What People Are Doing in Evanston The announcement that the Paulist choir is to sing in the Patten gymnasium on the evening of December 20 is pleasing news to music lovers of the North Shore. The proceeds of the entertainment will go to the Evanston Day Nursery, which opened its doors today, under the direction of its matron, Miss Carroll. Besides a number of women who are acting on the different committees the following patronesses have been appointed: Mesdames D. H. Burnham, George P. Kelly, Alfred H. Gross, James A. Patten, Frank H. Spearman, Edward Hines, Arthur Hawxhurst, Marie V. D. Casgrain, P.V.E.B. Ward, L.A. Ferguson, C.F. Clifton, Catharine Waugh McCulloch, U.S. Grant, George S. Lord, Rufus C. Dawes, Holmes Thomas, Charles F. Sauter, H.D. Cable. J.F. Byrnes, C.N. Stevens, Norman J. Ross, J.H. Van Vlissingen, J.P. McCann, Daniel McCann, Victor Rossbach, Joseph Paden, Archibald McKinley, Robert Berry Ennis, Frank F. Corby, Frederick Webster, Patrick Tyrrell, A. Starr Best, W.D. Nesbit, Irwin Rew, John F. Hahn, John F. Downey, Chancellor Jenks, F. W. Robinson, H. Higginbotham, William A. Dyche, W. Irving Osborne, Hopkins J. Hanford, J.J. Van Every, John Nally, William H. Hill, Eugene McVoy, Mary Magill, Nicholas J. Neary, Daniel Quirk, T. J. Quan, G.F. Slaughter, A. H. Reece. Mrs. John F. Hahn is general chairman, Mrs. Frank H. Spearman, Mrs. John F. Byrnes, Mrs. James P. McCann are in charge of the publicity, Mrs. Frank F. Corboy, Mrs. A. A. McKinley, Mrs. J. J. Van Every will have charge of the sale of candies and flowers, while the ticket sale will be under the direction of Mrs. John F. Downey, Mrs. P.V.E.B. Ward, Mrs. Marie V. Casgrain and Mrs. George A. Kearney. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A baby was born to Dr. and Mrs. James E. Dolson Wednesday evening. Mr. O. W. Youngquist, 2318 Harrison street, is in Florida on a short business trip. Mr. J.W. Hotchkiss, 1015 Elmwood avenue, is in attendance at a convention in St. Louis. Mrs. A. H. Paulson of Milwaukee was the guest last week of Mrs. Edgar L. Morser, 909 Colfax street. The 500 club met Monday evening at Mrs. Philip W. Huston's 1030 Grove street, and spent a delightful evening. Elwyn Harold MacRae, who is attending St. John's Military academy, spent a few days at his home on Park place last week. Mr. Joseph A. Bushnell of the Westminster apartments has left on a business trip which will detain him until the holidays. The Rev. and Mrs. O. F. Mattison of Barrington, Ill., are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Carleton H. Pendleton, 1735 Orrington ave. The seventh grade of the Central street school with Miss Hoyt and Miss Longley as chaperons, Spent Wednes- day afternoon at the Art institute. Mrs. Geo. S. Valentine, 2407 Pioneer road, entertained at bridge and five hundred Thursday in honor of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Atwater of Mil- wankee. Wis. Mrs. Agnes Ward, 825 Ayars place, spent Saturday and Sunday in Onarga, Ill., the guest of her daughter, Miss Esther Ward, who is teaching; music there in the seminary. The committee of arrangements for the cotillion party of the Hamilton club, to be held at the La Salle hotel, announce that the date has been changed to Dec. 17, one week later than at first announced. This is on account of other entertainments com- ing so close together. Mrs. Mary A. Huston a woman of Massachusetts birth, attained her 80th birthday Tuesday with the full enjoyment of health and happiness. Her son, Mr. R. Huston and wife, 1030 Grove street, with whom Mrs. Huston has resided for fourteen years, Planned for her a lovely surprise par- ty. They invited ten of her friends to celebrate with them. The home was a veritable bower of floral beauty In honor of the occasion. In keeping with the ideal autumn day of Wednesday occurred the after- noon home wedding of Miss Edith Ella Lynch, who was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Martin Rubo at the home of the bride's uncle, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lynch, 807 Fos- ter street, at 4 o'clock, the Rev. Orvis P. Jordan officiating. The bride's at- tendant was Miss Gertrude Hedblom, cousin of the groom. Mr. La Verne Lynch, cousin of the bride, was best man. The flower girls were lit- tle Grace Lynch, Edith and Ruth Erickson. The bride's brother, Bennie Lynch,was ring bearer. Miss Ruby Langdon played the wedding march. A reception was held for the immediate relatives and a wedding supper served in the dining room, the color scheme being carried out in green and white. Mr. and Mrs. Rubo will reside at 1126 Elmwood Ave. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Curtis Dudley, Nov. 13. Mrs. Dan Conley of Jackson avenue is slowly recovering from a month's illness. Mrs. William Neff, 1516 Central street, is entertaining relatives from Kansas. The Misses Nora Riggoll and Velma Newton, 2146 Sherman Avenue, have returned to Syracuse, N.Y. Miss Belle Boardman, 1422 Hinman avenue, left Thursday for Kirksville, Mo., to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. Ralph Gibson, who has been working in the smelter at Anaconda, Mont, has Just arrived home. Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeny, 408 Lake street, went to New York Thursday to spend Thanksgiving. The Misses Dalmage of Ashland avenue have rented their home and are spending the winter in California. Many Evanstonians will witness the Hamilton Club minstrel show, to be held in the Orchestral hall, Nov. 26. Mr. Joseph A. Rushton, 1125 Sheridan road, has gone on a trip to New York and will return by Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cleveland are moving from Philadelphia, Pa., to 719 Noyes street, the house recently vacated by J. A. Alabaster. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Skinner, 1224 Sheridan road, and Mrs. Skinner's father, Mr. Colwell, left Thursday for a week's trip to Atlantic City, N.J. A delightful musicale was given Thursday at the home of Mrs. Fred Meyer, 1204 Ridge Ave. The artists were Mrs.Gertrude Mace Bogart, Miss Edith Maldwyn Jones, Miss Aline McQuillen. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn, Miss Mary Glenn and Miss Helen Glenn, 1131 Forest avenue, have issued cards for Monday, Dec. 2 at 8:30 o'clock, at the Evanston country club. Mrs. Jay V. Hall of Lansing, Mich., and Miss Helen McRae of Detroit will assist. Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace of the University of Chicago delivered a lecture Thursday in the parlors o the First Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Drama club. Her subject was "The Spanish Theater of Today," telling in her own inimicable way her own experiences there while in Spain. Mr. and Mrs. John Culbertson are guests of Mrs. M.W. Gibson, 2146 Sherman avenue. They are visiting the alumnae of Northwestern university. Mr. Culbertson was a graduate of '11, active in athletics, being on the football squad, the basketball and track team. They reside at Fort Burton, Montana. The Knights of Pythias gave a banquet Thursday at Alexander's cafe. The grand chancellor and the grand staff of the Knights of Pythias of Illinois were present. One hundred and seven sat down to the banquet. Justice Boyer was toastmaster. There were responses by the grand chancellor, Past Grand Chancellor Whiting, Past Grand Chancellor Cushing, State Representative Baldwin, and H.B. Colwell, grand keeper of records and seals. A delightful evening was spent. ++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. B. G. Grubb 2015 Lincoln street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan of Springfield, Ill. Messrs. James A. Patten and William A. Dyche are in New York City on business for Northwestern University. Mr. James R. Paul, 2227 Harrison street, left last Wednesday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Farrand, in Washington, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Elliott, 225 Lake street, attended the wedding at Grand Rapids. Mich., of Miss Estelle Putnam to Mr. William a Hoag. Mrs. Ellen Weller, 1711 Wesley ave- nue, left Wednesday for Nashville, Tenn., to remain until spring, the guest of her daughter, Miss Starr. Monday Mrs. William A. Illsley. 908 Seward street, gave the last of a series of teas in honor of her daugh- ter-in-law Mrs. Edward Illsley of Chi- cago. Miss Bessie Hyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hyde of 1516 Crain street, underwent a successful opera- tion Saturday for appendicitis at the Evanston hospital. Mr. Richard C. Lake, his wife and daughter, Miss Jessie Lake, 1708 Ridge avenue, arrived home Tuesday after an extended European trip. Miss Gertrude will not come until later. Mrs. Clarence Howe of Sioux City, Ia., who has been the guest of Mrs. Catherine Rogers and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hebert, 1824 Hin- man avenue, departed for home Tues- day. Miss Florence Scovill of Riverside, Ill., and Miss Elisabeth Shoemaker of Sandusky, Ohio have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Shoemaker, 2400 Hartzell street, during the past week. Mrs. E. M. Thompson and daughter, Miss Thompson, of Sparland, Ill., were guests of Mrs. Thompson's sis- ter, Mrs. Dr. C. E. Vernay, 1712 Or- rington avenue, returned home Wed- nesday. Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker of San- dusky, Ohio, who came as bridesmaid at the Case-Pearson wedding, was guest of honor at a five hundred party Friday given by her cousin, Miss Marie Shoemaker, 2400 Hartzell street. Mrs. George S. Lord, 1416 Elinor place, left for Riverside Cal., the first of November to see her grandson, born the last of October. The little fellow is the second son born to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence B. Dixon (nee Miss Eda Lord.) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roos, 1025 North Sacramento avenue, Chicago, president of Henry Roos Foundry company of Chicago, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Miss Bertha B. Roos, to William J. Schultz of Evanston. Mrs. Frank B. Leffingwell, 2142 Sherman avenue, has as her guests her mother, Mrs. J. R. Bowman of Davenport, Iowa, who will leave for home on Monday, and her sister, Mrs. Albert Moore Barrett of Ann Arbor, Mich., who will remain until Wedens- day. Mr. and Mrs. William Lochead of Forest, Ontario, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Miss Jean Lochead to Dr. Frank H. Anderson, Wednesday, November 13. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson will be at home at 1328 Sherman avenue after December 15. Frank Pettersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pettersen, 1935 Darrow avenue, entertained fourteen friends at a birthday party Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served at 4 o'clock. The dining room was beautifully decorated with lavender chrysanthemums. The ladies of St. Matthew's Episcopal church, Hartray avenue and Lincoln street, gave an exhibition and sale of small water colors Friday at the home of Mrs. Robert Holabird, 2225 Harrison street. Prices ranged from twenty-five cents to two dollars and a half. Many calendars and cards suitable for Christmas gifts and tallies were on sale. The collection is similar to the "nutting" pictures and by some are considered more choice. Miss Estelle Rutherford Putnam, sister of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhart and Mr. William Gale Hoag, son of the l ate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoag, of Evanston, were quietly married at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's siter in Grand Rapids. The home was artistically decorated with American beauty roses and white chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Hoag went east on their wedding trip and will be at home after January 1, at Pasadena, California. Gertrude A. Lynch Mrs. J.G. McClellen, successor Milliner Exclusive showing of Fur Models Christmas suggestions Electric Cooking utensils Have you studied them? They are beautifully built and therefore attractive to the eye. They perform their functions in magical fashion. They meet many household requirements. They'll delight anyone as a present. Many other articles, appropriate to the holiday season at our Display Rooms at the lowest prices. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois The factory is the place to buy furs. at REASONABLE PRICES We have here for your selection fashiohable and stylish effects in, Hudson Seal, Caracul and Pony Coats. A complete assortment of Muffs and Scarfs in Mole, Pointed Fox, Skunk, Mink, Blended Hudson's Bay Sable and all other dependable furs. Caracul Coats, well matched, made from high luster skins, sizes 36 and 38, 54 inches long ......$100 Caracul coat made from high luster skins, deep shawl collar and cuffs, size 36 .....$150 Caracul Coat, model garment, made from flat high luster skins, border effect .....$250 Pony Coats, 52 and 54 inches long, lined with plain or brocade satin, straight or round ef- fect in front; special values. $60 Pony Coats extensive assort- ment of model coats, 52 to 54 long $75 to $100 Kolinsky Muffs; made in pillow shape, shirred ends $30 Kolinsky Scarfs, with four-skin effect in front, two-skin effect in back, very attractive when thrown over the shoulder.........$30 Hudson Seal Muffs, worked ribbon effect at $25 to $35 Hudson Seal Show and Fancy scarves from $22.50 to $30 Skunk Muffs, made from soft silky skins $32.50 to $45 Skunk Scarfs, fancy & plain effects,$18.50 to$45 GE0RGE W. PAULLIN Stewart building N. W. COR. STATE and WASHINGTON STREETS