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Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1912, p. 14

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»»*»«»» of the Ewmtoii Wottan's «** *" d**P{* interested to the operetta, which is to he pww6*â„¢ the new club building the firtt week ill Deemoer. ."Gaeilda" is the name of the playlet ana Mr. A. Hendenhall i« the author. The east will be an excep- tionally good one. It wiU be composed of semi* professional talent The elnb members are anxious to it a success. Th& statement alone is enough to *s*w the sue- oessof the affair. The same week the operetta is produced «f» J1" wMjJ3?| Cairisbnassale ft the club. Here many f*?"*?^ *^ K»f0^ble to purchase many gifts delicately made by local society mat- ?** + *>♦♦♦ ii home from is home £rom fra. William A. Dyche liuskegoiL ||S: William C. Levers K^iaesJs^is^l.,. w^^ Born, to Mr. ana' Mrs. Walter Hy- land, Sunday, September 22, s daugh- i, 'ter^f- ' Miss ^ina 1fcBieh>^l07 Chicago ave- nue, ia visiting her parents in Remus, Mick B^' Mr* C*»i S,|»rrlson of the "Mm- I wood/' hai^ao for a month's trip to Colorado. Cornelius Reese, 1118 Sheridan road, leaves thje week lor St. Jobn'f Mili- tary academy. |L Dr. Rollln T. Woodyat, 231 Demp- ^ater street, has .retained from north- • era Wisconsin. Miss Elisabeth Tucker, 721 Poster street, entered Northwestern univer- sity this week. Mrs. Ruby Mizutany, 1727 Orring- ton avenue, has returned from a trip to New York City. Mrs. Barrows of New Orleans, La-, is the guest of Mrs. CM. Faircbilds, t:. 2700 Lincoln avenue. * Miss Ethel Onnes, 847 Judson ave- nue, has as her guest Miss Ida Bunt- f ing, of Fort Wo^th, Texas. ' V" IV'"'" W- and Mrs. |fc H, Jones, who hate / been residing at the Avenue House* have gone to Pasadena, Cal. |>.^; Mr.' ***»* I**** im Hinmaaat^f nne, has returned from a six weeks' visit to West Gloucester, Mass. | Iftrs. a W. Boot, 2302 Hartzell | street, has returned from an extended trip through the Canadian Rockies, Henry Reader, Jr., 1685 Hlnman |;|*re^e3eft on Friday for Mercers- burg, Pa., where he is attending school. :> lirs. P. A. Lemoi, 1509 Wesley ave- p:i'-ttttl^. went last week to visit her sis* || ters Mrs. A. O. Boyle of Dundas, On- fetalis-'- , . Mrs. Ernest J. Ford, West Railroad avenue and Central street, has gone mMm, weeks' yisit to relatives at Winnipeg, Canada. ';§Mrs.'&. W. Conkey of Arosi, Cal., ea route home from Burlington, Wis., spent last week with Mrs. W. B. Mann, 1570 Aebury avenue. Prof, and Mrs. O. A. Grant-Schsefer, 1101 Davis street, returned last week from their summer home at Lake Memphreniiagog, Canada, The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. : Hall, 2607 Harteen street will be oc pei^^^t^wiii^^ Mr. and Mr*. M0i?itiwm Gia*4;:B*s>^MIch. , |5, Mrs. William Sandera, who has been I vismhgberconsln, Mrs/k it Burdea. | 7» Wajihlngton street, returned test plweeit '.to- Frem^ Nee^h^^ . | Mrs. Joseph Bnshnell and daughter, I Dofoihyv 618 Foster street, who spent ^,:^>4ttufa&^W their farm at South :; Haren, Mich., have returned home. j0^tt:mi.:Ha.'J>. C. HaHanddaugb, P te^Mf»V. U '& Austm> 2602 Hartseil ,j||stiee^;^ to Day* for which place they leave ^Mrs. Arthur Peiece and family, 1209 Hmmsn avenue, returned from Colo* rad^Sp^aas, *Joi©., Friday. IWss Louise Peirce is now returning from l^l^rea^rick Weston, 658 Fq»rest |^a^^s^'J^.::Ws^ PudleyV 81* Judson"wmm attended the wedding of Mr. Warren Knapp at Burlington, yMr. Joliix Mahin, 1745 Orrlngton avenne, is home again, after a short [p to MttscStine, Ia^ where he de- .....an address at the dedication ' ^:^%m'^0$i^ I*oimrd {nee Louise Raeder),. hare ieV from their wedding trip sad jlpiWifcatt^ Mrs. L. L. Smith, 740 Hinmaa awe* nue, is visiting her mother at Fraahv lin, Pa. Mr. William H. Hill, 1682 Bldgs avenue, left Wednesday on a busi- ness trip to Detroit Miss Grace Seetye, 724 Jndson ave- nue, is the guest of Mrs. George Heath of Omk Park for se3#rai/o**eV*rv Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wheeler, 1513 Forest avenne, returned; last Sat- urday from Charlevoix, Mich. Mr. William Esstman, Jr., 2718 Walnut street, left Wednesday for the Boston Institute of Technology. Mrs. Howard M. Carter, 826 Forest avenue, who has seen in Denver, CoL, for four weeks, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Horton, 818 Hamlin street, have returned from a short stay at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Hebbletbwaite and family Are at heme after spend- ing a few days at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Mra. John Trust Sickle, 1121 Lake street, entertained fifteen of her friends at an afternoon "tea"Wednes- day. Miss Myrtle Frost, 810 Davis street, has gone to St, Clair, WlsV where she will teach Bnglish in St Clair col- lege* Miss Ellen M. Thompson, 845 Hin man avenue, has gone to Buchanan, Mich., to visit for a week with friends. Mr. J. Cushen of Peoria, UL, vis- ited his sister, Mrs. R. H. McCoH, 2127 Maple avenue for a few days this week. Mrs. E. S. Bliss and daughter, Helen, 1012 Oak avenue, after spend- ing a month at Charlevoix, Mich., has returned home. Mr. Ramadan Lasher, 1411 Hlnman avenue, has .i&iMjmfa; *** Mr. Cyras Williams, 16f7 Panr l«aes. le|t Monday ftr <S«niell iml- verstty;'"; . . -.<. v". • ^ Mr. ai»d Mra. H. M. Montgomery of BoswelL k It, are visiting coualna in Mrs. Peterson, 2516 Ashland are* has recenUy returned from a trip to Sweden. Mrs> Joha Harding, 2408 Pioneer road, have returned from an outiag at Prom Lake, Wis. Mr. Beach of Prairie avenue haa taken one:â- â-  ©I the boys' claasea in the Covenant M. a chnrchv ^ Mr. John Raaen, Hartsell street left Monday morning for St John's academy, Delaneld, Wis. Mr: Charles Roberts, 2444 Hartray avenne, haa returned from a short business 6ip to Michigan. Miss Rath Dixon of Rogers Park spent the week-end with Miss Beryl Faulkner, 2429 Central street William Nets, 1516 Central street expects to move this fall to their farm home near Racine, Wis. The Misses Anna sad Julia Jorgen- Son, 1808 Lincoln Street have re- turned from an outing in Michigan. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Gary, In<L, Spent Sunday with hia sister, Miss Ruth Mitchell, 2302 Harrison street Miss Violet Reading, 620 Daria street after a delightful vacatioa spent tat Mkshlgan, is again at home. Miss Bessie Qlsen of Bloomlngton, m, spent the week-end sa the guest of Miss BdJth Mathis, 2425 Central street. "\-:- . NelBe -lanson, formerly employe by the ehandler book store. Is taking ^^ Lr. Mr. John Byam en route from Cali- fornia to Detroit netted his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norton Byam, 807 Judsdn avenne, Wednesday. Miss MoUy Sproule, 1637 Chicago avenue, returned Friday from Pro- vincetown, Mass. Her mother will stay a while longer in the east. Miss Adallne V. Smith, 2026 Maple avenue, left Wednesday for Lake For- est where she will spend two weeks with her aunt Mrs. E. A. Nelson. Miss Alice Carter, who bas been vis- iting her bj»ther^ Mr. Howard Carter. 826 Forest avenue, has |(OBe to New York Citr to attend Pratt Instttute. Loyal Wheelock, 1O40 Hlnman ate- nne; George Gilt 1800 flbennan ave- nue, and Gardner Rogers, 1106 Hln- man avenue, wlU lo to school this year at the University o« jmnoia. Mr. and Mrs. H.G;«covill, $32 Hln- man avenue, were in Freeport HI, last week the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jeaness, former Ersjistoniansjv Mr. and Mrs. Scovill also visited in Rock- ford. •-. .'â- â- '*-â- â€¢' ',&â- â- /â-  Mi*. John Sebastian, 1006 Forest avenue, left for Martha's Vineyard Sunday. Mrs. Sebastian, who has been at her seashore cottage t since Jane 16, will return with Mr* Sebas- tian after both make a ahort -visit m &^;$ofk;~ .....- MrS. N. Haskamp, 2619 Ridge ave- nue; ami her daughter, Miss Mary Has- kamp, have gone to Elissbeth, HL, where Mrs. Haskamp wiU remala for sefveral weeks. Miss Haskamp will join a party of friends in two or three days and motor through Iowa, ;;i %} Mra. Harry Green, 708 Hinman ave- nue, is in Minneapolis, Minn* attend- ing the aixty-serenth weddln* snni- versa^ of her parents Mr. sad Mrs. John a yea** work at the Northwestern academy^". â-  -'& 'â- '.â- . â- ' Mr. John DeWitt of Keokuk, la., is spending a few days sa the guest Of Mr and Mrs. C. A. Bush, 2310 Har- rison street. Mr. Fred Wagner of Chesterton, IndV apent the week-end the ^ik-Wii: Wttlsa^^;;I|^^ tury building. Mr. and Mrs. Jean J. Rtdgewav; 1661? Shaisssn w birth of a daughter SeiH. Evaastoa lios^llsTlP'f""*1' "j ""'" .. Mr Edward Ai^mu, Ha^a^ stra#t returaed Sunday rrom Ne|ra»ka and will Jeave ^*sil&%ffijm&M ademy. WiseonSh^teF"^^^^ Mjrs. Milton M. street, has returned Mloht where she \waa Mnt Ford for a week. Messrs. Elvyn MaV; plao#mud- auliisl academy, Dettn^ Mrs. Eva Jones and DodgevtBe, Wl*„ have and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W Callow, 831 Foster street > -' Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hopkins ami oaughtera, the Misses Lscy and Har- riet 1221 Hinmaa avenue, have re- turned from a summer trip in Eu- rope, - ' ^--vf.,» -Jr-: â- â- â- :-h^; â- .*â- <; â- â-  Mrs. George H. Kelly and family, Sfter spending the summer In their cottage at Lake Geneva, have re- turned to their home, 1203 Btmwood aVeBaeif^V •'.â- .>•â-  â- â€ž*- k. - '~' "".â-  :â- â- 'â- '.--t Mr. and Mrs. H. O. HU1 Speat-Sun- day at the home of Mr, sad Mrs. A. B. Dale, .2327 Central street Mr. and Mrs. Hill sxk missionaries from South dise a kitchen showed; Hua^ieslam weasi;J ^ Mr.and Mrs. A.H. Mallory ttri '»t# Sunday fronr a m-a-bee, Mlea.;.v;;iv Kffi.'x *^-> Mr. J. H. HJHoa and family, Davis street, returned Suiiday Charlevoix, Mich., where they a atmimer cottage. Thursday evening of Wlnnetka gave a novelty shower to Miss Mary Hughea. Maity bssattfttl gifts were reeeived. Mr. and Mra John A. Dickson soar of Devta street have Tetnrned froia^lie^eeaar^t^^ Mr. and Wb£'0^1&tt§fc'&& rtaon street, retwraed Sstnrday fr^ the northern woods of Canada. Next week they wiU move to 1830 Sheridan â- 'reg*-^'V"-"'r.....â- â- ^^^â- wf.^.'"> Mr. and Mrs- Charles Q. Smith and Mr. and Mra. Guy C. Pierce, 1810 Chi- cago avenue, have returned from a four weeks' nshing trip to Red Cedar Lake, wH.';)';'t( â-  ' ""T^^^ r' Mrs. John R. Denyes, 1421 Emerson street who was operated on about two weeks ago at the Bvanston hospital, bas SumctenGy recovered to return hometomorrowr Mrs. B. 8. Adams, who has been In Iowa for a week, returaed home Sun- day and left again for a week at Sagi- naw, Mich. Mr. Adams will Join her atr*B%'ea^4t;tb*weelL^^^ -' '• Mrs. C. F. Farran and children of Mackintosh, Fla.. who have been viai^ ing Mrs. Farran's sisters, Mrs. V. H. Wilkins and Mrs. It. W. Dring, re> turned home last week- Mrs. Mary BoreSi *ira;h Wm. «& Bnrch and ^I^Mimm^tit^W'^ daughter of moved here H. ;•"•!* "â- â-  nne after Oetober 15. Pond 2818 Sherman America, Mrs. J. 4B> Bowdisb and daughter. Miss Cora, 1501 Lake) street are back: again from a summer spent at Msskegonv Mieliu, wheTe they have a" summer home., ?-.-.., *hw Weasman fanilly of Ashland avenne soo» wiB inpve to Tennessee, where they will >)in Mr. Wessman, ^who haa a permanent position with a mining implement concern, vr Mrs. Albert A. Wme and daaghtera, MSilorie and Blixabeth/ who have H. â- â€¢'fcsiiias*^ for two monGm, have returaed home celebrated at their son's borne, sad :imu«r^.. '::JMR-^sad^:||ii. :m}M: Daniels lived in Bvaastoa -_ . ,.......,_ _ i$m celebrated i ' <[: tweirty-flf*b ife If. ^ church perfonned the ceremony I^isea; aa^mald of honor. ' The Jfe^m%,h|6^^ was best n»n^ ^ A reception and wed-1 » Rs^ane* /"Wist;-:: ^,T^ â- ' i Heights, Mich., hare returned to their 1710 AsbttTy avenue. Miss Mabel Mason, 2235 Harrison StreW-reiurlrt ^Molisy^'|fOm-pi Moiiies, Iowa, after spending three If weeks with her parents ^nd will eater her sophomore year at Northwesterh. â- '^ ifctn^riete^^ from a week's visit with Mr. and MrS. John DeWitt, formerly of 2814 Harrison street now of Keokuk, Miss Dorothy Dale ef Omaha, Neb., is stopping at tbi^b^e'Of Mr. and Mrs. A. B Dalei 2327 Central street on • her way to Auburndale, Maaa^ where she will attend La Salle semi- nary. â- y':-Jt] Mr. Harry Van Petten, 2823 Harris son street, is home from Idagrove, la., where he spent a few days with hU wife, Mrs. Vato Petten, who is spending a short time with her par- ents there. <- Miss Agnes Ketcbam of Engjewood, N. J., who has spent the summer with her grandpai^nta, Judge and Mrs. Richard S. Tutbill, 1142 Judson ave- nue, went Sunday to Englewood to at- tend the Dwlght school. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cunningham, formerly of Pittsburgh, Pa-, hare come to Svanston to treside at 1248 Judson avenue. Mr. Cunningham ia in. the trust department of the Cenr trol Trust company, Chicago, jj », The marriage of Miss Mary Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, and Mr. Thomas. Flood took place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St Mary's church. Father Egan officiated. Only the relatives attended. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home at 2141 Maple avenue after No- vember 1. â- ': â-  ' v â- '"â- ' ' " :V$ Mr. and Mra. John R. Llndgren, 1144 Asbury avenue, will return home next iveek. Both have oeen en1o>iag seven weeks' vacaUon, Mis. Lindgren hav- ing been In the AdircndackS and Mr. Lindgrenat Melrcee, Mass. Miss Ethel | T Lmdgren returned-this niornmg from Muskegon, Mich., where she spent her vacation.' 'Tj:f. • 'â-  v "'â- â-  A pretty little wedding took place Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of rir. and Mrs. Meland, 1248 Judson avenue. The principals were Mls« Margaret Hanseti of' Bvanston !Ji^ii&3^^^«a^ ^,,%)f4fea|% Hi. Rev. Rngstrom of the Swedish ?t w>. Etisjtas Bisiiess ^>V^8|(8|8 .3 w 1573 WPlt kiNRft m & M~'a. iltc 1 vi$fi. ^IddSl^OoDsvi*^ 'H> aftel Irol of. oat X hasd< Will* hair. ttwrtov00* -'â- 5$-- m «tlMn. liar miki&i&iiis": y^^^^^MM^^^^i^B^^iMlE^^ii^^i S&.-S

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