1?*iHtm last "-^pii^iiyiiflp|,,':':' - iJEfepojiMdr^' tag MH miif flint I^g?^'^'*^ I * -f"tf 1?" in aftattston aw h»". more I's goods, but the former i persoiiaX ?^ â€" â€"--â- â- ' to fl^ hall And located Mr. Milan. -. .<! ;^^^l^^itl^^#iillii^li^ much per- #in I icJi#diil« for yoo /^W\|§fgs$r-i ,%^» It %M » half million |4eii: A* thT^e amount a*UiLl J •» lw» It iiwnH iiicw«M<I mny in §gf/;^^^ with • â- V"'""..' ' ' - " $?%J$Mi **:-".W * Mason tt-WMMI^^ VlffliUB ft. Mason stand* second^! v U»t with |SOO,000 worth o< Jji- IfsntitttsV The estateof th* late W. Patten is third wW* A *f $S7M00f ;J4^##*"1§* rtlifii â- â- â- •miiimili â- lili li £§| tat Vvanston 1b A prosper- e*jiiW<iin^ ^ili^^^Jl^Crlnnwih^ and Arthur! ^ Missae Margaret and Geraldine Coy Qrassett are at Muskoke, Wis., the | .hreAt;kacA*i^ Arthur Fox was at home4p^. jfc# VV jj^'Bi*die and family have rented day* last week from Lake Corey. Mrs. Louii Cox'a houaa, oornar Haw- Mj^v Fred Sargent and daughter, if|al;|a^^ rape*. '-,' J.^-. ifi<»i>f~r$irn â- '-/â- ^^.-;*fc.,^t*(>'.4%-S^1J^ Miss MeBrlan of Toronto, Canada, thorns and Green Bay road. , -.n Mias Gertrude Beck, a teacher at the Chicago Normal achool, la epend- ing heir vacation at the lake region ' northern '#iaoOh|^^ left last week to? *!'trl##_ |oiii|J""" kota /.' ':^;- ',:*- " ""â- ' "';',i\,.. Justice of the Peace Fines Wife- Give All Others the Same. Justice Harrison ia handling all ot the police court cases for the tlnie being as Police Magistrate Boyer Is â- pending two weeks in Colorado. v When asked if he would lire to his statement and fine all wtfa- beatera the limit, JusUce Harriaon said* "Indeed I wilt i hare no use for a man of that type and everyone that irbrought before me and proven guilty will be flne4 every cent tha^t It is within my powef to Impose There will be no peace hood either* but the man will pay or work it ont in the bridewell." IS COMPARED TO BEAST jj, â- â- ».....*â- â- m®< tXtt Btirnham, 1*6,000; Ira B. »vwv, William r>eering, $100^ % Dudley, Wfim w%'iim. ; estate of Charles H. ; Bl B. Hall, $25^76; $21,0*); estate of r.,ill8iNte^*\?ifc^*a4: &^m ; A. M. Young, |§d,000i r/ le^OOO; Helen |<0,000; W$Mt*i^ " ^^ Irwin Bew, 1*0,000; estate of ,100; Miss Margaret Kedsie, tao^ ..,„....' w#n^mtiifcW a MlBer, tiaeW; eataU of W^^^^astaU of' Chartea J, >; W. B. Osa«rtt» fso^ eataU of Charles M. Savage, 5;. p)*laa^lPaT. '\'.aw>e^u^a^ja^ayujajapgjj| '.avg^uPjBjsu^^p^ r. Wifflasus, nfta,ooa; m. H. WU- aa% fe<^if; estate of AMoe X Wtt- «t » , "A man who will beat his wife is a beast and every one tried before me wiir be fined the limit," said Jus- tice of the Peace Samuel Harrison of Bvanston Tuesday as he imposed the Umit, |100 and costs, on Rudolph SehulU, 282ft parrow avenue, for beat Ing his wife. ^ . The jurist's jaw was set and a de- termined look was hi his eye aa he issued the warning to vlfe-be«t*rs. He told 8chnH« that it was an «x- peniive lesson and if it were repeat ed it would be just a| dear. - \ - : Schults was arrested Monday morning as he was making good his threat to "dean out the house.M He had broken a dining room table and a chair when the poUoe Interfered. Previous to his furniture breaking Schults gave hit wife a severe beat ing, according to the testimpny given Ta^aWi:^b>"M^»'^||clu^ did not; deny that he had mlstfeated Mrs: Schnits ^tlfjed that her hns» had *wa«4ned shortly after » o'clock Monday moiaina: and ' *fthf' She pleaded' with' hiiri td stop but the more she b^i»edth«"n^ beat She accused 1fer i*ottt the house '^•lM:"^mi H? HOME FROM WANDEfflNC Many hour* of worryinf by llriv Fred 8. Long, «ot Chica|rb avenue, were brought to an end late Monday! when her husband, thought to have ended his life by jumping in the lake, returned to his home. Long1 did not too^whefe,^:^ . -.â- *;â- _'" afW:inai^;|lii^ l*ir^;Hcnll4|e^ Sl^lafs^'liiri^^ tirely recotei^ and there |s U4 tbatjhc-^dtf^ s*ftiHra^ojF mjH|fiC^tttj^;v|UBP'J;a^ tried hard to bear up under tbe heavy burden, the man found it Impossible. When her husband disappeared and was believed to have committed sui- " the wljb'w^fs^ because of the young children, who ire ton young to reaiiae the trouble, she put up a i|a^:igh^^'^;':; â- _'; \i'. "^pr..:j3L'^, Gly^'a^iatted,^ to"«t.' tend Mr. Long jtfter'%?, had returned home and told the man^that overwork ^.^su^yiiit the continual worry, had caused him to have ^\m&m^ i$v& of saind. Lighter work was recommend^ by ^;:*h|giSg^^ Mr. Long understaiids a boiler, can agreed that^j^m^M-'i ^***&^?^ wis aecused of infliotlng thev suffer, ing on bis wife and did not deny it, Justice Hsjcrison seemed aa & he wanted to take the man and punish him with a whipping instead of im- posing a fine on htm...... '/ court to testtfy against him and their testimony carried a good deal ol swote tb>s ntan nad Insulted^^ ^ ,-Wp^Pt^»nWrW^ifs: â€"^nsuj^saupsa^ynnsaw -..'^ "iijiajsWWssl^,:i^pjpa\^Ffrr\-.^a*g)aji^^ nessos, «ne"of"whom wm a ieighbor; ?^aCK^'; -^i^^aMMs^' '«swiagpiatalid^: :ip#^^MT -1, -r "â- â- -',; - iiiTml i hi I iVii^»t!y,r. '.^; â- â- •>- :^AB k|^<Wia»^tj^ |kj||ttiCl^^:^i#^ __________ _____^^>Sn«ot^s:^w^ their VipaW* :iMk€|^^:^*ll#v %;1^a|^iW^ a house or an apartment building. He Is trying to secure work aa a janitor or some other light -i0li+ ^B^gmi, parties who took an Interest in the famUy during their trouble are lend- ing their Aid to secure work for bin!.