â- •msmwfiMmmmm&MSBvmmmm&^i^^mm, 1^^'WW^F.M |^«'Tj^.:^;T«g«AE»2?il ^â- ^mm^fy:^mWk see Us. m igfgt",. fr ITS ARE More Than $6,000 is Being Ex- pended on Repairing the Church Edifice at Chicago Ave. and Lake Street. WILL LOOK LIKE NEW : What Pe^- _ -,. ..... w :â- ...........in Gross [Point •♦•••♦*♦♦** Repairs, amounting to more than $6,000, are being made on the First Baptist church, Chicago avenue, Bv- anston. When the work is completed the latter part of this month the church will have an entire new ap- pearance and will be the equal of any in the city for beauty. The first work started a month ago when the steeple, one of the finest in this part of the country, was thor- oughly remodeled. For an entire week a steeple-jack worked on the tall structure and reshlngled and put new tinning on it. This steeple Is more than 200 feet high and is an or- nament to this city of churches. The entire exterior of the church proper is being covered with a white concrete surface. The work is being done with a cement gun that has a pressure of forty pounds. When this is completed the church will look like new. Remodel Entrance. The steps on the Chicago avenue side are being rebuilt and enlarged and the vestibule is being remodeled The entrance to the church when the repairs are completed will be on a level with the floor of the church. Previour'~ there were steps leading up from the entrance to the church parlors. These have been done away with and the entire vestibule remod- eled so that the approach will be the same helghth as the church floor. Repairs to the bapistry are now under course of construction, which will add much to the beauty of the interior. The work is expected to be com pleted by the last week In this month. Work was started the first week In August and the entire repairs will amount to at least $6,000. The remodeling has not interferred in the least with the church services. Meetings have taken place each Sun day during the entire time of the re- pairs to the edifice. Beautified the 8treet. With the remodeling of the exterior of the church and the erection of the new Church of Christ, Scientist, the appearance of Chicago avenue will be materially beautified. The quadrangle containing the Church of Christ, the Baptist church and tiie Congregational' and Presby- terian churches, with Raymond Park opposite, makes this spot one of the prettiest in the city. Miss Elsie Ludovicy is visiting her uncle in Birnamwood, Wis. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe. O. Bauer last Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hens have moved into the upper flat of Mr. B. Meyer on Schiller street The marriage of Mr. Sam Tump to Miss Mabel Jones of Racine took placa at Racine, Wis., last Tuesday. They will make their home on Asbury av«- nue, Evanston. Mr. Joseph Biden left last Saturday for Columbia, S. C, to visit his brother-in-law, John Niggel, and to in- Balmes toft last Tuesday for Texas, and a trip into old Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Peters will return after ten days, but Mr! Balmes. who has just recov-, ered from a four weeks' illness, has the intention of staying a month or more if conditions are favorable. In the death of Mr. Markus Mick, one of the most prominent residents of Gross Point passed away last Thurs- day. He was 76 yean of age, and came here forty-five years ago with his wife from Trier, Germany. He was a well preserved man for his age and yet, after only a week's sickness he died: He was buried at St. 7'T.......^'•^•â- ••â- "•â- â- 'HT'".....^rrj*r"h"*Hiii"T"'^jir^ â- THim steaeFbUsjsjai tive aim 'wkfaffifi** tion on^quest trial, ^fice $12«:oe. vestigate conditions with a view of Joseph's cemetery Sunday afternoon. moving there with his family later on. Mr. John J. Peters, the local repre- resentative of the "La Feria Land Co.", his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike the funeral cortege being the biggest ever witnessed here. He was a mem- ber of both the St Joseph* society and the Catholic Order of Foresters. Milwaukee Vacuum Gleaning ti 4723 Ew»«»h M ;tM:l%»tffi mm orter^Bl Je jmmmimmmmtmmmm What People Are Doing J $♦,......>##♦♦♦♦ in Glencoe.........•••!••! The Woman's auxiliary of 8t Elisabeth church met Monday at the home of Mrs. Culver. A good number was in attendance. Mrs. Arthur Brintnall Is greatly im- proved in health, following the opera* tlon performed on her at the Evans- ton hospital for the removal of her tonsils. Mrs. James P. Brewster returned home Monday. Mrs. P. C. Gill and little daughter are visiting in Iowa. Mrs. James Calhoun and daughter have returned from Atlantic City. Mrs. A. P. Brazee of Rockford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Good- speed. Mrs. Franklin Preston entertained the Washington Circle club last Wednesday. Mrs. Sherman M. Booth has re- turned from the Battle Creek sani- tarium greatly improved in health. The Woman's guild of St. Elisabeth church held its regular meeting yes- terday at the home of Mrs. Woolley. WTOBIA THEATRC ^Belmont & Sheffield Aves. - â- y Belmont Express Station Phone Graceland 5461 A gripping play dealing unsparingly with present day vices DRINK-DIVORCE-ILLICIT LDVB A powerful story of heart interest that appeals to erety woncan GOT THREE. •#â- â- Three auto speeders were nabbed and fined Monday by the Evanston po- lice. EvanstonTheatre IOHIS 289 M. Van* (Inc.) PBESEMiS Twflopulir booMdccess Beverly of By Robert Melville Bsker Dranatfiarion of McCutcheop's S^i'-^-Z EYE STR.AIN At Oar Hew Some is ThtNorthAmericanBldg. Ton Can Bay a Genuine Duntlcy Pneumatic Cleaner '100 •M it workâ€"saa ho# It wttl â- tra ovary day and kaap your boom eSSVer tfcaa by any othr proeaaa, pbona or wriu and wa will eome to yoo. iiUXl li/J&X COMPANY SAM CARD mM^ 339 W^IAMSON STKE*T. ki^mt m£>*m fmm*979 Don't Ms* This Oanortimiiy ftpairiif Qw -----------'-------------â€"'-----------mm^mmimiim^^^- â- 'â- *' â- mmmmMtmmmmmm THE Ladies of E\^nstoira^ th| North Shore who are ijiinking of getting a Fall Suit willy$4^tit$ fited^y a visit to our shop* ":^t arf1 j^fecially desirous of showiiig ou| $35 special tailored to your itif suits whose values $60 and $50. The workjMijship, perfect, the irAterial upwards periyard. Skinner silk or satin lining, satisfaction guaranteed. Highest references as to cur work furnished. 4th floor north Cor. Stato ft Monro* 8ta. Btdg. Randolph 4196 THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER FIRST M Telephone 1778 * H. ROPINSKI & CO. High Grade Ladies1 Tailors 508 Davis Street, Cor. Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill.|l I m ia the When y);nr eyea you will find my «< reasooabl*. DrV. EV. P. HON 2nd Floor It of faulty eya effecta mn a dfaoonfar* Ieorraettht, a a trottblea. attention. andmycharvas N««r«>loglot Cvanaton FOn8ALS ST tOBt CK-ASIFOIO Jk* H. MOOBS HOBTH S0OBS HOW. CO. ' Ot fHtECTFnOM -1 '-.â- ': SINCE it is true that the high grade laundries of Evanston are surpassed by non^in the country, and equalled by comparati^ly Mji, would it rot be well to become a regular pat|>i*AAsMle frc m en- couraging home industry, your nlrmeb^mary can give you better satislaction^rejujlarly ap^^an help you out better in an emergence taal any outsider. There are laundries t|at\J^rge less on some items, but if wear and tear mefn anything to your pocketbook, you will find the careful even with a higher price, the cheaper. Now that cold weather is coming, you are invited to consider the convenience and economy of having any of the best laundries do all jour family washing. French Laundry Nelson Bros. Laundry Co. Washington Laundry Mutual Laundry Co. ^ C/ Evanston Hand Laundry mmmmmmmm â- MNpn SffeSwH^i'-* m fnfnt rniilsr.T T ICT^'JlF^TM'T'J" imMi.m^&^&i^^iMm^Md^M^i^^mK f- '*^-;-MkaJ5^ aiu