fHMtttM»tttttfltt>tti»ti»it^it»**i**>tiinr nnT-â€" ' ^^^ Aâ€" Oldberg. 1024 Maple 1?^â- „'..â- ", "jjy/v â€"â€"â€"♦ in »#* I* Lola McAllister of Rossville, lilV will visit in Evanston for several '$#»*" V .'â- â- Ijiw Daisy Taylor, 1824 Hinman ^v«i|fttv left Monday far a visit to Motok*, 111. -,-•-â- , J* Larkln of Hotel Monnett has gone to Keokuk, Iowa, where he will join his wife. y;0$£'*d,.H. Fuller, 1734* Asbury.ave- fcu^lsfo Saturday for a ten days'busi- ness trip to New York City. Mrs. a B. Bnfley of Winona, Minn., Whj^haa been visiting Mrs. Stougbton, " Aabury -venue, ha» returned to her! home. Henry Raeder, Jr., 1685 Hinman ave- nue, has returned from Mercersburg academy. *-. * Miss Fowler, Freda and Theresa Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue, have gene to the summer home of Mr. Gross at York Harbor* Me. Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Hoyt and Mr. Howard H. Hoyt, Jr., 1425 Davis street, spent the week-end with rela- tives in Madison, WJs. Mrs. P. A, Rising, 833 Hinman ave- nue, is entertaining her daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Thomas and their son Philip, of Pennsylvania, * Mr. Watson of Chemnitz, Germany, Mrs. ^Susannah M. D. Fry of Na-1 who .has represented Marshall Field A tiuuiu w. C. T. U. b->adquarters, left Co. * for twenty years at that place, Taesday to represent the W, C. T. U. at C^utauqua, N. Yr She will remain .M!1 W during the encampment \. !%*â- â- Julia Deane, editor of the Union Signal, has returned to W. C. T. U*J$iSadquarters after a vacation of three weeks spent at different points to Illinois, Michigan and other states. Mite Laura Cook, 2012 Sherman ave- •iftiiWill leave July 11 for the west. 8&f|Wir visit In Denver, Los Angeles, San ^Francisco, Portland, Seattle. On ps^Maj home she will stop at Mfcine- " Minn. Anna Gordon, after a stay for 'â- â- Wfjjp weeks at Rest Cottage, and Mr^.L|Uian M. N. Stevens left Mon- ^yJJoiC Mrs. Stevens' home in Port- avenoe, wiU spend th# Estes Park, Col. i, Mr. Charles W. Hoover, 140 Maple 1 avenue, has gone to JUasaa on a short business trip. • '^m$£ â- Mr. and Mrs.'Harry Liebt^ani520 Davis street, announce thfVbirtit of a daughter, Jday l». , . "^ f^J: ^' ' Miss Clara Maynard of Waterloo, la., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes, 1800 Sheridan road. Mrs. W. Q. Burch and two children, Dorothy and Norwood, left Wednes- day to spend the summer at Lake Ripley, Wis, Mrs/ L. O. Norton and daughter, Miss Mary, 1400 Maple avenue, have gone to Lake Beulah, WIS., to spend the summer. Mayor and Mrs. Joseph & Paden an&iamily, 1460 Chicago avenue, have gone to their summer home at Buchanan, Mich. The Misses Grace and Mary Banks, was the guest of William a Lord last week. Mr. Clair Woods, 1239 Chicago ave- nue, has gone to Waterloo, Iowa,- where^he has, accepted a position as traveling salesman for the National Biscuit company. â€" Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle, 2326 Col- fax street, have rented their home to Mr/ and Mrs. Laurie McClurg of Ken- », \ "~ -â€"--*-. â€" ilworth and wm reside at &«aw«Sr "£ '^ «uxt»"e' 8^ff inn this summer. r _ j Me., for the summer. They will ***S* to Byaaston some time before ,to the .National convention, con- ai Portland, Ore., in October. * and Mrs. J. M. Allen, 1325 Green Mr_and Mrs. Wirt .B. Humphrey, 2129 Sherman avenue, are entertain- ing Miss Maud Humphrey, Mrt Humphrey's sister of Orland, 111. Miss Humphrey will be in Evanston for several^ weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McKinley, 1209 Chicago avenue, attended the commencement of Rosemary Mount college last week. Mr. McKinley gave the commencement address, his suo- EsSS? Wool boulevaâ„¢! i«* ti,„,^0 , Zl ««*uueucement address, his sui S,^dZ5«e.".T1Z!dK^^.ht,iert "^ "™« Gc*pe. of Wort, %-&â- indefinite" stay at Pembrla, Wis.' and Mrs. A. R. Joyce, 1226 street, returned Monday *m§i Minneapolis, M4nn„ where they attended the wedding of the sis- •f %. Joyce, Miss Helen Joyce, took place on last Thursday. Mrs. McKinley was graduated from that college in the class of 1898, and the alumnae was especially well repre* sented by her class. Last Saturday evening being the birthday of Mrs. -J. B, Hathaway, who resides in the Park apartments, the â€" Keamgton, 1232 Ridge avenue, L^ in ♦»,««„ . .? *, T F»*wn VaeaiHtfol rfilr and waa^ittend- *?r'" *e T °S' A^Ut t0rty *UeSt» a W enttosiaBtlo aud.^. Z! ^f !^ ^ ^ H Hath.^ saj*S and the pajBto»,:Kev. F. W. Bar- ^ %$&&*$& Mr. Wro. B. Zeuchs at - wgtfan and piano, Mr, Marion Green, , and Mrs. Mabel Sharp Herdien, •opfrano. Women's Foreign- Missionary :y of the Congregational church £$JHi':.it»_.. annual pilgrimage to the i^pfiS of Mrs. Ballinger at Hubbard's . , _ yesterday. The affair is &fc:iif» missionary picnic, * There will e formal exercises. Miss Celia V'the well-known traveler, who St co^npleted a tour of*theworld, • paper about what she saw num, Voiced the congratulations and 1430 Bimwood avenue, have ga$e to Gardner, 111., to visit their cousin, Mrs. Lucy Stemn. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Flinn of New York City, formerly of Evanston, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Mar- jorie Thayer, June 13. James Huxtable, ^fr., of Detroit, Mich., visited his parents, Mr. and ......jer- man avenue, for a few. days; Mrs. P. T. white of Rochester, N. Y., a cousin of Mr. J. H. Wilbur, 716 Hinman avenue, arrived Thurs- day to make Mr. and Mr*. Wilbur a visit *â- *,â- .*.- v. Miss Elisabeth Newkirk of ^Oneida, N. Y., who has been visiting 'Sir. and Mrs. J. h. Wilbur, 715 Hinman ave- nue, for the past six weeks has re- turned home. Professor O. F. Long, 1704 Hinman avenue, who left last week for Eu- rope to spend the summer, will stay the greater part of the season in Ger- many and Italy. Mrs. Alexander Balfour, 1814 Wes- ley avenue, entertained at luncheon Wednesday her sister, Miss MayLind- ley, and Mrs^A. W. Southland and son of Chicago. - : *:&->,£â- '^y-'^ Miss_ Lottie Sperry of New; York City, whp has been the guest for. three weeks of Mr. teak Mrs. I*reii- erick A. Yard. 617 Mllburn street, re^ turned.home Wednesday. Miss Mildred Smith of Beulah, Mich., who has been the guest of R^rige^lpr^Family size, white enameled Food OomC _%eciai *hi*. week.;.......«...,.............^^.^V^SI'Is.stf Bting«ratar~^hite enameled, h^m0&t^iom^^i.^^S^^^ Porch Furniture 20£ Discount on Chairs, Roclf^^ 1 • Tea Wagons, Tables and Swings ';r:\A|' • 3 Sp^ial Large Rocker, Fibre Bush, brown ©rgftm.vl .,:^S|fei2.9§l ^ , ex 9,... ; . . -. - ,. ,?;,.-T^-pg^.00. '^$ •mm good wishes of those present and their J111*' and Mrs. Chancellor L. Jenks, appreciation of the faithfulness and |1217 Rldge avenue, for a week, re- turned home Wednesday. M ^esIbBaries and inissionary work la India, Japan and China.. Dr. Mc- gave a few current events Ten the affair became most in- ^P^fere thousand, but over six hun- Y*?** abundantly fed at the pic- the local Congregational ists |e the mothers and children of daughter church, the Bethesda .. y#t CJi^cago on Saturday. It- !;§ naJf doEen\Northwestern ele- cars, and these ears were packed ^in a_box, to brlilg the f^M^and all day long the r wasyftiigmeted by groups that OUt illAle^ndently, Mrs. W. E. o^ ^fheridan road was cha^r- ot th* leommittee having the ^ihipe; The versatile Henry lli^-\|^«t;t#eivi» hoadred eggs ^M^Msf^'-Lbiit'-'tl>MpB disappeared : te the twinkling of an eye. ^weiis sandwiches galore--and and inJlkt and oranges and ba- and flnaSy twenty-five gallons crennlmelted away before the 0fmf^flt:pi the Chicago insurgents. But *'f**W#*ty.bad a good time. In the there were races and con under the care of Mr. Wm. Ricb- •riion and Mr. Bil^ as they'are familiarly called^by J^ijllleaiesda; youngsters. Then there l^te* eon fire at which BoarshmaJlows wese roasted, and there -was a ball tlilsy. tt»d Qta„ttrM six hundred re- ' ttrat via the yertfawestern elevated at ^0 jofteioek for Chicago. Ahnest *rery carried a bo*«uet of fi«jw rttf*the- moA good work done by Mrs. Hathaway as president of the Bible .class." Mrs. Hathaway responded fi* ja few words, In which she expressed her affection for the class and her complete sur- prise at the gathering in her honor. Refreshments were served and an en- joyable evening was spent. .The marriage of Miss Alice May Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mi Barnes, to Joseph Blythe Garnett, son of Mr. Samuel Garnett of La Crosse, Wis., took place Satur- day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, 2253 Sherman avenue. The Rev. Timothy P. Frost performed the ceremony. Mrs* Ralph Grant Johnson was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Ruth Flor- ence Ward and Marjorie Cox Iredale. Mr Louis Galiand, ^ a fraternity brother, served as best man. The bride is a graduate of Northwestern university of this year's class and a member of the Delta Delta Delta soror- ity. The groom is a graduate of the 1909 class and belongs to S|gma Alpha ttpsiion fraternity. The color scheme _of pink and white was carried out in "roses. The floral altar, where the ceremony took place and to which the ribbons were extended by the brides- maids, was of fern*, palms, syringa and white wild-roses. The music was furnished by the Smith sisters' orches- tra. The bride was gowned in ivory satin, trimmed" with oid rose point ducheese lace and pearls, cut with full court train. Her tulle veil, was fas- tened with orange- blossoms and her bouquet was a shower of lilies ot the valley and bridal rosea. -The matron *PP*!P Mrs. Rufus Dawes, 1800 Sheridan Miss Adrian Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard TriBy, 1653 Oaa: avenue, have gone, lo 'visit * hes* brother, Harold, for two Weeks on the farm near Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt of Chi- cago, their daughter* Mrs. Charles Larks, and two little sons, George ^hd Charles, of Denver, Col., visited Mr. and Mrs. James Huxtable, '431 Sherman avenue, last week. Mrs. Gilbert J. Syminton and little daughter, Jean, of Los Angeles, Cal., is spending two months with Mrs. Syminton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rhoderick P, Hollett, 1044 Lake Shore drive. Mr. Syminton will Join his family here- in July. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers, 1204 Asbury avenue, left Wednesday lor MofltpeJUer, Vt, to visit Mrs. lte/er»s Uonal Be- brpthefc Mr. George Bailey. JMr.|G^0J,g^ ^ Meyer will retuTrn home in two weeks and Mrs. Meyer will remain east until some time in August: 4 " ' Little Norton and Catherine Dodget children of Prof, and Mrs. Louis H* Dodge, 1826 Wesley avenue, accom- panied by^MrV Dodge's sister and husband, Dean and Mrs. Peter tC. Lutkin, nave gone to their summer road, returned Wednesday Paines%Hle, O., whsr make an address before the alumnae of Lake BZrie college, of which she is an alumnus. â- .- r ";,*«. Mr. I Frederick Cleaves of Boston, M»Bf|fees bee|i spending a few days with his brother and Wlfe^ Mi", and Mrs. A. E. Cleaves, 1808 Sherman a?j§nj*^_wjto>--ex^ tble week lor Boston, to be away until September. - -r Wednesday evening at the Norwe- gian Danish. Methodist church a mis- cellaneous shower was given in honor of Miss Marie Keinstadt, 1420 Davis street^who will be married in the faH And who left- Tues4ar^0£ Stoughton, Wis., to be gone until Oct .1. '.â- *:-:,,;:- ^ â- - ;-'w • -\w*&^< Mr; and^Mrsv Charles &&$$$*> Sheridan '^^:^^^i^m^^:\mjm â-¼ard^ are e»|P^^vaiir,ng the na- Uonal Reppblica iaston, Jr., Mr. Francis «a# Ifft and Mrs. Geo. B Gortelyou of New t^i4 > "h -/ Oebrge â- Wi&^-J.ffi:vffi&'*&k. ^we, i*> ^?0tem. :0K ^flMaaia- of R«jhestefc^|Sf. tSfi, was celebrated at ^t. Maw* c*urch parsonage Welkes-, e^eiiiiig, the^^i^fe^erf tesday tt&m Ws parents at 731 O shs>siit^o| m^^'&^im^: it ......... r>. ...im... Jalra 1M8 Orrlngton avenue: iftft^urs -Mr.- W. ^.;-:«er^M^p4,inco; »%eet,:antt ul&mrJ8§j^^ lejt Sunday tot'i;^$$SS$imi> •^«ska." ; .. â- * ,-;ter:"^'^^??- ^Mr.,and Mwc^Gl^S^xjr an daaghter, ~W%F$Bm8$..... avenue, left J^l60m^ •^^'at ^Hagyri^^^i jMUw Virginia Si?liun«i F*ul, Minn^ wh<> Mrs. M, Cs Aiy^ri W0 ,^13e summor â- « ; fbt s guest of . .. „. ......„_.*»venud left Thursday for |pCipAi^ after M vmt of one week^^ w ^ Mr. L. a T^im^^^^migy avenue, left Thursday for Atlantic City, N. J Mrs. No^^£^|pi^^ he"r: hB"*^^^*?i^lSt@^^ there a number ©i' wels|fis^^.^r;+w;' - SMr. and Mrs. ^Mm^^er audi ^v^io^^Jtwo^^ " P»>entsv ^m^^^^^yolght, 1824 Dempster &** *%&â- #|^|tog^aghter,| .-jtiiwt Mrs. " p^Hei»ry^ tfcs. by her a year and a half ago and car- ried an arm bouquet of Killarney roses. A wedding supper followed the ceremony, served by a Chicago^ ca- teress. Mr. and MjpsC Garnett left for a wedding trip north «nd wifl be at hoise after Sept. 1 at 2253 ^Lerflaatt avenu^2J. Tnm ^^^iM4im':Z%mm were Mr. and Mr*. IrTin^HL iir home, "Red Crest," North Port, Mich. J & â- •»• Smyth.^j^^lli^'^ii^.^ Mr. • Richard Hallsted. son of Mr. I ?&$**** The bride wore a gown of . f white marquisette wtthan overdress of neC txuni^yfa^ tied a shower b^^ito^e^ ^^fa^t« The maid of honor was Miss Mary G<»db©«fr*^B^^ for Ft 4*£i i,for th^-lr and Mrsi James c.. Hallsted, 222 Stoekham place, left Wednesday in compsmy with Prof. H. TBL Klngsiey ami party f jr a. summer trip abroad, tie party wifl sail Saturday ftom Montreal oil the steamer *fL«jirentlc.M Mrs. Frank: Bv Dyche, 18$$ She** idan road, entertained informally WeTdiieadar t#-i*&'&-Jli^o>j^ L. Crampton and w ___ ^thwiiyj Crampton, of ^^M^ Mfei, Crampton. and ' "" "*";"^ are stoppmg at .^/ajnms^Kr'^'l-v:--^^ ,i&z*®&?'-& ,ii;Mrs.«. ^^ettsi^^^^a^^^ lhto» other sister, MisBv ^ gowst: # pink mess*0me over pfnk imxitofrkfy And carried a bouquet of foHdwed the ^e homert>f tte bride, nue> for several nie, and Jiitle le^T and avev ave- ^and Mrs. home -^^-,^^^J will a meeVfaccess- ^.aortb- mm