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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1912, p. 7

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For 16109 ©ore jymnasiuar sated and that contracted skin diseases #1 in the pool||^ Owing iOJttW had an Investigation, _ _ l. i. shaw-or-tfoo|$»$i^^ ment of the elated by Mtftitf^ ment. ::n^&^0^tm^^:^m^ Friday W1IH«#>'■^ Ary^eh^.^r»- tented to the wdjttiy Of ^t» psptfr the following sl|^e^ej^i^||^ch: l&^tfelf' explanatory! Th¥ A little time afO there Botice of ' the uniye*«Jlty seine criticism of tt|_ |#f in the gymnasrttnV -W^lii'l^ictt;!. make the followliig st»temehtf . A long series 0/ ©wrimento on the condition of the'water in the t«nh had been previously worked out by Dr, Lewii ef *ur- chemistry department, and a method of treatment outlined which put it ih excelleiit condltkm. - Miftllfiflg, however, that there were mdre 0ffo using th* tank this sum- mer than during ihd tetctfl ftp* &* health department very kindly offeree1 us ths facilities of their laboratory, to oommlttee hoard wa» .. h.o\iae at Library ported that work !• progreBsiitg mott fcow|iae a* , n liaf ot over $700, and is weekly at the home* Of the $n September it ia intend- a public meeting and thus stilt more enthusiasm, and I .^'$Mwfc! able to. tell of its proposed trprk. It is hoped to have a basebaU diamond, outdoor gymna- sium tod outdoor swimming pool, and for the smaller children a sand court line the. beach. And with a sport and play dtfe^tor, WHmette- chlMron will be most fortunate, > v *TC AUGUSTINE'S CHU St. Aiis^tlne't ^iscop«<eharch, 1140 Wilmette avenue, Wtlmett^ III. BAvV..&i0z% Heeld, rector/ -Jg.. .', ,--------------T_----------- --------_....-,. . .Duri^:tfM^-iBonll"v-if' 'Aiguof^the (£HZ <!?**»! y'. * 1!xpe^m^ *^! Sunday itljlioot service fewiJtedl i.«^* ^ j*. ^^..^ .._**». ,^ j fj^e Beryiceg forHtne eleventh 8ttnday iifietf by -*&, Hteideivtoa, esalth com- mtssfohet of the city afldft^s^ Bach day two^san$s4eS yzed, ono juste one after. ThU shO^ the, bdft 00^- dltion of the water as well as tho Wont during each twsnty-fou? *ours. After d #e€k afld a we fliid, With a v$ry ss in the metjtfel of imimat tnat tmf watet is period sa^d, fhtfwaie* ft treated eaca-#B#ism^W ■fr*11® at ih»lt>egfcrt^<^<a^ d^> Cannot Tl_ method of such t»*at it cannot be _____ , Water by tMgt^'mil^MiXM^ •ffects on the ba^erK One factor ^hat has contributed to the bad ap* ?stance of thewgter.this summer, sugh it has Jn no way been dttrl- fcfental t£ h^sj^ k tiiat^oine%of tho lidieB have wfirlf *m**L*f W^ $****' scter that the coloring maiter* came* oixt in the water. This his given it a dirty ApDearan^^ 1^ orerooma this ¥'■% .detail, which was arty, we hare arranged tb givem 6*» Wasi to that the tank may be emptied tod refilled twice a week. By far the festest chance of contamination at the present time la the failure of some M those who nee the pool to hare f*b suits waehed {reQuanUy. . }. The wnaryoea wtll<*be . ooattousd throughout the suminer^ *&jf thus ffee P«opl* are ssaui^^t everything tat it is posalla^ for tte aaiireralty I do, is bejsff aone ^ the^ aaft^ sad comfort I es^ Mely say after fttfsrence with oth|r men, thai there H no pool In the conm^r that fa as as ours. aejrmpn. ^pie suhi»#t of the rector** sermon it tie 11 o'clock service will be "*YieiidahJp; ft parish house on the lmpTorementa plaflfled by the Woman's guild. The efca&ga* watch **• bethg made will * ,JfbattBnr aiwch .fi#»acon4 TeeJeni an4 . tetter adapted for the work of the « atooI t^»»V of the parish. Mr. Thomas H. Fullerton, the or? ganist and cioimaster, has returned; from his vacaUon anVJ has begun |he regular choir work. Thef« Jo a re> hearsal for the boys at 7:30 o^olOOlt each Tuesday evening, and R re- hearaai for boys and men ou Friday evenmg. ttd^^irJ JTallerto^e wiao direction the boys receive careful In- ai«WttOB in music as well as vocal training, Tllsra la room in the choir for a few more boysV and applications Sot ntembership may be made at any rehearsal time or after any servid«t« the choirmaster or rector. ' The mission board Of the church has continued its Tnonthly meetings through the summer, and the August meeting will be held Wednesday evenT ing, the 14th, at 8 o'clock, ft the home of ttr. B?. J. Sherry, 1221 Lake avenue. " ? . Glacier Park, Mont* Au» t li.--RObt. Taft, the president's soil, was called upon to m^^ii^Mtma^^ cierPart^Mem^ with his stater. Helea Tuft, and a iHirty ef frtenia, no was presented with a j^^ by Chief White QuiTcr ;0^($u&» ; fool' Indaas.,. ft,. .,; ^ :k^>4i^' .^*j :&^m%^£*lfa <*&;& take this home," he remarked to hia party after gravely thanking the chief. And then to prove that his generoaitir was un- mixed wtth guile and that hia gift waa not syjnbolleal Chief White Oulver led ale band of WO Indians in a pictoreeque war danee for the bene- fit of the visitors, ^r ^ . ^ v,* ^ Eobert and Helen Taft are the guests of Mra. Oeorge% Vincent, wife of the president of 4he University of Minnesota, and her daughter, Isabel/ who was Miss Taft's. clasamate^ at Bryn Mawr,. They are on a campina; expedition^ snd wiU remain ittothe.01a> cier p«rk region ^|ptr: Jkree, weeks. in exploring the park on^oraefoaek. Oftoiais of the Great Northern rail- Kjhai Jiisti6^|iisisi^^ tei#»s«aiwT^ went through its cefemonlala. >., Young Mr, Taft baavateadfastly re- fused to^be intersiewoeVoava«y poli^ cal aitbieets. Tla Taft paptr inay ataiK o#,at Bwistnn. giq om ^^ .......,.-fT;!^r.-? EbtrywhM KOTB thtjctwthy Hnei, thelow- iwndlonaitete* . sWUj«<«w «hemd. or m^« vl»-«-vi«. irWTBMPLE AUTOMOBILE CO. me sjtfttafii At^ (n«w tatit at.) UIMIIIIMII......timt Jastructor in CAemtstor; Northwestern "siUniversity. . ..-^U:*-*Jf-i^r^i. ^--. ^T*IE EVAI^tdN i THEATER ; ii»l tf il ill • • 111111 i 111» f ■ WelUnd BWar. Saite SW. "cS^tfv MEN'S WEAR •ew china we^t^'Wuwiii. ?**m, Aug. i^Prlm^ CUng'a r»r ^ to Pekin has made President Shi Kai of the new rop^Ic ap- »ive of u s^teniipt at reatorar tae sappOrtara of «a*^adap- Vast quantities of rigea,saasn smf--m a11** suid aipii^^ *^ «^^iys^,^^ rfrenr ■■•-■■--■■-- -- ---- - * %\m THl LIMIT. I" Cleveland^, a, Aug. i5^^Iefe's si mother's estimate of the coat of snpf porting and educating a daughter from the age of 17 to 3S: Fromiil to.9$..........$ 1$ a month UWffWltS^.........100 a month from 26 to 35..........160 a month * After 36 she should have control of her money, lira. Clara B. Kroehlel who died June 27, left an estate of fSSwOOO. Her mtU. probated today, leaves the bulk of it to her daughter, Virginia, now 17, with the schedule. ' Americateoi succes has revolutionised that mode of ad- vertising on the continent, according to Kdward N. Qoldsman, head win- dow dresser for HaiTy Selfridge ft Co. of London, the principal speaker at yesterday'* session of tt«^iu^e ttoiia^'Aliidils^^ mers of Ainerlca hi j^ Aaii^piiiim "Ndwaofo ia thd world," B§ ex- plained, **eaw a* much bo made of tibia window dressing art aa in Amer- ica. In Englaad the work has been revolutionised and no w the patterns and styles of America In theae trim- mings are copied lad reproduoed." Priaes of silver cups and gold and Sronse medals were given for window trimming. ClUoaio waa .choeen for the convention of If ll< _ ^^pia^^yampe^^td^fe company^ s ed rehearsal Monday morning at the ^anatou--t!ic^^ uuOer Mr. Robert | ' '^j&i \ Vance has'_ < retained I «ff last, fleaaon's favorites, Misa Florence Johnstone, Mr, Harry Mlntnra. Gale i^teriee,! Jean Claren- don, Chas. Qeyton, Stanley Prices imd haw engs^^ a few new people, l&i. Geo. Thjompson, Richie OR. Russell, Mr. Sam Braunson, Anna Muno, Vivian C. Damon, Dorothy Dickson, Misses Belle Bowman and Cora Bennett. Mr. Vance will open his/ .eaaon SatuTday wltbi Aflgustua Tljoinas'{masterpiece, "Th« Witching o^frcmv^ avS^C'I'p.Hnl WMla week. Season reservations can be made now. •**•* In fortiaed ila M TENNIS COURT COSTtV. ifianeepoHa,Ang.l6.--To add to hia --.^-»*~~m ^^-tlelfte coi^irnfeh win}» 9******^^ Tl^a^ coming MtiUa siieet and Lake plaee. wnen hia men 110 a»4 Ij^oito la completed, Chariea a Gatoa property at Jlfi Lafceataev 416,000 for aevunty-flro foot 2 fmstiN aUILOINQ PERWIT8. Two-atory addition to residence, 1104 Washington street, owner, John N. Dole. Cost, $900; ^ To build a two-story brick and atucco residence at 1115 Davis street Owner, F. Parker. Cost, |1,960. Addition to reatdeace, 2614 West Railroad avenue. Owner, John BorriL Cost, 1800. >-!*nif^?-*%tr. "t< ' c . c Upholstei and 028 Chicago Ave. iaetworlL immmmmmmmm^ I Saturday the «rst . , t have l»een ajTested in Bvanston for some tUue were caught ^W^t lice when Joseph Stark an^ A. Met. aick, ioOi of Ckicago, :§&;$&&L-^ Police Magistrate Bdyer nned <he kave had very litdo jot\m t ^fi*5. i^^^d^^^^p^^^^^l^

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