famooi OOO of a Library ESTATE $ Mtotside o derof ........:d<pa;ie^^ r* siilt much progress has been made be- cause of the uiany fine 4i»»i>?,'" ; < The new buildlnga tre ljetaf rushed return to school in the tail and see Strtett jti»d H ^aiuedJ^ Mcire 'e»JUHJ'i».UI n.. Daniel Hudson : Chicago plan. left «a «iUt« yaltwd »t j '$1,300,000 conrittiiig iHrtnelXMOlr of personal IWCM)ier^,%'v :*~'^"^U^:':^s^t^.^0t^ 1 His will' was |^!:^'|^'|^^ ^^l^ ' ^'^vVsr court late |io&^ anersoon. U .required' pot >^ pintfe typeyflUw page, the testament betag brief, clear- cut and to 'tl^'JJ^^;.^ ^,' Outside- of bequests to members of his family the sole public bequest is one of $50,000 to the Art institute of Chicago,m[&^&*&.'M"&$!&. ::<f*, architectural liprajy, :: ^^.^/Mfc Burnhani'e ; chei^^ -project^ the aaalttan<Ml ,;^ young a ^ and nt^m^^m^mm J«di*- boosf <g tion. Heiri the tei widow, Daniel, #uM$m&^^ be, t B. Wella oV 8onthbrldge, M and Mrs. George *£Ke^ rn^at was ma^eAirril g, 11)12, and re-^ vokes former 4o<juaie^tB of tb* kind. Chftdi^n Share Alike. aL*s. Burhhsm. the widow, Is given the personal property contained In the home and garage in Bvans- ton, where the family residence Is located. She aJio receives her legal one-third of the remainder of the es- tate. less the ^rt Inatltnte legacy. 'The five chlld^n^then i^celve an equai share ea^%|bf the remaining ;^o-thlrds"of;.;l^|ttitater'v' , John Hubert aid' Daniel Burnham, *lieli"%, Wella, South- bridge, Mass., and Qeorge % Kelly of graagton, sons-in-law, afe Jnad» exec- txtere of the wilii; wllth -the pfOTiaton that they shall j$$fc be required to fu^ nish sureties. fifcfpie '^m^- «* '•# death, resignation or refusal to met M executor, the remaining executors «e to fill the. ^IsiiWy;" • ;â- â- The foui^ J?e>a«taph ot; the wW directs simply, .^t "an the rent, residue and remainder df the estate o' which I shall die eelaed and poa- whet|»er real or personal, tall be distributed according to the jiws of descent oi the state of 1111- Pei.ee Anderson and Clarence D. ItarshaH, of Chicago, are the two wlfc Hesse*. â- -v .^v.':*^ â- ' ^S -f.s: h.mm* Mgtir the first tiihe; in many 7W» day when iMger Bill led his wild west .how into the alllage. mwm**wr*> . ubort timp ago Qu, nrtft circw to sh<^ la tlwf village made its a* ......â€"-â- -â- â- 'â- â€"......'-^iiii^fta* ^ShoWvWith "'"""" """""""IS""" Bvanston city council ad- Tuesday night until Sept. 10 without disposing of the water ques tlo^^eli^wrt on which had been exp^ed^ia* some time, but twhich at the >' lajst^ mome»p|g|- •â- declared- - not ......""' -â- â- -•*â- 'â- 'â- '"*â- ...... of Engineer read; owing to ;|S|^|fei;fbo^^M ^i^oM is submit- ted it wUl be taken up by th«:: #«ter committee and then presented to the council mejnbers at a special meeting which WlU be called by the mayor as soon as the water committee finds time to discuss the report. 10, tbe solons had little to bring up before the meeting Tuesday evening. Tbe poison ivy scare was spoken of by Alderman Smart, who declared that the poisonous vine was too nu- merous in fie sooth end of the city. Through his endeavors $200 was ap- propriated to conduct an Investigation and find out lost where it is located. When tbls report la completed the ^ _ y owners; will be notified, and if they do not rid their land of the weed they will be prosecuted under the city ordinance governing the growth of the vine*In the city. Alderman Wallace introduced a resolution making it illegal for boys to play beneath toe viaducts in the oiiy. The death o* the little MaCDon- aM boy Monday night, who was killed by an automobile driven by A. M. Bill- ings, the 18-year-old *on of C. K. O. Billings, the famous eastern Capitalist and gas man, waa what canned the i-M%ai»:^ p&iaio^Hp. Tbe Vi* -" CA6E l« TWeaa^M^^^ ' The nest step to reclaim Ian exten aive piece of »v|n^ i>eing used tf i^sio^ fwUl be made by, the state this week. Robert N;' !&?$ *&e^lal aes^stant aW toruey" gejoeral in reclaiming . lands, wii; fi#S'ihe superior^ court an 5n- formatkm to reclalni,**"' a form of bia in equity, questioning the right of Wesley L. Knox and C. #. Thompson to Ihe property between Main and Lee streets and east of the extension of Sheridan road.";r ; vC!"'-' Attorney Holt says the: land is filled ^ and ieioiigs to tne state, it&ox ^^Tne'c*alne»;iio|^iafi:^ |feioSi^^i*^: <ie^ibor|i<»df, a#a#rt Jgj^lsilib^^^ and making lanC|i^^^ ^^^^ Se iitreets/'"'sail"A^mey *.ifoife *& .has ;• baitl^.' "^j^m^. l&mjM, had dump wagons deposit their loads there. He has set out willows and made fences to extend the land and is building an expensive house on the property, all of which belongs to the state." R. P. Hollett, who lives Just north of the land in question, asserted that the land was made since he had built his home in Evanston In the early s,1". â- â- , - v â- $:.:: .; 'ji' •'â- â- ' I believe Knox ban been working on the theory that he can take ad- vantage of every temporary change in depth, and when the shore line has been changed by a west windi that h3 can prevent the water from coming back again when the wind, stops blowing," aald Hollett. "He has been building that land during seventeen years. He has planted Two ittdra autolsts haVflk been added to the'; $&: 'ty^Jbilve' o^;:i|rriiilil: Of Kehllw0j% and S; «. CNiel ot ;is^lw^^a%^tf^^ ::edv^' Tisi*^#li^v^ tâ- â- --'â- "^ v-i> '•â- â- r â- â- "â- " ' h'--» v'J â- â- ••â- '- .i vi'u--' 'V"-"" ': vf ' 'â- â- â- i' 'â- ; The motorists are evidently becom- ing aware thai it Is expensive ten speed going through Qlencoe, as ^ohn CoopeTr the motorcycle police- man, has followed a large number, onljf to-find thoy ara witnin t^e law, Keith sid 0'^eli we^l»% gravel- ing about twenty miles an hpfiif when arrested. >?8 witht^^^l^ day* the first edit or^atreeV*!^ th4^iiy^wif:«^^ " :^^e^a^a:,i|^^|||i^^ i*t.ibl#^poits street interaec- 'Wllkbe:;niaclB^M^ait The posts, which are six feet In height, are made df re-enforced con- crete; a ateetrod^heing to the center of the pda^ The names of the streets are Impressed in the con- crete when the fl*dsts ard hnl^ Besides having a much nlddr ap- pearance than the posts now being Hised, the concrete signs are more durable. It is thottght that theae signs will last three times as long as the iTOn^^ posts now used. Though the council wUl not: meet_________ ajMn ^JfeaTiitoittis^ three separate lines of willow treer^ which have Indicated the shore lines at different times. He' has made about 200 feet of valuable land." Knox had not heard that the bill was to be filed. "There is no reason for the filing of such a bill,* fie., said. "We have absolute title to the •- property. In 1906 a similar bill was filed in the name of the state, hut it fell through. We nave never done one shovelful of filing there and any statement that we have is false. We Blmply have occupied the land. I have a clear title to the land. Not. one step have taken mat is not absolutely legal and above board. I have paid taxes on the property for a great many years and know I am within my rights/*-:. :yt 'â- â- v^ti'" â- '/*â- The land in question is located be- tween Lee and Main streets. ."' TO QOUNTY J#Hu. Albert ^wtejilft^S^-.^'^' men ^^^m^mfcOf en day night, has'#|sf rdmovdd to the county Jail owing to his InablUty to furnish bonds, Wltli p&^ta&fc-:t& Zs-wlnski the Bvanston police foufid the owner of a violin that has been a fixture about the; iollod statioia ^ li^afelojwl i«t «s^eif A large number of ^people oi^rriiag property along Sheridan road in Wll- Bie^te were present Tuesday evening at Ihe regular meeting of the village board whon the question of Improving the street was discussed. Besides many Wilniette people own- ing property along the road, some from Evanston and Chicago were present to state their views in re- gard to the proposed improvement. The room was fairly well filled with property owners, and every one was given a chance to state his views if he so wished. Lively arguments be- tween those for and against the movement were staged before the board took a vote on the matter. The Sheridan Road Improvement associa- tion was represented at the meeting. After the owners of land facing on Sheridan-road finished their remarks to the board, resolutions were voted on calling for the paving of the street with brick from the north village limits to thi south- limits. #he reso- tions carried. ------- -------- While all of the property owners present agreed that^ j^ road was in need of improvement, there were many who did not favor brick Seine; used. ^#fcr board. h^iei^^^s^'lrlssr would oiitiant any 1^ ing that could be put c«i, aiid for that reason: tlfis ^eedidttona k^#he discussion viw ^:"is#teVItoolf ;X|w ;^^e>x|||| Billings, son twnVtoBajrf "' nigh the' absence $§$§$ ./v^Tha'^itclu^ der the viaduc|.of the raUroad at «meraon street unavoidable, '0m^^^^ tog more than six mOes an ing at the 1930 fcarrow avenue, was neath the viaduct with |i-'yeai*pifl row;aradwCf " lZy^Mr Billings^. w0^0iit^[ Glencoe, at 0fif^lb^!i^^^: ing, w&jjt; on- ti^jMQiifM"^ when the accident occurred; neared the "$grt^^fa of Chicago's oldest famUlea down his machine because ". A* he waa, entering the « little MacDonald lad 0>rted ^ ^ of "the., machine in js^|^irl^|' his playniates.":' BilM^itbp|^. ^>w big touring.car at'v©h$' .i^^i^K too late, .as.,the-Mttl#;lad-:ip||§ hit. .' ...' .;â- "-. - <;:,y~^t^^^^^^^m - Picking up the nncoiisclous lw» fybln^^ the- payemenC;!Wllln^;p^ the automobile and speeded the power-? ful car to the Evanston bospil calling Dr», £ffijggggggL Ham' R. Parkea and teliing everything in their power to; boy, Bil lings drove to thej tion and gave Urns elf up"! Donald boy suffered a broken fight leg ^ and internal injuries, â- , He; #i|i||â- %$$[ hospital two hours after the accident He never regained consciousness. Police Magistrate Boyer placed Bill* ings' bonds at $10,600. T. V. Pir- ceil, 1802 Wesley avenue, and Irwin Rew, 1128 Ridge avenue, signed the bonds. , â- " ;' :../â- 'u»^v?;|?:i^S .t*.,' ,.:-\ '-.â- . ;-;-" \y*--s':\- Stories Agree. ., V^,,,m' Billings was completely .broken up over the accident, hut explained that it could not have boon avoided, said he was traveling very slowly be- cause ot the curvf and alao a "' motor truck wasilL^lAJpiy^^ little Hayes boy, who the MacDonald lad. gave a reiteration *\Biiiings/ ms0m^t--^ r-r^. :^|Qss BMfiS^rt'llsil^ o>y morning ati^ ..... -tf iras^sM^oesf^ were not present, 'M 7* contiaued until. y.;^;*r.-.^#l who ;jjf*i^|a !$*# Wgi with his father, came mmmm ^^M^^^m^astl :m^mi^m*&'5i kmMMmM P^1^^^^^^