â- â- â- 'F!.iP^^^-"'ri^^.^^f'â- Â¥'â- ' 7lfJ«K::-'Iâ„¢?!v^«W?p"?iVlH?'â- :'^."..*,i>. ;:;^„^^^'i^.-^---\;;"^v?->^'^7\.ii.-7}|fc-^â- ;,::.^ .^'v-tr'-t^Vr""-'-.V; -iT- â- f^lj^f\ â- - -1' i. ,-:-^p:;:..-:^-^tâ- 'aaai WtAtrt, SltnatlOB* WwrtHf For Sale. Lott and Found. „.JHtforlta»tvRooms Wanted and Miscellaneous, 5cents J§|f toe for each tnsertioa; Real Estate lor Sale, Wanted, Apartments or Houses for Sale, For Rent or Exchange, 7>4 cents per toe for each Insertion, hat no advertisement, will he 35 «enU If charged. Ada lor insertion in any week's issue afeoidd reach the News office, 5*6 DaMsyrtreet Telephone 5Mt not> later than noon on Tnesday. / K. • ,"I'*>'1 HELP WANTED e: â- ,j: D â€" gfarti/for ootikinj cleaning; no waging. JED downstair ?ne 1528, ltc i:.::-S-: lDY^OF re- outing to help hadav, 735 ltc £?• $ â- |fe^" WANTED SANATION WANTEDâ€"BY YOUN; I': -fSV: â- '.' 0ntN|ndto a baby. Addr§af<m6 |b^|||>; TirnbnTTnin^irnnntnn ^^^ ltp LORD, Jton 1316. N< EVAN8TON VACANT [inn. 8. W. corner HaJtrey-av.MflrColfax st., 55V^xl^) fj^attroffrmentB paid, S1.W0. Roealie-st, loutf front, Ab§ ft., west of Agbwry-av., M.00O. ^^ 32-tf SCHEURMANN. Phone 638. 805 Michigan-ay. lent BeamsfcpeflT would fc(<< ^jg^paylMnlly. |^\>-jtltfEs SJfore News. EXCEL- ^in Address W ltp GIRL lady for at tone. <h$/' years JpV^se, lately towsmert washing Mlfiionli TO board in place lousework; $5. News, ltc twages mended; lei sr and COLORED work; R. Mo- «tf FOR SALE VLET US SHOW YOU" Orrington-av. corner, 14 rooms, 3 baths, la/ge/sfeeping and screened porches, girage has 3 rooms for servants, steam heat, lot 100x200. Qg^^wUl rent for long tejjBJ or JRl a? bar gain, $18,000. Judson, |r. GreeffKf, 50|jpW-----$100 Grant..©*. HartreJ 56^x100----- 700 Ridge, m. Foster, lOOxlSJ^^tfr *0 ke Slmre, cor. Ha iooxms .......Gr............100 Hartzefl, nr. McDaniel, 50x150... 20 Pioneef, nr. Payne, 75x150....... 10 Park-J., nr. McDaniel, 50x185, Want offer Colfax, nT. Sherman, 40x181...... 30 Central, nr. Hartrey, 50x150..... 20 Milburn, nr. Sherman, 50x185----- 34 MoCALLUM A CLARK 1615 Saerman-av., opp. City Hall. Famous Choir Leader; wui fU^.m^^i^ Will Conduct Oratorio at the Wbnette Methodist Church Tomorrow Even&g. fm^^i^&^S4'^^^^Mi IGON gle harness, av., Bhland- tit -POUR DINING ROOM rocking chair, smalTjnj^o- table. Wltovrug {Jfjajftouch; )om scale, ^^^ swritelk all in good condilMii^some^efcyp-iy Dew. Can be seen eJbnings. Phone Ev- anston 3551-J before 8 a. m. or after $ P. m. TwU % I^MAmJo ltc bv?r jaE^PRBBggRS, chalrs7*^SIIH«4-aaci cause leayi !5av. " ig^^/^WJoiii set, • Wf- ^WJ Fifteenth $&i\-...... :. fclcf â- *ey }'ia m '< •A ^FAVORITE COMBI- ras and joal range and hot fire sJfn^jPkltchjfaitaabinet, mower, aR^geralbr Aid bed iew\g^f Lewis, 7 Wilmette. ltc fOR RBftT â€" FURNISHED, w to September, modern <^£ht- roo^^ house, all convenjlnces; screefl|a porch, sleepinar porch, large ti^^paved streej^mne trans- portation, nwrillrnit i^Titffhlinrhnnfl to right i>erion%Mjpr month. Phone Bvanaton STlS^mLstanley-ay., Ev- anston. -Jr- ^^k.'- **& FOR RJ|fI^ATT^CJTn|a MOD- ern j^e-toom bungalow, ite per h. 1123 Noyejret., PhoneW41. -RUBBER m Sher- ?oii -DROl macl m*:i.dr $12. 1522 HEAD SINGER sewing lments, ltc p f BCWT BUY A CHEAP ADVER- of bargaijfj^m upright pianos of the -taken in trade on our ^- hi|l^ade^fl^in/Richeteig Pianos. mPÂ¥ mq, *ia^/pt f^OOkranpi * Jax:h..^k...$ 35.00 Co.Jfl... 45.00 $60 F*. B.1BM* So£.J... 85JK) ^:t^^«Mai«iBr,l'.'... t^ ... 95.00 460 Snoxtlngerg.. â€" /fT.----115.00 Cable, almost ......._....... 150.00 175.00 1^^ 4tfi Coaover, almost new....... -„~ rpflQ^lpei^t miss these bargains. ltc PATTERSON BEOS .pii.f;4pp^B3ag8btti M^-'V>"" -new" _____________ â- ^Ts;;'""4W. Cable, almost new..___ ..'.^f^^-IUMJf Sliermaoay.,' Bvanston, ill. '3^^V 'iti Wbbw, ' la gnaaton and "*V'*M**S" ««/«*. FOR SALE-HOMES FOR terms.4 ,vis-st rAGB, ON [inter. 807 4tf FOR RENT tished ai lent SUMMER, rooms and ltc FOR *ARTMBNTS IN ••^•tsT «tJ»»a« aait» information glven_upon ra- Phone 884. «81 DaTls-st S4tf FOR RENT-ROOMS }R RENTâ€"FOR SUMMER, LAR rooms at 2081 8heraian-a^r 2tp FOR RSmâ€"SINGLE FINISHED room fol^uslness xa0K. 1301 Chi- cago-av., ccWer a|T)empster-Bt. ltp FOR RBN^=TyEASANT FUR- nlshed astmis at 52^lfimp8ter-st. ltp FOBji^lENTâ€"FURNISHH^ ROOM. Foster-st, near "L" stauln.' ltp FOR RENT- fnrniahe#-i tAuarT 2018. 1J74; refers amall sum. >AY, JITNBlj Reward! 'iu&raw Mfil£3 Prof. H. W< Owensc After weeks of earnest preparation and rehearsing, "The Chorus Choir" of the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal mm m Wm Miss-Margaret W. Owens. church ii ready to produce the ora- torioâ€"Haydn's "The Creation," in the 'â- j. -J'.â- 'â- :â- â- â- '.• - church at Lake street and Wilmette avenue, Wilmette,' Friday evening, June 28. The members of the choir rendered the oratorio at a private rehearsal last Sunday afternoon, and they were greatly encouraged by the praise given their efforts by the director, Prof. H. W. Owens. He said that in every respect he expected a meritorious per- formance, and that he felt eure the people of Wilmette will be" Well pleased. ' - The chotr will be augmented by an enlarged chorus, and 4he solo parts will be rendered by Mr. George Brew- ster of Lake Fores|, 111., who will sing in the ienor role- Mr. Luther Wil^ Hams will sing the bass, and Miss Margaret Watts Owens, daughter of Prof. Owens, wlll"sing the soprano. Mrs. L. L. Hammett will preside over the organ. [TCHES, PUFFS AND m T 'forfltasj^ns made from^pefffbinga, $1.60 ihiiI1'i"%>j4ij uiiil fii I ii I mass- sage, 8hampi^g7mlH|44juring; resi dent 3»g^?8olicited. rfcn^ Elm WQ0&&, first floor. LADVALONE give Tool charge to JH Itbc [ME meals free com pan- )RINO IN MATHE LollHlli^^oberts has retuj^n from MlchiganT'lia^fiflh^rasbeen teach- ing matheippml^i^wlll now re- ceivej*rt5^in eithern|R|ttlfifcdbl »r ^ork. Phone 2276. CAMP GOOD WIl camp furniture carriages, iens . ators. Telephone ft NELSON, Evanston 163. 30-4tc CASH PAID FOR SECOl â- rata and ovetctiii*. Bvi •Pant U YOUB m montlLv -# - MONEY LOAN. Oil W 1680 The Epworth league of the M. % :<ftm^-^^^k6^- j»|^^Bji^r*8y: evening, AWtthirtriro with the rest of a bountiful lunch and ending up by toasting marshmellows. Games of various sorts and boatriding occupied the rest of the evening. It was an ideal evening and all went home expressing themselves as having had a fine time. OBITUARY. Vincent Frank. VluJfcdi Frank, age 60, died Sun- day at 2112 Sherman avenue. He formerly lived in Chicago. The funeral will he held tomorrow afternoon, in- terment at Roeehill. You can cost of i half 4>y havl^|ur in yoitr^icf * hafre tli wilt) mil cas find! be vei membcrfour the purest wjlfr, is clear ai crystal; aftjl^^f* fou •< curate wtlfht. Try us whei next!Wfccd of ice. ici DlstUlcdWatcriccCo- 1933RWg«Av#. PHONE NO. r Manufactured ill Evantton THEY JVANSTCp BEAUTIFVI. itiirl uuirc For the Elite - Three Reels illustrated Song and Character Impersonation Rendered by Manny Meyers M ,-x BENSON FR :iark Strt \ET ata sacrifice price of â- ^v â- y- rrf^â- -'â- »^• "S fi ,.vl