Eft I1S1 ;*;â- .'â- *;â- flip. ctfeaet& excel ito^rwlll be atiuted tois we^k. tht Brilik promoters willalseiet the con- tnwb tor . .<th* „ erection ot - * ^gHwo> J^7|i^i#i^ governor ^^-f"';H^-; ct^.|fcf.:<^a^«rf.«M^ troops to patrol *tl|«j £t^coju^>'; '^*/;'"..â- (' ',.,' .*.^^^ blanks ' will. he. sent out to- Impr^ and a record number of nom- inations are expected by Aug. 24. the sia iwM '31 WAS hi* day elose. «apeed kings *»l^«aeliit ft««v-ot thW motor world .thtB year. Although l«^n<iuLcuV B^\J^.^jW^kyoior club th* osigin** wpjtfsfese* tearlyj Vt ing lawte^hag i^nd » ^muiylon; tn the C^<^9 Um^^^iub, the PIym(m?hv'^la^rJfeg^^lan', bavin** agr**«u to vO^jj^wtUe wKa Ike Sigli Au*c mobile; In M'nfll»| f>ft Kan«i couaXy If enthhsbsl ma^e the^sr the national stock "ships" of 1910 and ^)pse>«M^y test bdartTwh' ^'•Wtsf'tftf in the" *P&^ with the paai road flleJti: ,,40 and j& ' fr*y wfrt a success, L911 will be '%»â- h«ve. • bW^atersetidy mi condhcf %fS identified ot All three cl^bsl races at Crown Point in 1909 and the blue-ribbon^ ftTenJ», JfeK^OIWR^iS the past two years. f fired J. Wagne^ official starter of «he%nmtaan Jgt&3ple is; a4#eIm^.§4 fl^ialcef t^:||e>t sue© â- 'â- 'â- • v â- "â- â- ' sojleifjLpiupqyp pi eas work he will be assisted by "Smiling Ralph" Mulfordv the winner.; of the Elgin N^ionjal trcmhy In 1910 and the Vanderbit cip 4asV#aflV HKilifWd hi Despite the heroic efforts made to ^'^yesJMrid Luella Johnson, daugh- '% ... ojjj M^. and Mrsi 01af Johnson, M$ i^ake. street, Evanston, the little girl died'Monday at the Evanston hos- pital, from burns received Sunday Sunday evening the Johnsons were entertaining, company, and when the guests 4eft;xa candle was placed on th^e, s£ajrway to enable; them to see the frontdoor. In running past the candle the little tot's dresses caugDt on fire. Before the flames were extinguished she. had been severely burned through- out the body. She was. rushed to the Evanston hospital and everything pos- sible was done to save her life. Tbe bum* were too severe and the child died. ;Tfce coroner's inquest was held Tues- day morning and the jury returned a verdict of death resulting from burns received "when her clothing was ig- "hltecTpy'acandle. that he ; tooled at - Indianapolis and la coma over the Kane county coarse a.,d moreover has guaranteed the ap- *ojng PhftaneH»Sift^i»rtsmafr tS captured the 1011 Fairmont Park > races will be run on the first m Washington, July 18.â€"They are ._________ ftvibg^i&(!B-*ir Washington. Some of iromiseoi toif^yet^^top^effti/^K^flwitt^ '^hbise'S «e getting fancy hair- suU, too, and when the barber gets t through with the aristocratic entries of the Washington Cat club, they look ^e &^cu£se between a Fpeoxh poodle arid*Squirrel. Mrs. Henry L. West, president of the Washington Cat club, says the custom of "barbering" cats laiitinported from England. "Cats with long fur, especially Per- slaou, suffer terribly from the heat," nifle, event for nonstock cars Sirs. West said. "Consequently it is a »4^&?&bl4* Incite* Afcs^u^ them." JMrs. Blxby, wife of Gen. Blxby, chief pi <ment The Aurora trophy «wili "th as ;^o nrsff g<. to-the- whmer 'of* -thhr'ereTrt^'Sjn^i'of"the"*army engiffeer corps, has en- cat barber" to attend to her,, seven pedigreed prize winners. &&^.... :'â- â- :â- â- â- â- :y'r. ' *:-:-* an follows: Seven^hundred § do] ^ d .T^Q^her^^e ^iiU|»e^e^t to cars in the 301-460* division rfl^ tau^ a or ^ jans:^â- ;. The^ IUttioisllrpp^y 4 will beawanmcttiK vfctar«aftd the the Hgfircar'cw»lejsV. * >â- <â- * the^JW(W»d \ day^ *^i^^rat^ey fou c.., under 600 cubic inehes piste* diJ(,..cement and the free-for-all will be ucld. The Elgin National trophy wiu be given the jitifter Ot^thf test e»,i whlctf:§i2tme I 30$&ff.dr %>& % Ui»K 1,05(fc^feet grtndT and to,.±,y will, be split fl,000 lae* ^1 uer -wrtft Teceive |l,7g0 ln"TaftB ^uu |500 and |250 as the reward for drivers who rt-oi.cctively. A . - . Can Compete in Both Events. < will be posslbk,fox # eaito^ pp* V ti in both the ETgih Wationk event a"<i the free-for-aJ^JF^W)P§4l^g the Pisun displaxjemenT^^&e speeS monster is under 800 cubic inches, as ths two events will be^ruBLStanul- FKJTJON PROVES VERY "Flctroh ir the silgar and coffee of the book world th^a season and leads -ail others in booklore with the read- ing public," according to Sumner C. Britton of Chicago, dean of the book publishers^ fair, which began its an- hujt, m|dsummer exposition at tbe e^prTze TPalmer house Wednesday. The fair, is for the porpose of ther publishers, dealers and retailâ€"and patrons ^jTAejohange of opinions regard- "beit seHers" and data concern- ing book publishing;, selling and read- "The book business this year," said Mr. Britton, "is much better than in many previous years owing to the re- cent organization of the American Boolu Sellers" association which has fidhded oft unfair competition and placed the trade on a paying and ethical basis. This organisation is nstbuf lor the many, small hook that lave j»$e%t«| sprung up all over the country. TtTZJ?*-IF* W»«S«Wâ- '"Tbe book boalne„ h„ undone m ooth events as there are very fewr ^^ II rfil^ I «l M . Hiak machines in this country that have a Jstondh * win ^7W) rather than be; content to mmntt&mtf one a radical change in the last few year* and today Action rules the shelves. Hid must ring "true tfrrnte of -detail ' jfOBJ t0*L0+':iiami&-&:ivm ^•qpSj^^WSflniSfl *.. V^' 0R? * • .' , ',' :: . 'V -, s.'j ' â- â- ' ." â- â- 'â- (-â- ;», ,-â- â- , *â- â- •• • •HC :;% .vtJ i*Vl..>V. â- ^Ki^'iM' ;@ fe? Mlil ^ W. ^'jSry; liil if? ?^:^ â- «&•â- '« :nm. :JBL^% lljmM •'-31 Wtt â- ffl Our if you we can cilities axe sui supply the le ![ Samples be sien at our m*& #t»S b*-v H WyQujhaye pitting: your fa to permanent f sentative will your request material i you what cost. snap public thought of y records in- , our repre- on you, at ou get the and tell ion *<"** trim tt fc* "*®£ pmt^^p !* i We for the no charg printing iowmap Publishing Go IS re Ev ansio ne 58 1S:A m ^5 !.»<;*•<• 'V Chicago Office: 806 Ellsworth Bid*.? 537 S. Dearborn &: A