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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1912, 2, p. 14

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e ha* resumed her berg's after a vacation *$&'$'■•'<" ■^'U-V.v..^ ■•. > A* A. Theobpld, 1727 Orrington left Monday for a two weeks' InMIchigan. '-"-• L. Bund and daughter, 2509 street, are spending a few wdp:!ndT':;. ." "-/'• """* mfc^$^;& Ms PwMO&h 1782 ^if^l^q^l^^i^^^-; left.. Monday tor a jptlro^weefetrip toi Green Lake, Wis. fcSlWOiSSiia^ .. month ^ Wlaoofttin, Mrn... L. Abel has ' re- timed her duties at Lord's store. Miss Alhelia Guehgrich of Gross has returned to Rosenberg's af- ter haying enjoyed, a two weeks' vaca- j1* Kolb of Norwood Park, "the guests of Charles Volght i|y, 1624.Dempster street, over ^; ;|;V Mis^ ^ejen ■ Nicholson, 021 Davis - ;\ Street is spending a month at Havana ¥ml li I^ t^lttieijguest of Miss Elizabeth E*sV ^i; I"*1L w° m Jo#eih r.>i'ersen, 1231 Oak avenue, ' itetutned honifi after spending his * ot two weeks with his family he LaJce, Mich. <• J >,V- ;; .: May Ludlow, 918 Grove street, t one week of her vacation at Lake and the other entertaining friends from New York. Eron and Dare Reuben, 1235 Emer- street, have returned from their vacation trip to Detroit, ^indsor, pan- da, and Mt Clemens, Mich. v -: '; « Mil. John Witt and daughter, Grace, 1713 Emerson street, are spending a ew days in Michigan City, Ind... the of Mrs. Charlea Meyers. ----' i Hr»i 6. C. Coleman and son, Morley, p Manistique, Midt,, are visiting with rs. Coleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reading, 520 Davis street. Mrs. O, B. McCabe of Los Angeles, '^^^■"meMeBt of Mr. and, *(8B8aii" wCft Parsons, ,2iii avenue, for the past five weeks. Mrs. Malcolm W. Gillis and daugh- txutt W i ier, Mrs. Ta ; were the w Mrs. Joseph V. Coffman, :retu ^S6 Orrington avenue, end guests of Mr. and Plersen.at White Lake, 24%9 Harrison a short busi- >^iejaJrtp;JavMisalsslppi, after inspect- | Ing some lands owned by him down ^/;|irr*M-Mrtr^.-M.>Atch«ll» 2303 ^;§|la|rrison street, left Friday for it Aux Pins>' Boishlaln Island, vand will return about Septem- .■:^|/|tei^'-B:;"]^well and*{anilly, 1702 WMley, avenue, are camping on Pike's m ?|?#^ j£jaj. / Mr. Howell will Join them ^ laWr/returning with them about Sep* ll^iweaks :at their it Ludington, Mich., H; EUs, $19 Madison led to their borne In a#d Ella Tay- avenue, left yes- month's Visit"at To- thelr aunt, Mrs. oT 2215 Harrison for Riverside, visit her grandchil- Jack Noyes, for 1322 Hlnman with Mr. Tappan is spejidlng his Inroi$ m^taln club in 't'i '■,„'".*■' f,ttjtJb*$Bl street; from a two weeks' »e^ York While ed the shoe 'factbr- sOore, .814 Warren i4& Company with tte Misses mohoe tjf n^ttluth, Grace Rhinemnltb of Chi- Oates and chll- f^avehtte/-1mvo: ta^Sbiayv Mrs. Robert G. Holabird, 2221 H*|> risori street, left Tuesday for a three weeks' Visit In POntiac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. R. A Worstail, 2219 Lincoln street, will leave this week on an extensive fishing trip in Can* ada. Mr. end Mrs. Julius Hanson, 2035 Harrison street, and son, Milton, left Monday for & short visit in Pent- water, Mich. Mr. Stewart Clark of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of his son, Mr. Lawrence Clark, 2402 Pioneer road. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Richards, 2526 Harrison street, left Saturday night for a two weeks' visit at Lone Tree, Point, Mich. Mr. Joseph H. Williams of Martins* ville, Ind., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Richards, 2526 Harrison street. Mr. Wilson P. Watkins, secretary of the North End department of the Y. M. C. A, will return today from a two weeks' visit at his home in Ken- tucky. Mr. G. Mi. Jorgenson of 1918 Lin- coln street left Tuesday for Water- town, 8. D., where he will he the guest > of his brother for several weeks. Mrs. Frank Lunstedt and son, and Miss Laura Lunstedt of ^ Llndsborg, Kansas, left Sunday * after a week's visit at the home of Mrs. S. W. Youngojuist, 2322 Harrison street. . Mrs. John Bowman has returned from a month's visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Merritt Mott of Rockford, III., and is now staying at the home of Mrs. S. W. Youngquist, 2322 Harri- son street. Mrs. Daniel Devine, 1513 Greenwood boulevard, and her two granddaugh- ters, Beatrice and Anna English, 1515 Greenwood boulevard, have returned from a week's visit with relatives at Waukegan. - - Mrs. Thomas4 Johnson of Cambridge, Mass., who is a delegate to the Na- tional Progressive party convention from Massachusetts, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dwight H. Perkins, 2317 Lincoln street. Mrs. John Anderson and family, 2506 Hartray avenue, left Friday for a month's visit in Minnesota, vis- iting relatives and friends in Minne- apolis, Pillager, Evansville and St Cloud. Mr. Anderson will join them later. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody and fam- ily, Z512 Hartzell street, and Mr. W. H. Graves and daughters, Louise and Gertrude, 2109 Colfax street, left Sunday on a two weeks' camping outing at Lac du Flambeau, Wis. Mrs. Altha Fletcher of Streator, 111., has bought the house at 2306 Hartzell street. ' She and her son will take possession the first of September. Mr. Fletcher is a Northwestern university student and Is a member of the Wranglers. Miss Anna Stedtler, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Edith Risser McKay, 2308 Central street, during the commencement of School of Normal' Methods, has re- turned to her home in Rutherford, New Jersey. Mrs. F. S. Smith and daughter, Miss Catherine, of Oklahoma City, Okla., who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner Hall, 1122 Maple avenue, left Saturday for Augusta, Minn., where they will join Mr. Smith* who is doing engineering work at that place. ;•,- Miss Gladys Day, formerly of 847 Judson avenue, is spending the sum- mer at Island Villa, a tent camp in Avahm, Santa Cataiina Island, forty miles off the coast from Pedro, Cal. She wiii remain there during August aadt go to Long Beach, Cal., for the tont^iLSjb*ero^ :_r_rr Tbe culmination of a pretty college romb, c took place last evening when Miss Elisabeth Shotwell, «W University place, ware married to Prof. William H. Burger of the Cot- of Enginefirlng of Northwestern university.Z When a teacher ik chUdren, are outing at M-okinac from 1W| O^I«^4 *v^ and Mra> Oliver Wilson, Einman avenue. * a ^'i'-.^' ^ ' Lake street, left Monday for Mankl- Mr. E. K. Hardy and family, 1283 Crain street, are spending the summer at Snow Island*. Mich* \,; ; » . t Miss Dora Brennan of Lord's *tsre is resting at her chicken fan^ during her.tw>"weeks' vacation. , ;"v'f' 'T' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hermis and fam- ily moved from 2102 Maple avenue to 822 Foster street in July. Mrs. W. R Mumford, 745 Judson avenue, has as her guest Mrs. George M. Furness of Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. F. S. Burd and daughter, 2609 Harrison street, have returned from a short visit in Hammond, Ind. Mrs. Sarah J. K*Watt, 722 Fost«r|wis.» la theig^it cff.lSr. >id M^s. street, returned Saturday from a two!Clarence Rarts, 919 Hinman avenue, nac Island, Mich,, for a two weeks' va- cation. ■.,.■••■.■■:•■. ;!-',';;>.^:-:'..?,'■ .ti-/-^ Miss Netta Blakeslee of Lowell, Mich., is visiting her cousins, Mr. and} Mrs. Charles P^im)rr^ 1 ue." . ■>* r.^.\-^)if.f"' - .•■)■'* .■•'".i."' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kimball, former- ly of 622 Church street, have stored their goods and have gone to Colorado for a long Btay. / Mr. Jf F. Henderson ia expecting his brother, Charles, of Los Angeles, Cal., Saturday. They will attend a family reunion in Ohio. ;'!i:'" Miss Marie Schommer of Appleton, ^sic school Miss Shot^eH me\ Prof: Bwrger at the meetings of the Xfafaim •ity a^lon, a socisa organlsa^ Biit^^a^pTnel^l mother; 83A University phUM, the ReV; weeks' trip to Birch Lake, Mich. Mr. Thomas White of the North Shore Grocery spent a few days at his home In Michigan last week. Mrs. H. F. Dougherty and little son left Monday for Atlantic City, N. J., for a stay o^tirom four to six weeks. Miss Gerturde Brown, 416 Dempster street, returned Monday from her vacation spent at Mackinac Island, Mr. John Freeman has returned from a weekV visit to his mother, Mrs. Simon Freeman,^ near Toronto, Canada. Miss Eva Hellstrom, 2614 Harrison street, and Miss Lillian Fits Patrick, 2614 Prairie avenue, will leave tomor- row for a two weeks' outing at South Haven, Mich. Mr. A. B. Cooper of Detroit, Mich., has returned to bis home after visit- ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Drivees, 2704 Harrison street. Mrs. A. B. Cooper and son, Arthur Thomas, of Detroit, Mich., are visit- ing at the home of Mrs. Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Drlvess, 2704 Harrison street Miss Anna Jorgenson, 1918, Lincoln street, left Tuesday for an extended visit in West Branch; Mich., and will be joined by her sister, Miss Julia Jorgenson, the following week. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Petten, 2323 Harrison street, have as their guests' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Riled, Dr. and Mrs. Morehead, and son, Thomas, of Ida Grove, la., for the coming week. Rev. and Mrs. John W. Haekley and son, William Hubert, spent Sunday as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Faulkner, 2429 Central street Rev. Haekley filled the pulpit of the Cove- nant M. E. church. Mr. W. H. Graves and two daugh- ters, Gertrude and Louise, 2109 Col- fax street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Peabody and family, 2612 Hartzell street,' left Sunday on a two weeks' camping euting at Lac du Miss Burgeson of Seneca, 111., ar- rived Friday morning to be the guest of heT frten^llttiivElla Lee Harmon^ 722 Fester street-fer a week. Miss Harmon and her suiter, Miss Isabelle, returned Friday morning from a two thel^^^'▼l^to S^«jthBend,InA Mrs. Louis B. BeardBlee, 2314 Har- rison street entertained at a bridge party Tuesday. The foUowtag are the out-of-town guesU: Mrs. Charles A. Florence and Mrs. Bruno Dick of Chi- cago, and Mrs. A. T. Armstrong and Mrs. J. B. Beardslee of Rogers Park; Mrs. Arthur J. Morgan and children, 222 Main street, left Monday for Marion, Mass., where they will spend a month at the seashore. Mrs. Mor- gan's sister, Mrs. H. A Leekly of Mu» kogee, Okls., who has visited many times in Evanston, will come up from the south and join them. Mrs. Ida Lightcap, 722 Foster street closed her dressmaking parlors last night until Sept 1. She will go to her stimmer cottage at Birch Lake, MTch., where she will be Joined by her sisters and their husbands; Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and son, HaL of Purcell, Indian Territory. ■ .. ":.hv< ■■'K-^- >i 4#: rery enjoyable truck ride was given Monday hy the Toung ler dles* Gymnastic: dasa of the north- e^'. end ;cf ^0^^:^a^tj^i^s^ from the Y. M. C. A. buildm*, Prairie ATonue and:; C^nti»r street at 7:46, for a few weeks. Miss Uszie Kussow, 1104 Asbury avenue, and" Miss' Alice Parsons, 1024 Ashland avenue, will spend two Weekii ^'Vandalte,'afic)^:, . ' \ \_ \^-'\'X'M ." "Doc": Gardiner" of the . Evaiufton Stock company has returned to this city following a delightful summer spent in Michigan. The Misses Jessie and Grace Whit- ing, 610 Forest avenue, are spehdtng the week-end In South Bendt, Ind^ the guests of L. C. Whitcond. ;-v Mr. and Mrs. Harry W-; Mace, 1048 Maple ' avenue, started nomeward Tuesday. T^hey ^^^^'^m^j^k three weeks* tour of Canada. ' Mrs. P. O. Miller and daughter, Alice, of Decatur, IU., have been visit- ing for the past week at th© home of Mni. Ida Lightcap, 722 Foster street Miss May O'Donnell, 936 Sherman avenue, and Miss Ida Burkland, 810 Oakton street, left Saturday for a two weeks' excursion go Niagara Falni, ;'n;x .,■ ;•':-•;......., ^.^f."...-.-. ■'-■^ The Girls' Friendly society of St. Luke's church enjoyed a delightful so- cial evening last night at the home of Miss Mabel Higgina, 835 Madison street " '•*■••'"■'"• j?.,i.-v::::>':*-■■-.'•' 'i^- ■ ■ iff. and Mrs. Alfred Scofleld, 624 HamUton street announce the mar- riage of their son, Thomas, to Miss Josephine Hill at Seattle, Wash., oil July 81. '•■'..V?C -;: "':;;;-■••'■■ MThe sweetest flower that grows" think Mr: and Mrs. jonn Weiland, 1518 Greenwood, boulevard of theV little son who came July 27 into the florist's home. Mr. and, Mrs. A. L. Bogart, 1118 Mar pie avenue, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gamble of Dublin, Ire- land, who arrived Tuesday and are On their wedding tour. j ^rr, Edward Barle, 622 Davis street, and sisters, the Asses' Rhoda ithd |EinmSu left Wednesday evening for Distilled Water Ice Co. PHONE NO. f m Mtnufactured m Evanston Winnipeg and Manitoba, Can., to be gone until the last of September. The Misses Margaret and Elisabeth Fabian, 1509; Ridge avenue, have, gone for a month's vacation. They, will spend part of it in the mountains of Vermont, the remaindeer in different places in Maine. Mrs. M. J. Hepburn of Philadelphia, Pa., who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Malcolm B. Sterrett, 2505 Hartzell street for the past six weeks, left Saturday for Stonynanf Camp, Va., to remain untU September, Bishop William. F. McDowell Vill give his interesting lecture, ."Around the World," in the Norwegian-Danish M. E. church on Clark street, near Sherman avenue, at eight o'clock on the evening of August 16. The pro- ceeds will go to the benefit of the Norwegian-Danish Girls' home. An automobile party consisting of Mrs. Charles Chadnick, the Misses Dorothy and May Wightman, Mrs. if. Wlghtman and daughter, ^iss Fan- cnon, and Mrs. Charles Lindsey came from Chicago Monday in two ma- chines and took their friena, Bfa*^J4 C. Lindsey on a trip around Evanston after which al! returned for luach.at Mrs. Lindsey's home, 1934 Sherhyui avenue/' ""-. ".*" The annual inviUtion tennis tour- nament of the Country club of Evans- ton will be neld at. the dub courts Aufuat IT to '^'/j^Wmia^'t^ fOeilnd doubles wiU begin Augusta7 at 1 p. in. Tine tournament is opensto members of Evanston tennis einbs. 4^S84fea6t*Js

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