Unmatched Prices and Unmatched Styles Distinguish this Unique Sale From All Other Ready-To-Wear Sales THE BACKWARD SEASON LEFT US WITH TOO M This sale is without a The savings this sal way toward Buying" This Sale for Thurs., Frl $12.50 WINTER COATS, only Women's Coats, made of heavy black cheviot, deep f^^F Ckf^ nd shawl collar and turn-back cuffs; trimmed M +* ^^ MENTS rou wi ith silk braid and buttons; all the wanted sizes llel frtyffiue-giving. ords will go a long Christmas Needs & Sat., December 5 to 7 18.50 CHINCHILLA COATS at 50 Women's and Misses' Coats, made of a heavy quality chinchilla, collar and cuffs made of contrasting shades; full lengths. This coat is an exceptionally good number............. 12 25.00 Winter Coats Women's and Misses Coats, made of the very latest fabrics, and most successful of the season; in black and white diagonal; collar and cuffs of fine black velvet; large streamer to match 18.50 35.00 Plush Coats A beautiful Coat of fine Salt's seajette plush; large shawl, collar and deep turn-back cuffs of Kaucassian lamb; fastens to one side with a very attractive silk ornament; lined throughout with good quality satin in all shades, 22.50 $25 Tailored Suits Women's and Misses' tailored suits of all-wool serge, in navy and black, also gray mixtures; plain tailored or fancy trimmed; satin lined. Special for this sale onlv, 15.98 15.00 SERGE DRESSES, only Women's and Misses' all-wool serge dresses; collar ^^^ 05^ and cuffs of black velvet; lace yoke, prettily trim- ^^ 27 (J med with silk braid and buttons. Special for this sale only 16.50 & 18.00 SILK DRESSES m Women's and Misses' dresses of silk messaline, in all the new shades, collar and cuffs trimmed with fine lace, high neck or the new Robespierre collar; long sleeves ................................ THE STORE THAT SELLS BVERYTTHING" SAVE ROSENBERG'S STAMPS SAVE ROSENBERG'S STAMPS