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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1912, p. 14

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5MW %«.**#-• _!2£",.£. ►#♦ ^ JA L Mann, iOOf Ashland ave- |md family, bavo moved to JM40 avenue. „...:/■" . „,. _.«. Bnuna Mayo Boyd of Madison, who spent some time here study- ;^-lnf mualc, has returned to her homer l|||tafc George Casgraln, 1103 Maple avenue, lias go«e to Atlantic City. N4 J^ to attend thq .convention of car ||a«el Inspectors* ^ I' J|to Robert C. Greer, iOOi Blmwood ft&nue, announceo the engagement of ^W| alBter, Hose, to Mr. Harold A. ' renarton <*f this city; •? Julia B, Maxbam, 938 Elm wood , left last night for Sloan, la., M*» she will Visit her aunt, Mrs. lerF. Gates, for a month. MissesHelen and Margaret I,4 #7 Maple avenue, left lay on an extended trip through Kentucky and Indiana, || Mis* Bertha Bufflngton, teacher in the Washington school, is to have a year's leave of absence, part of will be spent in California. Marie V, D.. Casgraln, 1103 nvenue, has been entertaining few daya„ her brother, Father Dyke, and Mrs. Henry F. Brown- soa of IJetrpit. ■•. Maxham, 938 Elmwood has rented his house to Mrs. jaarrlson of La Orange, who yesterday and will oc- summer. Mr. and Mrs. ■ JSt^;; 'lNi*». ^^JttttefttflWS Qrrtogton Miss Bertha #ho reeeniJy~retuiiied from after a two yearB' leave of ab- fronl j^e l^r^weatern Univer- ins MUdred Jones, who is secre- ' 4t:'tblh&tJSfcjCfc- Ai at Blooming* IndVhas returned to the Hoosier 'after visiting her parents, Mr. and |. N. M. Jdnes, 162$ Hinman ave- and Una Morton, family, for the past two weeks, has returned to her home in Boston, [pas, lila* Marguerite Wells, -1233 Judaon left Monday for Boston, Mass. I^Om there she win go to York ^Beach, Me, and remain until Oct. 1. .Hat parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.. win Join her the last of An- Miss Maude West In this year's graduating class at Northwestern uni- versity, w«l become the Y. W. C. A- secretary «at Jackson, Mich. Miss Katharine Grover and her niece* Miss Marion Thayer, left Wednesday for Montreal. From there they will sail for a three- months' sojourn in England. Mrs. E. J. Shafer and the Misses, Viola and Violet Shafer, 1736_Ridge avenue, left here Saturday with Mrs. Shafer's brother, Mr. C. W* Buck of San Francisco, Cal., for a 5,000- mile auto tour through Canada and the eastern, states. They will he gone three months. Dr. and Mrs. William A. Locy, 1745 Orrington avenue, accompanied by Miss Esther White, a graduate of Northwestern university, and Miss Beers, 700 Michigan avenue, started Wednesday for Canada. They will spend six weeks at the biological station at Vancouver. This station is connected, with the University of Washington and is located at Friday Harbor on San Juan island. From there they will travel through Utah, Colorado and California, returning home the last of August. Mrs. Albert F. McCarrell, 1202 ftaple avenue, gave a pre-nuptlal luncheon' Wednesday in honor of Miss Clara Bstelle Williams of Highland Park, who,Noh Saturday, June 15, at Highland Park, will be married to Mr. Fnmk Earl Smith of Seneca, Kan, Mies Lois' Williams, sister of the bride, who will be maid of honor; Miss Ruth Smith, a sister of the groom, and Miss Helen MgCarreU, who will be bridesmaids, Miss Frances Steever of Highland Park and Miss Smith, a younger sister of the groom who will stretch the ribbons, were also guests of honor. The table was artistically and beautifully deco- rated. The centerpiece was a golden basket ^filled with individual bouquets ^ pink roses, with ribbons attached. The favors and place cards; were in pink and white. In the afternoon the the east forn nipatf^ * Coi C. B.'KiW&k* to'W kfiA&k* Med to his bed at 1«12 Chicago ave- nue.' :•' •• :. - . '". ;.\\'*: \■■.v'.-"r Miss Gertrude Lawrence of Warsaw, Wis., Is >riiitfng her aunt, Mrs. Anns/ Lawrencej 1428 Main street tfr. Charles M. Haugan of Chicago is building a $20,000 residence on Sheridan road and Ingleslde place. Miss Marjorle Verbeck of Harmon Terrace a graduate *©*' Northwestern university this year, will tetfch next year at Aledo, 111. , Mr. Anthony A. Theobold has de- parted for the Isle of Pines to look after his pineapple tract. He will be gone about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lawrence Of the Hotel La Salle have taken the George H. Sargent residence at 1711 Hinman avenue for the summer. Mr. Nathaniel Thayer, 1100 Hinmap avenue, who attended the State Uni- versity at Madison, Wis., the past year, has returned home for the Bum- mer. Mrs. C. 8. Spooner of Madison, Wis^. who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Conover,l327 Hinman avenue, for the past week, returned* home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grain, who have been stopping with their mother, Mrs. Jared W. Crain, 309 Washington street, are now located at the Hotel Monnett Mrs- Thor. H. Erickson and her two little daughters, Ellen Louise and Winifred, 1121 Avars place, will spend the summer at Beresford, S. D. They will leave the last of this month. Mrs. Edward Woolworth, 3040 'Harri- son street, and Mrs. C. A. Gale, 2119- Lincoln street, have been entertaining their cousin. Miss Myrtle Cosgrove of Westneld, N> Y., w*o4eft for home last week. Miss Margaret Barnard, 420 Church street, who is attending commence- ment at Princeton college, will take a lake trip to Duluth and Minneapolis to attend the Alpha Phi sorority con- vention before returning to.Evanston Rev. Herbert D. Goodenough of Jo- hannesburg, Africa, en route to the commencement at Oberlln, Ohio, •topped off Thursday to visit his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ^^^Wygfnd^bf |p*-;%eek tovuft**^ her daughter, I20V Monro* streetf home1 with i Smith, rMr. and Mrs. A. 'M W0W$, iT&ftonf Asnury avenue;' 'Wri-lm******** from a delightful trip through Minne* sota and WJaoonsin>j'^f'>ip;'H^d Mr. Wllliant mmv^^^^ 10|4 Blmwood avenue* ^-Ijil^;'^, SatuTday for E^,;p^.Tfm.f.m a t$ro-weeks> vacntton^'^i:*' /".>.; Francis- MOM; Knight, i$f A^b^ avenue, who graduates this y^ |rnnt Yale university* :.ii!sii;.i\riiBp^;;^v^; Phi, Beta Kappa siociety^^;:;;.'.^-,:^:^ Mrs, B. L.' Scheidehhelm^^ and.vijliiif dren, wllmette, leff Sunday for Jlen- dota, 111., to visit Mr. Scheidenhelm's mother. They will he gone about two weeks. ' -'-■ * ,"• ^r^^^v---' .Mr. MiUer Farg#,'72^tt|n^on jw©- nue, has gone to attend his sixth re- union at Yale. X He w# :extfrifl ^nisv trip, visiting through the east for some time. ■ - A>.> ;Vi ■_■ -■'* ^" ;.'•"■'■ Messrs, Lawrence G. Hallberg, Jr., Harold Pynchon, John R. Chllds and George Englehard enjoyed' a week's- end canoe trip down the. Hock river from Janesville, Wis. ^ - A irfrtfeday party was given Satur- day evening by Mrs. Hilma Hoffman, 2321 Thayer street, in honor of her son, Reuben Johnson, who oil that M^i ^ira^ve a baker/'sale fiatw ernoon to the cnnr< avenue and Wtothi^ avettuel fo^nj^ tdn,«nnouii<^ the births iMr. and Louise, Friday, Adams Scott of; 'Invitaf tor the majlriafs^ their only; day celebrated bis twenty-first birth- dstighter, Louise, ;^fSHpp^leadore; ^ay- * -•'•■*•" , ^:"S fRkmsbSTg .'j&ai^ Invitations have been issued to the '■"'■ " active chapter of the Kappa Kappa Gamma, of which 'sorority the bride IE. Cornelius Andrews, who are tern marriage of Miss Blanche daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Mr. Rob Roy Alexander of O., took place Wednesday At the home of jthn David Is a member, twenty-four in number, Joined the bridal party and gave the bride-to-be a novelty shower. A musical evening will be given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Redington, 1232 Ridge avenue. Friday, June 21, for the benefit of Grove House for Convalescents. A program of organ and vocal selec- French Banks, 1204 Sheridan tions will be rendered by able artists. its. Rev. David Hugh pastor of the First Presbyter Ian performed the ceremony. Miss Boss of this city, was maid of r; Miss Cherrill McNetiL also of city, and Miss Reaa Babcock of were bridesmaids. Mr. Rob- of Cleveland, Ohio, was best The uaheta were Mr. Castles James Wallace ThomD- sttss; Jr., o* Oak.Park, Duke Banks 'Wm Charles Ackert Banks, cousins of the bridS. The bride white satin and old rose point V-.*ei en train, and carted erenids and ^*%m^~$*c^ulhjrt^HW tell© Tsfl^ bald m place wiU^ orange blossoms. with a band of Duchesse said of hosor was gowned ln^idnk niarviteetto over pink mce carrted a bouonet of pink sweet Tbe bridesmaids wore white ftoanced wtth hue, nak and carried ntuk sweet of the reception hall dsnso «€ sntUax a^ s^nringa, vftb pink Kmaney porarily located at 1834 Sheridan road, also to attend the wedding of his nephew, Mr. Wilfred Leonard Childs and Miss Louise Raeder, who were married Thursday. The marriage of Miss Louise Wllhel- mine Raeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raeder, 1635 Hinman ave- nue, and Wilfred Leonard Chllds took place at 2:30 o'clock Thursday after- noon at the residence of the bride's parents. Rev. Edwin F. Scbuele, pas-; Dawes, Mrs. W. J. Fabian, Mrs. 1 tor of the Congregational church of The patronesses are: Mrs. M. C. Bragdon, Mrs. Wlllard Cobb, Mrs. C. P. W. Gates, Mrs. F. A. Hardy. Mrs. W. S. Mason, Mrs. F. W. Pomeroy, Mrs. Irwin Raw, and Mrs. V. A. Ross- bach. Grove House for Convales- cents was incorporated in 1902, and received as a gift from Mrs. B. S. Gallup and Jfr. F. B. Peabody. It provides for self-respecting, self-sup- porting women and girls and boys under 12 years of age. It affords them oonnlrjr air, medical care and every conditton favorable to recovery, and enables them to return to work with renewed health and spirits. As the charge for board and care are act bugel frequent benefit entertainmeats are necessary to meet the necessary wedding of Miss Alice May Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Barnes, 2253 Sherman avenue, and J, B Garnett. Miss Barnes was gradu- ated from Northwestern university this week. .vv "■:'.'-' Mr.*and Mrs. Hopkins J. Hanford, 1405 Judson avenue, JwUi «o to their summer homo an the twentieth of. June at Eagle Lake, Wis., and wttl take with them as their guest for the summer. Mrs. E. S. Hurlbui of South Korwallc, Conn. * r_ •.- r A musical program was given Thursday by the pupils of Mian Nina Wlnana> at her studio in the Rood building,, T>o«e- taking part were Miss Jessie Gale, Mrs. John Maloy, Miss Emma Towne, Mrs, Clifford J. EIUb aind Mrs, T^O. Ketcham.^"H Rev. and Mrs- George Whitesider 1577 .Wesley avenue, have returned from a month's trip In the west Mr. Whiteside was sent as delegate to the Presbyterian Committee of Missions at Spokane, Wash., and to the General Assembly at Seattle. " Mrs. Thomas B. Russell and daugh- ter, Miss Grace RnsselL who have been here two weeks, also Miss Maxr ine RnsselL who spent the winter hero as the guests of Mrs. M. R. C3app, 2018 Central street, i*stnTned TVissday tn their hbrnjajii Canada. New York. The nwirlssBft of Miss Edna WH- liams Estelle, danghter of Mr Mm WOHam S. BsteDe* to Mr. Roger Philip J*sMc!b& of Peoria, Hi, took nlaee Wednesday at * o'clock at too ChBda, a Winnetka, res^ the Episcopal mar- riage service, tte young people taking their place in the foreground of a bank of ferns, palms ant flowers. The bride was beautiful in a gown of broidered tvory crepe meteor trimmed with thread lace, a tulle veil caught wins orange blossoms faBing over her di^ss, and carrying a baaquet of lilies of the vaRey and> white aweet pens. Only the Immediate relatives were present at the- ceremony. At the re- ception, which vfoUoweoV about" one hundred friends extended their con- gratulations. The rooms were artisti- cally decorated for the occasion, the dining room being especially pretty. The bride is a graduate of Northwest- ern oniversity, a 'member of BeHa aorarltj^ and . a for the past three years in the New Trier high evening, June 26^ ar^ at Clarkfl- St George Pbarch of Hubbard's Woods, who fdr a number or yoi|^:Jh^v*renter-; tf^nod the Women's Foreign MlsBion- hry «Kdety of the Go^ church at ite June meeOrig, wUl en- tertain this organization again this y^ar on Wednesday, Jun^ 26. A very large company plan to attend. > ■. Cards bnvo beeu rtce^ved Ing the msrria#> of Mte Julin Curtis Stoadei' of Elgin, IU., to Mr? HHand Corbly at the home of the bride's' psrenta, Mr. and .Mrs, George Francis »od4s^ June ^^M^ ' VEvanstcn branch, for ^ tbren Teaws^ has many frtendB ;ber«'"~.^~~t>&':;■■ """., -'••'-■.■ f V^j^fe-. flrom June M to June 29 the^nnm' mer school of Home and Foreign mis ; skms will be held at Winona Lake, Ind. Two of the principal ^speakers are aff. Milllkinr who will lecture on the new missionary text^ book, -China's New Day," and Mrs. ^. B. who -will s*pesjt on the home text book. Dr. Headland and other missionary esperts will lee- of the Chicago nut T MeSlveen bridal party denvessled the the bride leaniag on. fie of her father who gaws her away, ring snwto^|rnn.JbiiA wuin.^isjerfvod, ri|sii_jiBjc_ wbieh '"~^ •' "- ^~ rsdsd mr the oceasissi in" " san played |of the s< the brMe's parents. Dr. l«rformed the brides ppett&y gowned in oa^ying.-a>- awa? ar a«r||be Jenklaa e< te stosssw sa saald af in nink vanity, hi instructor of physical cul- ture in the Nov Trier high school, and cbaige- oC several HO la a sen of

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