â- Il'ft"' 'SM^mSmM •it Hi •< MMadM • a »|ii......#1 tllif III • HI »• t M Mfjj; MMiMMMM 4ol Evanston »immmm»»»i HAT Northwestern university students are not super mmwmUt AVAO A„WJK.W-----7-, stitious is certain from the fact that they have chosen week to flpend Bix weeks in Boston. Friday, December 13, as the date of the Junior Prom, - -- - â€" â€"â€"*«« »••< the big social event of the year at the school. The gone ^ ^^ ra## w Â¥HM„ „,. .... affair this year will surpass all former ones. Three weekB# Mr8. o. H. Berry, 1225 Forest hundred tickets have already been sold and many avenue, went with them. * . more will be before the evening arrives. Music will Mrg Bugene Hull anu w.----- â€" 4- be furnished by an orchestra of sixteen pieces and there will be Milton junctlon, Wis., are the guests ' eighteen dances and two extras, these conung just before the serving ot Mr an(j Mrs. Harry Cumberland of j of supper. Through a concession on the part of the social committee --------------- «»«â€"**- I the dance will be allowed to continue until two o'clock. In the the dance will be allowed to continue until two o'clock. In the re- Raymond Brlstow, 1138 Sherman ceiving line_wiU be President A. W. Harris^ MiasJBlanchard, Mr. and aYenue. has been ill, so that hU life *»#___ -1__IT__ a ~n-.t_i.~_ tvâ€" _-.~3 Ui^ Tir «!+.»... TYTTl Q«a44 T\-â€" a-nA TWiki ,_____*___j _# »« «AAma iiaw to f Mrs. James X Patten, Dr. and Mrs. Walter B1U Scott, ^r. and Mrs. I Charles E. Hammett, Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Lardner, Mr. and Mrs. I Victor J. West. Miss Jessie Vawter and Mr. R. E. Brown. I • â- ' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i Frank Staehle, 2414 Park place, is in Terre Haute, Ind. Hiss Harriet Dtttman, 1420 Grove street, Is home from Williston, N. D. Frank Shuttle, 2416 Park place, has gone to Montana for three months. Miss Marjorle Booth, 722 Washing- ton street, will be a December bride. Miss Mary Savage, 819 Gaffleld place, is spending six weeks in Colum- bus, Miss. Mrs. B. D. Kelly, 1017 Grove street, Is visiting Mrs. Bay Bugene Hiscox in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Joslin, 809 Washington street, have gone to Jack- sonville, Fla., to reside. Mr. John E. Wilder and daughter, A Christmas shop was opened Tues- day night in the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Wilson Abbott and little son, Augustus, are residing at the home of A F. Nightingale, 921 Elmwood ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parkhurst, 1830 Chicago avenue, left Wednesday for West Palm Beach to spend a couple of months. Dr. B. J. Ford, West Railroad ave- nue and Central street, has returned from Ottawa, 111., where he spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mrs. A. F. Nightingale, who has been in Mercy hospital for several weeks with a broken limb, expects to Miss Lois Wilder, 1211 Hinman ave- return to her home, 921 Elmwood ave- nue, are home from New York. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Byman, 1037 Michigan avenue, made a short trip week in Lansing, Mich., where he to Washington, D. C, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Gillis, 2136 Orrlngton avenue, are in New York and Boston for ten days. Mrs. 8. D. Grabb, 2016 Lincoln street, has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan, at Springfield, BL Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Kidder, 2407 Harrison street, have their son, Persy, of Hammond, La., as their guest. J. L. Wbitlock of the Oak apart- ments, after a six weeks* illness with pneumonia, is now able to go to his Miss Ahrira Mellendorf, 1608 Green- wood boulevard, has gome to Los Angeles, Cat, to visit her sister, Mrs. Frieda Wondinet Miss Lillian Bingham, who has been the guest of Miss Stella Osland of Pratrle avenue, has returned to her home in Dnytona, Fla. Mr. John 8. Burchmoro" of Wash- ington. D. C spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Nor- lis, 2407 Harrison street. Mr. Carroll Shaffer, 1719 Hinman avenue, Is treasurer of the committee in charge of the ban which the Yale club win give Friday evening. Dee. 27, In the Louis XVI ball room of the Hotel La Salle. Mr. Waller Dean of San Diego, CaL, is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dean, 1106 Church street. His wife and son will stop in Kansas City untfl Christmas, when they win Join him here. A sacred song service by the Wtt- mette Methodist Episcopal church, with Mr. Kanstmau as director, was the feature of the evening service at the Covenant hf. EL chvreh Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Mis* Minnie Saatth of the Mann bwJktta-g is at besne again, niter a» ab- sence of ever two month*. While away she visited her brother, Mr. Smith, and Mr*. at TayhwsvlBe, BL, at Springjseht hfr. and Mm, Harry Price with Mrs, Price's naranU. Mr. 1617 nue, this week. Professor F. C. Eiselen spent last spoke at mass meetings at the Michi- gan avenue church and lectured be- fore the Ministerial union. Mr. Charles W. Inman, superintend- ent of the Sunday school of the Trin- ity church in New Albany, Ind., Is spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Frank O. Beck of Prairie ave nue. Those registered at the Avenue House are: R. A. Lease, Mrs. A. We- ber, W. H. Taylor, Chicago; Charles Hadlock. Eagle Grove, la.; C. R. Hutchinson, Waterloo, la.; Fred W. Cole, Toulon, III; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Herrick, Indianapolis. The Women's Aid society of the Congregational church of which Mrs. W. M. Green is the president, held a successful bazaar this past week; suc- cessful both In point of attendance and In point of money made. The ba- zaar was well attended and a great many articles were sold. A large number of Congregational- ista will attend the banquet of the Congregational City Missionary socie- ty at the Auditorium hotel next Thurs- day evening. It Is the thirtieth an- nual meeting of the society. The meeting will celebrate the completion of the debt raising campaign. (Her $100,080 has been raised and thirty of the smaller Congregational church- es of the city of Chicago have been freed from handicapping debts. Mrs. WilUsm T. Richards, 1324 For- est avenue, was hostess at a tea Thursday from 4 to C In honor of Miss Zone Gale of Portage, Wise* the well- known magavine writer and authoress. Mrs. Richards was assisted by Mee- dasaes Frank Wilson, O- W. Hinckley, WfBiam SL Mason, C. Russell Clappv A. IX Sheridan, Frank BBJett, CL BL Herbert Walter F. Lewis, the hflsnes Gertrude Carter, Murray, and Sarah HarrlSL MmUBhui M. K. Stevens and Mas Gnvnes* president and vice â- respectively, ef the Hatisaal W. C. T. R» left Thursday for the here since tike Bav They ge to Kew ha Diiwehlfsu ML Y_ to confer wfhh hint BseJn\ Kew Teak ofthe W.aT.H* Cjenles to he held there In Mr; James Wlgglnton, Br., 1U5 Oak avenue, left Monday for England to spend three months. Mrs. J. Q. Anderson, Park place, is the guest of her daughter, Miss Jessie Anderson, In Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. John S. Metcalf and Miss Kate Metcalf, 1023 Maple avenue, went last 119 Fifth street, WJlmette. Raymond Brlstow, 1138 was despaired of. He seems now to be on the road to recovery- Prof. Henry Hatfield of the Univer- sity of California, at Berkeley, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. William T. Hobart, 1423 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sawyer, 1031 Maple avenue, have gone to spend the early winter in Kansas City, Port- land and later will visit California. Miss Bessie Hyde, 1616 Crain street, who underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis two weeks ago at the Bv- anaton hospital, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoderick P. Hallett, 1044 Lake Shore drive, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stark- weather for $25,000. They anticipate a trip to Europe about April 1. Miss Ruth Morgan, 919 Monroe street, is expected home this week from Smith College, Northampton, Mass., to spend her Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Morgan. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Harris, 1416 Chi- cago avenue, are in Petersburg, Fla., for the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Green will also spend the winter In Peters* burg, Fla. Dr. Green was former pastor of the Baptist church here. Mrs. M. L. Kappelman, 2414 Har- tray avenue, after visiting in Council Bluffs, la.; Omaha, Neb., and Fuller- ton, Neb., where her brother, Judge A. F. Kllese lives, returned home mat week. Judge Kllese was one of the early settlers of Bvanaton.------------;- Mrs. B. A. Hayes, 620 Foster street, Is In Mobile, Ala., where she wttl visit her sisters for a month. Miss Louise Whitehead, who accompanied her, will vintt there for two weeks. Prof. Hayes and son, James, wiH spend the holiday vacation in Mobile. Ten men were chosen last week in Chicago to begin arrangements for the triennial International Sunday School convention to be held in Chi- cago In 1914. Two of the ten are from the First Baptist church of Bvanaton, Mr. F. A. Wells and Mr. W. G. Sherer Mrs. Ralph B. Starkweather, 1223 Grove street, left Sunday with her little son, Ralph, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, for Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Adams will remain all winter and Mrs. Starkweather and son wltt he hoase the 24th for Christ- Mrs. Clam C. Bnrhnrt and daughter. Miss Ruth, €28 University place, were guests Friday untfl Monday at the home of Mrs. W. R. Mitchell, Bust Fifty-seventh street. Chicago, Mrs. MttchelTs daughter. Miss Benmh Mitchell gave a series of card parties announcing her nwarriage on Dec. 25 to Mr. Horace Edward Havens. Mrs. Joseph WHson Johnson (nee NeR Clay Evans) of Chattanooga, Team* arrived Saturday to be the of her cousin. Mrs. WSRSam SL 140& Bhtge avenue. Mm. is the daughter of Hon. Henry Clay Evans ef Tennessee. Mm wJB entertain at a ten in Mm V Dec IT. the hours ef 4 and 1, at bee WE HAVE .,-.,._ Satisfies by â- ** ottr ^^y^fff9% j^J ^il^ ^ • The most refined and bej«%^ Satisfaction guaranteed OJ^â„¢"â„¢^^ L imâ€" 1 . Long Pjsfc T*K ^*nd?# '3?IT ^ K LOSING OUT SALE After having pimced am *M*smm< Orient far Oriental ShefieimSUmr Cx compelled ef some at Everything holiday tra order f* the cesy LSnens^ etc+% mm arm bramcmmW^ metmmmi picked ont for the 'ed reasons, stocky es fa he sotWregardless ef price. We heg yam ta realise that this anione opportunity is mammal to mark doom yomr hattdmy expenses tm half, meantime securing you the most useful and artistic presents. Orienial Rags and Real Laces Cleaning and Repairing *