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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1912, p. 9

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_ Prei part on ^ l/Vith iestlfll E'The EvanBton\;*f^«^',!^iiU: »«$£ "8 • «||^*^ ' ft. lft, jrtmrtij|ji ground ^cce^^JiW^**»^ ^ciparft itfrfr ihe correspondence;* „ v gftftlents bae«;:b&i§S^^ lumber of visitors' iio^a^^^0f^: >een large, in ihould be. affair* jjerorstudetttfigf^ ousually fine class 7<>* ..... ..... .. >om whom the' sntej i^'^t^pft^p^ W3 chosen, as. each f^a^f$^f_; Helm has striven 'to.,. fttl^^^-W luireraent as' to^>li£r^!^^ iiasm, and sincerity 'nipi^^irt^.^;;,,, ■ Another 'matter iiW^-'lji^i^H^.^ the schooi marked'^ccilf'^^ rtaBs room work and discipline Js^tfc© fcct that all oPl|ist'.#l^*i^ll^r jeachers ■ will ■ return -i*riigf^J:*tt& he exception of one. f^^^^Br. linusual, as the ave«^,:|i^li^:)^l^ inch a large faculty GOvk^i0^KJI0t^ [ng at;4enst three-; or io^<&Mn$&[ year, but the standing ottlte|BVs#^ ion academy Is such tl^;^M^^^^ She lifgheet grade t^^^y^^^: policy which gives th^tm^f^0^^;-, B*their own depmmiti^mifrm, to* be made a year course wiU also to given ttu first s and more for their dutie* as ................y^Sfe** taugh* by Miss Fr^^ isecessful iust ifiritics are of the^';"a^Won;v;'^at? no . . . ^.. preparatory scho^i!*^©ie^ I superior faculty, and that there are _jny colleges., wlbse^t^B :.fl|f tsach* jKf cannot compareI with, those of ISvanston academy. C^fcmulty of iirvice produces - skill, JntejrSl^ sUd %«3ty to tb*-Institution; Mm these tre factors which have made some §L the eastern jf^MX$^^M^^P\» pat they are, and tbese factors are ||fre au.i more aiding, Bvanstpn academy. ........~- !L,._'■-■--^-----=--■----*^ year English of which she had on isiass imctwtM-;: *'■■■■■ ■ "Pri.iip--$ given/ especlaliy to 'the department* ^-iiolon^ mAnual training. A large ejptranc* ;#Mf|pfi»; |oorf js;:iN^'i|iif WNi*| :£o«£"|roM %i^'^l.^^>:^J;iij^ft^' protection against,- the strong *in# which l^ve made entrance there inf possible fit Umes during tte^ winter. ^ Hatfie^riouse will continue under the efficient management of Mr. *Ati$ ly^':lil*4y;-as::'^#^- "'Aii ■■' increase^ number Of parents who have elth# heretofore sent their children to; east- ern school* or would have done SO, havs found that there is no need to go &^e -|i^^eiise: of .so _ doing; an# have sent their boys to the Academy, at reasoimu«^y w^tf'iirW superior _ ^hem nearer Good instructors. the change referred to above is it of Mr. Abram Munler, instructor French, who has accepted a Sim- ,.,, portion ii| thfr^^^jT^t l«B* toy. Principal Helm has- Seemed ^'tls. 8uccesso»;i'^r>^v^" ty^ $*}* guandidates MK;rlf|^lF:2?ia:5lg*^i.. |irieUo, who seenw to.have unusual Inaiincations fdr the special needs this particular position. Mr. Vac- The beautiful warm weather of urday brought great crowds of people mwgu* parucui^r p««uu». w- *~r 1 to q^ -pif lima. At the Branstdii i»a is a natire-** »o^o> aH* %a!^^^^? i& FrencrTnluMiafy^ toan, Italian and Spanish, and III llrsdUate of iho) *mtkno^ft*fr. m; Kesery© hiiivlBiiity ^:dlf?0WJs> tie. taugbt fc^fW^ysears in tje fe^land . evenm^4.;iBhSois; :^J«™*' throughi:- >-.li|pfe^ ^4. r^r Past two\jr9*j^j^ n lanfetta*es nnttd m charge for ged Jto OS salary f* <ini to i8.onefofj,^^,_^^.i:^r .^.,;_ that position is one of the most ut to flu ^saJla&cWHly, and 'pal Helm strongly advises any p who are eager ior, tnelr chU- to learn this language both for « and for converaatioft, to C0B- the excellent e^lipment ot Mr. is doing gradnato iroi* in his departi^W^|iit- -i^i--- ^chicai^;],::.^^, __,,__ „ at thsf distinction has-been given into^en^b>^the elee- also/ sufleredl a severe; w^t^|i^:f|^ The resnlto in the president's out were *»<ntttig, the fea^ being played by HiA. Bleagsr and 'iipthf 3»l»iey>: - '^itt^:f heM lost on tne nineteenth hole, *£l£n gave Fleager ^h4;m»*icf ^. ^', du'> holes. fe$fr. ,jw ,^Se> i*^.j'-j|pfi: ^v'^t^ fault from |>erciTal: ManchssterV play Fleager nedct Saturdayv 0pr4on Cdpeland, who won from 8t A; WU- i^irth, 6 and 4, %m ^lat^^he *li»sr of the match ^ between Dr. %. I& Stew- art and his. partner, who " ' ttielr msjcli un^^r ||lfr. ton defeated Charles Edgar,;» and I; Grant tRldgeway defeated G. «. Towne, 4 and 2; 0. C. Lloyd defeats ff**"! lion o* :#iWaT He%rl^e Head Masters' association, whichi Is com- posed of the heads of the ltiest sec- ondaiT^ schools of Mem Bn^imd and the eastern stotesr^here #oi0^ one other^ member besides^Vf^gfM'iUlm w«^ of Pennsylvania and-that to the head master o; a school in Ohio. Helm Is also bresident of ed Frank Sherman; 3 and 2; Frank |. King defeated % Jf/jF.".Cpt|^af and 2. ..-'-•..••;«.■■ .rw'-:r:-:r.^- ! In the first eighteen holes of medal play for QtS J. I*» Lane trophy, R. H, Harrison led the field with a score of tf--l»-^fc^ -.i£ WMm&m wasr-M? the Norifc Centrir'piW^Mocia- tion. ^.:., , -*- ■ ■ ■■■**»**' s-f' *# dub the gronds wei» croirde4 *Hb niembers who left their offtcea in Chi- cago early so that they could escape the Sweltering- weather of the loop and grasp a fW iEresh breaths of aJr on the slopes of the grass covered links. ]'j$U*£#i tiiose ira^;^ra^red.Tto;,the Ridge avenue course oame with the in- tention of remaining throughout the disciplfee'ai.'Ss:W'^itMuqua*' ;^dstr^ Tfcis was evident by the large lumber of dinners seTted by Psrry in ^ft&ti&C.^..!,_"_ .. .i --;i,'-^^ - - .,ir|l»-'|feit"rifti4--*» the clilb c^ani. plonship play was the big event on the card and this Js the way they played: Championship--J. T. Ling defeated W. C. WUson» 4 and 2; »." il Ismes trails defeated F. a Strickland, 1 up in 1» holes; f^|V t^ o^eated 1vL. lacksoii ^'(pB^'^^^^r^,1'^- '• u . Bec<md fl«ghtr-R I* Angle defeated jfV;K^Wte**-* and 1;:-W^^t ^Jralg ■^mm^m^m^ m^^m (tti^iWii^^ were as follows: !JF. 0. fi$op^ffi, feated J. .'^,./.Brj^^^r'l^^LP holes; Edwin Sherman defeated J. H of the Lake Geneva Country dub. to Fremont Harris "™'r1ffl^?w:r§ii^i^wft "■"*"""" "■■^'■":A '"*'*'■ Evainston stai' wai victorious, bJs 'mliiton|^%;lHlit'i;' A^Hf^V^: Howbmd played the steadier golf in the moling; and at the luncheon ^iliM^rsi^'^id;i#?^i«(i^voii-* Ts^-ipf made several mistakes on the nrat half of th# afternoon round, indi«d- wards began to ilok,*^Bs l»as Prentiss, 5 and 4; F. W. ifiil defeat-1 his second ami tool; two to get out of the rough- At the seventh Row- land drove watt ^and Wit Ton .*Hn| green in two, bolrng cot In < his ot»- jtn*&- piay lMuMicap^open;:^ w*i>: ■^ui^^|^^>iw^:^s)/i^■>...; jfAj. Next Saturday the semi-final round in -the cups wlU be played as; well as a one-ball sweepstake handicap match 'play against par. Tods#£a mUed foursome, eighteen holes handlf oaig WW %^J#;. P^f'Anr'..W. * Father and Son match will be played: The play will be, eightoen $$** handicap. ^j.:: ■.<..' \K •4-^;-; >;.." :..»-? " ".mt\.".. yin'i i b 'y ■ 'tfr f?*.'. f The links of the Nortti Short Conn- try club at (TVTlmotte were ctowW Saturday'[, afternoon, .^s wami weather forced many to forsake ^heir iclfy offtcea and flock to the cool shade of the club groimds. Many rs- mained for the eBtertainmettt in the evening. The GaUle club trophy was the one event that held forth as an attraction. ;".'.^':'? :'>-:-~'"'s£-A In the play for this cup H. V.Don- aldson and R. E. HaU tied for lot ecore in tfce^ qualifying nMmdVrea^ getting W. ' C. Hfc Keanackw an* H> 'H^#y%# ^arfifinr istltfMk^fW wfil^pla*; it- W/?1**** ®!t.:jft&. *** ^niwly -of ^'iisy^^^f;^'""]'J." " Z*l», 72; Bt R. Lynoh. .naeki^.Jii^M........ ... _ . ........^W^mm WINNCTKA the ^M« ISESU only,twa;;down,. with four ^.jgp^, Iflpi BfowUnd ,was noV to, be denied, an* ■j^0$l^t a«|o^Taniw^ji:^ ^'In^^^e^s^ ^eacln ;j0&.*m§ Edfards missed .^ JNfi^^W ;tb4ip..|?ols. ^wlai^-^njt^t*# 'r^^.^^liilwa^ wbfk on the green gave captain of next year's took Ihe sixth with a a nd overran the green on wl^en ponemt ta«^ one more. The eightti sjid nln% wew halved m 5 and ft r*. letlcs and specUvaly. the turti. Howland was 8 up at his first drive to the edgs of tbe green and took two putti, winning, S--4. He took the eleventh, 4--«. wWlo the twelfth wi>at to Edwards >!^tlw*i**me<n^^ ::^; ^ r^:-:^ [^mm»m.^^;rp^P» rough on his second shot for the next hole, and Howland won, 6--6. Tliey^ha^wAfh* fourteenth in fours, On th^e ilfteentb. Edwards misied an easy bii^^for;#: half and lost, ■£-&> Tfea sixteenth .t^^w^;^r.flp^si' trHk l^fe m^fm^^,iook'^:hm^' ***> 4ft^ 4--fi, and cut down Howland's lead to five «p^ Morning cards: , 16a^T^§o^^S^^it6^^ Howland, oat. .445 4 4 5 4 53^-SS Edwards/ ik:.. 4s4«46*44^-41--S2 Howland, in....84%5 4 5355--WH-77 Afternoon Play. Tbe afternoon route was opened b* the players having the first two holes ftt tees jm* ltoMbird£lttJte«ci^ Oa the -i^;h^JM^^-^^^J^^ putt and took the hole, 4--6. The fifth hole was halved in *▼*•* »n* Bdwards took the sixth, seventh and eighth, aVHfe,«-4f»:aad^*--*ijby, play- ing excellent golt. The last hole of the outward :js^j^^^;-l^j^:.Jfc Ck>min« in th<» contestsats each got three ^'^^^..1^ ;w^i»;,l^ i«nd ^ inoreaaed m,.j^r;.wli«|',*• iot 4r^ m&^tK^£:h! - *Tno; next w*» Landon :« to Wlkeii he sidled front ^^?t|^d|i|i^;^^^p Had Seven Match< on t^ ooei not less tnani seven mm ■Jacf?;wM^^ ton academy, is weighs 186 pounds. Uk* his fanwtts father he is fighter through-aid Totmg Patten resembles his father in many ways. He i» fond .bt ath* f|M»iPsr1Mlr^ think evfry }^--^0^nff0^^ AI«AU9fcevfff-, >. is»<«r i /;#» g«* ItJM ." ■^^f^._ J"jWJ WfJpT; ■ ^?^. mettle in a Person. %L-^\.eo94feb managemeatr ^ftl^'coi great for. |,'b^y.." *"* him more harm thaB;;gop|^^^piPp^|;;'... ' men the |>a^ Wrived m amgliiW J«;k entered tbe Victork I^wise !k» ing' lconifests^ and; as fo%w jS^Jp^g came' on^'irltii? 'I^norltt- ■ v*? ffl ^M$$m on June 25, plannini a ten w^aks*, tour of northern Europe. H has al^ u ready covered Norway, Swedes and Iceland. They are 'friT- in Paris, 'They' expect to rea<* the Unttad ^ States on the steamer Olympfa te Sept 4. '^'.('v':;^- \ /^"--^"|||S i¥^.^- '.rt*?^ TheCampfire a beach party test 'ibm^JL; :€4^«r^o^*Tllisl, Katherine were the ^_^___Pensynorey"i*y T^0i^^ .TPjjtfbjprji^^oBHiaf^^ drove *teto 'Tbomnson, Eva ysigesoa. Both IJa-1 •;l!So# " •■^■■Pee^spPBT'. eV"^s)SjaWswig« ■ 99^^^^^^. ■ r t'& *i

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