IONS WANTED WASHED. COLORED H.R.MO- 1339. Ctf FOR SALE -BARGAINS IN WILCOX sewing machines. Don't a cheap advertised machine bargains; men wUI not use machinery to wod^rith. Buy a wtU-knownjfk&ke M a used ma- chine. iMrmmwomnent always on Wfleox ft Â¥&f>s..~\.......315.00 Wilcox ft GllJbs............. 20.00 WUCOX ft Gibbs............. 22.00 WllCOX ft Oibbs, drop-head-. 25.00 Wfleox ft Gfbbe, drop-head.. 30.00 Wfleox ft Oibbs, drop-head.. 35.00 Other used machines $5 op. PATTERSON BROS., Agont* Singer Sewing Machines, 1W2 flberman av. wltc-dStc SALE â€"PARLOR STOVE^AL- 2115 Lincoln-si^ ltp -$200 TAKES MT AUTO- nas^Av^n aarerbauled; in nmning orjir; wffl demonstrate day; can b^nsVd/for light de- lirery. PattersSn Bros., 1522 Sber- man-av. wltc-d6tc Ore|fook±ng Gulf/of Mexico. s hfre beaatlful Sarsfcota tag. boating aid ta-j^- _ States. Tbefmost ifcfslils and de- lightful wlntei climate; the eonjsr * the Grape Pnflt and OrangeJn^sJtriea I have for sale the jMsF^aluaWe Grape Pratt and Ornate land and charming rffla sites on Sarasota Bay J. H. LORD, Office, Marquette Bufldimg, Chicago Residence, 1840 Sfcerirtss? Best, Eraasten FOR SALE-HOUSES ltc J ALE â€" WILME' >m frame dwej tent; all bath, etc.; ILL. â€" 8-j stone base- ements, with west side of tracks. H. CI Schuett, 1803 Co- lumbtts-av., Wilmette, 111. ltc FOR SALE â€" JUDSON-AV., B^eenleaf, 9-room house, 2 bat SOx^ML new heating pJaa*T bouse has beeiKdecofatedisjelae and out This is oneaMta«*i)est bargains in Evans ton. m #- - Ir- -BARGAINS IN USED Don't buy cheap new Pia- They last only a few years sound like a tin pan. We al- ways have good used Pianos on hand, and arfantHtime will take them back a^ylc{ pf d in exchange on dor wffflw new planos- Easy peymenU 9*00.00 Sohmer.............$ 40.00 ttfO.OO Hale ft Co......... 70.00 360.00 Bradford ft Co......135.00 350.00 Wellington ......... 176.00 879,00 Kimball ...........225.00 PATTERSON BROS., 1622 Sherman-av., Evanston. wltc-d6tc For Rentâ€"Aptwts. " j FOB RENT. AparOpntsâ€" 1814ifiierman-av., 8 royns; 2 baths, steaifnieat; 2dy*>or^Tl50. 1115 Daris-sCjEt rooina%Jiot water heat; 2d floor^jieacesslon |o May 1, 1913. Rental SoL/ Phone 354. 'ijfygS 631 Davls-st. ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES :% I I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 31 Florida Grape Fruit, t^&n30eica^ $3.5f APPLE SALE Jonathans, Extra Large, pfc<*M|^Ci $1.81 Jofiatlians, Very whoice, p. Delicious, pelck, 7Sftlm3henH^ Spitzenberg, yck, yc; bmsteflex Greenings, peikj^CTbushel box Grine's Golden, half bushel box Baldwins, peck 25c; bbls. Pork Chops, per pound . Mackerel, Norway* each . . Kettle Rendered i«^M^V^::isiS|« '.^gfe Pork Roast, Rib or Loin, 2fc. ff H» Jones' & Mickdbei|y?8 Home Dressed Chick FOB RENT â€" FULL FURNISHED modern nine-room noose, until Hay 1. Phone 992-J Wilmette. 731 Tenth-st., Wilmette. 50-2tp FOR RENT. Housesâ€" lOjf Hinman-av., 10 rooms. Hot wafer beat, 2 Aeihs; ^concession to May 1, 1913. KeJtal fh. 1113 Foste&ff 7|r#oms. Steam heat; near tM unf|psity.Rental NT-GARA6E INTâ€"FI] car or st ^LAssf^GARAGB >r ninter; very ItcJ ELLANEOUS FIRE Jf^SURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR- Conrpany of Liveap&l, largest tasuran<>e|***eoni»any* in the world, insures |*ellin*s, household goods, rents; lovpst^Jtes. Charles A. Wightmair"*& Co., resident agents. Phone 203. ltc CAN MAKE YOUR SHINGLE st years longer by renaffing and referring it We pajn^^and re- pair chhnfceys. HopJ0nV asphalt ready roonngMLtho*ftest; looka bet- ter, costs one-bank^nd lasts longer than shingled ABtba^for free est! mateSj^Lake Shore Rofeiars. 833 &on-st Tel. 3424-R, Here's Your Chaise! THE BEST LOCATIO^ON Tblfe NORT] ,/ j ^v V Groaery and MarTet Delicatessen IMS New Building. Rent Very Reasonable. Call or Send for Full Particulars DENNIS COial^ 702 Majestic Theater Building Phone Randolph 2261 . 22 West Moaroe Street, Chicago tf Woods CALL '-->*-^»«'Jwa.-'--&"ll£3Fi ,.-*^-;;^*4*'>ij^^^;^^ :^^^M^^mm^k^^mm