ifer ;-l^:, â- â- ***% ytsikw. m%m m^^^m^mm p^ijfegta^joiftfw «»€ Gate Time Was Experienced ll^Preil^riw Church Friday at Annual Home-Coming. MANY NOTABLE SPEAKERS The Harvest Home dinner at the First Presbyterian church Friday was a purely Informal and most de- lightful occasion. With gratitude for the abundance of the ingathered harvest and the invigorating, social atmosphere of the perfect October evening the congregation celebrated Long tables with golden pumpkins for centerpieces, filled with luscious fruits, and delicious edibles were spread and the members gathered about Some 400 in number made the re- union and home gathering a lively and joyous affair. Rev. David Hugh Jones, pastor of the church, was at his best The place of Rev. Morton Merrill, assistant pastor, in the hearts of his people will remain vacant for many days, but he and his wife were not forgotten in their new far away church home. Autumn leaves, oak branches, vines with clinging leaves were everywhere. David R. Forgan was happy in his place as toastmas- ter. He called upon different ones, who 'made brilliant, inspiring im- promptu speeches. Mr. William W. Buchanan, Mr. M. C. Armour. Mr. F. W. Oerould, James A. Patten. Rev. John N. Mills (of whose first pastorate Dr. Jones was a member of the choir at Idaho Falls), and Rev. David Hugh Jones were the stars of the occasion, and scintillated with brilliancy of thought Coroner Hoffman Publishes i Statement to the Effect That Jail Sentences Should Succeed Fines. What Is a Letter of Credit? A obeokipg account available in all parte of the world, " to se An absolutely safe method of carrying fluids while travel- i.K. turned by The City National ' Bank IP* fete £ Wm^ sfsiihai lilt tWjsWJ PON' WORK OVER THE PJKoTstllTE True, it looks worn â€" But why go to the e*i ers --aw* SHAFFER AGREES WITH HIM ••The jail sentence for speeders must be substituted for fines, or else the fearful slaughter of our people will go on," said Peter Hoffman, coroner of Cook county, Wednesday in a signed report telling of the increase of homlr cides in the county. Thursday Chief of Police Shaf- fer, when shown the report of the coroner by a representative of this newspaper, said that he thoroughly agreed with Mr. Hoffman. "Fines do not do one whit of good," said the chief. "We have been wag- ing war against the speeders all sum- mer, still we arrested more yesterday than we did earlier in the spring when we first started after them. The officers arrested six for speeding yes- terday, which is more than we caught altogether during the first two weeks the motorcycle officer was pursuing them. Make a Howl. "When they are arrested they make a big howl. Then they pay their fine, which does not hurt them in the least Within a few days there- after they are traveling just as fast as before. I do not mean by this that all automobile owners like to speed and break the law. There are a great many careful drivers who own their own cars and there are many other owners who employ chauffeurs and who will not allow them to ex- ceed the speed limit and who would discharge them if they were caught speeding. "But there are so many of the others, who like to feel the breese slap them in the face as they speed through the streets. These are the men I refer to. They have money and a fine does not bother them In the least Until the jail sentence is sub- stituted for fines these men will con- tinue to break the law and pedes- trians will he in daily dafiger of In- jury." Big Increase In Deaths. The coroner's report points* out that there were 18,769 deaths in the past four years cared for by his office, and of these 7,380 were due to natural causes, 4,138 were accidental, 2,023 were suicides, 772 were homicides and 4,466 due to various other causes. TtAgj»r<Hng the increase in number of homicides the coroner say*: "The following comparison shows that this form of death can be con- trolled: Last year 221 homicides oc- curred in my jurisdiction, while in London, with a population three times as great, there were but thirty-three. Concerning the "speed mania" of automobile drivers, rendering the "ways of traffic more perilous than a battlefield," the coroner gays: "The statistics show that the danger to life and limb is much greater, nearly all of which arises out of the desire to ride at a speed beyond all reason. In Chicago, with its immense population, with its congested thor- oughfares, the speed maniac has more liberties and is allowed to practice bis. wild rides with more daring than he "would in a country village. is the opinion of this oflee that cause of death can ho Wotted out only when the Buropeaa regula- tions are adopted here, namely, thai the rich saaa cannot avoid He the payment of a- fine that is ho burden to him. We must adopt the jafl sentence for all alike, or let the slaughter o* our people go on. His statistics showed that from six- teen deaths in 1907 the total number of automobile fatalities has increased In four years to seventy-five. The lmnther indkmtes that three out of every 1<#,W persons in Cook ^jitsrialti* , cost. Wbi^pWough up- 'of a five jgfc« set, in Im- ir, tapestry or velour- 1k cord ~ ~ limpsâ€"and repolished â€"our price is only Call tip Randolph 3IS6 or drop postal representstlv* wit' c If with . Ask a* about tA. 7Rand LIPCO\ER5«» •â- *•*«* up sstry or velourâ€" S1G= i« .nssjEsmjEv because*ke>w^ie^^ .,_. t or chafe the> *o0d,n, or pull off buttons. ALL METAL tub; metal frame wringer; no SPRINGS on tub to break during w**i ------------* .,_^^-- nar^^lilll^er^ ENCL03ED W< ^ ^ operate}' EASILY'^fcfcllflfl^iiiggj ;'!fe.^ft-< *] dome' • d our representative wit' c sample* our SLII StarUpholoteryCo. SUITE 1*SS MASONIC TEMPLE 15DaysFrM Triil -: • ' '. ' â- .-„V ' Mi'-""-,-'-"-'-V ;"â- <- The ••Chambers Duplex" Firele?8 Cooking Gas Range PERFECT ';$$^& with least;-Tii^^f *flii The "Chambe proved gas retained h or in hot! s anlT^pkfor..,.....,, more Jalatable, and 50 perTcent full domestic science any housewive to 8180, In OhicagrTand suburbs we install eft Washing Machines or Range* at OUR PENSE; leave on 15 DAYS' PIUIE TRI and If Its work is not satisfactory, remove at OUR expense* Write for booklets, or ' etter stUL step and let us show them to you. latest cook by elL cooking prti does for itself more nutrition Appro well • and s domestic E*Qviryj&N$;$p*. 30 W. LAKE ST.. hetw. State aM DesThorn, 655 UlVING THE NEX, WE ARE MAKING OUR 135.00 STANLEY NAULI^ Wurnberg Bldg., Second Floor, EVAKSTON and LAWREHCE AVTS., CMe*f||l $25.00 ; Tailol o Particular Room I Defines Its Pqiiii --/OR SALE HabbfrgTWooda, New The bMlcenstrue the Imrth Shore, parlor" elespine; P" fireplaces, vactnun toilet*, etucco with ^^ W.N. OeATPIELU;S9W.Wm*hlnKt©ii »u Central 4S55, or Phoae Wtvnetla 4S1 near Burr, j iw house on feature, snn room, open baths, four mgn new style Viclrotas ron^ajn and Hear BJKSR'S »rasiVemp» SOl4sV5mp»t*r St. Phone 164© Phon* Central 4570 HBERG 132 N.S Importer eeeOIeee nds Save three profit* by buying direct of me You can use an Electricjfinmy' where, if fin electric H^hT^soVfc^ is are unacqm^isw^ ur nei^MJor who it its convenience. October 31st is the last day of the Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS at handy. If yj with it, /ask owns oftc ai ERS ilf^^Bssaie mm Msii 30W SSe W. MAOI8UN ST. 2 doors West of franklin St. in Baseient =$3.00 ; Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS The Five Best Restaurants iff Chicago .... ______ •' â- â- 'â- â- •â- â- â- â- â€"'------â- ^"**1â€"MMM*e THE CLOVER, 208 S. Wabash Ave. THE HEARTH, 141 N.Wabash Ave. THE MADISON, 221 W. HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS W> BfiCAilSJLwed? notjcook in unhealthy b'as your inspection at all times. BhCAUSt the prices are moderate* THE GURNET, 23 S. Wabash Ave. CLOyi^feMfry.Wabatb Ave. St., l^rfiMvc, BECAUSE our kitchen U open for Rest Room for Ladies Smoking Room for Gentlemen Tty the one neare: ^PUP^^^i^ l^W^^M^K^^W^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^