If^^^i^PI^I^^^P^W^S^^^^KS^^IPJ^^MIS Mr. H;C|apff«^f^*^f.._ and famH^:lp^^|^:^iif^^iW^ Monday ^W0^:;?W10k?%^ and &i^'0tB^mm^^^^^ camping. l^ii^Jw*^^ California.-:^^lw#iSW^m - -^ about six';if^^^||f'lf;IS Miss Cifl ..w........._ , ,_.„. ^ ..... Charles street,'jente^tahied at ntunW* of friends a^^?||^^i|^Jt:iiaN home Monday night. VITio tended were:.-. J^ieM^liPWvBjM^ mette; 'Mr. -S1'**^^ netka; Mr. -iiitt^iiii^; -9H^j^:Arifl|^^.: Evanston; -l^»#^ifie:;^|p|«^' mette; Miss - 30tm^.t!^^^lll^lxo03^M^ It is a*hoiih^3i»^^ a table ^-^^^Pp^aBi-qt^^^!^^ choroh Witt |»M tt^ social hour usually nefif n with ttie Imslneaa m•e^ 3i^^i^JNc^S^4l«p^# % ***** pterty, whl^i wiU be given Saturday The Foreign Misaionary society of the home of Mrs. Fi A. Bock, were spent to studying and compar- ^HA«mm$* ^&mmmj*^±i^ pw Northwestern depot, "Gt^^gi0^m. flowere may be left on Frid^;^lpi^SWu,, s- -. -----^...,,-w~,,.. mer :^o|ife^|^^.^^«0i|» >■■; ^ charge of ^*C%oi^i^^ to collect and diatribute the flowera to the ead and suffering In and hospitals, which wfli he a, pleas- ure to bol&tlfefA^elr anfpsjP' " Wilmette friend* are aaked to all the l|ow^^^;';|^-.;«qp^^i| this purpose.::.&'*'£ ■-'■«~|*^j:|%^^- ■ The Wi^nette branch of BavlnKl Ho many of the members from A nnmT>e^ 6X Wilmette yonng men club was given all inspiring talk by Mrs. Frank R. McMullin of Highland Park on the education of phllan- thropic and artla^io adrajntngeji immense possibilities of as a summer music congroaii of the world. Friday waa choaen aa the day for the Wilmette women to meet at the concert.'^^ta'J^^^i^S^ includes forty admlsalops, the membership dues for a yoar and one vote on &*ii^ a4fa4r* ^ committee of Wiftjiette met at the home of the aecretaryi Blra, Charles A. Wanni*, 6» Ceatr*1>venne, at 3 p. m. on Moudai^lifthia w««k. will befmjlii ferent town casino The facnnr a*d M dents of :New Trier will travel .....""'"" ' Arcanum, Thuraday ^er spent a Tery de- 0mi^htfm: invited from m WUmette •^ff^f: - j^-'JEf*- inother of Mrs* and her slater, Mra. Dana A. Barnea, and aoi», who epent the paat two; yeara traveling fit pi* rope, have come to Wilmette to apend the summer. Mrs, Bdwarda will be and Mra. Barnea and with Mra. aona wm hnve^roomajat Mra. Allen'e, *i* Central avenue. ;/■% ^:':_^ Mr. and Mra. Caraahaw and daugh- ter, juia*^ Modeime. m mm t^'oh*^ rtar of the lot at the n^rthej^ corner 0/ Ninth and Qreenjeaf avenues, one bloc* *j^ of t|ta W<miaji% club build- iiag. It wta contain an auditoHum and Sunday achool i^oma, ato loi^ a fat<men and pafeor'a atndy. Itf will be built of brick with atone trim- , yw"t^||^^ atfi^HwHjH'4ffii^"^wffr- .*|i8£"aiiiiHfrfc'~^» BMafc The lot, which ia 111x^93, wSfc**^ siah ample room for the church build- ing proper later oat Thia lot waa the _|r««»oiM gift o^ohe of the members of the congregation. ■>;>■ 8?s¥'~ :-^:m Services will be held in the an'a Club building at Tenth street and \ Greenleaf avenue until the chapel ia ready for occupancy. ^ • Sunday, June ^, the paatpr, Rer. J. Mrwilaon, vrffl speak on the aubjecta: "The Book of Hebrewa—Steadfast in the Jfcith,* aM^T:<SiPV ffl^^arlatj and Men ind Women of Anpbttloit" The Men's chorua and the Young? Peo* ple'e chorua win alng at the evening aervice. The youngpeople and ail who desire meet at the paator'a homo, ttl Tenth atreat, Friday* Jinn* ». *° "to* The mid-week aarvloe wUl be at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Houghton, H4 Greenleaf aven^Wisdneaday, Juno It, at S p. m.^/Tho Uciuor Geneva and Lake Pelavan Saturday. T^ey aemained at the Highland hoUl Saturday night, and after a deMgbt- tul Uu^cjh rido on ^^*!a Geneva, re- tb Wilmette Sunday evenbig. WHliam J. Montgomery, «f terested Hfe'lM^^i^a^ Greenwood bonlevardi g*ve a dmner aT the Wftoette club, Saturday oven- Mlsa Holcomb of ^vonport. U.; tent A. W. Harria ^mniverafty: Mr. Frnnk Stewart of Chicago, and Jlr; and Mra. Mdwln at Beaaer. Jr^ >of VOX Groonwood «ve- nno»,lJnfaM«to* «■■■ ,^-z*■--%..^v- -- •■ • k j^ 1M«« •»* *wattf •** veat Monday ■ w|0i '*:pnfty oTMow York and San Franelaeo frlenda for a canptnc arlp ta the hl«h Cattfornla. about idx; weeks, amaklna; of ooeratlona hi the ferent part* of the world this mer. Miaa Caaey and Mlaa Yturtan sailed from New Yori^ recently, one going to Spain and at N _. mond left Kew Yo** «•* June 8, for Antworp; Mr.- I^ionard sailed 6a Sntuiday for * annwaer in Gemany and AntJCla^nniafy; Mloa George baa gone to Aer borne at Arbor, Mlekc; ,___.__.... Childa wat*||Ula1^^ ^ »*Pi.«i after a :ei^:%nMiii1b^ ""* '" •■*--*-— goto, elation awmmer eamap at where Mr. Chuon wOi rector; Miss De^ Mnr waa isatarday "•O/Tpsjrf derson woaiet^ Mlssl PntlDa wffl mcnthatnsiria*ca«pfta Miss TTarttmd aallnrt Hniiiiflii lilfn Naoaat IS FULiT SQHfiPRia S SliH^t Railroad Ave. "~' ***-»l^at"*•■