .llrsV' AV :'<fei3P^:.:;;;?ilt;.'lJNPfe: street, has been quite 111 at tftAâ- â€¢ j|^ anston hospital, for several days. Mrs. Helene Sesterhern. of Groaa Point. •*â- â-  remodeling her residence building at 1306 Wilmette avenue. A large number of children of St ^ Francis Xavier's church received their first holy communion Sunday. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Oathercoal, 1588 Forest avenue, are confined to their home with scarlet fever. ^ ^ Mrs. J, J. Nilles, 221 Wood court, and her sister, Mrs. Harman, spent Tuesday with their sister in Ravens- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steele and family, of Lake Forest, spent Thurs- day with Mrs. Joseph Steiner, 1451 Wilmette avenue. Mr. Joseph Bauer, of Chicago is vis- iting bis mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bauer, 1310 Wilmette ave- nue. Mr. Bauer expects to make Ev- anston his future home. An informal dance will be given at the Ouilmette Country club, Saturday, JunaC at 8 o'clock. This wiH be the only dance for a month. It will be a sort of opening of the summer pro- grain and the children will have the privilege of the floor until 9 o'clock. ;b^*|e|s*^^ $j&Jsis:^^ able ^:,^m^$^h-m^^^0^^, AiSBjs4:>^ ^fifers^i^ Avenue, who was seriously Injured hf falling down the steps at her daugh- ters home, is improving vapidly. Mrs. Deiinison, formerly of WHmetW, who now Wide iAv^ are visiting Mr. and Mf». IMP**?* %. Calkins, 518 Tfrcst avenue. Mrs. William Davidson of Jamas street, who has been spending the past few months In CitroneUe, Ala., fell and broke her leg. News of hot injury baa Just reached the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beinhojd, JTO1 Forest avenue, have moved to Phil- adelphia. Pa., their former home. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold have a large circle of friends here who regret to see them go. Mr. Francis Williams, 219 Doyle court, was stricken with paralysis, Tuesday morning, after returning home from work. He was taken to St. Francis hospital, Bvanston. His condition is considered serious. WILMETTE Central Ave. «$ lath St. Ttls.510.51l.5ia QUALITY GOODS. GOOD SERVICE, f ASK WKKMSfi I. SALE JUKE 6, 7 and 8 IN FORCE ON THESE. PAYS ONLY=â€"=*=*= SUGAJL-Gran, Canary C (I " : Powdered. Lb- Crystal Domino. Crystal Domino. cane. Eastern. 10 lbs..60s .«c Domino. Lb. â€".8|4c 5 lb. pkg...................47c 2 lb. pkg:..................22c ^Jm size nieces NJoo^akhig: Powdered. 6 lb. pkg............46c HNEAPMES â€"Fancy, ripe fruit. Very reason- able, 24 size*, each 12J4c; dozen...........:»1.45 a 3d, siae^ each 10c; dosen..... .............. 1.15 -..,...,. ^Preserve and can them now. Pillsbury. Ceresota and Gold Medal. FLOUR % bbl. ....... % bbl........ Barrel ....... Franklin Mills. Colonial Pastry %! AT THE WILMETTE ^â- p^PSl^Sjfr-' ;;4^S|S^p^SjjppS^p^.'>;^BJpBJ(^B^",,p^B^PS»^f^^^^t ;'v^ :^^fct."r' * AnÂ¥>o« the Gl^ oluh are aouney ilS|;.:, . ..........................r...........,...„ Oross t*imt eemetery, on day, mm ^0^,m^km»"i^^ pleaain«. to note the increase in last :nw '& uM^im^Mm..... The boy scouU formed tho part df the parade, there troop: from Bvanston ;;^^ti|^ . wilmette. â- : ?'&&$% â-  & ^illSStt: llie second tJPoop of so^^| Wilmette being the largest and drilled of the two troops, made a good snowing on the P*"^0* j*^1 wai» â- very ,piea|^i^Wl»il=sOf»e^^|g Six months ago the second troop Wilmette was the smaller and ~ experienced troop of the *^|%| today they aw the largest and bestl informed of the two troops, theifl"' ing fortystferee^ »oy» *h ^9 "l&tiM troop with one seoiitmajrter Anj- assistant, while the flrsl' thirty-two boys with two scoutmaatei and five assistants. Much credit due Mr. James G. Barber. 621 avenue, for the success of the troop. ........ ...................H.70 ....................~.....•• a.75 fintire Wheat. 1-16 bbl------SOc 10 lbs.............-.......50c ______ They never were better than now. Heavy, juicy, sweet fruit. 176 afse, dosen...........................^ .28c : ISO else, dosen.....33c 126 sise, doMS^P..38c COPfEE-My own Special Blend^**nTs cJree is : equal in every wfty to any ^(gpsJiiBj^ fcr TEAâ€"Rajah. A fancy, line flavored grsle efley- I Lipton's. Ye^wYio^L *Vlb**p^!*.ts^^*58c * % Ik Pkg: ..._____-.-......... ............*•« ' A superb Mead of Oolong. Green Japan and Dar- ! geBng. 75e quality. Lb....................55c SUCED LUNCH MEATS- : I am now eomipped to keep these In perfect con- : dlthmin hot weatherâ€"eway from dust and heat. ! Ls^rton Bacon, dear BrJaket and Bucks. Lb. 28e BmiHiuwt Loaf (Veal Loaf). Lb..............-25c Cervelat Sausage. Lb.----- ..............-20c Frmnkfurta. Ub. . .Ito Dried Beef, Lb.. -30c Ham. LIk.SSc Pork Loin. Lb- Graham. 10 lbs. Swansdown. Pkg SOAP â€" Ameri< 66 bars in box.. 10 bars Fairban kettle. Gal. BeDwood. light. 2 lb. can. . White Hone. Dark. 2% lb. LARD- SfAisrs Pure. Bulk. Lb. %^m .â€"« - Bi -isdls. Lb CEISCO-To W nse r of batter and lava. COTTOLEffE -2 lb can light. ...60c ...15c ...14c ...13c ...16c sd in cooking in the place Gas....................2*c and Birch Beer. ___r,iwa. Quarts. JDoz................'...§1.15 The large quantity of these which I sell proves „ to me its quality. 25c do*, rebate for bottles. CsEAffE JUICEâ€" Welch's. Concord. Qt.. .40c Welch's. Concord. Pt.......................J3c Meier's- Concord. Qt.....................35c Meier's. Concord. Pt.......................22e Armour"a. Concord. Qt.....................JJ* Armour's. Concord. Pt.....................22c Meier's. Catawba. Qt ....................45c : Meier's. Catawba- Pt.............•........25c MUSMLOOMS- French. Extra amalL Can 32c French. First choice. Can...... ..........25c SHMMPSâ€" Monarch. No. 1ft can...........22e MISAPPLE â€" Monarch, Hawaiian. No. 2% can. Rxtra fancy quality Can 26c; dosen.... . .f3J» CHEESEâ€"American. Full cream. Lb........27c Wisconsin. Brick. Lb......................20© Roquefort Lb. ............................J°J Bdam. Large. EBaeh...... '*"S Sweitaer. Lb. ................... .........38c McLaren's. 25c sise............. .........22c McLaren's. 10c sue.........................»»e OX TWfGUEâ€" Armour'a. 2 lb. can......85c l% ib^ean-------------..............^.. .....65c SOUPSâ€" Campbell's Condensed. Any CanJ8e; dosen ...........,.........,,,„ - Any assortment Can .§1.59 ..30c .93,50 The ftseat Shoe PoUsb made. Bruah and dauber and 1 box of Oil Paste for...-.^-.-â€"..-.--..25c ^g»MBfc.-> NO, 1% CSIbc^r^^^M Woman's club building. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Wil- mette. Children's day will be ob- served next Sunday at the 11 o'clock hour. The program will be as fol- lows: Processional, school marching to the platform in two divisions. Invocation. Song. "Praise Him," the primary department. Recitation, "The First Children's Day," Marian Moores. Song to the Cradle Roll, the begin- ners' department. Recitation, "Why It Was," Kenneth Appleyard. Primary Quartet, "Children's Day," Elizabeth Boltwood, Marian Moores, Morris Gustavson and Harold Rice. Song, "Welcome Sweet Springtime." the Sunday school. Promotion from the beginners' de- partment to the primary department Graduates. Bella Smith. Eugenia Gar- vin. Allen Simmons. Dwight Sim- mons. Prayer and Offering. Offertory solo, "I Think When I Read that Sweet Story of Old," Mr. Alfred G. Freeman. Song, "Loyal and True," the Sun- day school. Scripture reading and sermon, by the pastor. Rev. J. M. Wilson, D. D., "A Gray-bearded Preacher -and His Advice to Boys and Girls." Hymn 681, "God Be with Ton till We Meet Again." Benediction. Flag day will be celebrated in the evening. 7:46 o'clock. Flags of va- rious nations will form part of the decorations and the musical pro- gram will Include the national hymns of several of the leading countries: "God Save the King." England; "The Marseilles Hymn." France; "God. the All-terrible," Russia; "Watch on the Rhine." Germany, and "The Bat- tle Hymn of the Republic." United States. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Carpenter chaperoned the Westminster Circle- Girls* club to see Hull House and Association Bouse. Saturday, June 1. The purpose Is to acquaint these young people with the larger *<>rk of love which is going on In the city of Chicago. ' TO CIVE PERFO Announcement has been issued for a high class entertainment to be gi by some of Wllmette's best anmteur| talent and several profats^pBal^'6#li^| on the evening of June 25, atâ- '$#§$ Bvanston theater. Tho attraction will be given for the benefit of St Fran- S cis Xavler church of Wilmette. this promises to be a very enjoyable; a§ fair, and a lar«e number of tickets have been- disposed, of. Tbosa-r1 be a fine musical program under the direction of Mr. O. G. Cprus, ^ vaudeville part of the entertainweiit ^ is hems; looked after by Mr. Q. ',-|||f Bichl and Mr B. F. Kelley. A fee>|| ture will be the drawing for A ^*i2 five passenger touring car. The *i%^ ner will be announced from the stage|^ on the evening of the pertormancei||| Several scenes are being painted for ||y an elaborate act and rehearsals. •m^m now well under way. WILMETTE PEOPLE IR GRADUATING GLASS m Wilmette has five graduates -aniBOilgi^ the seniors at Northwestern uhlvef^ ^ sity this year. They are: >^ If Mr. William H. Pope. 904 Lake ave- nue; Miss Helen Shurtleff, Lake ave- nue; Miss Vera Sabanoff. 1118 Green* leaf avenue; Miss Elsie Karst, Forest avenue; -Miss Marian ftfr-i;j kins. â-  '" "~~^Sm -; KENILWORTH PERSONAL ijt Mr. and Mrs. H, D. Miles and fanv ^ ily. of Abbotsford road, have jBttO^ to Michigan, where they will apendg the summer. llNEW TRIER QUARTET TO BE HEARD! The New Trier String by the Glee club quartet, will EORGE J. EBER (Eailaring 1131 Grccnlcnf Avenue WILMETTE. IXJL «i ^^

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